Peppercorn Street (23 page)

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Authors: Anna Jacobs

BOOK: Peppercorn Street
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When Janey had finished her tale, Sally said grimly, ‘She didn’t have the right to do that. It’s even more important that we keep my visits secret. I know it sounds
melodramatic, but I left my car at the practice today and didn’t tell anyone where exactly I was going. I even walked here along the alley behind the house and came in via the back door to the lobby. I’ll record the visit in my notes, though.’ She patted her companion on the shoulder. ‘Don’t let it get you down, dear. I’m on your side and they can’t prove what doesn’t exist.’

Janey nodded but all these hassles were getting her down. And she wasn’t at all sure what Gary could do. Look what he’d got away with already. ‘I know you’re on my side, Sally, and I’m grateful. What I can’t understand is why my parents are causing trouble. They disowned me months ago, as the
Just Girls
people can tell you.’

‘I don’t understand it, either. There’s something fishy going on and— oh, look at that expression. Unless I’m mistaken, that little girl of yours has just filled her nappy again. I’ll change her and you put the kettle on. I’m dying for a cup of tea.’

Janey knew this would give Sally a chance to check that she was keeping Millie clean. She didn’t mind. The more evidence on her side, the better. But still – why should she have to keep proving herself?

When she was alone again, she hesitated then picked Millie up and went downstairs to knock on Kieran’s door. As he opened it, she couldn’t hold herself together and blurted out, ‘I thought you should know what they’re doing now.’ And felt hot tears run down her cheeks.

‘Come in.’ He held the door open and gestured to a chair. ‘Tell me.’

When she’d finished, he nodded thoughtfully and didn’t
speak for a moment or two. ‘It’s good that the nurse is on your side.’

‘Yes. Sally’s lovely, ever so helpful. But Gary’s fooled everyone before. And why’s this person at the council getting involved? I never had anything to do with her.’

He smiled at her. ‘Chin up. You’ve done nothing wrong. And this time you’re not on your own. In fact, you seem to have gathered quite a few allies, for someone who’s only been in the town for a few weeks.’

‘I have, haven’t I? People have been lovely. Especially you. I can’t thank you enough.’

The baby murmured and burrowed into her neck. Janey dropped a kiss on her head. ‘Well, Millie needs her nap and I have some homework to do. Thanks for listening, Kieran.’


When she’d gone, Kieran said grimly, ‘I’m going to do a lot more than listen.’ He picked up the phone. ‘Jim?’

‘Kieran! How are you? It’s been what? A year now?’

‘Give or take. I’m a lot better, getting around now without crutches. Look, I’ve got a friend who’s in trouble. I’m too close to those involved to report it credibly, but I’m happy to point you in the right direction. Could be a great story, police corruption and all sorts of nasties, though we’ll need to do some digging first to nail them.’

‘You don’t usually give away your leads.’

‘I’m not working at the moment, thinking of taking up another sort of job, actually … now that I’m not as mobile.’

‘Bummer, that accident. Well, I’m grateful. You’ve never given me a bad tip yet. I’ll come straight round.’

‘No, don’t come here. The friend who’s involved lives in one of my flats and certain people are watching the house on and off. How about we meet at the pub, in that back room? Say, one o’clock?’

He didn’t put the phone down, but rang another guy he knew, a guy who could find out almost anything as long as you didn’t ask questions about how he did it. All this man needed was the assurance that it was to help someone who was genuinely in trouble. And he didn’t say no if you slipped him a few quid for his efforts afterwards.

What worried Kieran, though, was the time this might take. Unless he much mistook the situation, Gary was moving in for the kill. He must be very confident to do it so openly.


Kieran wondered whether to go round and see Nicole in the evening. In the end, he decided he would and set off, limping slowly up the street. Do him good to walk, he decided.

When he was halfway there, he admitted to himself that he was pushing it, and although he’d make it there, he didn’t like the thought of coming back again on foot. Better go back now and get his car. Cursing under his breath, hating the infirmity that restricted what he could do, he turned round and made his way slowly back, stopping dead at the sight of a man in a car parked near another block of flats. He recognised that head, even though this was a different car from last time. Even as he watched, the man got out and began to stroll towards the house.

Had he deliberately waited until Kieran went out?
What was he intending to do now? Surely he wasn’t going to attack Janey so blatantly?

Kieran pulled out his mobile phone and dialled Nicole’s number. Paul answered and in a few words Kieran explained what was going on and asked him to come down the street as a witness. ‘Bring your mobile phone and take photos if you can, but stay back. Do not, under any circumstances, get involved. You were just passing by, right?’

He began to follow Gary. It was hard to walk quietly with a limp, but willpower and determination helped.

At the flats, Kieran remained behind the big tree he’d insisted the builders leave in place. He could see Gary looking round, checking that no one was near before pulling something out of his pocket and fiddling with the door. To Kieran’s disgust, it opened quite quickly. He’d paid good money for a lock that was supposed to be tamper-proof.

He moved quietly across the car park, standing behind a car as Gary shut the door behind him and peered through it to make sure once again that he hadn’t been followed.

Kieran got out his mobile phone and set it to take photos, then moved round to the side door to his own flat and entered that way, coming out of his inside front door into the hall just as Gary tried to open Janey’s flat. She’d be all right. Bolts were better than fancy locks if you were inside and he’d fitted two good ones to her door.

Gary knocked on the door and his voice floated down the stairs quite clearly. ‘Open up, Janey. If you’re nice to me, it’ll all be a lot easier, for you
the baby.’

She must have said something, but Kieran couldn’t hear what. He watched Gary shake the door, testing its strength.

Then, to Kieran’s relief, the tenant from next door came out. No light had been showing at her windows or under the door. They rarely did. Miss Fairbie said she was recovering from an eye operation and found the darkness more soothing.

‘Who are you? What are you doing here?’ she asked sharply.

Gary turned and snapped, ‘I’m trying to visit my friend’s daughter. He’s worried about her.’

‘She’s just told you to go away. I heard her clearly. If you don’t do that, I’ll call the police.’

‘Mind your own bloody business.’

She held up a can. ‘I will. And you mind yours. I’ve seen you here before. If you come one step nearer I’ll use this spray.’

Kieran stayed out of sight, delighted that someone else had seen Gary pestering Janey. The man must be utterly obsessed to do it so brazenly. Well, she was a lovely girl, but that’s what she was really – a girl. And Gary must be all of fifty, his waistline heavy and his face plump and jowly. Kieran hadn’t realised that quiet Miss Fairbie was quite so courageous.

He could see from the reflections in the tall windows of the lobby that Gary was staring across at the small woman, who was still holding up the can with one finger on the trigger. He shouted through the door to Janey. ‘I’ll be back. Your father’s worried sick about you and that poor little baby. It’s shocking the way you treat it.’

As the man clumped down the stairs, Kieran moved back into the shadows of the passage that led only to his own flat.

Gary went outside and a moment later there was the sound of a car starting up in the street.

After it had driven away, two people moved out from behind the tree and crossed the car park.

Kieran went to open the front door. ‘Hi, Paul, Nicole. I didn’t mean to drag you out as well. Let’s go up and talk to Janey.’

Miss Fairbie’s door was shut again, with no light showing. He knocked on Janey’s door and called, ‘He’s gone. It’s only me, Kieran.’

Behind him, Miss Fairbie’s door opened. ‘Ah, Mr Jones. I was going to come and see you in the morning about this incident. I thought we had a good lock on that front door. If intruders can get in so easily, I think it needs improving.’

‘You’re right. I’ll be complaining to the manufacturers and getting something better fitted: a key lock
a number pad, perhaps. And I’m going to get CCTV fitted, too. Thanks for sticking up for Janey tonight. That fellow’s been stalking her.’

‘I’ve seen him round here before.’

‘Yes. So have I.’

‘I’ll make sure I keep my pepper spray handy from now on.’

He held up one hand, palm flattened in a stop signal. ‘Don’t tell me about that. Pepper spray is illegal.’

She smiled, not a nice smile. ‘It’s not real pepper spray, just looks like it. All that comes out if you spray is a green dye that’s hard to remove. The mere sight of it makes people think twice about attacking usually, as it did tonight.’

‘I must find some for Janey.’

She looked at him, then shrugged. ‘I’ve got a spare.
Wait a minute.’ She went back into her room and came out with a small spray can, labelled ‘pepper spray’ in large letters. ‘Us women have to stick together.’ She closed the door again, and he heard bolts being shot on the other side. He’d not put them on her door, but he wasn’t going to complain about her doing it. She clearly had security fears.

When he turned round, Janey had opened her door and was standing there, looking white and terrified.

He walked across the landing. ‘I think you know Nicole and her son Paul. Can we come in?’

She nodded.

When they were all seated, he said, ‘First, I’ll get a better lock fixed to the front door tomorrow, plus CCTV. And that back door to the washing area isn’t going to be left open any more. He won’t get in again easily.’

She nodded, but she didn’t look cheered by it, so he gave her the spray can and told her what it contained. ‘Carry it everywhere from now on.’

She looked down at it and sighed.

‘Thirdly, when I’m going out at night, I’ll tell you and we’ll ask Miss Fairbie if she’s going to be in. She’s one tough woman. Gary backed off when he saw her pointing the pepper spray at him.’

‘He might come back and try to charge her with something, knowing him, or send someone else to do it.’

‘If he does, he’ll be admitting to pestering you tonight.’ He paused. ‘The man’s gone beyond reason. It’s an obsession now.’ He waited and saw her relax a little. ‘You look tired. We’ll leave you in peace. I’ll be in for the rest of the evening, so you’ll be quite safe tonight. And
we’ll be getting that new door lock fixed tomorrow.’

‘Thank you.’

As they walked down the stairs, Paul said, ‘She’s in trouble, isn’t she? What’s with that old perv? Fellows of his age who pester girls should be locked up.’

Kieran nodded, feeling very sad that a young woman who had enough problems should be facing stalking and sexual harassment on top of it all. ‘I’m working on the problem.’ He looked at Nicole. ‘I was coming up to your place to ask when the funeral is. Do you two want to come in for a quick drink with me instead?’

‘That’d be nice.’

When she was seated with a glass of white wine in her hand, she said abruptly, ‘The funeral’s in two days.’

‘I’ll come with you, if you don’t mind.’

‘I’d welcome your support.’ She turned to her son. ‘Do you want to leave a message for William again?’

He shook his head. ‘Waste of time. He won’t dare come because of the police.’

Kieran didn’t walk them home, but he stood at the entrance to his car park and watched them up the street, angry that he should have to do this in a small, normally peaceful town like Sexton Bassett.

When he got inside, a message light was blinking on his email system and he smiled as he read it.


He typed back, ‘Do it. Whatever it costs. The quicker the better.’


It took Janey a long time the following morning to nerve herself up to go out to the shops. She hated feeling like
this, but last night she’d been terrified, and the feeling hadn’t gone away. She hoped they’d come and fit a new lock quickly. The thought that someone could get in made her feel nervous even to go down and put her washing on.

She made a quick round trip to the shops and the library, not seeing anyone following her, but what did she know? Gary had been trained to shadow people and he was in charge of other people he could assign to watch her.

For the rest of the morning she stayed in her flat, not daring to go out.

When someone rang her doorbell, she nearly didn’t answer, then told herself not to be stupid. She was letting this get her down. ‘Yes?’

‘Janey? It’s Dan and Miss Parfitt. We were passing by and thought we’d drop in to see how you were.’

‘That’s wonderful! I’ll press the buzzer and unlock the door. I’m upstairs on the right.’

She opened the door of her flat and smiled as they made their way creakily up the stairs. ‘Come and sit down. Let me make you a cup of tea.’

He held out a pot plant. ‘House-warming present. It’ll have lovely flowers on in a month or so.’

‘How kind of you!’

As they took seats, he said, ‘Don’t bother with the tea. We can’t stay for long. We’re on our way to a computer class at the library, but we set off a bit early so that we could call in and check you were all right.’

Miss Parfitt reached inside her shopping bag and held out a parcel. ‘A house-warming present from me as well. It’s only a cake, one of my almond delights. It’ll freeze beautifully.’

‘Thank you.’ She felt tears rise in her eyes at their kindness.

‘Has something happened?’ Miss Parfitt asked. ‘You look upset and tired.’

came here last night. He got into the flats through the front door, we don’t know how. The lock is supposed to be tamper-proof. And he started banging on my door, threatening me if I didn’t let him in. I’m so glad Kieran had put bolts on the inside of the door, or he might have picked my lock too.’

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