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She shifted her bottom ever so slightly, so they could sit hip to hip. Her insides were fluttering like a pack of butterflies, and for a woman of her age it was darn near embarrassing to be so affected. But he wasn't an ordinary guy. He was a man that could so easily slip into your heart and live there forever.

The thought silenced her for a moment. She had to guard against that, or she'd be a goner.

"You kids finished? How about some more fruit salad? Eat up the watermelon and the strawberries before they spoil." She spooned a little more on their plates and watched as they plopped the juicy bites into their mouths.

"And you, Sean, don't forget to bring the snappers over before happy hour. Taylor has a great menu planned for tonight's dinner."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." His lips curled into a bad boy's smile. "Miguel is settled into the new cabin, which means I have mine back to myself."

"Yes, it does." Determined to get the conversation back on track, she asked, "So did he find everything to his liking? I know the girls loaded up on supplies and bought a few necessities for the family."

"You have all been extremely generous. Giving them Smooth Sailing to live in for a month is beyond anyone's expectations."

"It wasn't occupied, so why not? Doesn't cost us anything, and they need shelter."

"You're one of the finest people I know."

Her heart skipped. "Coming from you, that means a lot."

He raised her hand and kissed it.

The boys laughed, and Megan clapped her tiny chubby hand over her mouth. "Kiss her. Like my mom and dad."

"I might do that, if she'll let me."

"No!" Kayla cried in mock horror. "I don't want boy kisses."

"That's good," he answered, and kissed her mouth sweetly while whispering for her ears alone, "Because I'm a man."

Oh gawd, if she could only forget. He was a man all right, and had proven it over and over just last night. What they'd done together might be seared in her memory for a long time.


Happy hour was tortuous. Sean sent her scorching hot glances while she made the rounds, talking to their guests. Knowing how much Sean liked her in dresses, it might have been a better idea to have worn a T-shirt and knee length shorts. Instead she'd chosen this slip of a black and white dress that felt so cool and sexy in the late afternoon breeze. She had tied her hair up in a topknot, and left strands floating around her face. The humidity was obnoxious this time of the year, and a woman had to do what she could to combat the situation. If that meant running around in a thin, cotton dress that left little to the imagination, well so be it.

Still, her nerve ends stood on alert when she watched Sean get out of his chair and head in her direction. Quickly she grabbed the pitcher of Key Lime margaritas and wasn't sure if she meant to refill everyone's glasses, or if she planned to use it as a barrier between them.

She waved it in the air as he approached. "Hey, Sean. Want a refill?"

"I do. Very much. Not for the drink, however." His eyes twinkled as he looked her up and down.

"Then what were you thinking of?" she asked innocently, just as it hit her. Oh, my! "You" she felt her cheeks go crimson.

"Yes. You." He stepped close, and whispered in her ear. "You don’t mind, I hope."

A zing of sexual energy made her knees weak. She dipped and swayed, and darn near dropped the pitcher. Luckily his hand slipped underneath.

"Let me take that from you."

Gratefully, she handed it over, feeling a little foolish—like one of those women from historical novels who wore their corsets too tight, and always seemed to swoon.

Lordy, Lordy, she was in trouble.

"I swear, Mr. Flannigan, you must stop talking to me this way. My heart flutters," she spoke in her best imitation of a southern drawl.

"Why Scarlett, I do swear you're blushing."

"It's the heat of the day." She put her shoulder to him, intent on getting away as quickly as she could. The way he was looking at her—as if she was a Popsicle he wanted to lick—was making her melt faster than ice on a stick.

"What time would you like me to come for dinner?" he inquired politely. "I'm ravenous at the moment."

She tried to hold back but she couldn't. Laughter rippled out, and she slipped a hand around his middle, giving him a brief hug. "You make me feel good. Do you have this effect on every woman?"

"I hope not. I only want one."

Her eyes met his and she had to will herself not to throw herself into his arms. Seemed like every damn cell in her body wanted to mate with his.

She swallowed and took a breath, fighting to appear normal. "How about seven o'clock—that will give Taylor a chance to prep the food. Did you bring the fish over?"

"I did. It's in your fridge." He glanced over her shoulder. "I thought she might be here. I hope she's not planning anything elaborate."

"Oh, I don't think so. She just wanted to stay in the air conditioning and get things ready. She loves to entertain and rarely has an opportunity beyond happy hour food."

"Well, she doesn't need to fuss for us."

"I know, but that's just Taylor. It's her 'thing'."

"I like your thing better," he said with a wink and walked off.

She watched him for a moment as he spoke with Rosemary and her husband Brian. They were a tall, good-looking couple, with two perfect children. Megan was wearing a pretty yellow sundress for the cocktail party, and Jack wore a pair of cargo shorts and a button down blue shirt. They were seated at a table, swinging their legs, drinking lemonade and eating a plate of nachos.

Sean said good-bye to them and snagged a chip loaded with cheese before moving on to join her mom and Brittany at their table, and with all her heart she longed to go and sit with them too. She wanted to put her stamp on him, claim him as hers, but she knew that to do so would likely frighten him off for good. Until the man was ready to love again, she needed to give him plenty of space, and to try and guard her heart.

Kayla made her way around the pool, chatting with everyone for a moment or two.  A father and his teenage son had booked one of the smaller cabins for three days of fishing. An older couple had come from West Palm Beach to enjoy the change of pace and scenery in the upper Keys.

The father and son were from Atlanta, Georgia. Drew was a mortgage lender, Tom was on summer break, entering senior year in the fall. He hoped to play college basketball at Miami U, and if his size was any indication, Kayla expected he’d easily make the team. Already he towered over her by a good five inches, and he wasn’t yet fully grown.

Brittany waltzed over while she was talking to them, and the young man gaped at her like she was a super model. Which, of course, she could be with her long legs, tiny waist, and exquisite face framed by dark unruly curls. Tonight she wore her tight jean shorts, and a pink halter top tied under her breasts. Her brown tummy was smooth and bare.

Being comfortable with men's attention, Brittany tossed her hair back over her shoulder and winked at the boy. "How's my favorite all-star? Did you check out the courts down the street? See any kids your age to pick up a game?"   

"No one was there, but I shot hoops for an hour or so. Dad joined me."

Drew grinned. "I lasted for the first fifteen minutes. In this heat, that was enough."

Brittany flashed them both a smile. "I hope you worked up a thirst. We have another pitcher of margaritas or beers, and would you like a cold soda, Tom?"

"Yes, Ma’am," the boy said.

She pouted prettily. "Don’t Ma’am me. I’m only twenty-five."

“Sorry, Ma…I mean Miss,” Tom said with a blush and a stutter.

“Brittany will do,” she said, taking pity on the kid. Turning to the father she put a hand on his arm and leaned close. "What would you like?" she asked.

Kayla noticed the placement of Brit’s hand and the way she was eyeing the attractive father. He was about forty, married—by the look of the gold ring on his finger—and in good physical shape. The fact that he was here alone with his son did not mean he was single. Brittany should know better.

Kayla glanced away, feeling on edge. She knew that her sister was a flirt, but she also understood that living with her mom and sisters and having no social life was not exactly fun for Brittany. She was a young vivacious girl, stuck in a backwater place.

But that's how it had to be for now. In a year or two, if Paradise Cove turned a nice profit, Kayla would offer to buy her share out. Brit could take her money and follow her dreams. But she had to work here for this first year and contribute to the success of their business venture, as agreed upon by all.

"I'll have that light beer," Drew said. "But I can get it, you have other guests to attend to." He smiled at Brittany and moved his arm away from her grasp.

She shrugged. "Whatever."

Kayla, afraid the moment could get awkward, chimed in. "Have you two met Sean? He has the boat down at the dock, and loves to fish. He might be able to suggest the best places around here to catch what you're looking for."

She nodded in Sean's direction and catching her look, he waved his hand, inviting her over. "I'll introduce you if you like."

Leaving Brittany to fend for herself, she guided the two men over to where Sean sat with her mother. "Sean, this is Drew and his son Tom. They just checked into "Baited and Hooked" and that's what they came here for. Three days of fishing. I thought you might be able to give them a heads up on all the best places."

"Better yet," Sean said. "I could take you there tomorrow morning. Five thirty good for you two?"

Tom made a face. "A.M. or P.M.?” he joked. "Sheesh man, we're on vacation."

"Problem is, the fish aren't." Sean glanced at Drew. "We could go later but we might not catch much."

"How about six?" Drew asked, glancing from one to the other. "Will that work?"

"Fine by me. I'll see you down at the dock, six sharp. Sara's the name of my boat."

Kayla watched him as he spoke the name, and was proud that he didn't flinch. This was a major breakthrough for him, easing his way to a full recovery. She hoped. For her sake as much as his own. If he did stay for the entire three months he’d paid in advance, he might leave a different man, or he might not leave at all.

Her heart warmed at the thought, and she wished they were alone together right now so she could show him how proud she was, and how much she cared.

Instead she backed away. "Mom, I'm going to help Taylor with dinner. Can you take care of the guests yourself?"

"Certainly. It's not like we have a crowd." She waved her away. "Besides, I've got this good looking man here to help me." She winked at Sean. "Off you go, dear. We'll see you in a bit."

Kayla said her goodbyes as she left the pool area, but she noticed Brittany sitting in a lounge chair by herself, sipping on another giant-size margarita. Her sis was clearly not happy, and this worried her.

She would try to have a conversation with her later and find a solution. Brittany needed someone to show her a good time. Paradise Cove might be Kayla's destiny, the bridge to her troubled soul, but it wasn't her sister's. She was young and carefree, and needed a creative outlet which her dancing had provided. There was a world of excitement beyond the horizon, but for Brittany it wasn't the shores of the Keys.


Sean left the party a few minutes after Kayla and headed over to Smooth Sailing to see if Miguel and Raul were dressed and ready to go for dinner.

When he arrived, they were both showered and in fresh clean shirts, their clean hair slicked back from their happy faces. TV was on and they were laughing over some sitcom.

"Looking good," he told them with an approving glance. "We want to make a good impression so they invite us again." He put a hand on Raul's shoulder. "Right?"

"Uh-huh." Raul had his bare feet up on the chair, and was hugging his knees. "Dad, after dinner can I come back and watch TV?"

"Raul, you will leave when we all do. This is an honor to be invited into their home."

Sean chimed in. "As long as you eat your dinner and remember to tell them it was good, I'm sure they will be happy. Women like compliments."

"Okay." He shrugged his thin shoulders, and what he understood was anybody's guess.

Sean went back to his own cottage and took another shower. The humidity this time of the year made it impossible not to sweat, and watching Kayla as she fraternized with her guests around the pool hadn’t kept him cool. He wanted her in his bed, in his life. She made him feel alive again, and even more surprising was that he
to live.

Kayla and Paradise Cove had given him that. It was a precious gift. He wasn't too stubborn or too ignorant not to be grateful and yet it created more problems than he was ready to deal with. Having a reason to live, he now had to find some purpose to his life. He'd always taken that for granted, being a surgeon had fulfilled every need. Now he wasn't sure if he could give that his best work. It was a high risk job, and until he knew with certainty that his patients would get the best of him, he needed to stay the hell away.

After a cool shower, he shaved, and dressed in linen slacks and an open-necked short sleeved shirt. He splashed a little aftershave on his cheeks, combed his hair and was set to go. The three of them walked the lantern-lit path to Passions, and Sean could tell the Miguel and his son were uncomfortable. They didn’t know what to expect.

"Kayla is delighted that you’ve offered to paint her cabins," he told Miguel. "Perhaps tomorrow the three of us can go to Home Goods so Kayla can select the colors. Then we could get started on the empty cabins."

"I'm glad. Working will be good. Also need to see Juanita. We can visit her, si? Then pick up the paint?"

"Sure we can."

"Me too?" Raul asked. "I want to paint. I'm almost a man now, and want to work too."

Sean glanced at the boy, wondering how his father would answer. It would be torturous work in this summer heat, especially for a boy of his age. He couldn't imagine any kids in this country eagerly offering to help, but they had lived a much different life.

Miguel nodded and looked at his son with pride. "Yes, Raul. It's good to be busy, and your mom needs rest. First we must prime the old shingles. There is much work to be done."

When Sean knocked on the door Anna welcomed them in, and the aroma coming from the kitchen was almost as enticing as the four women themselves.

Anna was dressed in a long flowing skirt and a white cotton peasant blouse, while Brittany was still in her short shorts. Taylor wore cool, crisp white shorts and a lime green print tee. Kayla stole the show with that barely-there black and white number. The small transparent straps holding up the dress fascinated him. With two fingers slipped underneath, he could have her naked under a minute.

"Something smells delicious," Sean said, handing two bottles of wine to Anna, and a bouquet of flowers to Taylor. "You have three starving men to feed. I hope the snapper was ample."

"If it's not," she said, "I also have Caribbean rice and Korean ribs, and a spinach salad with strawberries and walnuts."

"You're a gem, Taylor. Going to make some lucky guy happy one day."

"Soon, I hope." Anna gave him a warm smile. "Why can't my girls settle down and give me grandbabies? I was married in my early twenties, and had Kayla by the time I was Brittany's age. Don't regret it either."

"And look at you now." He kissed her cheek. "You look more like a sister than their mother."

"'Oh, get out of here," Anna said with a twinkle in her eye. "Your flattery is wasted on me."

"That's because you know it's true." He walked to the counter. "Can I open the bottles?" He needed something to do, anything to keep himself busy, and his hands off Kayla. She stood watching him, her eyes happy and smiling, her lips inviting.

Anna took Raul's hand. "Come see our goldfish," she said, leading him to a half moon shaped bubbling aquarium that sat on a table in the living area. A dozen or so brightly colored fish darted about the coral in the bottom of the tank.

"Wow." Raul’s eyes were big and wide. "This is so cool."

"Cool?" Miguel frowned at his son. "What is cool?"

Sean laughed. "It means nice. American slang. Must have picked it up from Jack."

"Cool," Miguel tried it out for size. "It's cool to be here. In your home. Gracias."

"It's cool that you came," Anna said with a tinkling laugh. She turned to Raul. "If you like, you could come over here every morning and feed the fish. It's a nuisance, and we'd love your help if you're interested."

"Me? Feed your fish? Oh, si, si! Can I do so now?"

Anna laughed. "Sure. Come with me. I'll show you where we keep the food, and how much to give them each day."

Kayla pushed away from the kitchen counter toward Miguel. "Thank you for fixing the screen in Harmony today. I understand you want to help paint our cabins." She glanced at her sisters, then back at Miguel. "We talked about it, and agreed to accept your very kind offer." She smiled and touched his elbow. "Thank you." 

Miguel’s ruddy complexion darkened and he shuffled his feet. "You come with us tomorrow. We pick out paint, then I start. Happy to be working."

"That's good then. We'd be very grateful." She smiled. "We wanted to get the cabins done before the season gets started, so whatever you can get done before the baby is born will be a great help."

He nodded. "Si. I will work hard. Get them all done."

"Thank you, Miguel. Now, please, come sit at the table," she said leading him to the end chair, a seat of honor. “Raul can sit next to you, on your right." Her eyes met Sean's again. "I'm sitting next to Raul, and you are welcome to sit anywhere you wish."

Sean took the chair facing her, so he could gaze at her all night. If he couldn't touch her, his eyes could feast.


Kayla felt Sean's foot against hers, and just that simple touch made her heart light. She laughed brightly at her sister's jokes, and drew Miguel into the conversation whenever she could. Seeing how Raul watched her eat, she took a moment to show him which fork to use, and how to properly use his knife. He beamed with pleasure at the attention the women showed him, and ate every morsel on his plate.

Por favor
," he said holding up his plate. "May I have more?"

With a pleased smile, Taylor plopped more ribs on his plate, then offered the dish to Miguel. "Finish them off. I don't want any leftovers," she said, serving the last ounce of fish onto Sean's clean plate.

"The snapper was delicious," Kayla told her sister. "Everything was. Dibs on the salad," she said reaching for the bowl.

"Better hold off, we still have apple pie with ice cream." Taylor got up from the table and took the warm pie out of the oven. "I'll make coffee and give this time to cool."

Sean stood up also, and began collecting plates. Kayla rinsed and stacked the dishes in the dishwasher, and when the counter was clear, Taylor sliced the pie, Brittany added the ice cream, and Kayla served them up.

Miguel and Raul were in heaven, devouring the wonderful dessert as if it might be their last meal. Kayla hated to think what would happen to them when they left this place, and compensated by offering them seconds.

Raul's eyes widened with delight as he attacked another big slice, but Miguel rubbed his tummy and pronounced that he couldn't eat another thing.

Kayla pushed her half eaten pie aside, and agreed with Miguel. "Delicious, Taylor. You outdid yourself." She smiled across the table at Sean. "This has been a very pleasant dinner party—we might have to do this again."

"I have a better idea," Sean said, wiping his mouth after his last bite. "I will take you all out to dinner this week. Perhaps we could make a reservation someplace nice. I mean cool." He grinned. "What do you say?"

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Like where? There isn't a lot to choose from around here."

"That's not true," Taylor replied. "Since I want to open a restaurant, I've gone around and checked out the competition. There's some great places all within five miles. We've just been too busy to find them. So, thank you Sean. I think it's a wonderful idea."

"Really? Any with nightlife?" Brittany asked with a yawn. "I'm bored to tears, and miss all my friends in Philly."

"I haven't been out except for lunch, but I did talk to the waitresses," Taylor said, "and they assured me the places are hopping at night."

"Sean? You interested in checking it out?" Brittany asked.

Taylor looked at her two sisters. "Why don't the three of you go now and discover it for yourselves? Mom and I can teach Miguel and Raul how to play gin rummy."

Sean glanced at Kayla. "I would enjoy that. What do you say?"

Heart thumping, Kayla leaned her head back and looked into Sean's eyes. "Let's do it."       

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