Operation Hydra (33 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

BOOK: Operation Hydra
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He inclined his regal head and held out his arms for his son.

Trey passed the baby to Vee. Tenderness and pride shone brightly in the Mystic’s emerald gaze. His long fingers stroked Seth’s chubby cheek reverently, his face reflecting soul-deep devotion.

Nodding toward the door, Krysta took her husband by the hand and led him from the nursery. “I always feel intrusive.”

“I feel jealous as hell.” He chuckled.
“Me — jealous of a Mystic.
How did that happen?”

Krysta smiled, squeezing his hand affectionately. “There’s a simple cure for your jealousy, you realize?”

“Oh, do tell.” He followed her down the hallway, his amber gaze warm and caressing.

“We could have a child of our own.”

He paused at the top of the stairs. “It wouldn’t be too much, caring for two?”

Smiling, she traced his jaw with her fingertips. “I could always ask Dro Tar to help out.”

He laughed.
“Dro Tar… a nanny?”

The idea was rather funny. Krysta could almost picture the unconventional strategies Dro Tar would apply to child rearing. Multiple stimuli, tons of fun, abundant affection — and
resembling order or discipline.

“Okay, how about Bekka and Lorrisa? We’ve still got four empty bedrooms, and they adore Seth already.”

They went to the front salon and Trey sat in their favorite chair, pulling her down onto his lap. Krysta cuddled against his chest. The City of Tears spread out before them, spectacular and imposing; very much like the man holding her. Swelling with warmth and gratitude, her heart cried out to his. She was so blessed.

“If you’re serious about wanting a child, I’m more than agreeable.”

“I’m being greedy,” she admitted. “Our lives are so full of love and
I should probably just enjoy it.”

“It has turned out rather well.”

He nuzzled her neck, his moist breath making her tingle. “We could just keep practicing,” she whispered.
“Until Seth’s a little older.”

“Practice caring for a baby?” He nipped her gently. “Or practice making one?”


He pressed her body to his, surrounding her with his heat. Their mouths met and
the kiss deep and evocative. His lips brushed against hers as he whispered, “I love the way you think.”






Cyndi Friberg


Cyndi has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 1999 and also belongs to two local chapters of RWA. She is the winner of multiple national contests, including The Molly and The Merritt. In 2003, she was chosen as a finalist in the prestigious Golden Heart, as well as winning the Jasmine with
Rebel Angels 1: Born of the Shadows
. After dabbling in freelance journalism and songwriting, she returned to her true passion: paranormal romance. Visit Cyndi on the Web at www.cyndifriberg.com, or email her at [email protected].

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