PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Wolf Tango (Threesome Menage New Adult) (Paranormal and Urban Shifter Short Stories)

BOOK: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Wolf Tango (Threesome Menage New Adult) (Paranormal and Urban Shifter Short Stories)
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Wolf Tango








By: Jennifer Mckenzie


Wolf Tango


Mathew tooled the big SUV through the heavy Bronx traffic. “Hey Joshy, check the luggage will you? I can hear something loose back there.” As Joshua climbed over to the back seat to rearrange our things, a New York cab cut in fronts of the SUV. Mathew pounded the horn aggressively and took immediate evasive action. “What the hell are you doing up there?” Joshua squawks, from the floor in the back of SUV where he has been thrown. “Do you even have a bloody license?” He climbs back over to the passenger seat beside Mathew, rubbing his left knee which was already beginning to bruise badly. “Sorry mate, that stupid f#%@g cabbie damned near dented my new car before we even get clear of the city.” The traffic thinned later in the day as we excited New York State and begin our mission in earnest. As my friend and neighbor dozed in the late afternoon sun, my thoughts traveled back over the events of the last few days which has culminated in us journeying together across the country. Our clan leader has entrusted us with a mission to drive to San Diego in California, to retrieve an ancient and extremely valuable clan artifact. It could not be returned by airplane because its intrinsic value could cause dramatic complications at in airport x-ray machine should it be discovered. The fact that we two have been selected as the couriers is a considerable honor to ourselves and to our families. “Hey Matty, I’m hungry, when are we gonna be fed?” Just as Joshua spoke, Mathew notices a sign for a road house two miles ahead. “In about two minutes, we can put the nose-bug on in two more miles.”


         “Hi boys what can I get you?” Looking up the boys see a big breasted blonde waitress leaning over the table deliberately allowing her low neckline to open even further, showing all she had to offer. Mathew grins and quips, “We will have the two of those for a start,” Looking directly down into her cleavage. Laughingly, she stands upright saying, “I meant from the menu smartass.” We are all grinning and smiling now, even Joshua who is usually extremely shy and reserved around women. We both order the restaurant’s special of the day, steak, eggs and chips, with a side order of salad. Both of us tired and hungry we chow down, each of us lost in our own private thoughts. “Hey Josh, wanna have beer?” Mathew asked, as he wiped the last vestiges of egg and grease from his plate with a huge chunk of whole meal bread. “Sure Matty, but just the one though, if you want me to take the driving over for a while.” Raising his right hand in the air, Mathew attempts to gain the waitress’s attention. “Couppla cold beers here please Sugar.” As the waitress fetches our beer Joshua finishes cleaning his plate off and sits back into his chair with the contented sigh. He looks at Mathew groaning, “Man oh man, I ate way too much.” He accentuates this by undoing the top button of his trousers. “Here you are my lovelies, two cold ones for the road.” Placing the beer on the table she collects the dirty crockery and returns to the restaurant kitchen, leaving Joshua and Mathew to enjoy the cold beverage.


         Back on the road again, this time with Joshua driving, Mathew reclines in the passenger seat, slightly mesmerized by the oncoming vehicle headlights, his eyes begin to flicker and ultimately close. With the road and the vehicle to himself now, Joshua visibly relaxes and enjoys the feel of the huge V8 engine pushing the SUV easily through the low foothills, heading for the high pass in the Catskill Mountains.  As the road twists and turns, each hairpin becomes even tighter then the last, and infinitely steeper. The beat of the big engine intensifies with the truly latent power. Joshua is impressed that just a touch on the gas pedal rockets the two ton SUV through the S-bends. Driving on through the night, Joshua’s thoughts return to their meal the evening before and consequently to the big busted waitress. Subconsciously rubbing his groin with his free hand, he lets his imagination range freely and graphically around scenarios involving him and her in every erotic position imaginable, and some that were not. As Joshua’s erotic fantasies become more and more wild, he frees his aching member from the constraints of his loose fitting, casual slack pants and he begins to jack off in earnest. The erratic and violent movement awakens Mathew, and opening his eyes in the darkness of the SUV he watches Joshua’s actions. Obviously his friend is in another world and totally oblivious to his present surroundings. Mathew discovers himself become aroused as he clandestinely observes his driver’s ever increasing sexual exploits. Not wanting to alert Joshua to the fact that he is awake now, Mathew does not move a muscle. But he cannot take his eyes off the scenario being enacted in the next seat. It is the first time he has seen another male in sexual rhapsody and he finds himself fascinated by it.

As the weak early morning sunlight filters through the dark tinted SUV windscreen, Mathew yawns, and stretching, brings his fully reclined seat back up to the vertical. “Good Morning Matty, did you sleep well?” Brushing his luxurious thick black hair away from his eyes with his hands Mathew replies, “Like a baby. How was your night? Any problems?” Joshua looks at the fuel gauge and says, “No, the car drove like a dream and it’s so comfortable I am not the remotest bit tired. We need to stop for fuel within the next 50 miles though.” Taking the map from the glove-box Mathew looks for the next town. “About 15 miles up ahead is a town, I am sure we can buy gas there, I only hope we can buy a good breakfast too.”

                “Full tank please,” says Joshua to the gas pump attendant. “And can you please check the air pressure in all five tires.” As Mathew reaches into the glove-box again to fetch his wallet, the boys hear a loud bang from the restaurant next door. “That sounded like a gunshot Matty, I will go and check it out.” Without waiting for Mathew’s reply Joshua leaps from the driver’s seat and pounds across the tarmac towards the restaurant next door. “Keep the change,” Mathew says to the gas attendant and moving over behind the wheel starts the SUV and follows Joshua. Arriving at the same time the boys take up defensive positions at the front door, “You go high and I will go low,” Joshua whispers to Mathew. Receiving a nod Joshua kicks the door wide open and the boys dive inside. “Clear my side,” Climbing to his feet Mathew responds, “Mine too.” The boys carefully inspect the restaurant and then move back towards the kitchen swing-doors. “Same again, you high me low.” At the nod from Josh, the boys hit each half of the swing door with their shoulders and burst into the kitchen. “Someone is hurt here Matt, check around while I take care of her.” Joshua kneels beside a woman lying prostrate on the kitchen tiles, arms outstretched and eyes closed, he checks her breathing and is relieved to the discover she is only unconscious. “All clear out the back Josh, but it seems two people left hurriedly in a brown Ford pick-up, according to the gas attendant.” As the two boys survey the carnage in the restaurant kitchen there is a moan from the floor at their feet, they kneel quickly beside the woman who is beginning to come to. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my kitchen?” Were the first words she uttered? “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” Mathew grabs her hand which was reaching for a cast iron fry pan. “We are on your side, the bad guys have gone.” Seeming to calm down the woman visibly relaxes and rests her head on Joshua’s knee. “Can you stand and look around to see if anything is stolen?” Joshua asks her quietly. “That won’t be necessary, I know what they took. They caught me counting today’s take, they tried to take it and I fought them. One of them had a gun and when he pulled it out of his pocket I grabbed his hand and it went off.  I think that’s when he hit me with it and knocked me out.” She held her head and sat up, groaning. “That money was for my mortgage payment, business has been slow recently and now I am afraid I will lose this restaurant.” The boys looked at one another, “We have to go now mam, we will send the gas attendant in to take care of you.” With that, they stood and walk back to the SUV. Climbing in, Mathew behind the wheel, he turned the big vehicle back towards to the gas pumps and stopped beside the attendant, “Go see to the girl in the restaurant, she’s been hurt. We will be back later. Which way did the pick-up go?” The attendant points along the highway, “They went south and there are no exits down there for thirty miles.” Without replying, Mathew drops the SUV into drive and floors it, all four wheels spin and the heavy vehicle rockets forward. Joshua does up his full harness safety belt, “Okay Matty, let’s see what this baby can really do.” Well in excess of one hundred and twenty miles an hour, the two ton custom built SUV eats up the road. “Matty, drop me at the next creek, the map says there is only one turn off for the next one hundred and sixty miles and it is ten miles ahead. I will take a short cut up the creek and try to cut them off as you follow them in the car.” As Mathew roared off again after the pick-up, Joshua walked down to the creek and checking around to discern if he was alone, morphed instantly into a nine foot tall Werewolf Warrior. Streaking through the forest, following the creek, any observer would only have seen a brief blur as he flashed past them. In only minutes he reached the small country road up which the robbers must travel, hopefully. Sitting quietly beside the road concentrating his super hearing he hears the faint throb of the pick-up engine. He stands up and towering his full nine feet stands in the middle of the road and waits. Moments later the pick-up slides around the bend on the dirt road and accelerates towards him. Suddenly, as Joshua throws back his head and howls challengingly, the pick-up swerves off the road and drives head long into a tree near the shoulder. Steam cascades from the totally destroyed radiator of the pick-up, and the front windscreen is completely non-existent because the driver and his passenger had been thrown clean through it. The deep throb of the turbo charged V8 in the SUV roars, and with all four wheels spinning Mathew tools the huge machine around the bend and skids to a stop beside Joshua. “Good call Joshy, but I can tell you I was mightily relieved when the pick-up turned up this track. I guess there’s no need to ask what caused this accident. You check the pick-up for the stolen money and I will do whatever damage control is necessary on the robbers.” In an instant Josh morphs back into humanoid form and wrenches open the pick-up door as Mathew walks into the forest. Rummaging around inside the cab Josh discovers two plastic bags full of money and removing them exits the vehicle as Mathew returns. “No damage control necessary Joshy, they both have broken necks and would have died instantly. Let’s get the hell out of here.”


                ”OMG, how will I ever be able to thank you. I was resigned to loosing this place and it was breaking my heart. My father opened this restaurant thirty five years ago and it is all I have left in the world.” Accepting the two bags of money with tears of gratitude streaming down her cheeks the grateful owner hugs both boys in turn. “Incidentally, my name is Rose. Are you guys hungry?” Extricating themselves from the woman’s arms the boys walk to a nearby table and sit down. Smilingly Mathew quips, “Well yes mam, I mean Rose, we were actually coming for breakfast when we became involved in your little drama. If you have a couple of steaks with grits and some sunny side up eggs we could sure use them. Now I have one favor to ask you, please don’t discuss our involvement, as we are on a tight schedule and don’t wish to be held up making statements to local police authorities.” Heading for the kitchen Rose says over her shoulder, “No stress, we are accustomed to keeping our own council around here. Now you just sit tight and I will have those steaks ready for you in a jiffy.”


                Mathew returns from the can, after consuming the huge breakfast of steak, eggs, grits, mushrooms and tomatoes that Rose had gratefully prepared for them. As he crosses the restaurant floor he sees the two of them talking quietly at the table. As he joins them Rose speaks, “Joshua tells me you have been travelling all night and I have suggested you both might like to take it easy in my home next door for a few hours before you continue your journey. There is a barn in back where you can park your SUV.” Mathew’s first instinct is to refuse, but noticing fatigue lines on Joshua’s face realizes that the excitement and stress of the last few hours has taken its toll on both of them. “Thank you Rose, we would certainly appreciate an opportunity to rest a while.” As Joshua’s follows Rose to the small attractive cottage next door, Mathew starts the SUV and moves it around back and through the large open barn doors. Exiting the barn and closing the doors behind them he walks across to the cottage and enters. “AHH, I see taking it easy was not the only thing you two were discussing while I was in the can,” Mathew laughs. “Would you like some privacy?” Discontinuing their kissing embrace Rose looks directly into Mathew’s eyes and says, “Come here you, there is more than enough of me to take care of you both.” Mathew looks at the beautiful woman and for the first time takes careful note of her long jet black tresses framing her classically European high-cheeked features. She really is a big beautiful woman. No stranger to group sex Mathew hesitates; both he and Joshua are of royal blood and have been friends since childhood. However, they have never been together during intimacy of any sexual kind. Noticing his hesitation, Joshua holds out one hand and grasping Mathew’s pulls him into the circle of Rose’s long fragrant arms. The vibrant woman seems to be in total control as she alternatively kisses one of them passionately and then the other. With obvious deep primeval, almost animalistic passion, the three participants become so enmeshed with each other they are almost oblivious to the fact that they have moved from the kitchen to the bedroom, discarding clothing all over the floor. Totally naked and completely entwined, they collapse on the bed, hands and tongues devouring each other as if they had minds of their own. Joshua groans loudly as he feels Rose deep throat his huge cock, engulfing it completely. Looking up, Mathew can see Rose’s dripping wet pussy directly above his face; gripping her ivory smooth hips in both his strong hands he drives his hot tongue deep inside. Releasing Joshua’s cock she drives herself down on to his probing tongue and throwing her head back, screaming like a trapped wolverine, she fountains her female juices all over his face. “Gimme some of that partner,” mumbles Joshua, and spinning around under the tangle of hot sweaty bodies he laps contentedly at Rose’s open wet pussy. Looking up, Mathew’s sees Joshua’s fully engorged cock directly above him, instantly recalling his arousal watching him early in the morning he flicks his tongue up the long shaft. With an intense moan Joshua drives his hot throbbing cock hard down onto Mathew’s long wet tongue. Encouraged, lost in the ecstasy of the moment, all three tongues heightening their sexual frenzy, their purely animal instincts take over. Easily flipping Rose onto her back Mathew guides his huge throbbing cock deep inside her. Lifting her legs high around his back she matches his rhythm perfectly at the same time arching her neck to take Joshua’s cock deep into her throat once again. Grasping her long dark hair in his hands Joshua loses total control and in frenzied fervor climaxes and hoses his thick white hot sperm all the way to her stomach. Simultaneously, Mathew shoots his own huge load inside her as she orgasms again and again, soaking his shaft with her own climactic and absolutely sensual finish.

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