Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Original Match [Ménage.com 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Is Jasper teasing you, darlin’?” Blake asked, his voice like a feather stroking over her nipples. They pebbled at the sound. If he would only use that mouth for licking them, instead of talking.

“Blake, please suck my nipples.”

“That’s our girl. You tell us what you want, and we will do everything possible to make it happen.”

Blake leaned over her and drew her nipple into his mouth. His hot tongue had just stroked it when Jasper pulled the vibrator out of her pussy by a few inches. She felt the speed pick up, and then he pushed it back in. It made a sloshy sound, her cream surrounding the rubber shaft. Jasper released her clit and used his tongue to lap up the juices that were now flowing between her ass cheeks.

Davan protested when he pulled the vibrator all the way out, but those objections turned to moans when she felt his fingers pull back on her folds and expose what she knew must be a very swollen nub. He had been working on her for over thirty minutes, and her body was ready to explode. She heard the vibrator being set to the highest setting, and with no warning, Jasper placed it directly on her clit.

She would have pulled up to lessen the intensity, but Blake kept her still as he sucked on her distended nipple, which was now laying flat against the roof of his mouth. The little bite of pain helped push her to the edge. Jasper used the juice flowing out of her pussy as lubricant to push a finger into her rosebud. Her anus clamped down while the vibrations pulsed through her clit at a speed that was abnormal. Davan went flying. She grabbed a hold of Blake’s hair, needing something to hold on to.

“Jasper, Blake!” Davan yelled out.

“That’s right, darlin’. Only we can make you feel like this,” Blake murmured around her nipple.

Right when Davan would have come down from her high, Jasper threw the vibrator on the floor and buried himself deep within her in one swift thrust. With the contractions still pulsing, the width of his cock seemed to spur more on. She rode another wave of pleasure. Blake released her nipple with a pop.

Jasper leaned over her and flipped the both of them so that she was lying on top. Davan gave a groan, knowing what was coming next. They had shown her the joys of double penetration, and she couldn’t get enough of it.

“You want Blake in your ass, my sweet Davan?”

“Yes,” Davan hissed, feeling Blake move in behind her. She felt a cold dribble on her anus and couldn’t help but clench her muscles.

“Now what did we tell you about tightening up on us, darlin’? You know what to do.”

Davan laid her cheek against Jasper’s chest. Knowing what Blake wanted, she lifted her ass as far as she could in the air without having Jasper slip out of her pussy. Bearing down, she felt the tip of Blake’s cock slide right inside her ass. The sharp burn turned to a dull throbbing while he held himself still, letting her adjust. This was the moment when Davan couldn’t stay immobile for anything.

“Move,” Davan ordered, trying to lift off of Jasper. He wouldn’t have it, wrapping his arms around her and keeping her flat against him.

“Let us set the pace, sweet girl,” Jasper murmured against her ear.

They set up a rhythm where Blake would be pulling out while Jasper thrust in. Over and over, they wound up her body until she knew it was going to snap. She felt Blake’s hand come down and connect with her ass cheek, the slight sting making her cry out more in surprise than pain.

“Come for us,” Jasper ordered, his voice washing over her as if hot water had cascaded down on her sensitive skin.

Blake’s hand connected one more time. Davan felt something burst inside of her. Spasms rocked her body, and her muscles clamped down tight on their cocks. They pumped into her, causing her body to maintain those ripples of pleasure she craved so much. Davan heard them shout their releases, as she felt them pump their seed into her body. She felt the warmth spread through her and hoped they had finally created the child they were hoping for.

Shea leaned back against her chair and thought about the scene she had just typed. What would it be like to be able to come to someone’s voice? Grayson Stevens’s probably had that effect. She looked down and saw a slight tremor in her hands. It was time to take a break and open up the new pack of batteries she had bought.


* * * *



“Shea Brennan.”

“The ménage author? The one that does the anthologies with those two other women?”

“I’d bet my company stock on it,” Gray said, reaching up to loosen his tie. Once he got it to the point where it wasn’t strangling him, he glanced down at his watch. It had been hours since he had spoken to the infamous author, lectured Lucy, and attended numerous meetings. It was going on six o’clock in the evening, and he was tired. Rubbing his hands over his face, Gray sank into his favorite leather chair. “You’re meeting her tomorrow at ten.”

“Why me?” Ian asked, sitting across from him with his feet up on Gray’s desk. His brother was a year younger than his own thirty-four years and a hell of a lot more laid back. Nothing bothered Ian. Gray could say the company had a penny to its name and that they had to sell everything they owned, and Ian would just shrug his shoulders and probably say, “It was good while it lasted.” It bugged the shit out of him that Ian wouldn’t take more responsibility around the office, but Gray grudgingly admitted that Ian was the best at programming.

“Why? Because I got the feeling she didn’t want to talk about her project with me. I didn’t want to scare her off.” Gray looked over at Ian, who was tossing one of those stress-reliever balls that Lucy had bought him in the air. He could hear their mother lecturing his brother how he needed a haircut, since it looked like he just crawled out of bed. They both had jet-black hair, but Gray was more conservative and kept his short, much to his mother’s delight.

“Is there something I should know, brother?” Ian raised one eyebrow and gave a devilish grin. “Just what kind of project are we talking about?”

“She wouldn’t say,” Gray answered honestly. A part of him was very intrigued that she was vague on her answers. “But I get the feeling it has to do with her books. The way she spoke—I don’t know, there’s just something about her. She sounds intelligent and charming. I want to get to know her better.”

Gray and Ian had shared women since their teenage years, although they kept their lifestyle low-key. It wouldn’t be good for business if it leaked out that they enjoyed a little extra kink in their sex life. One woman, in particular, had turned them on to books that were written based on what they liked. They had a collection, but Gray’s favorites were the anthologies written by Shea and two other authors. There was no way she could write like that and not have experienced their lifestyle. It was few and far between that Gray and Ian found women who were willing to be shared by two men with an understanding of how to handle the pressure of reality.

“Gray, I know what you’re thinking. Don’t go there, bro.” Ian tossed the ball into the air again, catching it on the way down.

“You know I want a family, Ian. I’m ready to settle down. I’m tired of playing around, and if you think about it, we haven’t had a woman in months. It’s not like we can have our pick, you know. We have to be very careful who we bring into our lives.”

“You mean, they have to go by your rules,” Ian said, shaking his head in obvious disappointment. “You worry too much about what other people think. Maybe, if you would loosen up a bit and be more open to the idea of being honest about how we live our lives, we’d actually find a woman to settle down with. You know that I would love to have a partner, one that we can share our life with. But you need to revise your way of thinking.”

“You know we can’t do that.”

“Oh, that’s right,” Ian said mockingly. “We have to keep the Stevens family name from being sullied.”

“That’s only a part of it, and you know it.” Gray hated when they argued over the same thing. He was right about this, but Ian just didn’t want to face the truth. Hell, their mother would probably have a heart attack if they brought home one woman. “Business is business, though. It’s our livelihood. We need a woman who understands that and is willing to compromise.”

“And you think just because this Shea Brennan writes ménage books, she’ll understand why you would want to keep our sex life a secret? You think she’ll comprehend on an emotional level this insane need you have to keep your reputation clean? And aren’t you being a tad bit presumptuous in assuming she’s not already in a relationship? Hell, we might not be attracted to her, for all you know.”

Over the last couple of years, they both had grown restless in regards to their bachelorhood. Unfortunately, they had different opinions when it came to how they would go about having a serious relationship. Ian didn’t want to have to hide anything and could care one wit if anyone gave a shit about how they lived their lives. Gray disagreed, knowing how it could damage their business. Their argument was a vicious path of a circle that he didn’t want to travel tonight.

“I guess we’ll find out tomorrow,” Gray said, wanting this conversation to be over. “Just don’t be late. Lucy said you’ve been getting in after eleven.”

“Lucy needs to be fired.” Ian tossed Gray the stress ball and let his legs drop to the floor. “That woman is about as qualified as a monkey. Hell, I think a monkey could do a better job.”

“I know, I know,” Gray said, feeling a headache coming on. “But the temp agency didn’t have anyone else on such short notice. We only have a couple more weeks. Beth called and left a message today. Her father is doing better, and she should be able to fly back very soon. Remind me I need to give her a raise.”

“Lucy could sink us by then, the way she’s going.” Ian stood up and walked to the door. Gray shook his head at the worn jeans, seeing one of the back pockets missing. At least he had put on a dress shirt, even if it was an odd shade of blue. “And since when do I ever remind you of anything? I barely remember to wear shoes into the office. Besides, when Beth gets back and sees what Lucy has done to her desk, you won’t have a choice but to give her a raise. Either that, or bail money for when she kills Lucy. Night.”

Gray watched Ian leave, knowing he was right. Beth was going to have a coronary when she came back to work. But he didn’t have time to worry about that now. His gut was telling him that Shea Brennan might just be the woman that he and Ian had been looking for. Considering he’d never met the woman and that he was never one to rely on gut instinct alone, it intrigued him that she would have this type of effect on him with just a telephone conversation. He wanted to know more about her and couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Chapter Three

Shea was glad she wore her black suit with the red camisole, although it certainly hadn’t been the most comfortable clothing to wear on the hour-and-a-half drive to Chicago. Looking around, she came to the conclusion that she definitely would have been out of place in her normal sweatpants and favorite zip-up sweatshirt. She snickered at the thought.

This place was definitely a high-class type of business, located on the 20
floor of a high-rise building. Her heels clicked on the pristine white tile as she walked toward the reception area. The soft lighting did nothing to stop the glare coming off the floor or distract from the abstract art that was hanging on the walls. The modern-looking receptionist desk was made of glass and shaped in an odd pattern, almost looking as if it had two layers. Shea would have thought the owners would have demanded it be kept clean, but the papers that lay askew made it look like it was in disarray.

No one was sitting in the chair, and Shea glanced around, hoping to find someone. There was a conference room off to her right, which was currently empty, and a hallway leading to what she assumed were more offices. She stood there debating if she should yell out or just walk down the hall, when she heard voices.

“Lucy, you know you can’t leave the front area like that. We have two clients that are due any moment, and you need to be there to greet them.”

She would know that voice anywhere. Almost at once, her body felt flushed and her stomach felt like it had turned upside down. Gripping her purse strap a little bit tighter than necessary, she tried to calm her racing heart. She wasn’t here to see Grayson Stevens and she certainly wasn’t going to allow herself to be affected by a mere man. She was stronger than that. She couldn’t help but wonder if his physique matched his sensual voice.

“But, Mr. Stevens, I thought that Ian could use a cup of coffee. He’s usually not in the office this early. Oops, I shouldn’t use his first name, huh?”

“Ian can take care of himself. Right now, I need you to do your job.”

Keeping her eye on the hallway, Shea saw a blonde woman hurrying around the corner. She had to bite her lip to keep from smiling at the coffee stains that were down her white shirt. It reminded her of Cyn a couple days ago, when she had spilled her latte down the front of her. Thinking of their plan and their conversation made her resolve to get this accomplished as fast as she could.

This unkempt woman must be Lucy. She was a bit of a mess, with her hair a little on the frizzy side and a shade of lipstick a little too red for her complexion. Shea immediately felt for the woman, seeing that she seemed a little flustered. On the other hand, there was an intelligence that shined through her eyes, hinting that she knew more than she let on.

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