Owned And Owner (27 page)

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Authors: Anneke Jacob

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adult, #Erotica

BOOK: Owned And Owner
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When they couldn’t stand it anymore, one at a time they shoved hard, burying themselves to the balls and coming deep inside her.

They had lunch at a small table in the courtyard. This was arranged close enough to
head that Therin could feed her little bites, taking out the ring gag for the purpose. The bells at the end of the thin cords hung close to the ground, and Therin amused himself by stretching out a leg and knocking them around with his foot.
head hung; she took her tidbits obediently and without sound. Garid checked her hands and feet again. Then he pulled her nipple cords toward the table and tied them there, just tight enough that she didn’t hang straight anymore. He sat down to finish his meal.
nipples stretched toward him, the tiny holes in them visible because of the ring’s pull. She whimpered, looked apprehensively at her chest, and hung even more motionless than before.

‘Can she hold still while you whip her?’ Garid asked.

Therin examined the taut brown buds and flicked a grin. ‘She’ll have to, won’t she?’

They gagged her again, and hooked the head harness back to the central ring, raising her head so that she could no longer look at her chest. She was whimpering in earnest now.

‘Didn’t you say the neighbors would be upset if they knew you beat her?’ Garid asked.

Therin pointed to a small box in the corner. ‘Lave got hold of a used absorption field for me.’

Garid looked at it appreciatively. ‘What range?’

‘Room size, no more.
But it’s portable.’

‘That could be handy.’

‘I have to remember to cart it from room to room, which in the heat of the moment is sometimes a chore. But for the moment…’ he turned to
, rubbed his hands with an exaggerated malicious glee, and hissed, ‘…no one can hear your screams,’ Garid snorted. Therin went in and brought out a medium-length, flexible single-tailed whip. ‘This one cost me a lot, but it makes a beautiful whistle and smack.’ His grin answered
look, and he said, ‘Yes, I’m enjoying being able to make noise for a change.’

‘Let’s hear, then.’

Therin stood behind
rounded buttocks, and ran the whip over their curves and along some existing marks.
seemed to be holding her breath. At the first blow she let it out with a little cry. The sound of the whip forgotten, Garid watched her face clench with the effort to remain still. The force of the blow pushed her body forward a little, and then it swung back to equilibrium, stretching her nipples to the end of their tethers. There was another, smaller sway forward and back, the nipples extending and contracting before her body came to rest, at the point where the nipples were pulled forward just to the edge of pain. The next blow was harder, and the one after that. Therin paused and stood back a moment to consider the
then moved in to strike again, an artist painting her in painful colors.
winced and cried more than once at each blow, as the cords pulled on her captive flesh. She was forcing her body not to respond to the lash. Garid watched the sweat bead and run down her sides. Her thighs were rigid, the pony girl muscles standing out tensely.

After a few more blows Therin gave the whip to his friend. Garid noticed it did indeed make a nice whistling smack. He took up the five cords depending from
vulva, and held them firmly as he whipped her. She was crying hard now, gasping with the effort it took to hold still. Finally, at the fourth stripe in the crease above her thighs, she lost control and flailed helplessly, twisting her ass away in an instinctive movement of self-protection. She howled immediately at the resultant yank on her nipples and tender cunt flesh as she swung sideways. Garid held the cords firmly and waited until the side-to-side motion was dampened and she was brought back into position. Then he hit her again.

seemed to have learned her lesson as she kept almost completely still for another six blows, though tears were dripping onto the tiles and she was keening steadily. At last Therin stopped Garid and went into the house for one more item. He came back with a short rubber whip, and replaced Garid between his slave’s legs. He ran his hand over the welts decorating her round ass, then tucked the little whip under his arm and used both hands to part her trembling cheeks as far as they could go. But her asshole was fully exposed even when he released them. He pulled one cheek away from the other with one hand, took aim, and then struck between them. She shrieked, convulsed, and then shrieked again. After two more blows Therin could wait no longer. He lubricated her hole and buggered her without mercy. Then he sucked her sore nipples while Garid made use of her ass in his turn.

After that they took
down and let her nap, curled up in a basket in a corner of the courtyard. The two men reclined on lounging chairs and dozed a little
in the heat. Then as Garid wanted to see it, they took a stroll down to the village.
on her leash, covered discreetly in skin masker, was petted and made much of. Garid watched, hooding his eyes to conceal the spark that danced there.

Then they went home. Therin immediately stripped away the skin masker. ‘I like to see where I’ve been,’ he said. He sat down and examined
minutely, inch by inch and welt by welt,
moving smoothly at his command. Therin appeared hypnotized by the flesh before his eyes, and
looked like she was purring. Garid enjoyed this show for a while, but he was regretfully aware of the passage of time. At last he had to break it up.

‘Where’s this woodworking project you were hinting about?’ he asked. ‘I have to go soon; let’s see it.’

Therin leaped up out of his trance.
‘Thought you’d never ask.’
He ushered his friend into the living room to a wooden half wall separating that room from the entryway. It was deeper than one would expect, but was otherwise nondescript on the living room side. Then Therin slid a panel aside.
first impression of the large surface beneath was of curving, swirling wood, with so many raised and indented shapes in it as to confuse the eye. The wood tones were soft and liquid, in multiple shades of ochre and amber and chestnut.
wood, a favorite of artisans for the rich curving grain, though it took a lot of polishing to bring it out.

Light from the hall came through in a couple of spots, but Garid couldn’t discern the pattern. Then his eye fell on the largest depression, and he sidestepped to look at it. The front half of a woman in reverse relief emerged from the confusion. There were parts that were convex instead of concave: a knob where the mouth would be, what must be a thick dildo at the crotch. The effect was bizarre and beautiful: as if the creature had fallen into wood as soft as sand, with the incongruous penis thrusting up, claiming the space left empty. Garid slid his hand along the curves of breast and belly. The wood was cool and sensuous, sanded to a silky finish, a delight against his hand. It was strange to recognize
shape in reverse.

Therin fetched a soft, flesh-toned leather sleeve, called the slave to him, and fastened her forearms tightly together behind her. At his gesture, obediently she stepped up and fitted herself over the dildo, sliding her pubic bone carefully down between it and the wall. As her face moved forward her eyes closed and her lips opened, like a long-lashed baby doll. Her mouth conformed itself around the hollow, shaped knob that served as a gag. Therin, his hand firmly on the back of her head, fitted her face the last few millimeters into its wooden mask. He held her head there with a formed, U-shaped piece of wood high behind her neck; this latched into little holes in the panel with a downward push. Then he pressed the rest of her body in. Naturally the woman-shaped depression fit her perfectly.

Therin walked around to the other side of the panel and motioned Garid to follow him. At first Garid could see nothing but the swirling wood grain. But as he calculated the woman’s location he discovered first one slight variation, then another, spots of pinkish brown amidst the soft wood tones.

Therin was watching him. ‘See them?’

Nicely camouflaged.’

‘They’ll be slightly more visible in a moment.’ Therin worked the nipples toward him gently, pulling them further through the holes. Small wooden latches concealed below the openings clipped tightly to the nipple rings. The only other evidence that a woman was confined there was a breathing hole, hidden in a knot of wood and visible only if you were looking for it.

Back on the other side, Therin removed two fitted blocks of wood from beneath her feet. Now her legs, half spread, were up on their toes, with plenty of weight resting on her
cunt. Garid glanced down to look for the ankle restraints he knew would be there, and sure enough, Therin leaned down to latch wooden straps around her ankles.

‘That’s a lovely piece,’ said Garid. ‘And the finish looks almost like her skin.’ In fact, the woman looked as if she was merged into the wood, half swallowed by it. She became part of the sculpture, a lighter woman-shaped piece of wood within the darker contours, the weals on her flesh like wood grain.

Garid moved from one side to the other to take in the effect from different angles. ‘How did you get the shape so exact?’

‘Holographic woodcarving; it’s quite easy with the right equipment. I did the finish by hand, though.’

‘I can tell. Never knew what an artist you are. It’s a very decorative room divider. I’d ask you to make one for me…’ Garid looked covetously at the beautiful wall.

‘I’d be happy to, but the dildo is out, presumably. Have to design something that teased her instead, right? Support under the juncture of thigh and cunt, emptiness in between?
Or just a little something?’
face developed slowly into a smile. ‘I showed it to Lave; he wants one for
that hurts her when she tries to come.’

buttocks were thrusting ever so slightly forward. Therin slapped them. ‘Did I give you permission, naughty girl?’ There was a tiny negative shake of the immobilized head, and the buttocks relaxed.

Garid sighed regretfully. ‘I must go. Just tell me what you’ll do next so I can imagine it on the ride home.’

‘Me? I’m going to get some work done. What a boring trip home that will be.’

Garid laughed. ‘Not if I can imagine
stuck here while you’re doing it.’

‘Would you like to imagine her humping the sculpture, or would you rather visualize her trembling on the brink and punished for the slightest twitch? I assume it’s the latter.’

‘I doubt you could stop her unless you watched her every moment, and you’re supposed to be working and paying me back, you dead
. Better let her have her fun.’

So Garid traveled home with the vision of
rounded ass delicately grinding itself into the sculpture’s embrace.




I was spending so much time in harness now that my self-perception began shifting deeper into the animal range. I began to think like a beast that pulls a vehicle, in non-language images of weight, balance and strain, straight tracks and curved. I dreamed of that, too, night after night of the strip of track moving towards me, framed between blinkers, the sound of my breathing loud in my ears, pain and my owner looming huge and invisible behind me.

My master began racing me pretty often. I won a few small races but lost more frequently, though I was getting faster all the time. There were a few women that I would never beat, and I knew when I saw them on the track that I would have to be punished later. Not that I was able to stop trying. It wasn’t possible not to try.

A few days after the first public race, life in a chastity belt became a little crueler when a new one imprisoned me, made of a very strong transparent plastic. In some lights it was almost invisible. It served the same purposes and with the same implacability, but now I could see what I was missing. The shaving of my pubic hair enhanced the effect; now I was smooth and naked under the belt, and it was easy to see the humid flesh trapped there. During the hours in my cage I couldn’t help staring at my cunt, running my mitts over the smooth surface, my needy flesh just millimeters and light years away.

I should have been able to just accept this. I wasn’t allowed to come; I knew this. I had no right to orgasm. The belt was evidence of it. My master forbade it. So why was I staring at those soft, fleshy lips, at the clit just visible between them? Why did I curl around my inaccessible center and weep with frustration? I could just see the rings, fixing my flesh to the band. My master had arranged it that way, because he knew I would resist no opportunity to be wicked. I couldn’t be trusted. The belt in itself was a sign that I couldn’t be trusted. A good girl wouldn’t need to wear the belt. She’d either be allowed to come, or she’d obey when she was told not to touch herself.

I’d not had an orgasm since that accidental one when I was being driven. How long ago had that been, months?
A long, long time.
I had adjusted to it, more or less, almost forgotten what I looked like, until the new belt forced me to see myself again.

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