Painting Naked (Macmillan New Writing) (38 page)

BOOK: Painting Naked (Macmillan New Writing)
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Dutch sits beside his sister-in-law, a friend of Lizzie’s from Atlanta. Her paisley silk scarf flutters in the breeze. Dutch pats it down and leaves his arm draped across the back of her chair. He wears khakis and a safari jacket and he winks as I pass by. It’s his reunion weekend, but he said he’d have come up anyway. Harriet gives a discreet wave and Beatrice flashes me a thumbs up. I’d have loved for Sophie to be here. She called this morning to wish us all a happy day. Claudia chimed in and told me to be nice to lovely Tom, then admitted he came to see her in the hospital a few hours before leaving London. He never said a word to me. I’ll have to ask him about that.

Lizzie’s family, and mine, take up the front row. I see my sons, handsome in navy blazers and gray flannel slacks. Jordan holds hands with Bridget, elegant in green linen that matches her pretty eyes. Paige and Joel stand with Lizzie’s son, Adam, tall and straight in air force dress blues. Behind them, Carrie and her husband, Steve, watch their little girl with pride. Molly’s doing a helluva job with those petals. One just landed on my nose.

The music soars and I hear waves crashing up the beach. A lone seagull waddles across the dunes. Only a few more steps. God forbid I catch a heel in the grass. Should’ve worn flats, not these outrageous shoes. Did I remember to warn the caterers about my cat? He’ll scarf down the food if they don’t cover it up.

The justice of the peace smiles and gestures to both men. Fergus, almost unrecognizable in suit and tie, reaches for Lizzie’s hand. Tom grasps mine. I glance at him and nod, then we step to one side and watch as the two McKennas get on with the joyful task of marrying one another, all over again.

About Maggie Dana

Maggie Dana grew up in England and moved to the U.S. in her early 20s. In addition to raising a family, caring for numerous animals, and working full-time, Maggie wrote books for children once her own had gone to bed. Several years later, after she complained there weren’t enough novels about feisty, middle-aged women, a friend challenged Maggie to write one of her own. So she did.



A freelance book designer and typesetter, Maggie lives on the Connecticut shoreline where she enjoys gardening, riding horses, and walking along the beach with her family. She is currently working on her next novel, along with a new series of books for horse-crazy girls. 

First published by Macmillan New Writing in 2009
This edition published in 2012 by Momentum
Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney 2000


Copyright © Maggie Dana 2009
The moral right of the author has been asserted.


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Painting Naked


EPUB format: 9781743340523
Mobi format: 9781743340530


Cover design by Carol Kabak


Proofread by Hayley Crandell


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