
Read Panda-Monium Online

Authors: Bindi Irwin

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BOOK: Panda-Monium
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Bindi Wildlife Adventures 20: Panda-monium

ePub ISBN 9781742744582

A Random House book

Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd

Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

First published by Random House Australia in 2011

Australia Zoo 2011

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry

Author: Irwin, Bindi, 1998–

Title: Panda-monium / Bindi Irwin, Ellie Browne

ISBN: 978 1 86471 837 9 (pbk.)

Series: Irwin, Bindi, 1998– Bindi wildlife adventures; 20.

Target audience: For primary school age

Other authors/contributors: Browne, Ellie

Dewey number: A823.4

Cover photograph
Australia Zoo

Cover and internal design by Christabella Designs

Typeset and eBook production by
Midland Typesetters
, Australia

Glinting ice palaces floated in the golden haze above the horizon. Bindi had never seen such an awesome, magical sight. Here, in the Himalayas, she was on top of the world – literally.

‘Which one is Kangchenjunga?' she called to her friends.

‘That one there.' Chandra, their guide, pointed to a magnificent white peak that towered above the rest. ‘Isn't it beautiful?'

Bindi nodded. Then she looked back the way they had come. Below, the ancient rocky steps snaked down the steep slope. Mountains rose in every direction, some covered in lush forest, others cleared for farming. There was not a road to be seen, nor a car – not even another human. The only sounds to be heard were bird- song and the soft lowing of the cattle.

‘It sure is spectacular,' said Vicki. She grinned wickedly at Bindi. ‘Almost as spectacular as the sight of a big pile of red panda poo!'

Bindi laughed. Vicki was the red panda keeper at Australia Zoo and very fond of her charges.

‘Personally, I'd prefer the sight of a red panda. But I guess some poo would do!' Bindi pulled out her water bottle, twisted off the lid and took a swig. Trekking in the Himalayas was thirsty work!

Bindi and Vicki were here in eastern Nepal helping Chandra gather information on red pandas. Chandra was an ecologist from the nearby town of Ilam. He was hoping to set up the world's first red panda sanctuary in these mountains, but before he could do that, they had to prove to people that there really were red pandas living here in the forest. Panda poo would be the evidence they needed to convince the local people to set aside some of the community forest for a panda sanctuary.

‘Ready?' Chandra said when Bindi had put away her drink bottle. ‘There's still a bit of a way to go and we shouldn't get back too late.'

Bindi gave a mock salute. Then they set off again, slowly making their way up the stony steps.

The steps led up to a ridge, where the trail continued. At last Chandra stopped by a rhododendron the size of a tree and waited for his companions to catch up. Then they left the trail and struck off into the forest.

They climbed higher, moving as quietly as they could. Bindi began to notice thickets of bamboo – the red panda's preferred dinner. She thought of Yoddah and Pasang, the red pandas who lived at Australia Zoo. She was certain they were two of the cutest animals in the world, with their button black noses, fluffy ears and stunning red fur. How they would love all this fresh bamboo!

Bindi clambered over a hefty log that was once a mighty yew tree. She stopped and peered into the forest to her left. Then she saw it. It was not far off, just a few metres, but was almost hidden by leaves.

She took a closer look. Was it? Could it be? Slowly, she moved towards it, stepping silently through the undergrowth.

Yes! She'd know it anywhere! Red panda poo!

Bindi, Vicki and Chandra found several more little piles of red panda droppings, enough to convince them that there were quite a few of the animals living in this part of the forest. They took photos and noted down where they found the poo, so they would have a proper record of their findings.

While they were working they kept their eyes out for red pandas. But no such luck. The animals were staying well out of sight, probably asleep high in trees even deeper in the forest.

After a quick lunch on the stone steps the three trekkers headed back. Chandra was expected at a three o'clock meeting with the local members of the Village Committee. He planned to present the evidence they'd collected and convince the villagers to help set up a red panda sanctuary.

At last they came to the first house in the village, which was the teahouse where they were staying. When Bindi first saw it the day before she thought it looked like something from a fairytale, with its timber carvings and bright blue railing along a wide, rickety verandah. Colourful prayer flags fluttered from the gables.

Keen to get to the meeting, Chandra strode straight past.

Bindi and Vicki looked at each and laughed. They had never known anyone to walk as quickly as Chandra.

‘Good luck!' Bindi called out.

Chandra stopped and turned.

‘Exactly where is the meeting?' Vicki asked as she pulled the pack off her back.

‘In the big house at the other end of the village,' Chandra said. ‘It belongs to Mr Ming-Ma, the head of the committee.'

Bindi raised an eyebrow. ‘Sounds like he's the man to talk to,' she said.

‘Yes. By all reports he is a very clever fellow.' Chandra clasped his hands together. ‘Let's hope I return with good news.' He bowed, then set off again, walking even more quickly than before.

Exhausted, Bindi and Vicki slowly climbed the old wooden stairs to the teahouse verandah.

They were met by a smiling Finju Sherpa, the teahouse manager. ‘Good afternoon!' he said. ‘Anyone for tea?'

After Vicki and Bindi had freshened up, Finju poured three cups of hot milky brew, and sat down at the table on the verandah with his two guests. ‘I understand you have come from Australia to see some red pandas?' He smiled. ‘News travels fast in our little village.'

Vicki explained their mission and told the teahouse manager about Chandra's meeting with the local leaders.

Finju listened intently, nodding now and then.

‘Have you seen any red pandas around here lately, Finju?' Bindi asked, before taking a sip of tea.

Finju shook his head. ‘Not lately. But I believe they're still out there,' he said. ‘The trouble is, dogs and hawks
see them and so it makes them easy prey.'

Bindi shuddered. She'd read about this problem. When people cleared bamboo and felled trees, predators like dogs and hawks could more easily see – and catch – the pandas.

At that moment Vicki jumped to her feet. ‘Chandra's back!'

Bindi looked up to see Chandra walking along the road towards them. ‘I hope he convinced them,' she said to Finju and Vicki. ‘Red pandas really need their own sanctuary so they can be safe from all those things.'

Crossing not only her fingers on both hands but her toes on both feet as well, Bindi waited for Chandra to arrive.

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