Passion in Paris (2 page)

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Authors: Bella Ross

BOOK: Passion in Paris
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Hotel de
Crilllion was located at the foot of the Champs-Elysees, on the northside of the Place de la Concorde - the largest square in Paris with fantastic vistas in every direction. Just on the other side was Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, the most famous street in the world, known for its exclusive designer boutiques like Gucci, Swarovski, Valentino and Versace. Poised in southwest was the Grand Palais and the Louvre to the east.

Kate knew all the landmarks and their locations but had never actually visited. In the back of her mind, Paris was for lovers, a place to explore together and fall in love. She knew it was silly to think this way, but as far as she was concerned, Paris had to be shared with someone special. And perhaps now, at last, her silly little dream would come true.

From the Louis XV suite terrace, with the whole of Paris stretched before her, Kate stood in awe. She marvelled at the exquisite sights and sounds of evening fast approaching. She felt so vibrant, so alive, that her jetlag all but disappeared. Tucking her chestnut curls behind her ear, she gazed out to the horizon, a magnificent sunset was still forming in the sky. Goosebumps popped along her arms and neck. The whirlwind of arriving and settling in, the sumptuous accommodations, the gorgeous man who’d brought her here – it all felt surreal.

My God, I’m in Paris with Max Gray.

While engrossed in her thoughts, she was unaware that he’d been behind her until he extended his arms on either side of her, caging her in. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck as warm tingles spread throughout her body. Having his body so close to hers spiked her heart rate.

“I ordered room service,” he said, gently drawing her back against the solid wall of muscle that was his chest. “I’m sure you’re hungry.”

“Yes, I am. Thank you,” she replied, as he wrapped one arm around her, holding her close to him. So close that she could feel the beating of his heart. She leaned back, in total trust, and lost sight of everything, except this moment and this man whose embrace felt strangely like a safe haven.

“How could one place hold such beauty?” she wondered aloud.

“Time,” he replied.

“Time?” she questioned.

“Time makes everything beautiful,” he explained. “What stands before you was once an ancient city, a diamond in the rough so to speak, but for a thousand years it mined and polished its exceptional characteristics and future potential to achieve its current state of beauty. What you see now, however breathtaking, was not by chance.”

“A philosopher, are you?” she mocked playfully.

“Among other things,” he teased. “I think its time I show you.”

Kate tensed when Max’s hand trailed down her thigh, pulling up the hem of her skirt, slow inch by slow inch, giving her ample time to reject his advances. He took her silence as permission to continue, and slipped under. Instead of feeling invaded, her pussy reacted with a surge of wetness. His fingers teased and taunted her inner thigh, languorously moving in the direction of her soaking center.

His breath took on a primal rhythm against her ear. “Do you want me to show you?” His hand edged closer, oh so close. “I’ll bet you’re a soaking mess.”

She shook her head, denying what was so obviously true.

“Hmmm, I think perhaps its time I find out.”

Kate didn’t dare breathe, frightened of what sound might come out of her when she did. He moved his fingers closer, pulses of electricity shot through her. He tightened his grip on her.
His hard length pressed against her back. Tension built inside her. She was so damn close to something that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe it was the thrill of the moment, or maybe it was the skilful hands of the man behind her. She didn’t know which, but only that it felt good, somehow right.

His hand slid between her thighs, slightly nudging them apart, and brushed up against a slither of damp lace. She couldn’t help but wriggle and glance around nervously, and as she did, he pressed the fabric into her with a single finger. “If you keep that up I will have to take you right here and now,” he warned. “Be still.” She shivered and stilled, while he kept the pressure on her clit.
Kate nearly groaned aloud
when he moved his finger further between her legs.

“Inside,” he ordered, suddenly pulling his hand away. Walking back into the suite, he took a seat on the couch and leaned back. Resting
one foot on the opposite knee, he watched her with a searing intensity. “Come inside, Kate.”

She bit her lip, fearful to move as the fire he’d ignited between her legs threatened to turn into an inferno.
Feeling dazed, with every nerve and fiber of her being throbbing for his touch, she obeyed. Crossing the room, she went to him. Looking up at her, his eyes were intense and predatory, but his demeanour was calm and controlled.

“That really is a nice suit,” he said conversationally. “But I want what’s underneath it right now.”

Her eyes widened in shock. Was he serious? His words from the plane suddenly came rushing back. She realized he’d been serious about not wearing her suit for long. His eagerness and desire for her was flattering. But still, his boldness stole her breath. “I don’t think so.”

“I wasn’t asking,” he countered.
His slow-spreading grin maddening her. Seconds ticked by in utter silence.


Heat rose into her face. Feelings pulsed through her. She looked away from his searing gaze in an attempt to keep her wits. She could very easily defy him, politely disengage herself from him, and then run like the devil. That way she wouldn’t have to deal with all these feelings, emotions, sensations that were suffocating her with heat. To her dismay, her body’s pleasure threshold was low indeed. She hadn’t realized it before. But then again, the few men she’d been with were hardly capable of setting her on fire with a touch. Max Gray was unprecedented.

“Take it off.” It was a command, plain and simple. “Now, Kate.”

She hesitated, feeling nervous and uncertain. She wanted to say something, but the implacable look on his face changed her mind. She bit her lip and silently did as she was told.

She took off her jacket and simply let it fall to her feet. Keeping her eyes on him, she began unbuttoning her blouse and a moment later it joined the jacket on the floor. He
r skirt soon followed. She could feel her cheeks growing hot as she reached behind herself to unhook her bra.

He’d followed her every movement so intensely that it made her pussy flare and burn for his touch. Holding the lace white garment over her breasts, she hesitated.

“Drop it,” he commanded.

And away it fell from her body like mist.
Something in his eyes, despite his relaxed stance, was anything but. Like hot, possessive hands they swept over her. The sensual smile flickering across the rugged planes of his face infuriated her.

Here she was standing in her heels, and naked, before him.
 And he was still dressed. Of course he was, obviously he enjoyed contrasts.

“Beautiful,” Max
said, his voice deep and husky with appreciation.

She stood, vulnerable, as his eyes savored her nakedness for the first time. She was tempted to clamp her hands over her privates but
the look on his face was clear – pure desire. No man had ever looked at her that way before.

“Come here, Kate,” Max said softly.

She took a nervous step forward. And then another. Until she stood before him.

He stood up, and closed the gap between them. He hovered over her, his eyes looking deeply into hers. Sliding his hand around to her nape, he gripped her and pulled
her to him, crushing her lips against his. His breath whispered hot over her face. His fingers slid higher, tangling them into her hair so his grasp on her was even tighter.

And then, just as quickly
, he pulled away. His breath rapid. His chest heaving. His eyes burned brightly, like emeralds set on fire, enough to make her burn from the raw heat emanating from them.

“Do you have any idea just how much I want you right now,” he murmured.

As she tried to formulate a thought, a knock sounded at the door. He reluctantly loosened his hold on her hair, and gave her a look that she remain where she was, before heading to answer it.

Ignoring him, she picked up her silk blouse from the floor, and just as she was about to slip it back on the trolley came first, overloaded with food, champagne and long stemmed red roses, followed by the waiter who glanced her way. The look of shock and embarrassment passing over the young man’s face mortified her. Without a word, he turned
 and exited in a hurry.

When the door clicked shut, she threw him a cold glare, but he remained impassive
, watching her with a new intensity.

“You did that on purpose.”

“And you were told to stay put.”

His tone
and demeanour irritated her. “You bastard.”

With a full grin in place now, somehow looking pleased by her reaction, he reached for the champagne bottle and poured. She watched the champagne rise in the Baccarat flute glasses, gold and frothy. “This bastard isn’t done with you yet.”

His words reverberated to her core, from her crown right down to the center of her dripping universe. She looked into his eyes and the hard lust radiating in them made her lose her voice. She tried to speak but all she could manage was accept the drink from his hand.

“Let’s make a toast, shall we?” He raised his glass and
clinked the rim to hers. “To an unforgettable experience.”

Sipping her champagne, she didn’t doubt it. He’d intended to use this trip, along with the embarrassing scenario with the waiter to make a point - she was his an
d his alone to do as he willed for the next three days. Had any man before him ever staked such a claim? No, her memory asserted. That alone pleased her beyond measure.

Witnessing this side of him, experiencing him in this manner had the desired effect on her mind and body. She was prepared to let him do anything to her at that moment. Any wish, any request, she would grant him. There would be no questions or objections.

“Come with me,” he said at last, taking the champagne glass from her and setting it along with his on the table, and held out his hand in invitation. Again, a slight hesitation shot through her, but ignored it. She took his hand and he gently wrapped his fingers around hers, leading the way to the bedroom. Once inside, he turned to look at her. “On the bed. On your back.”

It wasn’t a request but a command and one that s
he obeyed without hesitation. And instead of joining her, he watched her. To her surprise he remained by the door, just staring at her body, and ordered her to remove the lace thong, which she did in a flash.  He told her to spread her legs as he slowly began to move to the foot of the bed. She complied but he firmly commanded, “Wider.”

Startled, breathless with anticipation, she spread wider for those probing eyes that shimmered
with intensity, and the machinations and schemes behind them only added to her growing excitement. She knew there was something in store for her that she would not soon forget.

“Touch yourself.”

Again, she was so startled by his command, she couldn’t reply. She stared at him, her mouth open, a hot blush sweeping over face.

“Touch yourself for me.”

Her shock and embarrassment melted in the heat that radiated from him. She’d never been willing to do that with other lovers, always embarrassed by the intimacy of it. Before tonight, she would’ve cringed at the thought. But from the looks of it, or rather the look on his face, it was all about to change. He didn’t say anything, but his heated gaze said enough to have her breath growing shallow and the moisture between her legs increasing.

“I want to see that beautiful pussy get flushed and hot and soft and juicy before I claim it. I want to watch you make yourself come.” His eyes were poised on her wet core. “Show me.”

She couldn’t answer, couldn’t speak. She squeezed her eyes shut and did as he asked, awkward at first, but his need was so potent that it dissolved her inhibitions. She abandoned herself to his need and desire. “Your eyes open, Kate,” he commanded. “Look at me when you’re touching yourself.”

A fierce, hot power swelled in her belly, in her womb. She played with the soft, secret folds of her sex, her body arching and heaving, offering him everything.
His intense gaze making her hotter, taking her higher. She wanted to take him to the very edge of ecstasy with her, but he just stood there with absolute self control, watching. His eyes hungry, feverish.

He rounded the bed, and perched on the edge of it. His fingers moved across her thigh and came to rest on hers. His actions were calm and controlled. He watched her, his eyes focused on
her face, wanting to see what his touch would do to her. She trembled, he smiled. She moaned, he looked pleased.

Holding her captive with his eyes, he asked, “Who do you belong to?”

His question resonated deep, awakening something raw and primal within her being. In her lust induced euphoria, she surrendered to its power. Grabbing his fingers, unable to prolong the sweet torture any longer, she pushed them hard inside her oozing wetness and moaned. “You. Only you.” And those words launched her into orbit. She cried out and dissolved, shivering all over. Reality soon followed, and along with it, embarrassment of what he must think of her. Displaying herself like that. She felt more vulnerable than ever.

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