Out of the Dark (The Brethren Series) (32 page)

BOOK: Out of the Dark (The Brethren Series)
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“Aaron!” she shouted, running after him. “Aaron, goddamn it!”

She couldn’t keep pace with the car, and didn’t try. Staggering to a halt, gasping for breath, she focused her telekinesis and reached out, clamping the calipers of the car’s front brakes together. Abruptly, the wheels locked, and the Infiniti slalomed crazily before bouncing off the shoulder of the road, and rolling to a stop against the trunk of a tree.

As she crested the small hill, she saw him shove the driver’s side door open and stumble out.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled, turning around and catching sight of her. “This is a rental, for Christ’s sake!”

She punched him in the nose, and he sat down hard, clapping his hands to his face. “Ow!” he yelped, muffled. Glaring up at her, he said, “What the fuck was that for?”

“What the hell is wrong with
she demanded. “You’re just going to leave? Without even saying good-bye?”

“No,” he snapped back
as he stumbled to his feet. “I was just going to go up to the main road and see if I could get a decent signal on my cell phone. I can’t get shit for reception here.”

“You’re lying.”

He glared at her for a defiant moment, then rolled his eyes and sighed. “Okay, fine. Yes, I am. I
really leaving, but it wasn’t for good. I need to try and buy myself some more time.”

“Time for what
?” Naima asked, planting her hands petulantly on her hips.

“This, for starters,” he replied, grabbing her by the front of her blouse and yanking her forward. With a yelp, she stumbled into his chest, then his hand clamped against the back of her head. When he kissed her, he kissed her fiercely, his tongue pushing past the seam of her lips and into her mouth.

“God, I could get used to that,” he whispered as they drew apart, leaning his forehead against hers.

“Then do it,” she whispered back
, looking into his eyes—
heartbreakingly blue,
Mason had called them—and melting into him, body, mind and soul. “Stay here, Aaron.”

His brows lifted. “Naima…”

She caught his face between her hands, muffling him with another kiss. “Stay with me,” she begged.

Sighing heavily, he hung his head. “
You know I can’t. My father’s got to be wondering what the hell I’m doing, what’s taking so long to—”

“Are you kidding?” she exclaimed
, incredulous. “You mean the man who beat you with his cane, crushing your skull, who made you forget the part of your life? The one who failed to mention that the guy he’d sent you out here to kill was in fact your
son of your older sister, who he raped when she was a child?”

“Yes, him,” Aaron growled. “He’s also the guy who owns Diadem Global
, which subcontracts with most of the world’s developed countries for arms development and militia services—as well as ninety percent of the organized crime market in the western hemisphere. The guy with about a thousand satellite spy-scopes up in the atmosphere as we speak, damn likely listening in on our conversation
right now.
The guy who doesn’t just have hit men like me on his payroll—he’s got entire
he can call in favors from, anytime, day or night—anywhere. You have no idea how much power he has in the human world. None of you do—not even Augustus Noble could touch him anymore.”

“It took him this long to find
Naima argued. “And we’ve been out here for ages. There are plenty of places just like this, Morin clan compounds all over the country—the world—where we could—”

“He never found you because he wasn’t looking for you.
He thought you were all dead. He could have tracked you down in a matter of minutes if he’d known.” Aaron pressed his hand against her cheek and stared at her, pleading. “Moving across the country, changing my name—hell, dropping my identity altogether for thirty, forty years—that
won’t make a difference,
Naima. Once he figures out something’s wrong—any he probably has already—then he’s going to send out his hired guns, guys who make me look like a pussy schoolgirl.”

“I’m not afraid of Lamar,” she said, her brows narrowing.

“But I am,” Aaron said. “Not of what he’ll do to me when he finds me, but what he’ll do to
to your clan. Trust me, a posse of your cousins with hunting rifles isn’t going to make a difference. Not against what he’d sic on you. As long as I’m alive, he’s going to hunt for me.”

“Then we convince him you’re dead,” she said.

He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. “Naima…”

t? It could work. It did before—he thought my family was killed off in the fires.”

“I’m not willing to take that chance,” he said.

For a man with amnesia, there was a world of memories swimming suddenly swimming within his eyes, she realized; ghosts of his past offering painful, terrifying reminders of just what he’d be facing—what they’d all be facing—if he betrayed Lamar. She knew what she asked of him was impossible, that it placed not only him at a tremendous risk, but as he’d said, her entire family, as well.

If we thought the war with the Davenants was brutal before now, just wait until Lamar learns about Aaron defecting to the Morin camp.

“I’ll come back for you,” he whispered in promise.

“No, you won’t.”
Angry and hurt, she pushed at him, shoving him away from her. “He’s going to kill you. He’s going to punish you because Tristan’s still alive, and this time he…” Her voice choked, and she blinked against anguished tears. “This time, he’ll kill you.”

Aaron caught her by the hand. “Not if I kill him first.”

Startled, she blinked at him. “You…would do that?” she whispered.

“I’m probably the only person in the world who can.
He hates me, yeah, and damn likely wants me dead, at least on some level, but still, he trusts me. I can get close to him. Close enough, at any rate, to do what needs to be done.”

He still cradled her hand in his own, and lifted it now, brushing his lips against her knuckles. “Give me a week. Two at the most. I’ll come back, Naima. I promise. And when I do, Lamar Davenant won’t be able to hurt us—or anyone else—ever again.”

He wouldn’t be dissuaded from it. She could see it in his eyes. He’d remembered a terrible truth about his father—one he’d likely suspected all along—and he meant to put an end to it. At long last, the man who had instilled such callous brutality in his son, who had tried through every type of abuse and torment imaginable to break him, would be made to answer for his crimes—and his sins.

Oh, God,
she thought helplessly, terrified for Aaron. She flung her arms around his neck, and for a moment, she was a child again, a teenaged girl standing at the gated entrance to a long, dark tunnel, clinging to the young man she loved—the man she’d fight and die for.

“I’ll come back for you,” he whispered into her ear, his arms strong and warm as they encircled her, crushing her against him, lifting her off her feet. “I promise.”

I expect you’re the sort of man who doesn’t give his word lightly, and when he does, it’s binding,
she almost heard Michel say, as if somehow, some way, he was granting his blessing to what was about to take place; as if granting his approval to the man his granddaughter loved.

She kissed Aaron’s mouth, tasting her own tears on his lips, then stepped aside and watched, trembling with heartache and chill as he climbed back behind the wheel of the Infiniti. He fired up the engine, then backed up onto the road once again.

“Aaron!” she cried out as he started to pull away. “Aaron, wait!”

The brake lights flared, then the reverse lights came on. He backed the car alongside her, and the driver’s window slid down.

“Take this.” From around her neck, Naima unclasped the St. Christopher’s medal. He blinked in surprise when she offered it to him, pressing it into his hand. “You…you might need need it,” she whispered, her voice warbling.

He pushed the driver’s side door open and rushed from the car. Clasping her face between his hands, he kissed her fiercely. She began to cry, clutching at him, and he held her, his forehead pressed to hers, for what seemed like an eternity—but at the same time, all-too painfully brief. When her tears had waned, and she trembled against him, her breath hitching, he brushed the tip of her nose with his.

“Why don’t you hold onto it for me?” he said softly, letting the medallion fall back into her palm. With a smile that both melted and broke her heart, all in one fell swoop, he added, “Doesn’t mean I’m your boyfriend or anything.”

Naima laughed and nodded. “O-okay.”

He stroked the side of her face again, and she turned her cheek into his palm.

“Stay safe,” she
said as he drew away, ducking back into the Infiniti.

He closed the door.
“I will.”

The window remained down, and he reached for her, hooking her fingers with his own.

As the car rolled slowly away, his hand slipped free. For a moment, she considered running after him, like a fool in the end of one of those stupid love stories. But ultimately, she stood, rooted in place, and watched him drive away. He’d promised he’d come back. And, she’d come to understand, he wasn’t a man who gave his word lightly—and when he did, he was bound by it.

I love you, Aaron,
she thought, opening her mind and keeping a portion of herself—heart and soul—open to him.

I love you, too,
she heard him say within her mind.
Always, Naima. And forever.






“Definitely an author to watch.” That's how
Romantic Times Book Reviews
magazine describes Sara Reinke. 
New York Times
bestselling author Karen Robards calls Reinke “a new paranormal star” and Love Romances and More hails her as “a fresh new voice to a genre that has grown stale.” Find out more about Reinke and her books at: www.sarareinke.com.

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