Patricia Fry - Klepto Cat 04 - Undercover Cat (12 page)

Read Patricia Fry - Klepto Cat 04 - Undercover Cat Online

Authors: Patricia Fry

Tags: #Mystery: Cozy - Romance - Veterinarian - California

BOOK: Patricia Fry - Klepto Cat 04 - Undercover Cat
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Everything okay in there?” Iris called.

Come watch this,” he invited.

Iris opened the door slowly and saw Damon propped up on one elbow playing with the energetic kitten and they both began to laugh.

“What a cutie,” Iris said. “Talk about entertainment value…”

“Yeah, she is a kick. I didn’t know kittens were so much fun,” Damon said still laughing.

He then looked at his clock and said, “Well, I have things to do and people to see, little one. Gotta go. How about we play some more when I come home tonight?” He picked up the kitten, who squirmed in his hands, and snuggled her to his face for a moment before putting her back on the bed.

“Going in to work early?” Iris asked.

“Yeah, I have some things I need to do before heading to the hospital to see Colbi.” He looked over at his mother. “You going in early, too?”

“Yup—have the breakfast shift.”


In the meantime at the Ivey household, Savannah walked into the kitchen to start breakfast.
“Hi Buffy, hi Walter. You kids hungry?” She looked around. “Where’s your brother? Rags! Rags!” she called. “Raaaags!” she called again as she retrieved the cats’ food and started filling bowls. “Oh there you are! Where’ve you been, huh boy?”

“What’s he got there?” Michael asked as he walked into the kitchen. He stared down at the cat, who sat tall, his tail wrapped around him and a new treasure at his feet.

“What?” Savannah asked as she looked at her cat more closely. “A rat!” she said in disgust. “Good grief, where did he get that?” she asked, frowning.

“That’s a good question. We’ve had the pest people out; we never see evidence of rodents in the house. I guess it could be a fluke. He just found his way in.” Michael chuckled. “The poor rodent didn’t have a chance—wasn’t aware that we have furry exterminators on duty.” He walked into the service porch and found the dustpan, scooped up the rat, and carried it outside to dispose of it.

Savannah shuddered. She then looked over at Rags and said, “Good boy for catching it. I’m just glad you didn’t eat the thing. Come on, let’s have breakfast.”

After Michael left for work, Savannah finished straightening up the house. The next item on her agenda was to call her friend Betty, who was also the secretary of the Hammond Cat Alliance. “Betty, did you know that
Colbi has been rescued?”

“Oh hi, Savannah.
Yes, I heard about it on the radio. My gosh, she has been through a lot and all in the name of cats. How’s she doing, do you know?”

“I’m headed to the hospital to see her in a little bit,” Savannah said. “I’ll call when I get back.”

“Great. You know, I’ve been talking to Edie, Dora, and some of the other Cat Alliance members, and we want to help. I imagine her recovery—both physically and emotionally—will take some time,” Betty said.

“Well, that’s what I’m calling about. I’m going to invite
Colbi to come here when they release her from the hospital.”

“Oh that’s a nice gesture—I’m sure she would feel comfortable with you and Michael.”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine her going back to her place yet,” Savannah said.

“Oh no,” Betty agreed, “
the memories of her abduction are just too raw.”

“And those…kidnappers are still out there,” Savannah said.

“Yup, and they know where she lives. Oh no, she can’t go home,” Betty said. “Too dangerous.” She hesitated and then said, “Edie is contacting members and asking for time, meals…whatever they can offer to help during Colbi’s recovery. You know, Dora had a cousin who almost died in a fire—breathed in a lot of smoke—and had to have pulmonary therapy for a while. So we’ll also have people who can drive her to any therapy appointments.”

“That’s great, Betty. You really know how to get things done. This is such a generous group of gals—and guys.”

“Well, you’re generous to bring her to your home even though you’re…what…eight months pregnant.”

“A little over seven,” Savannah corrected.

“But still, we’d all like to help. Colbi is a dedicated member and it was her passion for cats that put her in this danger. Oh yes, we’re happy to be there for her. So yeah, call me as soon as you know when she’ll be coming home and where she’ll be and we’ll kick into action.”

“Super. Thanks.”

After Savannah ended the call, she showered, dressed, and headed out the door. She stopped next door to visit her aunt and catch her up on the situation with Colbi and then she left for the hospital in Straley, arriving around eleven. As she approached the information desk, she heard, “Hello, Savannah.”

She turned toward the voice.
“Oh, Damon. Hello. How is she?”

“Weak.” He looked down. His voice cracked as he said, “She’s been through a lot.”

Savannah put her hand on Damon’s arm. “I’m so sorry she had to go through this. But she’s young. She’ll be just fine. Don’t you worry, Damon.”

He took a ragged breath. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But the doctors say she has a ways to go before…well, before she’s healed.” He smiled up at Savannah and said, “She’ll be glad to see you. Thanks for coming.”

“Sure. I wanted to see her and find out if there’s anything I can do.” She made eye contact with Damon and asked, “Do you know if she has anyone to help her out when she leaves the hospital?”

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Well, Michael and I would like to invite her out to our place to recuperate. Do you think she would agree to that?”

Damon ran his hand over his head. “Gosh, I don’t know why not.” He smiled widely. “That would be great of you and Dr. Ivey. Yes, she would feel safe with the two of you.” He moved in closer to Savannah and said in a quiet voice, “I don’t think she should go back to her place. You
know, those people…” He tightened his lips to keep from a display of emotion. “They’re still out there somewhere. If they find out she’s alive, they might…”

“I know, Damon. It’s okay. She’ll be okay. I’ll go in and talk to her, see if she’ll come home with us when she’s released.”

Damon nodded. He didn’t dare try to speak for fear the floodgate of tears would spill over again. Instead, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Savannah. “Thank you,” he said. He stepped back, looked at her, and then darted toward the exit.

Savannah watched him leave.
Poor guy,
she thought. She sighed deeply and then turned toward the information desk. “Colbi Stanton?”

“Room 212,” she was told.

When she reached Colbi’s room, she found her propped up against several pillows, sipping a cup of hot tea.

Colbi. Feel like having a visitor?”

Colbi said in a hoarse whisper. “Yes. Glad to see you.”

“You, too, girl,” Savannah said, leaning over and hugging
Colbi to her. She stepped back, narrowing her eyes. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

took a breath and coughed. “Could be worse,” she said, trying to conserve her energy. She smiled weakly. “But I’m here.” Colbi started to cry. “It was awful. I can’t stop crying.”

Savannah reached over and took her hand. “It’ll get better, sweetie. It will take time.” She wanted to change the subject and try to help the distraught girl focus on something more positive. She smiled brightly and said, “I ran into Damon in the lobby.”

Colbi smiled. “He’s wonderful.” She started to tear up again and said in a serious tone, “He saved my life.”

“He did?” Savannah asked.

She nodded and then struggled to say, “He found me. He was there before the cops.”

“Wow!” Savannah said. “Then I guess he acted on the information…”

“What?” Colbi said, swallowing hard. She raised her head up a little, patted the bed and said, “Here, sit down.”

Savannah scanned the room. “I can drag that chair over here,” she said.

Colbi shook her head. “Looks heavy. Move this tray and sit here.”

Savannah rolled the tray table out of the way and perched on the edge of
Colbi’s bed.

“Are you okay? I can have an aide bring that chair over,” she said with obvious effort.

“I’m fine, really. Thanks. My feet and legs get so tired and this belly is kinda heavy.”

“Looks like it. How are you feeling?”

“Really pretty good. Thanks,” she said with a smile.

“So what about the information?”
Colbi asked.

Savannah smiled. “Well, Rags had a hand or…
er…a paw…in your rescue too.”

looked at her inquisitively. “He did?”

“You know what a kleptomaniac he is.”

Colbi nodded.

“He had those evil people’s address in his stash and Charlotte found it and brought it to me.”

“Oh Charlotte…sweet girl.”

“I’m glad I called Damon with the address.” Savannah paused. “I didn’t think he would act on it himself; I wanted him to give the information to Craig. But gosh, then Craig might not have made it in time, is that what you’re saying?”

“Yes,” Colbi said through a flood of tears.

Colbi, when will they release you from the hospital?”

“Not sure. I breathed in a lot of smoke.”

“Yeah, you sound awfully hoarse. Is your throat sore?”

She nodded and swallowed hard.

“Do you have plans for when you’re released?” Savannah asked. “I’m sure they’ll want you to rest for a while after going home, right?”

Colbi burst into sobs. “I’m not going home,” she said rolling her head from side to side. “I can’t go back there.” She covered her face with her hands. “I miss my mom…and dad.” She looked up at Savannah. “I have no one; no one, but my cats.” She laughed a little through her tears and said, “And I can’t even pet them.”

Both women chuckled. Then Savannah said, “Well, you do have someone. You have Damon. He adores you, you know.”

“Colbi wiped her eyes and smiled. “Yes, he’s great.”

“And,” Savannah continued, “
you have Michael and me. We’re here for you—just let us know what you need.”

started to speak and Savannah put her hand up and continued, “Iris is very fond of you. I think she considers you a friend. You have friends among the Cat Alliance, and what about your coworkers? No, Colbi, you are not alone. You have a lot of people who care.”

reached over and rubbed Savannah’s arm. “Thank you,” she said weakly. “I love all of you, too.” She pointed over to the windowsill, coughed and said, “My boss sent flowers.”

“Gorgeous. That was nice of him.”

She smiled a little. “He’s a good guy.”

“Anyway,” Savannah said, “Michael and I want you to
come stay with us when they release you. Would you do that? We have plenty of room and you can stay for as long as you need to. Truly.”

stared over at Savannah. She smiled weakly. “That would be great.” She raised her head off the pillows. “You’re sure?”

Savannah furrowed her brow. “Of course I’m sure. I talked to Betty this morning and she, Edie, and Dora have gone into the business of ‘recovery support.’”


“They’re scheduling meals and taxi service…whatever you might need for the duration of your recuperation.”

“They are? For me?” She looked at Savannah and whispered, “I don’t know how to thank you all.”

Savannah took in a deep breath. “Okay then, it’s settled. Just let us know when they’re going to release you and we’ll come get you.”

“Okay,” Colbi said with a smile. “I feel better. I’m glad you came.”

“Now,” Savannah said. “Do you need help with your cats? Who’s taking care of all those
ferals you feed?”

smiled widely. “Damon.”

“Oh that’s right, he told me he was feeding them. Is he doing a good job?”

Colbi looked suspicious. “I don’t know. He doesn’t even like cats,” she said with some effort.

“Yeah, so for him to take on your cats really says a lot, don’t you think?”

“How?” Colbi managed.

“He must care a lot about you if he’s willing to care for the cats you love.”

Colbi just lay there staring off into space. She then looked over at Savannah and said, “Savannah, how do you get over something like this?”

“Oh, you’re referring to my…abduction, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I heard about it. How did you go on like it didn’t happen?”

“I don’t think that’s possible. It did happen to me and this did happen to you.” She reached out and patted
Colbi’s leg. “And we both lived to tell about it.” She got more serious. “In my situation, I think I became more cautious. I take more precautions—I’m more aware of my surroundings. But I had to learn how to get past the immediate fear and you will, too.” She looked intently at Colbi. “They will catch those awful people.”

“Hello Ms. Stanton.”

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