Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance (13 page)

Read Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance Online

Authors: Jennifer Fielding,J A Fielding,Bwwm Club

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance
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wait,” Daniel said.

I’ll have the nurse get you when I’m ready,” he
said. Daniel stood up and led Erica back out into the reception area.

was a little firecracker today,” he said. She looked up at him
and shook her head.

really sorry,” she said.

don’t be. I like this side of you. So feisty, so hot,” he
said as he looked at her. She smiled and shrugged. “Coffee? I
saw a vending machine around the corner,” he said. She
shrugged. “I’ll be right back,” he said as he
walked away.

She sat down and
leaned back. She had surprised even herself when she snapped at Dr.
Castillo like that but the questions he was asking had struck a
nerve. And anything and everything Eli related almost always got her
angry. Could it have been the fact that she still harbored a grudge
against him? And if she did, what did it mean? She forced out a smile
when Daniel came back holding two Styrofoam cups.

so sure how the coffee is but I guess it will be better than just
sitting here doing nothing,” he said.

she said as she took a sip. “Actually, it’s not so bad,”
she said with a smile.

you kidding me? I feel like I am drinking coffee flavored mud,”
he said.

you would have hated the coffee at Kirkland & Ellis,” she
said with a smile.

think one of the most important home and office appliances is the
coffee maker,” he said as he endured another sip. She looked at
him and shook her head.

I have to ask. Three women,” she started even though she knew
it was a bad idea.

I knew this question was coming,” he said. He took another sip
and looked at her. “It was my ex, another ex and then you, of
course,” he said.

another ex?” she asked.

was a wild night. We got wasted with a couple of my buddies and the
said ex just happened to be in the same bar. It was one of those
mistakes you just wake up from and wonder what the hell happened,”
he said.

I know a thing or two about that,” she said.

Hayes. You’ve been holding out on me,” he said.

She looked up at him
and nodded.

school. I’d just had a big test and after that, I just needed
to unwind. We all did and the next thing I knew, I was waking up next
to my best friend,” she said. He raised one eyebrow over the
other. “It was a guy. You can relax,” she added.

Daniel laughed and
took another sip.

guess this is an acquired taste,” he said.

better?” she asked. Daniel nodded and took another sip. “Told
you so,” she added.

I have to ask. Why did you get so worked up when the doctor asked
about the test?” he asked. She took a deep breath and looked at
him. “You know those questions are just standard, right?”
he asked. She shrugged for the umpteenth time and took a long deep
breath. She looked at him and sighed.

I walked in on Eli cheating on me, I remember thinking how many times
had he done this? What if he actually put me at risk and I didn’t
even know it?” she pulled the cotton swab she was holding
against her arm and tossed it into a nearby bin. “It’s
not bleeding anymore,” she said in a whisper.

don’t think we have anything to worry about,” Daniel
said. She looked at him and smiled before taking a sip from her cup.

but I didn’t go to the clinic then. I kept on putting it off
and then I met you and…” her voice trailed off. She
could not bring herself to finish the sentence because it was so
obvious she was going to cry. Daniel took her hand again.

are going to be fine,” he said. He had a reassuring smile on
his face.

really think so?” she asked as she looked into his eyes.

I know it. If there is a God, he would not let me meet such a great
woman and then just allow something that bad to happen,” he
said. She smiled and raised an eyebrow over the other.

there is a God and He brought you to me,” she said with a
smile. He looked into her eyes and then leaned in for a quick kiss
just as the receptionist walked towards them.

Castillo is ready for you,” she said.

Daniel stood up and
Erica followed. She didn’t know if he could hear her breathing
because she could hear her heart drumming in her ears. Daniel slipped
an arm around her waist.

on, it’s going to be okay,” he said as he led her into
the doctor’s office.

Hayes, Mr. Reese. Nice to see you again,” Dr. Castillo said.
Erica looked at Daniel and then at Dr. Castillo and forced out a
smile. “So, we have your results. You’ll be happy to know
that you both tested negative,” the doctor said. Erica breathed
a long sigh of relief.

I told you,” Daniel said smiling at Erica.

I would like to talk to you about some more practical contraception
plans,” Dr. Castillo said. She looked at Daniel and nodded.
“Apart from pregnancy, there is also the risk of disease and
the only way you can avoid this, is to be faithful to each other,”
he said. Daniel looked at her and smiled.

think I have every reason to be faithful to this woman,” he
said as he looked at Erica.

good to hear,” the doctor said with a smile.

also wanted a more permanent birth control method but I was a bit
confused about everything,” Erica said.

are a number you can actually pick from,” the doctor said
handing her a pamphlet. She quickly looked through and shook her

don’t want anything that would scar so that arm implant thing
is definitely a no-no,” she said.

about an IUD?” Dr. Castillo asked. Erica looked at the pamphlet
and frowned.

if it shifts or something?” she asked as she looked at the

of that happening are really slim. But we have ways of countering
that,” he said. Erica looked at Daniel and shrugged.

do you think?” she asked. Daniel shook his head.

don’t think I am the right person to be answering that
question,” he said. She looked at him and then turned her
attention to the doctor, confused. It was at that moment that
something caught her eye. Copper –T. That was what Cassandra

to me about this copper-T,” she said as she looked at the

is a small piece of copper that is inserted through the vagina
blocking the entrance of the cervix. It prevents the egg and sperm
from ever coming into contact,” Dr. Castillo explained.

what about…” she started asking.

will still get your period as usual. The device doesn’t prevent
that from happening,” Dr. Castillo said as he looked at her.
Erica took a long deep breath.

what I want,” she said.

are you sure?” Daniel asked. Erica smiled and nodded.

and it’s not invasive like the arm implant so I think it is
okay,” she said. Daniel looked at her and shrugged. “Is
it possible for me to get the device today?” she asked.

are you sure?” Daniel asked as he looked at her.

She smiled and
nodded. “More than ever.”

Dr. Castillo smiled
and looked at her,

can have you set up with one of our OBGYNs. You can be done in a few
minutes,” he said.

let’s do it before I change my mind,” she said standing
up. Daniel stood up and looked at her.

you want me to come with you?” he asked as he looked at her.

think this is something I have to do alone,” she said.
“Besides, I’m not sure you want to see some woman or man
shove her hands up inside my cooch,” she added with a smile.
Dr. Castillo led them out and Daniel looked at Erica.

be right here when you get out, okay?” he stated when they got
to the reception.

Erica said before he gave her a quick kiss. She looked at him and
then followed Dr. Castillo down the hallway to another room. Somehow,
even though she was about to lie on a bed spread eagled, she didn’t
feel so scared. It was probably a direct outcome of her results. When
she changed into her hospital gown and got up on the examination
table, she could feel her excitement almost boiling over.

Hayes, are you ready?” she heard a male voice. She raised her
head and smiled at the new doctor. He was just as attractive as Dr.
Castillo if not more.

all the doctors in this hospital hot?” she thought as she
looked at him. “Ready,” she said.

my name is Ernesto Gregorio and I am going to need you to relax,”
he said as he put on some latex gloves.

she said as she closed her eyes. In just a few minutes, she would be
ready to have mindless sex with Daniel without ever worrying if they
had enough rubbers.


When Erica finally
walked back into the reception area, Daniel was just clearing up the
payment. He frowned when he saw Erica. She looked like she was in
immense pain.

you okay?” he asked as he looked at her.

have a little cramp,” she grimaced and nodded. Daniel looked at
her and gave her a sad smile.

did it hurt?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes
and nodded.

a motherfucker,” she said. “Remind to kill Cassandra when
I get back home. She swore that it was absolutely painless. She
lied,” she said as she looked at him. He smiled and slipped an
arm around her and pulled her closer to him.

sorry baby. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me,”
he whispered in her ear.

the way, I have more bad news. We can’t have intercourse for
forty eight hours,” she said. He looked at her and raised an
eyebrow over the other.

guess I can live with that,” he said. Erica could still see the
disappointment in his eyes.

you all done here?” she asked.

he said stuffing the receipts in his pocket.

Because after all that, I need some comfort food and maybe snuggling
in bed,” she said. He held her close to him and smile. “And
I feel violated,” she added. Daniel wanted to laugh. But he
pressed his lips into her forehead instead.

Hayes,” Dr. Gregorio called. They turned around and the doctor
handed her a bottle of pills. “Ibuprofen. You are going to need
this,” he said.

Erica took the bottle
from him.

often?” she asked.

are eight hundred milligram pills, so one every four hours should be
fine,” Dr. Gregorio said. Erica forced out a smile.

doctor,” she said as the two of them walked out.

the man who looked at your vagina? Now I’m the one who needs a
giant tub of ice cream,” he said as he hailed down a cab.

Chapter 11

you lying bitch!” Erica was shouting.

simple hello would have sufficed but I think I’ll take it. And
is there any way you could have called a little later in the
day…possibly later on in my day too?” she asked. Erica
rolled her eyes. Cassandra looked at her computer screen. “Why
the hell do you look like you are in agony?” Cassandra asked as
she leaned against the headboard of her bed.

I am. I got that horrible IUD…” she started before
Cassandra gasped dramatically.

my God, Emily was right. You are officially going raw with this new
guy, aren’t you?” she asked.

beside the point. Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me how painful
the whole process is? I was literally being pulled apart,”
Erica said.

they have to dilate your cervix. But didn’t you get lidocaine
or something?” Cassandra asked.

Erica frowned.

don’t think so because if I had, that shit wouldn’t have
hurt that much. Seriously, it felt like I was being violated over and
over,” she said.

worry. Get some ibuprofen and some tea. You’ll be just fine,”
Cassandra said.

Just then, Erica
heard a beep notifying her of a new email. It was then that she
realized that she had not checked her mail in a few days.

how is the restaurant coming?” Erica asked as she checked her

I can’t complain,” Cassandra said. “And you clearly
are not paying enough attention to me, so I would love to go back to
bed. I have an early delivery.” She was yawning.

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