Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance (3 page)

Read Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance Online

Authors: Jennifer Fielding,J A Fielding,Bwwm Club

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Passion Overseas: A Billionaire BWWM Holiday Romance
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mean the cheating? Is that what you are going on about?”

don’t have to put it so bluntly,” he said in a low voice
as he looked around to make sure no one had heard her.

that’s what happened, right? You just decided to go out and
fuck someone else who wasn’t your girlfriend. My sister!”
she was now talking in a hushed whisper. She wanted nothing more than
to throw her scalding hot latte at his face.

I am really sorry but you have to understand one thing, I never, ever
meant to hurt Erica, or you,” he said as he looked at her. “I
never wanted to have an affair…”

yet you did,” Emily was now sipping on her latte as she looked
at him over the rim of her cup. She put her cup down and shrugged. “I
honestly don’t know what the hell we are doing here, Eli. And
as soon as I am done with this delicious fresh cream red velvet
slice, so are we,” she added as she took another bite. He
looked at her and took a long deep breath.

need to see her. I need to talk to Erica, Em,” Eli said and
Emily laughed. It was a long cynical laugh that almost seemed unreal.
Eli looked at her as she leaned back in her chair and shook her head.

have got to be fucking kidding me, right?” she asked as she
looked at him.

do you mean?” he asked.

you are still asking these idiotic questions,” she said as she
shook her head. “Listen, jackass. When you hooked up with my
sister, I thought, great. She found someone who is just wonderful but
then you had to go out and be like the next guy in a bad Tyler Perry
movie. And honestly, it took all of me not to march over to your
place and shoot you right between the eyes but right now, this thing
you are trying to do is definitely going to be the end of me because
so help me God, Eli, I will kill you if you so much as say her name
one more fucking time,” she said before she took another bite
of her cake.

I feel like I need closure,” Eli sighed. She raised an eyebrow
and glared at him.

Really? Are you the one who walked in on her with some stranger’s
balls hanging out of her? Fucking no! She walked in on you humping
the living daylights out of a stranger’s vagina. She is the one
who needs closure Eli not you,” she said almost too annoyed.
She could feel her blood pressure rising.

he started, a faraway look in his eyes as if he was trying to make up
what he was saying as he went on.

it! Eli,” she said banging her hands on the table causing a
scene even though she didn’t want to. “It has been so
long since your stupid…whatever and honestly you have no right
to anything, really. No right to talk to her, to even think of her or
even the right to fucking closure. She is over you. She has moved on
and I suggest you do the same,” she said as she pushed her seat

what? She’s moved on? Already? But where…I’ve been
trying…where is she?” he was struggling to get the words
out but she was already walking away. “Emily…please, I
need to know. Where is she?” he asked as he ran up to her.
Emily turned around and looked at him. She was exhausted just
standing there looking at him.

the hell do you want to know?” she asked.

she okay? Is she happy?” he asked even though she was not sure
what his intentions were.

is happy. She has moved on and she is in love. This thing you had is
dead and buried, Eli,” she added. She was about to walk away
when Eli held her hand.

where is she? I need to see her,” he said. She rolled her eyes
and yanked her hand away from him.

you can’t asshole. She is in Athens,” she said before
walking away.


Emily was still jet
lagged when she woke up three hours later and then realized what had
just happened to her at the airport. She needed to give her sister a
heads up.

the hell am I supposed to break this news to my sister?” she
wondered as she splashed some water on her face. She took a long deep
breath and walked out of the bathroom. She made her way to the
kitchen and opened the fridge. “Really, Cassandra?” she
wondered as she looked through the contents of her fridge. Clearly,
Cassandra had taken the whole house sitting thing to another level.
She grabbed a carton of milk and then got some cereal from the shelf.
She poured her cereal and milk and then walked back to the bedroom.
She ate it slowly and shrugged before she switched on her computer.
She called Erica and waited for her to pick up.

you,” Erica said when she answered the video call.

wait. I want to conference Cassandra in,” Emily said typing

But you do know what time it is over here, right?” Erica asked.
Emily smiled uncomfortably as she looked at her screen.

I am jet lagged and I have to tell you something,” Emily said
before taking another bite of her cereal.

Erica raised an
eyebrow and looked at her sister. “Em, should I be concerned?”

chill,” Emily said.

Erica and deserter,” Cassandra said a bit too dramatically.

Cassandra. And before you continue hurling insults, I should tell you
that I got you those cute black and silver peep toe Jimmy Choos you
wanted since last spring,” Emily said. Cassandra put a hand
over her mouth and squealed loudly. “Yeah, I knew that would
shut you up.”

Erica. How is everything in Athens?” Cassandra asked.

Really, really dark,” Erica said.

I thought you and that hottie were having a great time,”
Cassandra said.

we are. It’s just that it’s one in the morning over
here,” Erica said. Emily shrugged.

I could have waited to talk to you but clearly Miss Jimmy Choo here
has something in mind,” Cassandra said.

Em. What’s going on? Did you have a good flight?” Erica

the flight was awesome. I still maintain the whole Middle Eastern
airlines are the best!” Emily said with a smile.

thought British Air was your bread and butter…and maybe
Lufthansa too?” Cassandra asked.

honey, you haven’t had international treatment until you try
Etihad, Emirates or Qatar,” Emily said. A smile played on
Erica’s lips. “So anyway, I have to tell you guys
something. It’s more your news Erica but I didn’t want to
have to tell it twice,” she added.

Erica raised an
eyebrow. “Like I asked before, should I be worried, Emily?”

not really except the fact that your ex knows where you are.”

Erica and Cassandra asked in unison.

bumped into him…or he bumped into me…at the airport.
And he was going on and on about closure…” Emily

He needs fucking closure?” Erica asked a bit too loudly making
Daniel wake up. She put her hand on him and patted him gently before
she got off the bed and walked out into the living area. “Why
the hell should he get closure?” she asked as she sat down.

That anger is exactly what I felt and I gave him a good tongue lash,”
Emily said.

where was he going?” Cassandra asked.

don’t really know. I was in the arrivals terminal. I just
exploded Erica. I’m sorry,” she sighed as she looked at
her sister.

at what point did you decide to blab out where Erica is?”
Cassandra asked. Emily looked at Cassandra’s side of the screen
and rolled her eyes.

was really pissing me off and I had to tell him off. And rub it in
his face that you had moved on,” Emily said. “And then he
asked where you were and I just said it.”.

it’s not like he can just come and find me here. I mean Athens
is huge,” she said softly.

I guess you’re right,” Cassandra said. “But there
is the obvious fact that Eli has always been a psycho,” she

Erica sighed again.
Cassandra was right. The possibility of running into Eli was very

I guess we can always do a new country in a few days,” Erica

so we are now using the ‘we’ word,” Cassandra said
with a smile. Erica smiled and nodded. “So, things are looking
up, huh?”

looking up is an understatement. Those two are going at it raw
nowadays,” Emily said as she took another bite of her cereal.
She smiled as Cassandra’s eyes grew wide and Erica’s
cheeks flushed bright red.

are what?” Cassandra asked loudly.

that is really not something you need to tell her or anyone, for that
matter,” Erica said as she looked at Emily. She rubbed her
temples and shook her head.

you still embarrassed? Come on, this is awesome. You guys are
actually taking things to the next level,” Emily said.

level? What level is that, grandkids?” Cassandra asked.

will kill you. Even from five thousand miles away,” Erica said
looking at Cassandra’s side of the screen.

Emily smiled and

it is obvious that you are moving at Godspeed with this guy which I
very much approve from the photos Emily sent me. I mean, seriously?
Can you say fifty shades of hot?” Cassandra said with a smile.
Erica looked up to see Daniel walking towards her.

woke you up, didn’t I?” she asked as Daniel sat next to
her and kissed her forehead.

there he is, in the flesh,” Cassandra said.

Daniel raised an
eyebrow and looked at the screen.

Cassandra and you remember my sister,” Erica said. Cassandra
was smiling a little too widely.

guys,” Daniel said with a smile.

know what, I will talk to you guys tomorrow. And Em, I got everything
covered,” Erica said.

come on,” Cassandra started.

in the morning, Cassie. One in the freaking morning,” Erica
said. “I love you guys,” she said and hung up before
giving them a chance to say anything.

I even want to know what that was about?” Daniel asked as she
held him tightly.

family might be a little infatuated with you,” she said as
Daniel draped an arm around her. He could not help but smile when she
said that. “Stop that, mister big ego,” she said as she
slid her hand to his crotch.

is definitely better,” Daniel said with a smile.

Chapter 3

your sister had a date with your ex?” Daniel asked looking at
Erica who shook her head.

she bumped into him at the airport when she landed in Philly and he
said he needed to talk so they ended up having coffee. Or at least
she did and he just stared at her,” she said. She had just told
him of the whole Eli and Emily meeting and Daniel was having a hard
time understanding what the whole thing was about. The two were lying
lazily on the bed after having brunch at the restaurant. They were
initially supposed to leave and do something, maybe take in some
sights but they ended up just staying in.

let me get this straight, your ex, the one who cheated on you wants
closure?” he asked. Erica nodded and shrugged. “What the
hell does that even mean?”

know right? The cheatee is the one who usually gets closer from the
cheater,” she said matter of factly.

do know cheatee is not actually a word, right?” he smiled.

you got the point. So, down with that,” she said as she pulled
herself up to a sitting position. She looked at him and sighed. “Do
you maybe think we’ve had enough of Greece?” she asked.

He sat up and looked
into her eyes. “Is that what you feel?”

if you want to stay you can…we can. I just don’t want to
make you do something that you don’t want to,” she
shrugged. He touched the side of her face and smiled at her.

I do with you is great, perfect. You could never make me do anything
that I didn’t,” he said in a soft voice.

What do you want to do?” she smiled.

He moved closer and
caressed her thigh.

if you must really know, I want to ravage you,” he said in a

She giggled and
pulled his hand away. “Come on, be serious babe. What do you

want whatever you want,” he said in a soft voice. “Okay.
Do you want to choose our next destination?” she asked as she
looked at him.

don’t really know where to go next,” he sighed. She
smiled and quickly climbed off the bed. “Where are you going?”
Daniel asked as he turned around to look at her. She quickly ran to
the living room where she had last seen the map. She walked back to
the bedroom and sat down on the bed unfolding the map. “This is
just Greece,” Daniel said looking at the map. Erica smiled and
turned the map over.

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