Passionate Craving (3 page)

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Authors: Marisa Chenery

BOOK: Passionate Craving
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It didn’t take them very long to finish setting up Tori’s camp. The
last thing Memphis did was get some of the firewood he had piled along one wall
of his shed and place it next to the ring of rocks she’d arranged to use as a
fire pit.

“Shall we head out to see my brothers?” Memphis asked as he placed
the last log on the pile.


“There are two ways of doing it. We can drive or walk through the
trees. It’s a little bit of a distance between each cabin.”

“I definitely want to walk. I don’t want to miss out on a chance of
seeing that new species of wolf.”

So much for distracting Tori from that particular topic. He’d have
to do more than kiss her to get her mind on something they’d both enjoy. He had
no problem with that. He actually looked forward to it.

“All right. We built our cabins basically in a circle. My parents’
place borders on the left side of mine, and Rhett’s is on the right. So we’ll
start with him, then work our way back to my parents’ cabin.”

“Won’t we be too early for dinner if we leave now? I already met
Talon in town.”

Memphis smiled. “No, we won’t. Besides Talon and Rhett, I have three
other brothers. We’re sextuplets.”

“Wow. Your mother doesn’t look as if she had six babies at the same
time. To be honest, I would have never thought she was old enough to be your

“My parents have aged well. My dad doesn’t look his age either.”

Needing to be in contact with her in some way, Memphis captured
Tori’s hand in his and linked their fingers. He set them walking out of the
clearing in the direction of Rhett’s cabin. When the trees were too close for
them to walk side by side, he kept hold of her and angled his arm behind him.
The limited touch was enough to appease his wolf side that wanted to put her up
against the nearest tree and claim her right then and there. The kisses they’d
shared had increased his need for her.

They were halfway to Rhett’s cabin when Talon came running toward
them in wolf form. Memphis swore silently as Tori jerked to a stop and sucked
in a sharp breath. This wasn’t how he wanted her to be introduced to their
kind. He’d wanted to go wolf and be the first one she saw. Now his brother had
gone and ruined all that. He owed Talon a smack up side the back of the head
for this stunt.

“Is that one of them?” Tori asked quietly.


“It’s huge. I’ve never seen a wolf that large. How many of them are

“Eight. Seven of them have black fur and one light brown.”

“What’s the male to female ratio in the pack?”

“There are seven males and one female.” Technically, there were four
females, but Kiel’s, Cyrus’ and Gage’s mates being human would never be able to
shift to wolf form.

“Really? I’ve never seen packs with that ratio before.”

Memphis was saved from saying anything more by the arrival of Talon.
His brother stopped a few feet away, sat on his haunches and looked up at them.
Memphis didn’t miss the laughter in Talon’s eyes when his gaze settled on him.

“Do they always come so close?” Tori asked softly.

“Yes,” Memphis said as he shot Talon a scowl. “They’ll let you pet
them too. You can even play fetch with them like you would a dog. This one in
particular loves it. Watch.”

Memphis picked up a branch and threw it a short distance away. Talon
would have no choice but to retrieve it and bring it back. That would irk the
shit out of his brother, especially the dog part.

“Go on. Get it,” Memphis said as Talon sat there.

His brother shot him a look that said payback would be forthcoming,
then went after the branch. Talon returned and dropped it at Memphis’ feet.
Memphis had to hold back a laugh.

“Can I try?” Tori asked as she picked up the branch.

“Sure. As I said, he loves playing fetch.”

Tori threw the branch. As Talon ran to where it landed, she said, “I’ve
never seen a wild wolf do this. Is the whole pack so friendly?”

“Yes. Don’t be surprised if one shows up tonight at your tent and decides
to stick around.”

Tori tossed the branch a couple more times before Memphis silently
made a motion to Talon for him to get lost when Tori wasn’t looking. His
brother threw back his head on a howl, then ran off into the trees.

“I guess he had enough of that,” Tori said with a laugh.

“It would seem that way. We should keep going or we’ll be late for

Memphis took Tori’s hand once again and got them back in to motion.
He hoped no other “wild” wolves would just happen to show up along the way. He
didn’t think she’d be too impressed if he started hoofing said wolves in the
butt when he saw them.

Chapter Three


Tori had been introduced to almost all of Memphis’ family. The only
one she had to meet still was his father. Just as Talon was similar in looks to
Memphis, his other brothers shared a lot of the same features. They all had the
same black hair and striking light green eyes.

She’d also met the women married to three of Memphis’ brothers. Tori
had actually recognized Kiel’s wife from magazines. Neha was a model. Cyrus’
wife, Shyla, was a trapper-in-training and planned to work alongside her
husband during the winter months. Jaimie, Gage’s wife, was a stay-at-home mom to
her eight-year-old son, Derrick, who was from a previous relationship when she’d
been a teenager.

Tori had liked everyone. They’d all been friendly, and had made her
feel welcome. She wouldn’t be surprised if she took away some lasting
friendships when she left four weeks from now. She glanced at Memphis as he
walked beside her, holding her hand. Or there could be a chance she’d be back

She brought what she’d shared with Memphis in her tent before his
mother had arrived to the forefront of her mind. A little thrill shot through
her at the remembrance. The passion that had built between them had been hot
and intense. Tori was pretty sure she wouldn’t have stopped him if he’d
stripped her naked and then wanted sex right then. Usually, she wasn’t that
easy, but with him, she’d become swept up in her desire and couldn’t think
about anything else other than having him inside her.

Tori wasn’t a prude, by any means, but she preferred to know the men
she slept with a little better than she knew Memphis. She wasn’t one for
relationships either. Her work mostly came first so she didn’t have much time
for dating. She usually sought out men she knew and who wouldn’t want more than
a couple nights of sex from her. It all had to do with mutually scratching an

 With Memphis, Tori didn’t think it’d be like that at all. Their
passion seemed to simmer just under the surface all the time. Even now she felt
it stirring, heating her blood. It didn’t help that the wind blew toward her,
blowing his enticing scent in her face as she shifted to walk behind him now
that the trees didn’t allow them to walk side by side. Nor the fact that she
had a great view of his muscled ass. It flexed with each step he took.

She had to drag her gaze off his butt as they stepped out of the
trees into a cleared space where Memphis’ parents’ cabin was situated. The smell
of barbequed meat hit Tori’s nose and she took a deep breath. Her stomach

Memphis tugged her up to his side and chuckled. “Hungry?”

She grinned. “Yeah. Last time I ate was breakfast before I set out
for Canyon Creek. I was at Yellowstone National Park to do some research on the
gray wolves that live there. I made the four and a half hour drive straight

“I guess you would be hungry then. Since everyone will be eating
here, my mom will have made lots of food. Just to give you the heads up, my
parents don’t have any electricity in their cabin. They have indoor plumbing,

“Okay. What about your cabin?”

“I just recently had electricity put in. Same with my brothers. Kiel
was the first one to do it for Neha. And the rest of us did the same after
Cyrus and Gage decided to get it for their wives. We grew up without it, so it
wasn’t a big deal not to have it.”

“I don’t mind not having electricity when I’m out on the field, but
I’d miss it if I could never have it.”

Memphis and Tori walked to the back of the cabin where there was a
patio. Everyone was already there, except for Talon, who they hadn’t gone to
see. She looked toward the gas barbeque. A man who she assumed was Memphis’
father stood in front of it, flipping steaks and burgers. He had the same
muscular build and height as all of his sons. He also had the same black hair.
Having met his wife, Tori knew their sons had inherited her light green eyes.

Memphis’ dad caught Tori staring and smiled. He came to stand in
front of them. “Hi. I’m Brant, Memphis’ father.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Memphis had been right. His dad looked just
as young as his mother.

“I hope you’re hungry. Selina outdid herself as usual.”

“I’m starved.”

Selina came to stand beside Brant and put her arm around his waist.
“Good.” She turned her head to look at her husband. “You know as well as I that
there will be nothing left. You males have no problem filling your stomachs.”

Brant chuckled. “Very true.”

Selina turned her attention to Tori. “When the boys were teenagers,
I had a hard time keeping food around. I’d turn around and one of them would be
in the ice house, looking for something to eat.”

“I bet,” Tori replied with a smile.

Talon appeared from around the corner of the cabin. “I’m here. We
can start eating now.”

His mom shook her head. “As if we would have waited for you if the
food was ready. You don’t show up on time, that’s your problem.”

Talon closed the distance between him and his mom and gave her a big
smacking kiss on the cheek. “You wouldn’t do that to the baby of the family.”

Selina snorted. “You no longer hold that title. Derrick is
officially the youngest now.”

“That’s right. I am,” Jaimie’s son said from where he sat in a lawn
chair between his parents. “Can I have a wolf ride later, Uncle Talon?”

Everyone seemed to grow suddenly still before Memphis broke the
silence. “Derrick doesn’t actually mean he rides on a wolf, in case you were
wondering. Talon just pretends to be one and gives him a ride on his back. It’s
a game.”

Tori nodded. “I had a feeling it was something like that. Though
considering how unafraid that wolf was earlier, it wouldn’t have surprised me
if Derrick actually got to ride it. It was large enough to do it.”

“You saw one of those new species of wolf I told you about?” Selina

“Yes. When Memphis and I first left his cabin.”

“Really. I wonder which one it was, but I think I can guess.” Selina
set her gaze on Talon who, for some reason, gave her a sheepish look.

“I’m going to check on the meat,” Brant said. “It should be almost

Shortly after that they all sat for a delicious meal of steak,
burgers, potato salad and macaroni salad. As Selina had predicted, there wasn’t
much of it left after everyone was finished. Tori offered to help clean up, but
Selina said she, Neha, Shyla and Jaimie had it covered. Tori was the guest, and
could sit with the men and relax.

It was almost dark by the time everyone decided it was time to head
to their separate cabins. Tori enjoyed the evening spent with Memphis’ family.
They were a tightknit unit, but had made room for her, and made her feel as if
she was a part of it.

No wolves made an appearance as she and Memphis walked toward his
cabin. The sun was setting as they walked through the trees. They once again
held hands. Tori had been aware of him sitting next to her the entire evening.
There were times, especially when they’d touched, that his scent would wash
over her and cause her pussy to clench with need. Rhett, who’d sat on Memphis’
other side, would crack a joke about the wind changing and blowing Memphis’
stink in his direction. That usually got a laugh out of the rest of his

“Your family is great,” Tori said.

Memphis turned his head to look at her and smiled. “Thanks. I think
so. You probably noticed Derrick gets spoiled rotten, especially by my mother.”

She chuckled. “I did notice that.”

“My mom has been dying to be a grandmother. Gage and Jaimie have
only been married a month.”

“I guess Selina will be expecting more grandchildren from them

“Actually, Derrick will be their only child. Jaimie is a cancer
survivor. She had a hysterectomy before she went through chemo.”

“So she’s in remission.”

“Yeah. The cancer is completely gone.”

“That’s good to hear. Hopefully it stays that way.”

They walked in silence until they reached Tori’s small camp site.
She broke it by asking, “You want to hang out a bit by a fire?”

“Sure. I’ll get it going if you want.”

“Okay. It’s getting dark. Do you need the lantern to see?”

“No, I’m good. I’ll just need a lighter or some matches.”

“I bought matches. They’re inside the tent with my things. I’ll get

Tori unzipped the tent, then ducked inside. She switched on the
battery-operated lantern and dug out the wooden matches from one of the
shopping bags that held her purchases from the sporting goods store. She
returned to Memphis. He’d already placed some tinder and kindling in the center
of stones she’d set up for the fire pit.

“Here you go,” she said as she sat on the ground beside him and
handed him the box of matches.


Memphis took a match out of the box, struck it against a rock and
then touched the flame to the tinder. He bent and blew on it until it took,
then sat back with his legs under him. Once the kindling was well lit, he
placed a piece of firewood on it.

Memphis wiped bits of bark off his hands as he positioned himself so
he was on his butt beside her. “There you go. One fire.”

“Thank you. I may have to get you to light one for me every night.”

“I have no problem with that.”

Tori met Memphis’ gaze. The attraction between them that always
seemed to burn just under the surface flared to life. His delicious scent
increased, and hit her like a ton of bricks. She became instantly turned-on.
She leaned toward him, wanting to be closer. He met her halfway.

Memphis wrapped her in his arms and lifted her off the ground. He
claimed her lips in a kiss that had a moan punching out of her as he positioned
her so she sat on his lap, straddling him. She held on around his neck and
ground against his hard cock. The feel of it against where she ached the most
had her moaning.

He kept a hand at her waist as he brought the other between them and
palmed her breast through her shirt. He stroked his thumb back and forth across
her taut nipple. She sucked on his tongue as wetness pooled between her legs.

Tori pulled away from Memphis’ mouth. “More,” she said in a husky
voice. “I need more.”

“Not out here. You never know who might come along.”

Memphis lifted her off him and then stood. He placed a log onto the
fire, then captured her hand in his and walked her over to the tent. He
released her and unzipped it. They ducked inside, and he zipped closed both
flaps. Tori left the lantern off since the fire provided some light.

After Memphis turned toward her, Tori practically threw herself into
his arms once more. They kissed with lips, tongues and teeth as they fell onto
the air mattress. Dying to see what his t-shirt hid from view, she grabbed the
bottom of it and pulled it up to his chin. He broke contact with her mouth to
drag it off over his head. She traced his well-defined chest and six-pack abs
with her fingertips. He was all hard planes and angles that she wanted to

Tori stopped her downward travel once she reached the waistband of
Memphis’ jeans. She unbuttoned them and tugged down the zipper. She was about
to shove her hand down the front of his underwear when he placed a hand over
hers to stop her.

He met her gaze. “If you do that, I won’t want to stop at just there,”
he said huskily.

“Who said anything about stopping? We’re both adults.”

Memphis claimed Tori’s mouth in a heated kiss as he released her hand.
She wasted no time in reaching down the front of his underwear and taking his
hard cock into her grip. She held him tightly and pumped up and down. He was
thick and long. Her pussy clenched in anticipation. It was going to feel so
good having him inside her. He was large enough to fill her all the way up and
give her a good ride.

He half moaned and half growled into her mouth. Their kisses became
almost desperate as he thrust his hips in time with her strokes. A bead of
pre-cum leaked from the head of his shaft, which acted like a lubricant.

It wasn’t very long before Memphis gently pulled her hand off his
cock. He kissed a path to her jaw line. “Now I get to see and feel you.”

“Yes. I’ll even make it a bit easier for you.”

Tori grabbed the bottom of her shirt and yanked it off over her
head. She tossed it to the other side of the tent. Memphis rolled her to her
back and settled half on and half off her with a leg between her spread thighs.
She rode it as he bent his head and placed kisses across the tops of her
breasts. He shoved a hand under her and undid the hooks of her bra. He removed
it and sent it flying in the same direction her t-shirt had landed.

She arched her back on a gasp as Memphis swirled his tongue around
one of her taut nipples, then took it into his mouth. He sucked as he worked on
undoing her jeans. An animalistic growl punched out of him once he accomplished
that. He pushed a hand inside her panties and brushed a finger along her slick

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