Passion's Tide (48 page)

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Authors: Sarah West

BOOK: Passion's Tide
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But the wedding had been hours ago, and now he was waiting for her so
they could begin the two-hour
drive into the country, where they would be honeymooning in one of his father’s manors
What he hadn’t told Amber was that the estate and grounds had been the Earl’s gift to the
couple, and though he longed for the
Imperial Shadow
he was
prepared to settle
down with her anywhere
He had finished l
oading their trunks onto the carriage when she exclaimed she needed to do one last thing, and darted back inside
That had been a quarter of an hour ago, and
he was getting restless.

Suddenly a shot rang out, the carriage rocking back and forth as the team of horses whinnied and bucked in fear
“What the hell?” Logan lunged for the door
Where was Amber?  Was she all right? He wrenched it open and found himself staring down the barrel of a pistol

On the other end of the gun stood Amber

“Stay where you are, pirate,” she said with a vicious grin
“And if you so much as think about reaching for the knife in your boot I will shoot you without hesitation.” She had changed from her wedding dress into a pair of breeches, a billowing white shirt,
and a tall pair of black boots
Her hair was tied back from her face with a red scarf, and a large gold hoop hung from her ear.

“Who are you?” Logan asked as he backed up into t
he carriage, attempting to hide his smile.

“My enemies call me
la Tigresa

“Ah, the tigress, I should have been expecting you
What do you want from me? I am supposed to be on my

She climbed up and sat across from him, holstering her gun in the leather baldric around her waist
“Yes, so your beautiful new wife
told me
She also mentioned you might have a ship docked offshore.”

“Did she? What else did she tell you?”

“She mentioned that you were taking her to the country to celebrate, and that she was worried it was going to be a dreadful bore
So she sugges
ted that I kidnap you instead, for a bit of fun.”

Logan couldn’t help but
“She would say that
Now, supposing I do lead you to my ship
Where are we going?”

Amber smiled and climbed across the seat to sit on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him squarely on the mouth
“On an adventure.”

About the Author


Passion’s Tide began with the title. A cringe-worthy, heaving bosoms/throbbing manhood kind of title, one that so perfectly fit the romance novel genre that Sarah, then a Freshman in college, couldn’t help but write the story to accompany it. Having lovingly read hundreds (if not thousands) of the books herself, she thought it would be a simple process of putting pen to paper and creating a vivid story. Turns out, it was a
harder than that. But over five years later,
it is finally done.

Sarah has a degree in Neuroscience and Behavior, and works
doing research into brain aging and disease. In her spare time, she is an avid cook and photographer. Check out her blog at
, or email her at
[email protected]
. She loves to hear from readers!

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