One Second (Seven Series Book 7) (46 page)

BOOK: One Second (Seven Series Book 7)
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He led me forward until we reached the grave with Wes’s name on it. We were definitely in the right spot, but…

I gasped. “Who did that?”

At the head of Wes’s grave was a statue of a man sitting Indian style, his fingers laced together and head slightly tilted. But it was the familiar smile that kept me frozen in place. Someone had sculpted him in the likeness of Weston Loyal Knight, my brother. Not a brother by blood, but one by heart.

“I had to get permission from your mother, and then I had to pay off the owner. Turner helped me out when the man wasn’t willing to agree. We had to give him wings or it was a resounding no, but I think Wes would have liked that.” Austin turned to face me, his hands cupped around my neck. “You come here every year to talk to him, Lexi, but you don’t realize he’s everywhere you go. I wanted to surprise you with this so that coming here wouldn’t always be a negative experience, but something to look forward to. You’ll be able to look at
instead of a shitty marker in the dirt. I wasn’t sure what kind of material to use, but a guy I talked to suggested bronze instead of stone because it’ll last longer. You’ll be coming here for hundreds of years, and so will our kids. They need to know where the Weston name came from—the kind of man it came from. Someone who lived with conviction—who protected the ones he loved and was loyal until the end. I couldn’t bring him back, Lexi, but this was the best I could do.”

Tears flooded my eyes.

While the name Loyal wasn’t on the plaque, someone had inscribed it on a small patch on the front of his jacket.

“I didn’t think I had any tears left in these ducts. Damn you, Austin.”

He wiped one away with a tender sweep of his thumb. “Tell him about your special day, and then we’ll head out.”

It seemed like there was air beneath my feet when I drifted to the grave and sat down in front of him. His expression was fashioned so that he was looking right at me when I sat close enough. Graceful wings draped over his shoulders, his hair unkempt, and the look on his face was content, as if he were eagerly waiting to hear what I had to say. Wes would be forever young in my mind, even as I myself would begin to age through the years into an old woman.

I placed my hands on his. “I got married today.”

For the next hour, I told my brother about his nephew, the pack war, my father, the wedding, tripping over the cat, and even our mom hitching up with Maddox.

I couldn’t be certain, but I thought he smiled a little wider.


Shortly after dusk, I returned to the car and got naked in a cemetery. The dress had left red marks around my hips and neck, so it was a relief to slip into my jeans and a tank top. Austin didn’t want to change out of his swank attire, so I admired him for a little while before falling asleep listening to the radio.

“Wake up, we’re here,” he announced.

I rubbed my eyes and groggily sat up, blinking in the darkness. “Already? How long was I asleep?”

I knew something wasn’t right when I opened the car door. The air was humid and didn’t smell like pine trees. As soon as my feet touched asphalt, I noticed a familiar sign.

“Wait a second. We’ve been driving for over an hour,” I said. My brows furrowed when he seized my hand and tugged me forward. “You brought me to Howlers? Is something wrong? Austin, answer me.”

As soon as we reached the door, he swept me off my feet and carried me over the threshold of a Shifter bar.

“I hope this isn’t where we’re going to consummate our marriage.”

Whistles, claps, howls, and laughter erupted all around us as we moved into the main room.

The entire pack was there, changed out of their dressy attire. Tables were joined together in multiple rows, each dressed with dinnerware and heaps of food.

Drumsticks tapped together from the stage, and the music fired up. Kings of Leon’s “Sex on Fire” to be exact, sung by the one and only Jericho Sexton Cole. He was in rare form, with dark liner, leather pants, and a sleeveless shirt that said
on the front.

Denver climbed onto a table—a straw hat on his head—and started dancing. Not the kind of bootie dancing that warranted a laugh, but something you’d see in a strip club. Ivy swatted him playfully on the butt with her cane, and a glass tipped over as he pulled Maizy up with him and planted a kiss on her mouth. She took off his hat and put it on her own head as their kisses turned to pecks.

I wiggled in Austin’s arms. “You sly little devil. You never had plans to take me to Colorado, did you?”

“You think I’m going to go off and leave our son behind? Besides, I told you I was giving you a Weston-style wedding, and I meant it. I had to stall and drive around the city while they set everything up. I know how you like to sleep at the beginning of a trip, so I was counting on that. We got catered barbecue from the Pit, and Jake is offering unlimited drinks, so feel free to get wild and crazy.”

As soon as he set me down, I backed up into someone.

I turned, and Ben gave me a quick hug.


I squeezed him tight before he had a chance to pull away. “I’m so glad you’re back. We’ve missed you.”

“Yeah, me too. Everything’s solid between Wheeler and me now.” He leaned back and threaded his fingers through his hair. “I’ve been working. It’s been… hard, but I kicked the gambling addiction. I don’t even buy lottery tickets.”

“I know. Is your Packmaster okay with your leaving?”

He grimaced and averted his eyes from Austin. “I haven’t really… It’s um…”

Austin clapped his hand on Ben’s shoulder. “You’re welcome to return home anytime. I’ve been keeping my eye on your progress over the years, and I know you’re better now. It hasn’t been an easy road, but we always knew you’d make it back. It was just a matter of your kissing and making up with Wheeler.”

Ben laughed awkwardly. “I’d like that. Not the kissing Wheeler part, but moving back home. I really screwed things up years ago, so I hope you’ll see that I’m a different man now.”

Naya slinked up and squeezed his arm. “I’ll say, but Wheeler will always be a better kisser,” she said with a wink.

I left them talking and weaved through the crowd toward my mother, whose arms were weighted down with a wiggly little man.

As soon as Travis saw me, he reached for me and almost fell out of her arms.

“Hi, baby!” I lifted him up and kissed his cheeks. “How do you like Uncle Jericho’s singing?”

He smiled wide and replied, “Buh-buh-buh-buh.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Izzy rushed in front of the stage and gave Jericho an unchoreographed sample of her sexy dance moves. When Jericho missed a beat, he looked ready to drop his guitar and carry her backstage.

Melody breezed by and rolled her eyes. “Oh, brother. They’re acting silly again.”

Hope smiled and touched the ends of her hair. “I think it’s sweet your parents are so affectionate. Mine are reserved.”

“Sweet is how your mom calls your dad Thunder. Trust me, the last thing you want to see are your parents making out at a bar.” Melody mimed, sticking her finger down her throat.

Hope shrugged. “Someday that will be us with our men.”

Lakota snuck up from behind, draping his arms around their shoulders and poking his head between them. “If I so much as see a boy within ten feet of you before you’re twenty-one, he better have health insurance.”

They giggled and squirmed free.

Lakota stood up straight and whistled a sharp sound. “Boys, meet me in the game room.”

Hendrix and Lennon raced toward the pool tables in the back.

“You too,” he said to the girls. “Boys against girls.”

Melody strutted by. “Yeah? What team are

When he lunged at her with a menacing scowl, she snatched the oversized beanie off his head and made a run for it. We could hear her and Hope giggling all the way across the bar.

“Are you sure you want to watch them?” I asked. “They can be a handful.”

“No worries. Have a good time, and I’ll keep them busy until you’re ready to eat.”

As he strutted off, I turned in a slow circle with Travis anchored on my left hip.

Rosie was chatting with Izzy, no doubt discussing the job I’d offered her at a third location I planned on opening in the next few years. Reno was sitting on a barstool with his legs open, holding April in an intimate embrace. She nestled her face against his chest, still wearing the mirrored sunglasses he’d given her at the ceremony. Now she had a long future ahead of her with him and our pack.

George and Katharine were slow dancing in a dark corner despite the quick beat of the song. Trevor and William sat at the dessert table, deep in conversation while nibbling on chocolates. I had a feeling that the next day William would be moving into Trevor’s room permanently.

I didn’t think it would be long before Wheeler and Naya decided to give kids a shot, but it filled my heart with joy to see him standing with his arm around Ben, the both of them laughing.
After all, nothing could keep the Weston pack apart. We had loved each other through the years, and that bond had only strengthened as we watched our children grow into strong Shifters.

I used to curse all the bad things that had happened to me in life, thinking they were punishments. I didn’t realize that each tragedy and stroke of bad luck was simply a stepping-stone to the life I was meant to live, toward the people I would cherish forever.

I pointed at the bar directly ahead. “There’s your daddy. I love that man so much.”

Austin reached in his pockets and pulled out his fringed gloves, slowly putting them on, a wry grin playing on his face and brightening his mischievous eyes. When he finished his exhibition, he leaned against the bar on his elbows, crossed his feet at the ankles, and crooked his finger at me.

I smiled and whispered, “
, that lean.”

Dear reader

Thank you for opening your hearts and allowing these characters and stories into your lives. As we reach the end of one journey, we embark on a new one. I hope you will be there as I start anew, weaving more tales of mystery and romance within this wonderful and magical universe.


Yours faithfully,





When is my next book release?


A personal note from Dannika:


If you enjoyed this book and want to see more, please take a moment to show your support by leaving a review on the product page where your purchase was made. Your reviews are important and help readers discover these books!


is an exciting urban fantasy romance following the journey of a young woman's claim to immortality, and her own identity. Dark, unique, passionate, and full of unpredictable twists, the Mageri series provides an original spin to an old concept.


is a paranormal romance that portrays Shifters living in secret in the modern world. A blend of humor, heartwarming romance, drama, and real-life issues. This series is for those who believe in family, second chances, and finding that person who completes you. Cliffhanger-free.


All my fantasy stories are written in the same universe. Same Breeds, same rules, and may contain character crossovers/appearances.


Sometimes ordinary people are destined for extraordinary lives.


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