Other Places 2: Road Blocks (21 page)

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"Late snack?"

Zack smiled and shook his head. "Fourth meal. Say, um, we need to talk about some stuff. I have to tell everyone, but I wanted you to know first."

The guy blew air out hard and looked away.

"I guess I know what this is about."

That was news to Zack, and he had to wonder how he'd known? Had someone told him already?

Chapter sixteen






?" He tried to make himself not feel shocked by the admission, and after a bit it happened, though now that he noticed it he could feel the disruption that the magical energy was making in space, leaving a hole that caused everything to sort of orient toward him.

Troy pulled one of the new kitchen chairs around. They were real wood and had a classical feeling to them, his purple silk shirt being slightly wrinkled from a night of hard work at the club. His hours had gotten longer since his promotion and longer still ever since the lockdown, because he was basically doing Edom's job too. After all, there were Vampires that worked there, and Humans, and only one of that second kind knew that the other existed. It wasn't a horrible choice, since his roommate could be out and about day or night. Most of the younger Vampires had problems that way. Even Edom had admitted that he struggled a bit around noon.

"Sure, all the changes here, hot actresses coming to stay. I'm cramping your style and you want me to find someplace else. I hear you. How much time do I get?" It was said as if Troy's name
the one on the rental agreement.

"Oh! No,
not it at all. I am going to buy this place, but your name will be on it too. Co-owner, so you don't have to worry about that kind of thing. It's just... I found something out tonight, and you know, kind of need to share."

That got a sense of relief from his best friend, and then a strange look.

"Is it that you like men? I don't see it for myself, but you know, that's cool, if you do. As long as you don't want me, even though I'm clearly awesome. If so... Well, that's not happening, but I understand." He grinned about it, clearly getting that it wasn't the actual case.

It normally would have been time for MH to come and tease him, but nothing happened at all. So there was a real problem there.

"Also not that. Any other guesses? I think you get one more?" That was the rule, right? Three?

Troy actually stood up and put his hands behind his back, pacing for a bit, as if it were an actually game or something. Zack just waited, wondering if he had time for a donut run before work.

"You're sleeping with your boss?"

"Nope. Not yet at least." He sighed and tried to think of the best way of doing it, then realized that out of everyone he knew, Troy was the one that might just not really get it, or care. "It turns out that I'm a Greater Demon. People have been saying that, but I thought, you know, that I was Human. Apparently not so much. I didn't know, until a few hours ago, but when people find out, they're probably going to freak, hence telling you first."

That got a nod and after a bit Troy sat down.

"I... Have heard some shit, then. Soul stealing and taking slaves? Total bad asses too, which... Are you
? That doesn't sound like you much at all."

"No doubt, still, it seems to be the case. That, or I'm being pranked on a level that is completely beyond reason. It will mean some changes, I guess. For one, we need a lot more food. I mean... Like way, way more. I'm thinking of getting deliveries in or something. Also, everyone hates us, or at least will be afraid, so most of my relationships are about to go away, I guess. Still, the part where we're all soul stealing jerks seems to be optional, so I'm going to avoid that one. Are you okay with all this? I could leave. I might have to, since it seems like some Demon guy is coming to rape me or something. My real dad."

Troy blinked.


"Again. I guess, when I was little... I told you about being kidnapped? That was him. Also, in case we're ever playing truth or dare, don't ask about me being a rapist
a cannibal, because that's apparently in there too. Gross, I know, but some kind of magic was used or something. That or force. I don't know how you turn a little kid into a rapist, but Keeley said that wasn't the worst of it." He grimaced, then waited for the judgment to come.

"Well... got it.
, that's messed up. I'm here, if you need to talk, you know that, right?"

"Thanks. Well, that's it. Other than that The Technician, Darla, is going to be around in the evenings and maybe other times. She was at the Christmas Party? The blonde?"

That got a grin that said Troy really didn't understand what a Greater Demon was at all. But he didn't suggest anything bad, just looking like he had... plans.

Then, almost as if the conversation had been about dish washing duties, he went to the living room and started playing videogames. They were borrowed ones, but for the new system that he'd gotten for Christmas.

Zack felt pretty good about things so far. True, his buddy might melt down later, or get scared, but so far, so good. It hadn't even taken long, just about twenty minutes all told. That meant he had plenty of time for more food, and started walking, taking his normal shortcuts toward the Michaels, which was only about four blocks from the Sunshine Bakery, which had always seemed like a good place to go to him, with its happy blue sign, and pleasant scents. He hadn't had a lot of need for that kind of thing before, since it would cost money. That reminded him to stop and get some from an ATM, taking out as much cash as he was allowed in a convenience store.

The glass display case was about half filled, but it was early in the day and there were things cooling still. The place smelled like a thousand different things, but it was the apple fritters that caught his attention first. He used to love those as a kid.

The lady that came out of the back stopped when she saw him, her face frozen for a few seconds, and then she squealed and ran around the corner.

"Mr. Hartley!" Erin Soars smiled at him and then drew him into a big hug that threatened to crack his ribs, at least metaphorically. "Ginny! Come quick, Mr. Hartley is here!"

Ginny, who was dark skinned compared to Erin's light European complexion, walked out wiping her hands on a rag that was tucked into the side of her apron waist. They both were clearly the bakers for the place.

"Call me Zack." He didn't get to say more, since Ginny took a turn hugging him then. They were partners, as in,
, Erin and Ginny, as well as running a business together.

Erin stood back and smiled, but let that fade after a bit.

"I guess that you've come to collect? I owe you a life." She swallowed, but Ginny didn't gasp or anything, just stepping forward, in front of her lover.

"Rebecca needs her mother. Take me instead. I'll... do whatever you want." It sounded very brave, if a little frightened.

Calming himself and trying to remember to be happy, but just a little, so he wouldn't smile like a predatory freak, Zack got his wallet out and pulled a twenty. They were just donuts and it looked like that would get three dozen plus taxes.

Yes, he knew what the women were offering, and in a way it was kind of tempting. They were both in their late thirties or early forties, and neither was exactly a fox, but they were nice and a bit of sex would have been kind of fun, except for the part where they wouldn't want it, and it would be done only as an obligation, because he'd helped rescue Erin's daughter once.

"I'd like to start with a dozen apple fritters, please, and then two dozen assorted?" He held the bill out between his thumb and index finger, making himself look at least hopeful that they'd take his money. It took a confused and hesitant minute, but Ginny did it.

Zack focused and then tried to be both honest and charming about the whole thing.

He spoke to Erin, who was still just standing there, gaping at him.

"I don't take people as slaves. I help little kids that need it and that doesn't
anything. If you want to vacation in Bermuda, or the Trolleikein lands, then we'll bargain for it. I don't want to be a jerk about it, but if we're going to be friends, we can't have this kind of thing hanging over us. When I get you both into bed, it will be because you want to be there." He smiled, realizing what he'd just said. It was what he believed, but wasn't a sure thing at all.
he did it. That had to seem like crazy talk.

That got Ginny to make a face at him, which he realized was about that remark, though she didn't say no, even if she was probably thinking that he was the wrong gender for her totally. That was fair enough, so he just winked back, copying Keeley's standard move.

Erin sighed.

"So you aren't a Greater Demon? There have been a lot of rumors, I guess we should know better than to listen to that kind of thing, shouldn't we? You saved my daughter though, and... well, Node travel isn't free. Not for anyone."

Zack looked at her for a few seconds and then nodded.

"Right. Except that
paid for that one. After a fashion. That's all. Also... and I don't want Ginny to drop those donuts... so, you know, get ready for it?" He paused and let her set the thing down on the glass top counter, about halfway full. It was the second of the light pink boxes, the first assorted one. Lots of jellies in the mix, which was good. He liked those too. When she nodded at him, looking a bit glum for some reason, he went on. "I actually
a Greater Demon. To be fair, I
found out, a few hours ago, and really didn't know before that, so please don't think I was trying to lie to you. That changes nothing about me though, knowing that. You don't owe me anything, except quality baked goods, since I'm paying for them." He almost said deal, to be cute, but didn't, since he didn't know how that worked at all.

Both women froze, but after a moment, Ginny started to fill the box again, going very carefully.

"Thank you, then. I... Well... How are you doing? That's got to be a shock, finding something like that out." She actually sounded like she meant it too, for all that it was a bit hesitant.

"Yeah, it is. On top of it all I get to be hated now too. But, at least I know that I need to eat more, so there's that. I hope that we can still be friends? Not that we were hanging out, but you know, I'm really not a horrible person, I don't think."

Neither of them volunteered anything after that, but Erin did take his money at least, and didn't make him act all awkward about it.

"Does Lisa know?"

"Nope. I really just found out, less than seven hours ago. I'm probably going to be out of a job soon, aren't I? Well, at least I have some savings. Anyway, thanks for being so nice about this. I'll see you later? If I'm still welcome, I mean?" It was a point. No one sane would try to kick him out, but they might not want him around, if he offered to stay away.

Erin actually looked at Ginny and then shook her head, "you're always welcome here. No matter what." She was shaking gently, afraid for real now, but Zack nodded and touched her hand, focusing on trying to understand what she meant. Like he had with the telepaths in the Ettarian lands.

That got a lot more information than he'd counted on. Way more.

In an instant he knew her. Everything that she'd ever done. How she'd cheated on her SATs, and how on the weekends, while Ginny was at the shop, she liked to use her large pink dildo and pretend it was Brad Pitt, even though she wouldn't have done him if he'd asked. There was a lot of old abuse, both as a girl and then by her ex-husband, who Zack had killed personally, but for the most part she really wasn't that bad.

afraid of him, now that they knew what he was for certain. Also there was fear for Ginny, and her daughter, for all her brave words, since Greater Demons might do anything, and who could really stop them?

Somehow, without actually acting like he was being electrocuted, Zack managed to get his hand back. It was all still there, he realized. Everything about her, and her entire life. Nothing was hidden from him. It was a lot more than he'd wanted to know, but it also left him liking her a little better, for all that.

Taking his three boxes of donuts he tried to open a Node directly to the Nexus, which was way easier than into his living room, having a good end point already. It meant he was able to do it in a few seconds, and step through without waiting to see what Ginny would do next. Hiram jumped up, startled by the sudden movement, but he saw the boxes and grinned.

"All right! I could use a snack. Did you get raspberry filled? Those are my favorite."

"I did. Is Lisa in?" He realized that he knew that, seeing the warping of space in her office, but let Hiram nod anyway.

"Yep, for about an hour. I'm a bit worried about her. I know she's gotten clean, but Wistra... It's so easy to relapse, and she's pushing herself
lately. I get it, but..." There was a shrug. The man was an ex-thief, who probably still dabbled from time to time and was mainly working there so that his niece could afford her Guild membership. He was doing well enough and was a good worker, but it wasn't the life he would have chosen for himself. Zack had always known that about the guy.

He got him a donut, and then grinned.

"Let me see to things. I guess there's an order to them. I need to chat with Lenore first and see if she's going to break up with me." The thing there was that the Vampire would have heard him say, he knew. So a bit of warning for her? He took the donuts with him, so that he could explain and eat at the same time.

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