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Authors: Elisabeth Roudinesco

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Especially as their obsessional disorders have been renamed ‘OCD' (obsessional compulsive disorder).

These are now known as ‘rogue states'; cf. Derrida (2003).

Hermaphrodite was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, and had both a penis and breasts. The term ‘hermaphroditism' is applied to a certain type of hormonal disorder: subjects afflicted with it have a vulva and an atrophied penis instead of a clitoris.

Such as getting a job.

The term was coined in 1953 by the American endocrinologist Harry Benjamin, who was Magnus Hirschfeld's heir.

There are three times more transsexual men than there are women; there are between 1 and 25 cases of transsexualism per 100,000 inhabitants. Cf.
Dictionnaire de la sexualite humaine.

The first hormonal-surgical reassignment operation was performed by a Danish team in 1952 on George Jorgese, a twenty-seven year-old transsexual. Several previous attempts had been made from 1912 onwards (Castel 2003). The psychoanalytic literature on transsexualism is extensive, and psychoanalytic opinions vary. For a critical synthesis, see Nahon (2004).

In France, transsexual men who want to become homosexual after their operation are not accepted for reassignment. It is likely that they will eventually be granted that right, which they already enjoy in other countries.

‘Queer' (‘strange') was for a long time used as a pejorative term for male homosexuals. They themselves then adopted it as the most radical emblem of a movement that aspired to relativize, or even ‘denormalize' what has been known as heterosexuality ever since the term ‘homosexuality' was first coined.

The term ‘heterosexuality' was coined by late nineteenth-century psychiatrists to describe a sexual orientation that was said to respect anatomical difference, as opposed to homosexuality, ‘trans-gendered' or transsexuality.

The psychoanalytic literature on this theme is very expansive. The standard work in French is still Aulagnier
et al.

I deal with this issue elsewhere (Roudinesco 2004). See also Gozlan (1992).

Let me repeat that homosexuality is not in itself a perversion.

Between 5 and 10% of analysts.

Masud Khan (1924–89), Indian-born English psychoanalyst and author of many works of perversion (see Khan 1977). Accused of being bisexual and insane because of what was seen as his transgressive analytic practice, he was excluded from the British Psychoanalytic Society. François Peraldi (1938–93), a French psychoanalyst who practised in Canada. Openly gay and fascinated by transgressive sexualities, he was, in terms of his practice, a classical clinician. He died from AIDS. Rather like Stoller, Joyce McDougall, who is probably the best woman clinician of her generation in France, always argued that a different view should be taken of the perverse (Macdougall 1975). Cf. Rey-Flaud (2002), Bonet (2001a, 2001b, 2005).

Perverse offenders can also be treated by institutional psychoanalysis in institutions, sometimes with success.


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