Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11 (25 page)

BOOK: Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Episode 11
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Not anymore.
Now it

s about whatever is on the current political and social agenda

She shut the book impatiently.


ve hardly talked about children
but I think we

ve established that we both want to have one or two someday


Will you expect me to put my children through that?

Chad began
but Willow interrupted him.

How deficient do you think my education was?

Willow, I don

t think you had a deficient education at all.
Actually, in a lot of areas, you

re education was far superior to most

ve known

Chad glanced at his watch as the clock chimed.

I have to go.
Where is your phone, I

ll talk to you on the way to work

In the barn charging again

Go get it and call me

Chad used the break in conversation to pray fast.
He suddenly realized that education could be a deal breaker for Willow.

d never considered
He knew his parents didn

t think much of Libby

s support for Luke

s sister

s home school journey
and now Luke and Aggie
… I
f he joined the fray
it could cause further stress on a relationship that was just re-knitting itself.

On the other hand, he

d read Kari

s educational plan.

d seen the fruit of it in Willow

s life.
He loved how eager she was to learn anything that interested her.
The fact that she picked up immediately on a flaw in the educational system that he

d noticed as a child showed him it wasn

t just the immaturity of a lazy third grader
there was something to be said for not wasting children

s time on things they already knew.

His phone rang.


Chad, I don

t want to be difficult about this
but I never thought about educating a child.
I can

t do this


t do what,

he questioned a sense of dread coming over him.
Until that moment, Chad hadn

t realized
how much he
forward to their marriage.

I can

t send my children away to school all day
and I can

t teach them like this at home.
Chad, this book is telling children Ellie

s age to wash their hands after using the bathroom.
I knew that at three!

Yes, and some adults still don

t do it regularly


s disgusting,

she announced with finality.

It is.
And it

s proof that all the teaching in the world doesn

t make a difference to some people

The clock struck ten.
Willow sighed.

You have to work.
You should think about this Chad.
If this is how you want your children educated

ll have to make a decision

He took a deep breath and asked the question
despite already knowing
the answer.

A decision about what?

Whether you want children or me
because I won

t have them if this is what it means.
Good night




A lamp glowed from Willow

s living room window as Chad drove up the driveway on his dinner break.
Was Ellie having trouble sleeping away from home?
Was Willow still worrying about education?
He found
asleep on the couch
surrounded by textbooks, her mother

s journals, and her Bible open on her chest.

, Chad removed the Bible, marking her place with a ribbon lying on the arm of the couch.
He stacked the textbooks and journals on the coffee table and stood, hands stuffed in his pockets, watching her sleep
. He was torn.
How would they solve this
He didn

t have the answer she sought
but he knew one thing
. H
to let Willow go.

He added wood to the upstairs woodstove, turned down her covers, and
returned to her side
As he struggled to lift her, Willow

s eyes opened sleepily.


You fell asleep

What are you doing?

You need your sleep,

he explained
patiently amused to be sharing the obvious.

So I decided to do something about it

I can walk

Mmm hmm.
And I can carry.
Amazing how talented we both are,

he teased
pausing on the landing before he took the next side of stairs.

I should jump down
, but frankly

m too tired
and you

re too comfortable,

she murmured

Willow was nearly instantly asleep again once her head hit the pillow.
Chad covered her and brushed her hair from her cheek.


he murmured frustrated.

Why must you

borrow trouble
Aunt Libby always says?

His watch told him he
had time to eat.
While his soup heated, he left a note for



Hope you got enough sleep.
If you

re up before I get home, why don

t you just leave the animals for me?

m extra
tired tonight
so if everyone is still asleep when I get there, I

ll probably just stick the air mattress in the craft room and sleep there.

ll eat first
so if you hear me, let me know you

re up and I

ll make enough for both of us.

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