Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Outlaws Of Phantom Canyon (Savage Series)
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"This is
open for discussion," Gabriel said sternly. But Julianna wasn't listening as she was already planning on how she would follow him. What if he needed her help she thought . . .

*     *     *

"Spotted Elk, my warrior brother. I need to ask you a favor," Gabriel said, as he was getting ready to leave the Ute village.

"How can I help Dark Thunder?"

"My attack on the Phantom gang will be a fierce battle. I need a good strong horse under me. Can I borrow the big bay stallion, since I now do not own a horse?"

"Yes my warrior brother you can borrow him. Just remember who he now belongs to," Spotted Elk said with a big grin.

"How could I forget," Gabriel said smiling and laughing with his warrior brother.

"Will you be heading straight to the Phantom's hideout?" Spotted Elk asked Gabriel the question Julianna was curious to know herself.

"No, I must go into Colorado City first to make contact with Angel and the Calvary. They are waiting on orders from me to attack. Unless Roark and Angel have already proceeded without me, since they believe me to be dead," Gabriel explained.

Nodding his head, Spotted Elk said, "Your warrior brothers will be ready."

"Thank you my warrior brother," Gabriel said as he and Julianna turned to walk to the pony herd. They went to collect the big bay horse, that used to be his.

Julianna pleaded with Gabriel one more time, "Gabe please let me come with you. I can help."

"No, I want you where I know you are safe!"

While Gabriel was catching up his old horse and saddling him, Julianna paid close attention to the horses and where the few saddles were kept. She figured if she watched which way Gabriel rode off in, then she could follow a little while later.

*     *     *

Gabriel spent most of the ride to Colorado City deep in thought of what he needed to do, and did not notice Julianna trailing him from a far distance. She had no idea what he would do when he found out, so she decided to stay out of sight as long as possible.

When Gabriel reached town it was already dark, but he stayed on the back streets and alleyways, as he made his way to the back of the O'Connor's Hotel. Sneaking in the back door, he made his way quietly to the room Angel kept for when she was in town.

He knocked softly an
d was happy to see she was here. "Gabriel you're alive!"

Hushing her, he pushed her inside and quickly shut the door behind them. "No one knows I'm alive." Gabriel then proceeded to catch Angel up on everything that had happened to him and to Julianna.

Smiling Angel said, "My brother is finally married! I am so happy for you both."

"Thank you. But right now I need to know if you and Roark have done anything?" Gabriel asked.

"No, we were about to. Roark is still in the Phantom outlaw's camp, and I came into town this evening, and was going to send a messenger to Governor Whitaker in the morning," Angel explained.

"Good! Here is what we will do . . ."

*     *     *

While Gabriel was in Angel's room talking to her, Julianna had been hiding
out in the shadows of the alley. She had been watching for him to come back out, when a couple of men walked down the alley towards her talking.

Julianna noticed that the voices sounded familiar, and she tried to keep her face turned away for fear of being recognized, but it did not work.

Levi and Tate both spotted Julianna at the same time. They walked up to her sitting on the Indian pony she had borrowed from Spotted Elk's heard. "Look-ee who must of escaped from those injuns," Tate commented with a drunken slur in his voice.

see her," Levi replied smiling as he pulled Julianna down from the top of the Indian pony. "Roark will be happy to see her. Let's hurry up and get her back to camp before Chet sees her, or we'll have a fight on our hands."

Julianna was about to protest, till she realized she had no other way to get to the Phantom hideout without following Gabriel. If she kept following him, he may spot her and take her back to town. So she kept quiet, and let Levi lead her down to the livery stable, where the men saddled and mounted their horses.

Before climbing onto his own horse, Levi asked Julianna, "Will you ride along without giving us any problems?" When she nodded her head yes, he handed her the reins to her horse and helped her on its back.

Levi was worried about Julianna. She knew them well and had yet to speak a word to them. He wondered what had happened to her while she was with the Ute Indians?

*     *     *

When Levi, Tate, and Julianna reached the Phantom outlaw's hideout, the sun was just beginning to rise.

"Julianna, you can take your blindfold off now," Levi told her.

After she took off the blindfold, and let her eyes adjust to the dim light, she followed the outlaws to her and Gabriel's old shack.

"Roark should be in there," Levi said to Julianna.

Nodding her head, Julianna climbed down from her horse and tied it to the hitching rail in front of the old shack. As she walked to the shack door and knocked, Levi and Tate rode off to their own shacks.

Roark soon answered the door. His mouth gaped open, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face when he saw it was Julianna. She walked in past him and coolly said, " Shut the door and your mouth. They both are attracting flies."

"How did you get back here? I saw Spotted Elk and his warriors kidnap you."

"The question you should be asking me is,
am I here?" Julianna's take charge personality was surfacing again, as she was determined to help Gabriel.

are you here?" Roark asked, still in shock at seeing her here.

Smiling, she replied, "Gabe is
and on his way here after he sends a messenger to the Calvary." Julianna then spent the next hour telling Roark everything that happened to her and Gabriel while they were gone.







Chapter 12

"You know, Gabriel is liable to tan your hide when he gets here, and finds out you are here and not at Spotted Elk's village," Roark said seriously.

"I know, but I want to help, and I refuse to be left behind like some helpless ninny," Julianna said irritably.

After filling Roark in on all that had happened to her and Gabriel, Julianna said, "I guess I should go help Barry in the cook's shack, so that everything seems normal."

"That's probably a good idea, but first you lay down and at least get a nap. You've been riding all day yesterday and last night. You're exhausted. And that way it will give me time to go bragging around camp that you came back to
." Roark said with a grin.

Smiling, Julianna laid down on the small bed and closed her eyes . . .

*     *     *

While Julianna slept, Roark made the rounds. He started at the Phantom outlaw's cook shack, where he had breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes.

The room was full of hardcase outlaws eating breakfast, and Roark took advantage of it when he walked into the door grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey Roark, what's got you so happy?" One of Roark's outlaw buddies asked loudly.

Still smiling Roark replied, "Julianna escaped from Spotted Elk and came back to me." The truth was, he was just happy Gabriel was alive, and that Gabriel and Julianna were both safe.

Clayton and Ted were listening to the conversation over at a corner table, before Clayton asked, "How did she find my hideout?"

"Julianna ran into Levi and Tate in Colorado City. They led her here blindfolded."

Nodding approval and satisfied with Roark's answer, Clayton didn't reply back.

When Roark finished his breakfast, he headed to the camp's mercantile store, then the blacksmith's shed, before he finally went to the outlaw camp's saloon where he found Chet and a few others. Alex had already filled Roark in on Chet's behavior with Julianna on the way back to the Phantom's hideout, when Gabriel had first kidnapped her. Roark wanted to make damn sure Chet knew to stay away from her.

"Tommy, give everyone in here a round on me!" Roark hollered with a wide smile on his face, which got everyone's attention.

With all eyes on Roark, Chet asked, "What are we celebrating?"

"Julianna came back to me! After she escaped Spotted
Elk, she ran into Levi and Tate who lead her back here to
." Roark emphasized the last part to Chet directly.

He didn't like it, but Chet received
the message loud and clear. He downed his mug of beer before ordering another one from Tom.

Roark didn't want to disturb Julianna while she slept, so he stayed at the saloon playing poker all afternoon with different gang members. Luckily Angel had taught him well. He would lose a few hands, then win a big hand. He never made any real money, just enough to keep him playing all day without anyone getting suspicious.

When Angel finally walked into the camp's saloon later that afternoon, she spotted Roark playing cards as she walked up to the bar and ordered a mug of beer. After Tom placed the mug in front of her, she picked it up and turned around to face the tables in the saloon as she took a drink.

In between hands, Roark looked up to see Angel looking his way and said to her, "Hey Angel. Julianna is back. She's over in the shack if you want to go visit with her."

Angel was so shocked at what Roark just told her, that she had a hard time hiding her feelings from the rest of the outlaws in the saloon. Smiling she said, "Okay Roark. I'm glad to hear she's back with you. I'll go visit her."

Confused was more like it. What was Julianna doing back here in the Phantom gang's camp? Gabriel had said she was safely back at Spotted Elk's village. Angel hurried and finished her beer, paid for it and walked out the batwing doors of the saloon. When she reached the shack, Angel knocked before she walked in.

Julianna was yawning and stretching as Angel came in, "I assume Roark told you I was here?"

"Yes, but that's all he could say with a bunch of the outlaws around. So tell me what's going on? I met with Gabriel in Colorado City last night, and he said you was at Spotted Elk's village."

"I just couldn't stay there while Gabe was here in danger."

"So you thought you'd come here and put yourself in danger too?" Angel asked angrily.

"No, I came to help."

"And how do you propose to do that?" Angel asked sarcastically.

"I don't know," Julianna replied as she lowered her head sadly, "I thought I lost him once already. I don't want to be away from him ever again."

"Oh Julianna! I'm sorry I was harsh with you. I do understand, but now we have to worry about protecting you too," Angel said, as her heart went out to her.

"I know, but isn't there some way I can help?" Julianna asked.

"I don't know. Let me think on it and talk with Roark. Maybe we'll come up with something. I know I don't want to be around when Gabriel finds out you are here. He's going to be hotter than a desert sun in the middle of summer."

Julianna nodded her head in agreement, then told Angel how she snuck away from Spotted Elk's village and followed Gabriel to the hotel Angel was staying in. She finished up with how Levi and Tate brought her back to the Phantom gang's camp before she said, "I better get over to help Barry with supper. Roark agreed that it would look less suspicious if I go back to my old routine."

'll walk with you. I'm hungry. I left out this morning without eating any breakfast before I left Colorado City."

*     *     *

That night Barry made a cot up for Angel as usual. After they spent a couple hours chatting on the front porch of the cook's shack, Angel said she was sleepy. Barry went to his bedroom in the back of the shack after kissing Angel goodnight and saying, "Goodnight my angel."

Smiling up at him
Angel told him, "Goodnight." Inside, her heart was breaking. Barry may only be a cook now, but he had been a rough outlaw at one time. And before tomorrow was up, he'd either be dead or on his way to prison. Angel wanted to help him, but how? She believed in the law. It was her job to protect against men like him.

After Angel heard Barry snoring in the other room of the cook's shack, she got up and quietly slipped out and over into Roark and Julianna's shack. They were expecting her, and had the lamp turned down way low so as to not arouse any curiosity, if someone was to look that way this late at night.

"Did you get a chance to set up the explosives I brought in my saddlebags?" Angel asked Roark while she settled herself in one of the crudely made chairs at the table.

"Yes, they are all ready for you. I was thinkin' that when Gabriel sets off the first big explosion, Julianna should alrea
dy be in the mercantile store. That way she can convince Ruby to go outside to see what's going on, while you blow it up. I really don't want to see Ruby get hurt if we can help it," Roark explained.

"I agree, but I don't know if we can protect every woman that is in this camp."

"No, but we're not planning on blowing up their shacks like we are the mercantile. If they are smart, they will stay hid while all the fighting is going on."

"Okay," Angel agreed.
"When I see Julianna bring Ruby out to a safe distance from the store, I will set off that explosive. Then I think Julianna should come back here and saddle up our horses and have them ready, just in case we need to get out fast."

" Then Roark turned to Julianna. "Once you come back here and saddle up the horses, I want you to stay hidden in back with the horses. Understand?"

"Yes, but . . ."

"No buts! There is going to be dynamite going off all over, not counting all the gun fire. Gabriel knows where Angel and I will be, but he does not know you are here. What if he shoots somewhere and you are there unknown to him?  All he knows is that this shack is the
safe zone because of our horses."

"Alright. I will hide back with the horses," Julianna said in defeat.

"Promise?" Angel asked Julianna.

"I promise."

Once the three of them finished with all the details of the plan, Angel went back over to the cook's shack to try and get some sleep.

*     *     *

At sunrise, Julianna dressed and headed over to the cook's shack to help Barry one last time. She was tired from getting little sleep the night before because she was anxious for all of this to be over. And for Gabriel to be safe! She refused to think about the danger s
was in.

After she finished cleaning up from the breakfast rush, Julianna walked over to the mercantile store and visited with Ruby, just like she use to do in the past. The first explosion rattled the windows and walls of the store. Julianna screamed for effect, even though the explosion did actually scare her. She had never heard anything like it, and wasn't expecting it to be so loud.

As the commotion started outside with all the outlaws coming out of buildings to see what was happening, Julianna grabbed Ruby's arm and proceeded to drag her outside too. Once outside, Julianna kept pulling Ruby along to get her far enough away from the mercantile store. As they rounded a shack to see what was going on, Angel, who had already made herself scarce, and was hiding up in a tree a long ways off, fired her Sharps .50 caliber Buffalo gun at the explosives sticking out from underneath the mercantile store.

The explosion knocked Julianna and Ruby off their feet. They scrambled up and took off running in the opposite direction of the store. When Ruby headed towards the mass of outlaws standing outside with their guns drawn trying to find someone to shoot, Julianna headed towards her and Gabriel's shack to saddle the horses.

The explosion at the mercantile store set off a chain reaction as the building caught on fire. All the ammunition on the store shelves started to go off, firing in all directions. Outlaws were having to take cover on the other side of the shacks, leaving them exposed to Gabriel's, Roark's, and Angel's fire.

Gabriel had blown the side of a canyon wall down on the shacks of Clayton, Victor, and a few others. Unfortunately, there was no one inside them at the time. But it did get every outlaw in the camps attention. It also was the signal to Spotted Elk  and his
warrior brothers to descend upon the Phantom gang's camp. Spotted Elk had already taken out the sentry that stood guard in the canyon branch they came into camp on.

The outlaws had spotted Gabriel, but they did not know who else was shooting at them. As the outlaws were firing back at Gabriel, Roark, and Angel; they heard the rumble of hooves and thin, high-pitched yelps. Clayton cocked his head and listened. "By God it sounds like injuns!"

Spotted Elk and his warriors swarmed through the Phantom gang's camp. Some of them flung themselves directly onto the outlaws with war clubs held high, others used bow and arrows.

"No. Oh hell no! I can't believe this. The injuns are attacking
!" Victor yelled over the roar of the battle.

About that time some of the flames from the burning mercantile store, fell through its floors to the cellar below where all the dynamite was stored. The next explosion was so big, it leveled the shacks closest to the burning store from the pressure, and sent burning boards and shrapnel flying everywhere. As flaming boards landed elsewhere, they caught other shacks on fire, and soon half the outlaw camp was burning.

Julianna had been watching through the railings of the corral behind the shack, where she was suppose to be hiding with the horses. She couldn't believe the horror she was seeing as the building exploded. Outlaws were bludgeoned and scalped by Spotted Elk and his warriors, while other outlaws were shot dead or wounded by flying bullets coming from Gabriel, Roark, and Angel.

She was watching so intensely, that she did not notice Chet climbing into the little corral, until he grabbed her and she screamed for real this time. Having seen the horses saddled and ready to go when he climbed into the corral, Chet asked viciously, "What is going on here? Why do you have all these horses saddled?"

Acting brave Julianna said, "I didn't know what was going on. So I was hiding and watching."

"With the horses saddled?"

"I . . . I thought we may need to make a fast get-a-way, so I saddled them up," Julianna said nervously.

"Come on. You're coming with me," he said as he pulled her along to the camp's saloon, where many of the outlaws now took cover. Chet shoved Julianna through the batwing doors over towards Clayton and Victor
. "I found her hiding in her corral with three horses saddled ready to go," he told them.

"So she is part of this!" Victor exclaimed in vivid anger.

"No, no, I was scared and hiding. I didn't know what was going on. I saddled the horses in case we needed to make a run for it." Julianna tried to convince the outlaws.

The Ute Indian warriors had pulled back, and were waiting for the reinforcement that was coming. Now that the outlaws were holed up in the saloon, there wasn't much the Indians could do against them. The Indians did not have guns like the outlaws did. So they were waiting them out. The outlaws couldn't last long in the saloon with no food or supplies. With only beer and whiskey to drink in there, the men would either be thirsty or end up drunk. Neither a good situation to be in.

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