Opal (Rare Gems Series Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Opal (Rare Gems Series Book 4)
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She has a friend.” Fletcher looked over just as Marvin fell back on the floor, his naked cock straining hard and thick. “I thought maybe if we got this out of our system now, you’d be easier to talk to. I need to have a conversation with you as soon as you are ready. But for now? I think a good fucking is in order. You take as much as you want. I have it on good authority that they’re well fed too.”

Fletcher nodded and watched as the first woman sat on Marvin
’s cock and started to ride him. Before he could position himself in front of her, the second woman was in front of her getting her pussy eaten. Fletcher loved pussy, and when two women were getting together, he could rarely contain himself. He watched until he felt left out. Then a pretty blonde came out of the shadows and bent over in front of him; her ass drew him to her like a bug to a light.

Slamming his cock deep into her tight hole
, she cried out and came twice before he touched more than her ass. Fletcher liked a thick bottom, and even more so a tight hole to fuck. When she reached between her thighs and played with her clit, he bit deeply into her shoulder and emptied himself into her as she came. Christ, and this was only the beginning. He rolled her over again and had her suck him until he was hard before having her spread wide for him while he fucked her pussy this time.

They continued to switch
around between the women and each other for at least another hour. He was relaxed for the most part, but he was well fed when they finally had had enough. When he laid down, both spent and exhausted, he looked over at the mess they’d made of his already trashed room. Marvin laughed when he groaned. There were more bodies to clean up as well as something he didn’t want to think about laying just under the corner of his bed. He was sure it was a foot. They’d had a great time, however.

You need to seriously find someone you can trust to come in here and clean up after you. And maybe you could learn to not kill everyone you fuck.” The faeries had been killed, of course, but neither man had any qualms about it. “Do you suppose that will cost us again?”

’d been warned twice already not to kill a willing faerie. Not that Fletcher gave a shit about the fines they would put on his head, but he hated the bother. The woman who had told them both to behave or they’d have to pay the consequences had told them that they’d suffer like they never had before. Fletcher was pissed because now he’d have to go without their sweet-tasting blood for a decade or two before he could partake again. Then he remembered that Marvin had said he needed to talk to him.

What did you want? And by the way, I do have a cleaning crew come in when I have a mess. It’s expensive and they have to be paid in cash, but they take it all away and leave me with a mint on my pillow.” Marvin nodded and closed his eyes, and Fletcher decided to remind him again. “When you got here, you said you had to talk to me. What was it?”

Oh. Do you know a Sloan Crane?”

Fletcher nodd
ed without looking at Marvin, and the man continued. If he had opened his eyes, Fletcher knew Marvin would have seen the look of fear on his face, as well as hatred. Fletcher simply hated the man.

He’s got everyone out looking for you. Seems you pissed him off something furious. He’s telling people you’re up to your old tricks again. I never knew that you stopped, but there you have it. What did you do to shit in his oatmeal?”

With Sloan there’s really not much that won’t piss him off. And he’s only pissed off because I went to his mate’s house and fucked it up a bit. When she got away…well, you know how I am. I hate when I have to leave my dinner walking around. When I went to get me a new toy, Crane and that asshole Rufus was there.” Fletcher thought of the big wolf he’d seen there as well, and had to repress a slight tremor of fear. The man had been big, but not only that, he’d gotten too close to him before he’d known he was there. That more than anything terrified Fletcher. It had only happened once before, and Fletcher had a fear that it was the same boy-turned-man who had scared him so badly before.

You fucked with the alpha too, I guess. There are not just a bunch of vamps looking for you, but a huge fucking pack of wolves. And that guy, the alpha, is no one I’d want to fuck with. Christ, what do you do? Draw names out of a hat and see who you can fuck with daily?”

Fletcher got up and reached for his pants
as he thought about what Marvin was saying. He thought about showering but knew there was at least one body in the stall, and he thought maybe there was on the floor as well. Instead of going to check, he simple decided to take a shower elsewhere. He looked at Marvin when he spoke again. Surely this alpha had no reason to come for him. It was just a house, not his fucking family.

What do you mean, he’s gunning for me as well? What possible reason could he give to have me in his sights? Because I tore up a few clothes? Maybe cut him up a little when I was leaving? That is no reason for him to be looking to harm me. If he even could. An alpha has in no way the ability to harm me. None of us.” Marvin shrugged. “Who is this guy and what does he think he can to do me?”

Blair Henson.”

’s skin tightened around his body. It was the same man, the same man who had put the fear of…. And worse yet, this man knew what he was, too. This wolf he’d hurt was not just an alpha and a rich man, but he had powers that went well beyond anything that he’d heard before.

You know him, I see.”

He’s nothing.” But he knew that he was. “I had a go around with his father once. Allen Henson. The man was driving me crazy, and I might have gotten a little insane over it. His son, a teenager then, had come at me with everything he had. I nearly…well, hell, I nearly didn’t come out on top. And you know as well as I do that I am always the one that is on top. The view is better. But he doesn’t know me as Fleming. Back then I was called….”

He couldn
’t remember. And worse yet, he was pretty sure that Marvin knew just how badly the man had affected him. When he nodded, as if he understood, Fletcher had an overwhelming urge to kill the man who had been his friend longer than most people had lived. But he let it slide from him, roll off his back so that at least someone had his back if things went south. Marvin might be a dork and a dandy, but he could fight like no other vampire he knew.

I just came here to give you the information and to see if you were a willing fuck. I should have known you’d be willing. You’re the only vamp I know that can fuck more than me. And feed too. Christ, we need to do this more often. Next time you bring the food, though. The faeries were just a bonus that I happened to run across.” Marvin started to turn away. “There is another guy, Rufus. I think he’s a friend of that Crane guy. You know him?” Smiling this time, he nodded. “Thought so. But you should be aware that he’s with the group looking for you, but…. Well, he’s snooping around too, but seems to have a better angle on things than the rest of them do. You might want to be a little more….” He looked around the room and so did Fletcher.

There were at least two dozen dead or dying bodies around the room. Two were in the big bed
they had just fucked the women on, one was in a chair that he had no idea where it had come from, and there were at least two more hanging out from under his bed. The foot he’d seen earlier was, thankfully, attached to a body, but he was still clueless as to how it had gotten there, or even who it might have belonged to. Not that he ever made an effort to know names. They were just food, cock, or pussy to him. He’d had a good time last night, as had these people before he’d killed them. As far as he was concerned, there was no other way to feed than this.

Are you telling me to lay low?” Marvin shrugged, and Fletcher had that urge again to tear his throat out. He wondered about that for several seconds while he calmed his beast, which seemed to be just on the surface lately. He was glad when Marvin said he was going. Fletcher made his hands unclench and his body relax just a little while he talked calmly to the monster that resided in everyone. “I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, thanks for the fuck. I needed it.”

After he was gone, Fletcher made a couple of calls.
First and foremost, he called the removal people. He hated messes, and this one was entirely too big for him to ignore while he moved about his household. Fletcher moved to the upper levels of his house and waited to let the crew in while he thought about what his friend had told him.

’d used this crew for the past six months and so far, they were better than anything he’d ever used before. And by what he’d used before, he meant a dumpster. Fletcher would take the bodies as far from his home as he could go, dump them either in a deep body of water or a trash receptacle, and go about his business. The stains of blood would eventually fade, of course, but he’d been killing more and more lately and it was too much work to do it alone. He didn’t have long to wait, as within the hour, they were knocking at his door and dressed like they were going into a hazard-filled building. He supposed in a way they were.

the crew was removing the bodies, he moved out into the night to see what he could find out. Having Sloan look for him was one thing, but a Henson was too much entirely. The men, the two of them together, were something of an enigma, and not one he wanted to tangle with. He thought about the night he’d first met the younger Henson.

Allen had been alpha back then.
Fletcher had been trailing a wolf that he was going to kill when the man, a large man if he remembered correctly, had suddenly stepped from behind the tree and right into his path. Fletcher had actually thought about simply killing the man, but something made him hesitate. Much like his son, the then alpha hadn’t had a scent to warn Fletcher of his coming. And that was scary in itself. But this man, Allen, had been a bastard then, and Fletcher had no doubt that his son was more so. He thought to lord himself over Fletcher, and that was what had pissed him off more.

You will stay off my pack land, vampire, or I will not be responsible for what happens to you when you rest. I know where you lay.” Tyson…Tyson Hudson he’d been calling himself then, he suddenly remembered, and laughed. But back then the five big wolves that had also stepped out of the trees had made him take a step back. Fear had not been an emotion that he’d been all that familiar with since changing to a vamp, and it had taken him several seconds to recognize what he was feeling. The younger wolf, related, he knew immediately, to the alpha and bigger than his father, had moved to sit next to his dad. He knew instantly that this boy would be one to be reckoned with.

So you’re going to sic your baby on me? Good luck with that one. Do you have any idea how old I am?” The son raised his nose to the air and then turned to look at his dad. When Allen laughed, Fletcher felt his skin crawl. The finger of fear that he’d felt before widened and slid over his body like a blanket. Cold and wet, he shivered even now from the feelings he’d felt. Fletcher tried to mask it with bravado and anger, but he was pretty sure that none of the pack had believed him. The calmness pouring from the wolves had made him want to run.

He says you’re only a baby. Only just turned one hundred on July twenty-fifth. Congratulations on that one. But I doubt you’re going to make it to two if you keep fucking around on my land.” He’d said it with such conviction that Fletcher still felt his body strangle around him in fear. But he looked at the big wolf that stood so still in front of him and knew to show him how he was feeling would be signing his own death certificate. He knew for as long as he lived—and he hoped it would be longer than that day—that the memory of that day would remain in his mind as a fear like no other.

The alpha
’s son was huge, as he saw when the wolf stood up. Even from the standpoint that he was a shifter, he was at least a hundred pounds of pure muscle more than the others there, even the ones older than him in years. His coat was a dark hue, and Fletcher remembered thinking that if he were in the moonlight, it would more than likely glow. But it wasn’t just his size and canines that frightened him the most, though those were enough. It was his ability.

No one he
’d ever met had been able to tell how old he was. Few people, including himself, could tell what century vampires were born in. It was something that each of them held close to them, because the younger a vampire was, the less they had to combat you with if it came to that. But this young pup had hit it dead on, including the month he’d been born. Fletcher had started forward but was stopped by the low growl coming from the boy. He thought if he could have killed him then, ended the nightmare that started that night, he’d be a much better vampire. But it wasn’t to be. And that had come back to bite him fully on the ass.

You think to let him take me on, old man? This is public property so far as I can see, and you and your little band of dogs aren’t going to stop me from coming for you.” The air tightened around them and he felt as if he’d been swallowed whole by a fire breathing dragon. When he felt himself being pitched back, he knew sure as shit he was a dead man. After that, he remembered nothing that had happened for five days. When he woke―and he felt like he’d been staked out in the sun―Fletcher had vowed never to set foot on that property again. And now…nearly fifteen years later…Christ, now the man was back for him. And he was no closer to figuring out what had happened than he had back then.

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