Peaches 'n' Cream (3 page)

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Authors: Lynn Stark

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Peaches 'n' Cream
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Ryan leaned back against the fender of the truck, mirroring Damien’s negligent pose, muscular arms across his wide chest, long legs crossed at the ankle. “Is this good, baby?”


It was difficult not to laugh. The woman was all but drooling over them. “We must look really good this morning,” he commented in an aside to Ryan.

“You look delicious,” Peaches corrected, getting her phone ready with its camera. They smiled with practiced ease, giving the camera, and the woman holding it, their hottest, sexiest cowboy smiles. “You keep looking like that and you won’t be getting breakfast for a while.” She looked down at the photo on the phone, shading it with her hand. “Oh, my god! You two are so fucking hot! Darla is going to kill me.”

They watched as she furiously clicked the buttons on the phone with practiced ease. A moment later, she was laughing like a demented woman.

“Oh, yeah, she’s going to kill me.” Shoving the phone in her pocket, she ran toward them, grabbing each of them by a muscular arm. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat. Then I’ll take a nap with you guys.”

Breakfast was periodically interrupted by furiously typed communications between the two women. Damien and Ryan grinned when they read Darla’s first comment.
Oh, no you

Peaches responded with,
Not yet.

Which one?

They come as a set.
They thought that one was particularly clever, their minds in the gutter.

Miss Prissy Pants is going to do two cowboys? I’ll believe it when I see it.

Well, you won’t be seeing it. But I’ll let you know how it goes.

I want details.

I won’t spare you. Can your heart take it?

It can take it. I guess you won’t be showing up for brunch.

No, I won’t. Something happened last night. I’ll call you later. Dad knows I’m with the
guys. If anyone snoops, you don’t know anything.

When Peaches tucked her phone away in her pocket, they could see that the smile wasn’t quite what it had been. Damien put an arm around her, pulling her close to him in the booth.

“It’ll be okay, baby. We’ll take care of you.”



“I know.” The simple words conveyed her trust. It was amazing, since she didn’t know them, but she had given them the gift of it. “It’s gotta be a fantasy come true. Terrified witness to a crime goes on the lam with two handsome cowboys. What more could a woman want?”

“If you need help with the list, I’m here for you, honey,” Ryan told her, reaching across the table to give her hand a gentle squeeze. Her fingers threaded through his, holding him.

“You do like to touch, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.”

The waitress came with a carafe of fresh coffee. She looked the three of them over, from Damien’s possessive arm around her shoulders to the intimate hold the other two had on one another. They let each other go reluctantly as she refilled their cups.

As she walked away, they heard her mutter, “Some women have all the luck.”

“Yes, some women do,” Peaches agreed, completely guilt-free as she picked up her fork.

She attacked the food, not shy about eating like any one of the truckers surrounding them.

As they made their way back to the truck and trailer a short time later, Peaches walked backward between them so she could look at their faces. “Do we get to take a nap now?” Laughing, Damien stopped her before she fell into the pothole behind her. “Not just yet.

Ryan can drive for a while. Then we’ll stop for the night. Somewhere off the beaten track. We have friends who live about two hundred miles from here. It’ll be safe to spend the night at their place.” He paused, wondering how she would react to what he had to tell her. Nothing had happened yet. And it would remain that way until she had time to think through all of it.

So much had taken place since they had met. He didn’t want her jumping into something she wasn’t prepared for. “There’s something you need to know before we move on to the next stage of our new, uh, friendship, Peaches.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s not just us. We have a friend we own our ranch with.”

“You share your women with him, too?” Her contrasting dark brown eyebrows rose in surprise. She frowned, and then she looked at Ryan, then to him again. “Well, that is something to think about. I really don’t know how adventurous I am.” Peaches studied the toe of her boot for a moment. She kicked a piece of crumbling pavement, sending it skittering between them. Then she was looking at them both and grinning impishly. “But I’m willing to find out. Is he as nice as you guys?”

How did he describe Logan? Carefully, he supposed, grimacing. “Well, Logan is rather moody,” he began, watching her face for returning doubts. He wasn’t disappointed. They came. She looked worried. “He’s been our friend for years. We haven’t taken many women back to the ranch. Two or three.”

“Three,” Ryan confirmed, looking as worried as he felt. “Logan was really only interested in the first one. But that didn’t go well. So, he’s been rather shy about trying again. Not everyone is interested in our lifestyle. He really fell for the first woman, and it hit him hard when she left.”

“That wasn’t very nice of her, if she knew what was going to happen. She should have thought about it a bit more, as I’m going to do. I really don’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings. Does he compete in rodeos, too?”

“Not for years. He was busted up pretty bad. The doctors told him he couldn’t take many more hits. One good one to the head would likely kill him.” 19

“Oh, that’s terrible! How frightening for him. And frustrating, too, I’m sure, to have to end his career earlier than he had anticipated. But, better to be alive.”

“Don’t say that to Logan. It took everything we had to convince him to quit. The man’s as stubborn as they come.”

“And don’t go around feeling sorry for him. He’ll completely ignore you then.”

“That’s what the second woman did. She was all over him, treating him like an invalid.”

“And what was wrong with the third one?”

Damien rolled his eyes. “She had this laugh that really grated on the nerves. And she laughed all the time. I don’t think there was anything that woman didn’t think was funny.

Logan couldn’t bear to be within earshot. The second day she was there he packed up and rode out to camp until she was gone.”

Ryan leaned close to Peaches in a confiding manner. “She laughed in bed once. My cock got as soft as butter in the sun.”

It was Peaches laughing then, jumping on his friend and hugging him tightly. “Now there’s an image to think on. Don’t worry. I’ll try not to laugh in bed, no matter what.” It was time for them to get going, but he had to be certain Peaches still wanted to go to their ranch with them. They knew a lot of places where they could hide her. Guiding her toward the truck, he told her gently, “If you don’t want to go to the ranch, we can still keep you safe. The town where we’re going, well, there are people we know who you can stay with.

They’ll keep you safe.”

Peaches didn’t get up into the truck, but turned to look at him. Ryan stood at his side, waiting expectantly. “I’ll go with you. I don’t think they’ll be able to follow, but it would be easier to watch for these creeps out away from a town, don’t you think?”


She smiled. “Then it’s settled. We’ll go to your ranch. Maybe my father will call before then, telling me that it’s okay for me to go home.” They didn’t want her to go home, Damien thought. Ryan gave him a worried look as he walked around to the driver’s side. There was something so special about Peaches. She was soft and sweet. She was tough. The shootout at the convenience store proved that. Everything about her was appealing. Even her laugh was one of the sweetest sounds he had ever heard.

He also doubted Logan would be able to scare her off.

They drove until they got to their friend’s place. The A-frame log cabin was tucked away in a stand of tall pines. They pulled the trailer around and parked it off to the side, in the spot they usually left it during their visits. Their friends, Roger and Candy Ellis, weren’t home.

They let themselves in, laughing when Peaches claimed she felt like a burglar. She only gave in when they tempted her with a shower and the promised nap.

“You keep mentioning this nap. And I keep getting all hot and bothered, and then you shut me down,” she complained, pouting.

When naptime finally arrived Peaches placed herself expectantly in the center of the wide bed at the front of the fifth wheel. Damien and Ryan stood there looking at her, grinning as she batted her long lashes at them and patted the places beside her. She was such a sweet little temptress. Their gazes roamed over her. After the shower, she had put on navy-blue flannel pajamas with little snowflakes all over them. Her short blonde hair was drying without the benefit of a comb or brush. It spiked out in places. It added to her overall cuteness.



With their cocks straining in their jeans, they watched as she shimmied out of the flannel pajama bottoms. They went flying. Long bare legs beckoned them as she began teasing them.

All they could think about was the prize she was still hiding. Her soft laughter filled the trailer with its silky sensuality. There was no chance of that laughter softening Ryan’s cock or chasing Logan off into the mountains. If anything, it would lure their reclusive friend back into the land of the living.

“Come on, fellas. You’re the worst teases I’ve ever met.” Slender fingers began unbuttoning the flannel top. One by one, they were released, revealing more skin, the curve of her full breasts, and the flat of her stomach. “Actually, I’ve never met male teases. Show me what you’ve got behind those big, shiny buckles, will you?” As soon as the flannel shirt was shrugged off smooth shoulders, they moved. The woman had the most perfect breasts. Full and round, their dark pink, puckering areolas beckoned to them with their crowning nipples. Pulling off their shirts, jeans, and boxers they joined her on the bed, their hands going for her, their mouths finding sensitive places to kiss and nibble as they pressed her warm body between them.

“Are you trying to kill us, baby?” Damien growled against her skin. Inhaling deeply, he drew her warm female scent into his own body. His cock pressed against her thigh, aching.

“We wanted to take this nice and slow, give you time to get used to the idea of having more than one man.”

Peaches giggled, her body twisting away from Ryan and toward him, as the other man found a ticklish spot on her curvy body. “I already got used to it. Now I’m working my way up to three.”

If the woman got any sweeter, any more appealing, he would have sugar shock. Damien found it an irresistible quality. There was a sense of honesty about her. What she felt was right out there for everyone to see. If she was laughing, she was happy. If she was rubbing up against him, she was horny. It was refreshing. He couldn’t remember the last time he had met such an open and honest woman.

Sliding a hand over her shapely hip, Damien pulled her close again, rubbing his cock against her. Pre-cum leaked from the tip, marking her soft skin. Ryan moved in from behind, nibbling her shoulder as he discovered her pussy was as smooth as the rest of her. “Mmm, baby,” he said huskily, lowering his head so he could kiss her smiling mouth. “I love the feel of your pretty, naked little pussy. Is shaving what took you so long in the shower?”


Chapter Three

Peaches nodded, nibbling at his lips. It was difficult to form the words. All she could think about was the hard male flesh pressing against her. Her pussy clenched as she thought about how it would fill her. “I’m glad you like it.” One of her hands slid over his chest, her fingers exploring Damien’s sculptured pecs and washboard abs. Both men had fantastically fit bodies. There were scars here and there on their smooth skin, but otherwise she considered them flawless in their male beauty. She toyed with a dark male nipple, flicking it with her thumbnail. “Maybe you can shave it for me the next time.”

“If he won’t, I will,” Ryan moaned, burying his face against her neck.

It was Damien’s turn to laugh. “If you let that idiot anywhere near your pussy with any kind of blade, you’re nuts. Just look at his face.” At his insistence, Peaches shifted so she could look at the other man. He had three obvious nicks. She cringed dramatically against the solid male body behind her. Damien laughed and wrapped his arm protectively around her. She wriggled her ass against the hard cock thrusting boldly from his groin, pressing closer to its solid heat. Only moments before, his cock had been teasing her smooth pussy with its impressive size. It was temptation in its purest form.

“You definitely are
coming anywhere near my pussy with a razor, mister,” she told Ryan emphatically. “What did you use on your face, a machete?”

“I was nervous,” he said defensively. “All I could think about was seeing you naked.”

“And you don’t think you’ll be nervous if you’re shaving my pussy?” Seeing the dejected expression on his handsome face, she relented, wrapping her arms around his neck. “If you want near my pussy, you’re going to have to use something a little more blunt-edged.” Smiling, Ryan rubbed his cock against her oversensitized female flesh. “How does this feel, sweetheart?”

Damien moved behind her. A moment later, she saw a condom being handed to his friend. Her heart raced, her blood pumping through her veins as she watched him open the package then roll the latex sheath over his cock. It was a beautiful appendage. Long, thick, with a bulbous head, it was nearly straight as it sprouted from his groin. The heavy sac beneath just begged for her attention.

“This is going to be a fun nap,” she purred, running a hand down over his smooth chest, which was formed from two solid slabs of muscle. Her fingers went lower still, over hard washboard abs, to the dark nest of curls. Beginning at the base of his cock, she began stroking and exploring. Damien moved behind her. He, too, had donned protective gear. And she knew where he wanted to go when she felt something cold introduced between the mounds of her ass. Moaning, she pushed Ryan onto his back then straddled him. “You’re first, cowboy.” They both watched as he guided his cock to the opening of her sopping pussy. Damien moved behind her, kneeling between Ryan’s spread legs. As she slid down carefully to the thickening base, her body taking time to adjust, Peaches felt the heat spreading over her skin.

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