One Night With the Billionaire (Men of the Zodiac) (10 page)

Read One Night With the Billionaire (Men of the Zodiac) Online

Authors: Sarah Ballance

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: One Night With the Billionaire (Men of the Zodiac)
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Chapter Twelve

few minutes later, Ryder found Zoe in her bedroom, where he immediately had all kinds of second thoughts about his plans for the day. Her bed lay unused, impeccably made, and damned if he didn’t want to mess it up.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“How would you like to go shopping?”

She gave a look that suggested he might be stupid.
Maybe. Or probably
. “Is there a mall on the other side of the island?” she asked dryly.

“No, but there’s one in Saint Lucia. You brought your passport, didn’t you?”

She nodded, but her jaw dropped. “Saint Lucia? You want to fly to Saint Lucia to go
? What about this risk you’re taking? The one that makes it illegal for you to be around me?”

He took in her beautiful, narrowed eyes and his heart twisted. “It’s not… Okay, it’s not the best idea. But we both agree we’re temporary, so what do we have to lose?”

“I don’t know,” she said wryly. “It’s apparently illegal for you to tell me. Hanging out on your island is one thing. Going public—and Saint Lucia is
public—is another.”

“We’ll keep it low key.” He shrugged, though her point got through and made him wonder why he wanted so badly to convince her. “Public means crowded. Just don’t stand next to any tabloids with your picture on them and I bet no one will notice you.” He laughed when she shot him a classic look that could kill. “Come on, I’ll buy you a hat and sunglasses. We only have a few days left, and you
need a dress suitable for a ball.”

“That is true,” she admitted.

“Yeah, I know. It’s brutal,” he said, biting back a laugh, “but you do have a gala to attend.”

“I thought I was supposed to talk to Aggie about the dress.” Her tone was wary, her gaze judgmental even as a smile toyed with her lips.

“You still have that option, but I thought you might be getting a little stir crazy here. It’s a long way from the city. Figured it might do us some good to get out.” He left off the rest. Like how he looked in the mirror and expected to see hearts circling his head when he thought of her. The solitude of the island had never bothered him before, but when he started turning into Pepe Le Pew, it was past time to make a break for civilization. The part where he felt compelled to take Zoe was something better left unexamined. Besides, the woman actually did need a gown.

She stared him down, an opposing attorney worth her salt. “Let me get this straight. You, confirmed bachelor that you are, want to cross the ocean so you can watch me try on dresses?”

“It’s a sea, not an ocean. And I’m admittedly more interested in the part where you take them back off.”

She shook her head. “Unreal.”

“That I’d want to watch you get undressed? Because if last night didn’t convince you…”

“No, that” —she waved her arms at him— “
is all being wasted on a man who doesn’t do relationships.”

“I do get points for some aspects, though, right?”

She shook her head like he was hopeless, but she was grinning when she walked over, all legs in a shirt that hit mid-thigh and not an inch below. No wonder he couldn’t think about anything but her. He hadn’t had a drop of blood venture north of his belt since she’d arrived in his sandbox.

“You,” she said, kissing him lightly on the lips, “are the perfect man. Pity you are so determined not to share that with a woman.”

He didn’t state the obvious—that he was sharing with her. Wasn’t much point in it. She wasn’t staying. There was a definite, looming expiration date on this thing between them. Gala night. He had guests coming from DC, and there was no way they wouldn’t recognize her. Even if he and Zoe kept their relationship strictly business for the public, once she was “discovered,” there’d be no going back to what they had now. And there’d be no hiding it. He was risking everything, but the damage was done.

He’d deal with the fallout later. For now, he thought about kissing her. About turning that little tease of a brush she’d given him into something that would rock the island. But he had a better idea.

“Don’t forget your identification,” he said, punctuating with a single rough kiss that left her eyes wide and glassy and her nipples tight.
Go ahead and want me, princess
. He’d already talked to his pilot. The flight plan was in place, the plane ready. “Wheels up in thirty.”

t was Zoe’s second time on the jet, and she was no less impressed than she had been on the first. “This plane is gorgeous.”

“Don’t give me too much credit,” he said dryly. “It came this way. And for the record, it’s leased, so don’t get too hung up on that
guy who owns a plane

She watched him, a smile teasing her lips. “You aren’t impressed by much of anything, are you?”

“I’m impressed by you.”

She nearly choked on her disbelief. “For what? Hiding from my life?”

“Nope. For standing up for yourself, snatching your self-respect out of whatever kind of hell went down, and walking out. You removed yourself from a bad situation,” he said. “Most people stand there until they drown, but you didn’t.”

“Neither did you,” she said softly. She thought his assessment generous, but she liked the parallel. She liked thinking they had something in common.

He just shook his head and grinned. Then he reached for the intercom. “Hey, Cap. We’ve stopped climbing and the sky is blue. You gonna turn off the seatbelt sign or what?”

Soft laughter followed. “Did I forget to do that?”

Zoe recognized the voice. “Is that Hector?”

“Yes. The sorry bastard.” The light flicked off. He unsnapped his belt and helped her to do the same. As if she needed it. Truth be told, she no more needed his help than she needed his hand in her lap, but if he wanted to make an excuse of it, she’d take it.

“He didn’t fly me in,” she said of Hector.

“No, he wasn’t on the flight that day. Cap—whose real name is Charlie—is the pilot. The second chair is either Cap’s son or Hector. That day it was the son.”

“Does Cap live on the island?” Apparently there were more inhabitants than she thought.

“Yep. He and his wife live in a cottage near the air strip. He’s a retired commercial pilot, or he was until I hired him. He babies this thing like it’s his own,” Ryder said of the aircraft, then he laughed. “His son is a skilled pilot in his own right, but he flies fighter jets for a living, so I try to keep him out of first chair when he’s here on leave.”

“And Hector is a sorry bastard because…?”

“Because he thought he’d keep me from showing you the bedroom.”

“There’s a bedroom?”

“Wanna see?”

“I might. But only because I’ve never seen a bedroom on a plane.”

His grin faltered, and she laughed. He shook his head and led her to a side-facing door to the rear of the seating area. Beyond the door was a single bed and a desk, the latter accessorized by a leather chair and a large wall-mounted screen. Standard airplane windows lined the bed, beyond which, scattered islands marked the distant, deep blue sea. Zoe couldn’t imagine rolling over in her sleep and waking to a view of the earth thousands of feet below, although it couldn’t beat the rush of waking of next to Ryder. Of feeling him move inside her. Tingles shot every which way, and he lit fire to her with his smoldering assessment.

“Remember that thing you started back there in your room?” he asked.

“That thing I started?”

“You kissed me. Without pants.”

“That’s starting a thing?”

“It’s starting a thing.” He shut the door. Locked it. “I’d like to finish the thing.”

“I might be interested in finishing the thing.”

He reached back and yanked his shirt over his head, then tossed it. “We definitely need to finish the thing,” he murmured, his mouth closing over hers before the last word fully escaped. He lowered her to the bed, chasing down after her. She shivered when the cool bedding hit her back, then luxuriated in his heat when he landed on top. “I’m fresh out of handcuffs, sweetheart, so you’re just going to have to hold on.”

The suggestion of being restrained, even destined to go unfulfilled, sent a shudder through her. Before Ryder, the wildest thing she’d ever done was wear out a vibrator. She had no idea she liked being tied up. Or spanked. Or, Lord help her, that she had an affinity for a man with a filthy mouth, much less the ability to respond in kind. As a rule, she didn’t curse. But the way he responded made her want to learn every dirty word ever uttered. To find out first hand just how hard he’d fuck her when she begged.

Wake. Up

What was she thinking? Just that morning, she’d been on the verge of regret, and now here she was, wanting what she had no right to want from a man who’d made it clear he could never be hers. She swallowed. “Last night—”

“Last night terrified me.”

“It did?”

“You look like you want me to elaborate,” he said, “but are you going to yell at me again? Because you can yell at me in Saint Lucia. Right now, I’d prefer you scream my name. It’s a nuance, but an important one.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to yell at you.”

“Good. Because what happened last night is, I found something I didn’t think existed. And it’s fucked up that I had to find it in you, because I can’t have you. Call it a catch twenty-two. Call it hell. Call it what you want, but until you do something to convince me you’re not everything I want in a package I can’t have, I’m going to be one tortured asshole having the best sex of my life.”

“You have a filthy mouth,” she said. Because she was dying inside.
. “Put it on me.”

She didn’t have to ask twice, and he didn’t bother with foreplay other than to touch her and find her wet. Ready. Always so ready. She didn’t even recognize who she was. Wasn’t sure which version of herself she wanted to be true.

“It should just be like this,” she said as she watched him step out of his pants and roll on a condom.
. Relationships? Sex? She wasn’t even sure what they had…just that she wished this thing between them could be real.

He yanked down her underwear. Rough. “It should definitely just be like this.” He climbed on top of her, kissing his way up her body until the stars aligned and he plowed into her. He grabbed her hands, lacing his fingers through hers, and eased out. And waited. Torture.

She raised her hips, but to no avail. He evaded all but the slightest contact, and with his grip on her she was helpless to do anything but wait. “How long is this flight?” she muttered. Impatient.

“I’m just waiting for you to ask nicely.” He pushed back in and ground his hips into hers, then left again. “Ask nicely, princess.”

Make love to me
. It was on the tip of her tongue, but she bit it back. He didn’t want her to ask nicely. He wanted her to beg. He probably wanted her to drop another f-bomb, but she suddenly felt vulnerable.

Like this moment would be gone in a flash, and the memory just wouldn’t be enough.

So she gave in another way.

“This feels like more,” she whispered. “More than just sex.”

He met her eyes, and she was surprised to see the conflict raging there. Storm clouds. She knew why she felt them. Had no idea what they meant in his. Then she forgot to care, because his mouth was on her, his body fast and hard against her. Inside her. They came together, and then there was just the drone of the engines and an endless sky with them in a world that could never be theirs.

She traced his tattoo with a fingertip and wondered how many times those arms would wrap around her before it was over. Wondered how she’d ever let go.

“Think we can do that again on the way home?” she asked.

He laughed, the sound muffled by the pillow where he’d fallen, face first just over her shoulder. “I think I can do that again right now.”

A ding sounded in the cabin. She looked up to see the seatbelt light flashing.

“Maybe not,” he muttered. He crawled off of her and stumbled into his pants. “I swear he did that on purpose.”

She rolled over to look out the window at the island below. “Either he has impeccable timing, or…we’re there.”

“Likely excuse.” He pulled her to her feet, then helped her straighten her dress before he found his shirt and put it on.

She reached for the door, but he caught it before she could get it open. She scowled. “Seatbelts, Ryder.”

He grinned. “Mile-high club, Zoe.”

Oh, sweet Jesus
. Her good girl card was going to be permanently revoked. “If it’s all the same to you, I don’t need to know how many members you’ve inducted.”

He caught her arm when she tried to walk away. “I told you I don’t sleep around.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Translation: it did matter. She just didn’t want to hear it.

He let her go. She was back in her seatbelt, praying the stupid plane would land safely, when he called out after her. “Might not matter to you, princess, but you better hand me my motherfucking wings, because you were my first.”

Chapter Thirteen

hen they landed on Saint Lucia and deplaned, no one batted an eye as they showed their documentation, then climbed into a cab. “That was easy,” she said.

“As opposed to…?”

“A crowd of women screaming your name.”

He snorted. “I’m not a celebrity—just a private businessman. Rarely does anyone give me a second look, especially not here. I tend to avoid limos and fanfare. I prefer to tip the hell out of the cabbie. If he knows how to drive, that is,” he added, louder, when they went careening through a left turn on two tires and a yellow light.

Ryder glared, but Zoe breathed a sigh of relief. The short trip to BayWalk Mall felt longer with a madman at the wheel. She thought better of kissing the ground when they got out on Castries-Gros Islet Highway, but the temptation was strong. “And I don’t like airplanes,” she muttered.

He handed the cabbie some cash, then looked at her in surprise. “You don’t?”

“I might now, although I’m not so sure about cabs.”

He leaned down until his lips touched her ear, then whispered, “I guess I need to fuck you in the back of a cab next.”

She rolled her eyes. “That guy probably would have comped the fare if we’d let him watch.”

“Doing it in front of an audience. Yet another untapped fantasy, princess?”

If only he knew. She couldn’t quite agree to public sex, but she was beginning to realize she hadn’t any fantasies until Ryder. Well, not since the old ones featuring him. She’d replayed those a time or ten, but the real thing had blown the fantasy to bits.

So how are you going to get over him this time, genius?
She’d have to avoid the Caribbean. And all other islands. Possibly cabs. Definitely aircraft.

“All right, darlin’. Get me off this sidewalk. Where to?”

She glanced down the street that cut through the upscale shopping center. “Um, women’s clothing store? One with gowns, which would be…where?”

“Your guess is as good as mine. I don’t walk many red carpets on my way in and out of real estate closings, and I sure as hell have never needed a dress.”

After two hours, Zoe wasn’t sure she needed one either.

She blew a frustrated breath at the strands of hair that had fallen into her face, but in the humidity they barely moved. “I don’t know how to shop at these places. Is there a department store around here anywhere? Preferably one that doesn’t work off commission?”

He laughed. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t like being stalked by the salespeople.” He pulled out his phone, tapped the screen a few times, and gave her a sideways look. “Just a regular department store? Are you sure?”

“A regular high-end one. They need to sell gowns.”

He shook his head. “You might be the only woman on earth who’d rather shop at a department store than the international brands.”

She frowned. “You’re not worried I’ll look frumpy next to you, are you?”

“Nope” he said as he tapped his phone screen. “I’m trying to find something far enough away.”

“Away from what?”

“Away from here.” He laughed. “You know, to make sure the cab ride is long enough.”

empting as more sex would be, Ryder couldn’t bring himself to maul Zoe in an environment that smelled vaguely of cabbage and salami. Also, he couldn’t be sure someone else’s bodily fluids weren’t already hanging out on the back seat, nor could he stand the idea of bare skin—hers, his—touching any surface available to them. Maybe he’d gotten more discriminating after all.

That, or he was just still in shock.

He couldn’t believe she hadn’t jumped on a blank check to one of the high-end boutiques. On some lesser level, the move fit her. She’d taken his wealth in stride and saved the orgasms for the sex, which was as it should be, but he couldn’t fathom that he might have actually found a woman more interested in him than she was his wallet.

One who had, upon arriving at a department store, taken less than an hour to settle on a dress. She’d claimed the gown was beautiful, but he figured it was her. She could wear a sack and take his breath, but seeing her in the dress was like a mule kick to the gut. Every eye at the gala would be on her. The event was closed to the press and attendance was exclusive, but that exclusive crowd included members of the United States Senate. Someone would recognize her. He just hoped they wouldn’t recognize his increasingly muddled feelings. He’d have to avoid looking at her. All night.
Not likely

“Are you okay?”

He blinked her into focus. She had her hair pulled back. Sunglasses on. A dress that, though not immodest, couldn’t hide her curves. Fucking gorgeous. “You want to stay overnight?”

“You’re not worried about getting ready for the opening?”

“It’s taken care of.”

“So we just…stay in Saint Lucia?”

“Babe, we’ll
Saint Lucia.”

She grinned. Rocked
. “What do you have in mind?”

“How about we get a room with a view, then we leave the curtains open.”

“Do I at least get dinner first?”

“You can have anything you want.”

He waited for her to say she wanted him. That she could leave her life behind if he asked, but then he realized he couldn’t do the same for her. Of course, he might not get the choice if Zoe’s father found out about their affair and pulled the trigger on the contract.

“You look like you’re a million miles away.”

“I don’t know where I am,” he said. Honest to a fault. “Don’t know where we’re going. Just want to go there with you.”

She leaned into him, nudging him off balance. “Could you just, I don’t know, be an ass?”

“Can’t be anyone other than me, but most people would say that qualified.” He flagged down yet another cab, then told the bewildered, bemused driver to take them to the best hotel on the island. Handing the driver a couple of hundreds, he added, “And don’t scare me on the ride over.”

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