Outback Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Outback Hearts (Beyond Reality Book 1)
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Chapter Sixteen



Sam was still pissed the next day. Since she’d placed first in the competition her time with Al would be the last one-on-one date and it wouldn’t be until the next day. Kiki was going on her date this morning and Ashley would be going on hers that afternoon. It was a good day to relax, but that was something Sam was finding hard to do. She remembered Kathi’s performance that morning about how she should have the first shot at the shower since she was still weak. Whatever.

Sam and the rest of the women watched as a giant hot-air balloon slowly appeared to the west of the camp. Holy Crap! Kiki’s transportation had arrived. The balloon gracefully landed and Al climbed out. He first walked over to Kathi to see if she was feeling better. She told him yes, but that she was still weak.

Alex responded, “Make sure you get some rest today then,” and grasped her hand in his, kissing the back of it.

Then he turned around and walked up to Kiki and took her by the hand. They strolled back toward the huge balloon and Alex assisted Kiki into the basket of the balloon. Everyone watched they rose up into the air until the balloon couldn’t be seen anymore.

Kathi immediately huddled with Courtnee to compare notes about Al’s attention to her and what it meant. Sam was disgusted. She knew she’d told herself she wasn’t going to walk around by herself anymore, but dammit, she needed some time alone. Nothing was really going on at camp so there was only one camera around to film. Sam figured it was because most of the cameras were scheduled to film the dates, which was definitely more interesting than the rest of them just sitting around. Sam knew she could sneak away without being followed, either by the other contestants or a camera operator.

Sam climbed up the rise to the spot she’d spent quite a bit of time at in the past, and found a comfortable spot where she sat and tried to relax. She thought about the last few days and the other women on the show. She thought about Al, what she liked and didn’t like about him. It was ironic that she’d be going on a one-on-one date with him because she was probably the only woman who really didn’t care that much about “winning” him. Sam knew relationships formed by these reality dating shows usually didn’t end up working in the end. There were a few—maybe two—that had, but those were few and far between.

She did like Al, he seemed to be a gentleman and he was polite to all of them. She was also very attracted to him. How could anyone not find him attractive? But how well did she really
him? How well did any of them know him? What was his favorite color? Did he have any siblings? Were his parents still alive? What kind of music did he listen to? There were about a million other things Sam wanted to know about him. If this was a normal courtship she’d probably already know some of the answers. Some of the contestants wanted to “win” so they could become famous and perhaps have an active career launched. Others wanted to win because Al was rich.

All Sam had ever wanted out of her life was to be content. She got lonely, but she wasn’t about to marry someone for the sake of marrying them. Her life was just fine. She was employed, had a place to live, and was happy with her life. There were times on the weekends or when she wasn’t that busy when she wished she had someone to talk to and share her thoughts with other than her three dogs and friends, but not enough to tie herself to anyone just for the sake of being married.

Sam heard a commotion back at the camp. She sat up and realized she’d fallen asleep. She strolled down to the camp in time to see Ashley and Al getting into a Hummer. Obviously, Al and Kiki made it back from their date.

Al helped Ashley into the passenger seat and leaned over her to buckle her seatbelt. It was a very gentlemanly thing to do. Sam’s belly tightened. Everything she’d told herself while sitting on the rise felt like a lie watching Al take care of Ashley. She never thought she was the type of woman who would enjoy that type of pampering, but Al was quickly changing her mind. Sam could practically see the other women sighing at Al’s actions as well. As they drove off, the other women gathered around Kiki to hear all about her date.

Sam wasn’t really interested, but figured it might be enlightening to listen. She might get a better insight into Al’s personality and she might learn more about him. Kiki talked about how they were in the balloon for a while and how Al was so protective when she got scared. He held her hand while they landed to help calm her down. They touched down at a site that overlooked a valley. There was a lunch all set up for them. She exclaimed about how much of a gentleman Al was and how romantic the entire thing was.

In Sam’s eyes it sounded a bit contrived, but she wasn’t there, so she had to take Kiki’s word for it. That was a problem. Who knew what the truth was and what was embellished by Kiki showing off. After they ate, Kiki explained, they went and sat under a tree. Al held her to him as they talked about what they wanted out of life and what they wanted out of this reality show experience. Kiki said that the mood was just getting right when they had to leave. She didn’t get to kiss him, except on the cheek, but she was damn sure not going to let the opportunity pass her by again.

Sam sighed. It sounded wonderful all right, but she now knew not to trust anyone and what they said. Again, who knew what really happened on the date. The rest of the day passed slowly. The women were anxious to hear back from Ashley and see what she did on their date. They were bored with themselves and really wanted something to do. Even Courtnee seemed to be getting irritated with Kathi after spending large amounts of time with her.

Evening fell and still Ashley and Al weren’t back. A bonfire was lit around the fire ring and most of the women sat outside and watched the flames.

Suddenly, they heard Ashley’s voice, “What a beautiful night!” They all turned around to see her walking back into camp and into the fire circle. Everyone started talking at once. Where was Al? How was the date? What did they do?

Ashley held up her hand. “Is everyone here? I only want to tell it once.”

Finally, once they were all settled around the fire Ashley talked about her day. They’d driven to a small air strip where they’d then gotten on a small airplane. Al had flown the plane—which got lots of sighs since no one knew he was a pilot too—and after about twenty minutes they landed on a dusty airstrip. At first it didn’t look like there was anything around, but Al led Ashley toward a wooded group of trees, and there was a picnic set up for them. They sat and talked and ate. Afterward, Al wanted to go for a walk, but Ashley told him she’d rather sit and talk some more. Ashley explained how they talked into the evening and it wasn’t until it was getting dark that they realized what time it was and that he had to get her back.

“We stood up and Al took me into his arms. He looked into my eyes, said my name and gave me the sweetest kiss you can imagine.” She enthused.

Most of the women thought it was the most romantic thing they’d ever heard, but Sam could also see that most of them were jealous as hell and resolved to do whatever they could in the future challenges to be the one in Al’s arms. She shook her head. It sounded good, but again, how much was truth and how much was embellishment?

Missy suddenly turned to Sam and said, “So what do you think you’ll be doing tomorrow?”

“I have no idea,” Sam responded slowly. “But in keeping with the theme of the last two dates, I’m sure it’ll be something extravagant.”


* * *


The next morning, Sam made sure she was the first one out of bed so she could use the shower first and be ready to meet Al. She wouldn’t put it past some of the girls, especially Kathi, to try to sabotage her “getting ready” time. She was actually looking forward to the date. For one thing it would get her out of the camp and away from Kathi and Courtnee, for another she really did want to get to know Al better. She wasn’t sure if she could really trust him, but she’d try to give him the benefit of the doubt.

When Al pulled up in a dirty jeep about twenty minutes after she’d gotten out of the shower, Sam was doubly glad she’d awakened early that day. Half of the women weren’t even out of bed yet. Sam went over to meet him.

“Good morning,” Alex said softly.

“Good morning to yourself,” Sam replied.

“You ready to go?” Alex asked with a gleam in his eye.

“Sure, do I need to bring anything special?” Sam inquired.

“Just yourself,” Alex told her as he took her hand and led her to the jeep.

“Not quite the exit that you had yesterday, huh?” Sam asked with a smile, not able to hold back the question.

Alex laughed and told her, “I figured this would be more your speed…was I right?”

Sam looked at him and told him honestly with some surprise, “You pegged me right. I think I would’ve been scared to be in the balloon, and the Humvee was a bit over the top. But I like this jeep, let’s hope it won’t die on us as we’re out in the middle of the Outback.” They both laughed as Al helped her into her seat. Just as he did with Ashley, he leaned over and snapped her seatbelt into place. It seemed to Sammi that he stood over her for just a beat longer than was necessary to snap the belt into place, but before she could ask him if anything was wrong, he stood up and walked around the jeep.

Alex climbed in the driver’s seat, pulled the seatbelt across his strong chest, clipped it in and started up the jeep. “Naw, Betty wouldn’t let me down, not with the precious cargo she’s carrying today.”

Sam rolled her eyes. “Give me a break, not even five minutes into this date and you’re already talking crap!”

They both laughed as Alex drove out of the camp. “I’d never talk crap to you, Sammi,” he said seriously. “Anything I tell you is one hundred percent the truth.”

Sam looked around and suddenly asked, “Where’s the camera?”

“I have no idea,” Alex answered, “but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I’d love the chance to get to you know you without the camera in our face. ”

“Should we go back and see if we have to pick someone up?” Sammi asked seriously. She didn’t want to get in trouble for ditching the camera operator. It seemed like that would be an offense that could get her kicked off the show in a heartbeat.

wondered why he hadn’t seen a camera, but he figured maybe it was going to be at their destination and told Sammi what he thought.

Sammi shrugged and asked Al as they bumped along the road, “So where are we going?”

“I thought about giving you a choice on what you wanted to do today,” Alex told her, “but then I thought I’d make it a surprise for you. How come you never told me you could swim?” Alex asked her expectantly out of the blue.

Sam laughed. “You never asked,” she told him with a smile.

Alex smiled back at her. She had a point. He didn’t really have to ask much about the other women because they generally told him everything they could about themselves, whether he wanted to know it or not. He hadn’t been alone with Sammi much since the show started. He found himself for the hundredth time wanting to know about her, her likes and dislikes. He knew a little about her personality from watching the tapes, and he knew she was different from the other women, but he remembered how the producers had tricked him, and wondered if there were more tricks up their sleeves.

“What do you think of the show so far?” he asked Sammi.

Sam thought for a minute. “It’s a lot what I thought it would be, but at the same time not.”

“Can you explain?” Alex responded, honestly wanting to know how she felt about the show, and indirectly about him.

Sam paused to gather her thoughts before answering. “I mean, I knew these “reality” shows weren’t really “reality,” and there was a lot the audience didn’t see. I also thought since this was a dating show things would get pretty intense, but I guess I didn’t expect the level of intensity from both the producers and the other contestants.” Sam looked at Alex as he drove. “I mean, I like you, I think you’re a great guy, but everyone around here is acting like you’re the last man on the planet and if they don’t win you then they’ll end up single for the rest of their lives…I don’t get that.” Sam ended softly.

Alex was surprised at her insight. “I know what you mean,” he told her. “I thought I’d come on the show, meet some great women, get to know them and BAM, be struck head over heels by cupid’s arrow.”

“Hasn’t happened, huh?” Sam asked with a grin.

“I’m getting there,” Alex told her mysteriously with a lift of his eyebrow. Suddenly, he got solemn again. “I know what you mean, though. It’s that disillusionment. I knew there’d be some women on the show who were just doing it for the exposure and, of course, my money. I see that all the time back home, but with all the twists and turns in this show it’s hard to really know what everyone wants and what they’re really thinking.”

Sam nodded as Alex continued, “And I’m scared to death that I’ll really like someone, and then find out their whole personality was a lie. That everything they’ve said to me was a carefully crafted effort to “catch” me.”

Sam shifted uneasily, thinking about Kathi and her schemes.

Suddenly, Alex pulled the jeep off to the side of the road and turned to Sam. He put his hand on the back of her seat and played with her hair unconsciously. Sam shivered. It felt so good to have him touching her, even if it was only her hair. She felt it down to her bones and shivered with the sensuality of his actions. She forced herself to pay attention to him as he started speaking.

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