Patient Nurse (12 page)

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Authors: Diana Palmer

BOOK: Patient Nurse
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“Not broken any longer,” she said, correcting him. “Strong and faithful and devoted to you.”

“As it should be. What a marvelous future we have to look forward to, Noreen—a shared pleasure in each other's lives and so much in common. Eventually, if God wills, a houseful of children, as well.” He sighed with sheer joy. “My cup overflows with joy.”

“So does mine.” She curled into his body and closed her eyes. Somehow, all the bad memories had fled, leaving only the promise of the years ahead. Her hand flattened on his chest, feeling the strong beat of his own heart. “I never dreamed of such happiness.”

“Nor I.” His arm contracted and he kissed her forehead gently. “Try to sleep now. We have all the time in the world for intimate discoveries and mutual pleasure. You are tired, and I must take great care of you.”

She smiled drowsily. “And when you need it, I'll take great care of you.” Her eyes closed. “What a wonderful Christmas it's going to be.”

He smiled, too. “I'll tie you up with ribbon and put you under the tree, my heart, because you are the best present I ever expect to get.”

She laughed softly, nuzzling closer. “I love you.”

Outside the curtained window, a light rain was falling. But louder than its faint patter on the windowpanes was the strong beat of Ramon's heart and the metallic whisper of her own. She thought that life could hold no greater pleasure than Ramon in her arms. Her broken heart was truly mended.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1496-5


Copyright © 1997 by Diana Palmer

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