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By the Ford Brothers



Copyright 2016 Alexa Rynn, all rights

part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This
book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead,
is entirely coincidental.

This book is for a mature audience only
due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.





The vibe of the
club filled my body and I grind my body up and down to the music, enjoying the
way it was taking over my groove. I grabbed my friend Meghan and pulled her
small body closer to me, wiggling my butt along the side of her. We looked at
one another and started giggling, enjoying the moment for what it was. A break
from all the drama and crime that took place just a few streets away in the
inner city. No guns or drugs to worry about. On this dance floor, there was
just the two of us, getting lost in the hot beat of the music.

It was a nice
break from the reality of the world we have been forced to grow up in, but it
was a short-lived one. My body was immediately being grabbed and pulled through
the club to the side of the dance floor.

“What the…” My
voice trailed off when I was met with my stepbrother’s intense and angry eyes.
Shit. Of course, out of all the clubs in the city tonight he would be in this
one. He had a sixth sense for when and where I was going to be somewhere, and a
seventh sense for how to ruin my good time.

“What are you
doing here?” Danger asked with anger flashing across his face. “Go home,” he
demanded, “now.”

I rolled my eyes
and took a step back from him, but his power still rained over me. I cursed
myself for about the hundredth million time in my life that out of all the guys
my mom could have met on the Southside she had decided to marry Danger’s dad.
It was hard enough growing up in the inner city to begin with, add being
Danger’s little sister to the mix and it was almost impossible. I always felt
like I was being watched from every direction. Whether it was his brothers or
his little club whores that ran around in every direction, it was clear someone
always had eyes on me. Danger and his brothers ran the most powerful Motorcycle
Club in the state and everyone wanted to claim him or impress him.
Unfortunately, it seemed like everyone wanted to use me to do it, especially
the people who had acted like I didn’t exist before.

“I’m not going
home, Danger.” I rolled my eyes and flipped my long dark hair over my shoulder.
“I just got here.”

His brown eyes
burned with fury at me questioning him. “Why do you always have to be so
fucking difficult? Just go home, Kat. Now.” He ran his hand through his short
black hair, looking around the club and taking in his surroundings quickly.

I took the chance
to take in his beauty through the flashing lights of the club. Light tan skin,
thick lips, perfect dark features, and deep brown eyes. It wasn’t shocking that
every girl within a 25-mile radius lusted after him. And his confidence was an
added bonus. There was no one else like him anywhere in the city. “I’m not
going anywhere,” I crossed my arms over my chest to prove my point.

I tried to force
my eyes away from his toned chest and reminded my heart to calm down. I had
this intense desire to reach out and touch him, to run my hands up and down his
body. I cursed the wet ache between my legs. Ugh, was he going to have this
effect on me for the rest of my life?

“I don’t have time
for this,” Danger announced. He started looking around the club again like it
was a life or death situation that I was currently in the room. “You shouldn’t
even be here anyway, you’re underage.”

“I’m 18! I’m not

“You’re a baby,”
he told me. I saw him waving someone over and I followed his gaze to see
making his way through the crowd toward where the two
of us were standing. I made a quick run for it but it was no use, Danger had
his hands around me within a half of a second. His 6’2 frame overpowered my 5’6
one easily.

When Silk reached
us his eyes grew wide at the sight of me. “What’s she doing here?”

Danger looked at
me and shook his head like I’d screwed up his whole night. “Exactly. I need you
to get her out of here.”

Silk nodded, not
daring to question what Danger told him to do. Not that I was surprised since
most people didn’t question anything that Danger told them. But
was the person least likely to out of everyone. He had
been Danger’s best friend for as long as I’d known him. I’d met him six years
ago on the first day I had officially met Danger. It had become normal over the
coming years to not see one of them without the other. Back then I had been 12
and love struck by how good looking and dangerous the two 16-year-old boys had
been. That feeling had faded over the years, though, or at least that’s what I
made myself believe as high school carried on. It only made sense that Silk
ended up being a faithful member and brother of the Blazing Devils with my
stepbrothers. It also only made sense that he would assist them in making my
life a living hell.

“I’m not going
anywhere!” I exclaimed now, trying to get out of Danger’s grasp but failing
once again.

“Take her home,
and fast.” Danger handed me off to Silk and he obeyed, ushering me out of the
back of the club into the nearby alley.

“I hate you!” I
screamed out after Danger.

“No you don’t,” he
called back. “And take off that dress, you look like you’re easy!”

And then the club
door slammed in my face.


“What’s your real
name?” I demanded on the walk back to our apartment.

Silk raised his
eyebrows at me. “Aren’t you sick of this game yet?”

“No!” I yelled.
“And why do they call you Silk? Tell me right now!”

I was trying to
annoy him but I knew it wasn’t working. I had been asking him for years why
they called him
but he always just laughed,
saying I was too young to understand. That was the problem, having a
stepbrother like Danger who treated you like you were a kid made everyone else
around him treat you like you were a kid, too.

He shook his head
back and forth. “You shouldn’t have been there.”

“You guys just
can’t handle the thought of me having fun.” I kicked a piece of garbage that
was floating around on the sidewalk as we walked. “You want me to stay home and
play with my dolls or something like I’m still a little girl.”

“You are still a
little girl,” Silk told me. He stepped around the same garbage I’d been
kicking, always worried about messing up his shoes. Which made no sense, I mean
they were biker boots, come on.
“You just turned 18, Kat. I wouldn’t be in such a hurry to grow up if I
was you. These streets are a scary place for any woman, especially one who
looks like a school teacher.” He laughed loudly and it echoed in and out of the
buildings around us.

“I’m not a school
teacher!” I yelled at him again, annoyed at the comparison.

He smirked. “You
aren’t fully a school teacher but you sure as hell have the whole good girl
thing going on and that’s a dangerous look around these parts, little girl, especially
when you’re associated with the club.” He looked at me out of the corner of his
eye and sighed. “You know Danger just wants to keep you safe, he’s the only one
of your brothers who still lives at him, Kat, you’re his responsibility.”

“Stepbrothers,” I
huffed. “And don’t call me little girl.”

He chuckled and
picked up his pace a little bit, sure to keep me close to him as we put more
and more distance from myself and the club. Part of me thought about running
for a second but he would probably catch me with little effort. Just like
Danger, Silk was in excellent shape. They would go on long runs together every
morning at the crack of dawn and spend hours every week in the gym with other
members of the club.

I tried not to let
the comment he just made get to me, but it stung just the same. It wasn’t like
I wanted to be a good
I just had more trouble
showing skin than most of the other girls around here. I wasn’t a club whore
and I never would be and if that was the kind of girl the brothers were into
then I guess none of them were right for me. It’s not like I looked super
conservative or anything but compared to the other girls in our neighborhood I
did. It had made it tough for me growing up around here. Girls were cruel and
had trouble accepting me. If it wasn’t for the fact that I dressed differently
than the rest of them it was because of the fact that I was always around
Danger and they wanted to get close to him. It was something I remained
sensitive about. I knew Silk hadn’t meant anything by his comment but I
couldn’t help but over analyze it in my mind.

“The problem is
that you guys don’t think I can handle my own when I’m perfectly capable of
doing just that.” I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and turned toward
him. “Take a look at me, Silk, I’m not the same little girl you met back then.
It’s different now, I’ve grown up, Danger and you are just late to the party.”

Some guy took that
opportunity to pop out of the bushes behind me and throw his body into me. I
started freaking out, flapping my arms around my head like a crazy person.

Silk laughed,
pulling the guy off of me, and shoving him off down the street. “Relax,
only drunk Roy,” he said, referring to one of the
neighborhood drunks.

I smoothed my
dress out, trying to regain my balance.

“Now,” Silk said,
smirking as we started walking again, “what was it you were saying about being

I scowled and
shoved him as hard as I could, but he just laughed, ushering me further into
the darkness toward home.

The smell of weed
drifted after me into our apartment as I closed the door behind me and locked
it. The people next door loved smoking in the middle of the hallway for some
reason as opposite to their balcony off the back of their apartment. I normally
didn’t mind it, but on this particular night they had a lot of friends over and
the smell was consuming the entire hallway, making it easy to drift into our
unit whenever the door got opened.

I had been
surprised that Silk hadn’t insisted on staying and making sure I didn’t go anywhere
for the rest of the night, but he had hurried me inside so he could be on his
way. I had considered leaving for a split second but I saw Silk talking to a
few of his boys outside and I suspected he was telling them to inform him or
Danger if they saw me leave the building. Like I said before, Danger had eyes

I knew no one
would be home now. Danger’s dad was away for the weekend on a delivery and my
mom worked nights at the local hospital. We didn’t have a lot of money, but I
guess for what was considered a lot in this neighborhood we did. It was rare
for anyone around here to get married and stay married, which is why it had
surprised me that my mom and Danger’s dad had lasted for as long as they had.
Seven years without any cheating or deaths was like a lifetime in these parts.
If it
up to Danger or the rest of my stepbrothers
we would all be in a fancy house across town but my mother and stepfather
wanted nothing to do with the club or their life and that included taking a
dime from them.

The only reason
Danger still lived at home was to keep an eye on me.

Lucky me.

I pulled my phone
out of my small purse and glanced at the screen, a bunch of texts from my girls
asking where I had gone, and one from Danger asking if I had gotten home safe.

I responded to him
right away.

No, I didn’t. I’m
out doing me.

My phone vibrated
in my hand within seconds.

LOL good one

I sighed and hit

I hate you

Another vibration.

Love you too

I tossed the phone
on the sofa, annoyed by it and grabbed a change of clothes out of the laundry
basket that was sitting on top of the end table. I considered keeping my dress
on until Danger got back from the club just to spite him but decided against
it. The dress was pretty uncomfortable and short, no use in putting myself
through any more torture for the night. My girl had let me borrow it since I
had nothing else to wear for a night out, she was much smaller than me and the
purple fabric made me look like an oversized balloon.

I wrinkled it up
into a small ball and tossed it into the basket, reminding myself to return it
to her later. I pulled on some sweat pants and one of Danger’s comfy t-shirts.
If he wanted to be an asshole then I was going to wear whatever I wanted of
his. Deserved him right for the way he had acted tonight. Demanding I leave the
club then getting one of his brothers to usher me out; so ridiculous on his

I picked up my
phone that had been lighting up nonstop since I tossed it aside a few minutes
before and took a look at the massive amounts of texts that had flooded my

I felt myself

There had been a
shooting at the club tonight. The club I had just been at.

That must have
been why Danger wanted me to go home so bad.

I lay in bed for
hours waiting for Danger to get home from the club. I couldn’t believe that he
hadn’t told me what the hell was about to go down in that club. I mean; I had
friends who were there. I could have got them out. Luckily I had heard from all
of them since the news broke and I knew nothing had happened to any of them but
it was still the principal of the manner.

And why the hell
had he stayed if he knew what was about to go down? Why hadn’t he just left
with me to make sure that he stayed safe? Suddenly Silk’s wide eyes when he had
seen me in the club earlier that night made sense. And so did the way he had
left so quick after walking me back from the club. Like there was no time to

But if they both
knew about it why had they stayed anyway? Unless they had been involved
directly… I didn’t want to think that but it was the only thing I kept coming
back to. It was the only thing that seemed to add up in my mind. I had wanted
to text Danger right when I had heard and gone off on him but I figured the
element of surprise would be better so I waited patiently for him to come home.

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