Perfect Alignment (9 page)

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“That was very nice.” His voice was rough and she curled her lips in to keep from smiling.

“Thank you, Sir.”

He ran his thumb over her lower lip, something he seemed to do a lot. She liked it. She liked him. A lot.

“Can you get my bag for me?” he asked, pointing to the duffel bag still sitting by the door. She rose, glad to be off her knees for a minute, and fetched the bag. She could hardly wait to find out what was inside.

“Stand here,” he said, indicating the spot she’d just vacated.

She set the bag down on the bed next to him and took her spot. He opened it carefully so that she couldn’t see in and she tried not to pout. Damn know-it-all Doms. He pulled out nylon wrist cuffs and she held out her wrists, one at a time, while he fastened them. They were the typical black and she was pleased to see that they looked brand new. Either that or he kept them in superb condition.

Instead of ankle restraints, she was surprised when he pulled out thigh cuffs. She remained motionless when he attached them. Next came similar straps that she wasn’t sure what he was going to do with until he wrapped them around her lower leg.
Usually she had a pretty good idea, going into a scene, what was going to be happening. Now she was clueless, although fairly certain there would be sex. Glorious, explosive sex, if history was anything to go by. So she took a deep breath and tried to stop overthinking and trying to guess his plans.

She didn’t realize she’d closed her eyes with her little bit of meditation until she opened them and found her gaze snared by his. He ran his palms up her hips, waist and ribs without breaking eye contact. Though his face was mostly expressionless, she got the feeling he was pleased.

He pushed her back slightly and rose. Wordlessly, he took her hand and led her into the bathroom, carrying the duffel bag. Of course, as soon as she entered the room, she felt the need to use it for its intended purpose. How embarrassing. She had little hope that he’d allow her any privacy and the more she tried to ignore the sensation, the more urgent it became.

He’d set the bag down on the counter and was leaning over to turn on the tub faucet. Crap, there went her carefully styled hair. She’d used hot rollers and everything. She took the opportunity to admire his ass, but when he straightened, she cleared her throat.

Turning, he gave her a questioning look.

“Sir, I, um, could use the toilet.” She looked down at the floor.

“Go ahead.” He didn’t move.

Sure her face was flaming, she glanced up to see if there was any hope of a different outcome, and met his implacable expression.

She did her business as quickly as possible, refusing to look at the man leaning against the counter, watching her. When she was done, she washed her hands and dried them before turning to face him. He didn’t bother to hide his smile.

“Get in the tub.”

She started to climb in, only then realizing he hadn’t used the stopper, so the tub wasn’t filling up.
Sitting in the center of the tub, she crossed her legs and waited.

“Down on your back.”

It wasn’t easy sliding down the mostly dry porcelain until her back was flat. She had to lift her legs up onto the large ledge surrounding the tub to get all the way down. Once she was settled, he motioned for her to lift her head and slid a rolled-up towel underneath for a pillow. It was bulky and forced her chin almost to her chest.

He reached over her body and took her left ankle, folding her leg back until he had her knee bent all the way in. Then he attached the thigh cuff to the strap around her shin.
He repeated the action on her right leg, then attached her wrist cuffs together and pulled them above her head. His hands came back to caress her ankle, his finger tracing the tattoo.

“Pretty. Does it mean anything in particular?”

She shrugged as best as she was able.

“They’re apple blossoms. I liked them.”

His sharp gaze suggested he’d noticed her evasion.

“Mmm, hmm. I like it too. I didn’t realize they were apple blossoms, though. Apples. Are you trying to tempt me?” he asked.

Damn the man. He was the first person to figure it out. Even her roommate who she’d gotten inked with had simply believed her when she’d said she just thought the design was pretty. Her blush gave her away.

“Something like that. I liked the idea of a design that was pretty, girly, but also secretly naughty.”

“I like the idea too. A lot.” He teased his finger around the design some more, than sat back on his heels.

The tub was wider than the one she had in her apartment, so when her spread legs rested against the sides, she was wide open. He looked satisfied with her positioning and reached his hand to test the water streaming from the tap at the end of the tub. When he placed his wrist in the stream, she figured she had a pretty good idea what was coming. He adjusted the taps a bit, tested the water once more, then met her eyes.

“Hold on to your pillow,” he suggested, and grabbed her hips, pulling her down the tub until the water was falling on her pubic bone. It was warm, not hot, and the stream wasn’t very heavy. She readjusted the towel under her head and waited.

Cupping one hand under the water, he angled it away from her as he used his other hand to push down on her knee, tilting her pelvis higher. Then he redirected the stream. Even knowing it was coming, she gasped at the sensation. Warm water ran from his fingers and landed directly on her clit. The need already spiraling through her ratcheted up a number of notches.

“Oh god,” she moaned, knowing this was only the beginning.

The evil guy at the controls just smiled. He played with his fingers, letting the stream hit her full force, then easing it away so that part of the stream hit her clit while part heated her sex. It didn’t take long before she was edging toward orgasm, and he knew it. Her channel clenched and unclenched, empty and waiting. When he let the full force of it stay on her clit for a whole minute, she had to beg through gritted teeth.

“Please, Sir, may I come?”


“Ah, fuck. Please, Sir, I can’t—” She wailed as he twisted the cold water tap and aimed a much heavier stream of water to hit her channel. Her hips tried to buck but the straps and his hand held her down.

“Oh, please, oh please.”

He moved his hand again and now the water returned to her clit, shockingly cold, though he didn’t give her the whole stream.

“I want to you to remain perfectly still now. Don’t even clench your muscles.” He circled her opening. “At least not these ones. Understand? Can you do that for me?”

She swallowed hard, took a deep breath. “Yes, Sir.” She forced her thigh muscles to loosen, her hands to unfist.

He released her knee and dipped his finger in the water, then allowed the cold drops to fall on first her nipples, then her navel. He repeated the move, then leaned in and blew on her breasts. Her breath caught and she fought her muscles to keep from contracting.

His smile rewarded her. “Very good, Emma. Keep it up. I’ll tell you when you can come.”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

She was relieved when he readjusted the taps and warmer, softer water began to flow. He cupped his hand just so and once again the lighter stream landed directly on her clit. Breathing faster, she turned her eyes, watched his face instead of the water.

“Now. No moving, of course, but you can tense whichever muscles you like, except for that grasping cunt. It stays passive until I tell you to squeeze. You understand?”

What, like doing Kegels?
“Yes, Sir.”


Nothing changed. He didn’t move, didn’t change the flow of water, didn’t do anything. She just watched his face, while he watched her pussy. And suddenly, more than anything in the world, she needed to do those damn Kegels. She wanted to squeeze those muscles tight, though there was nothing but a teasing trickle of water to hold on to. Her clit damn near throbbed, she wanted to shift her hips, get more, get less, get something.

Begging hadn’t worked before, but it was all she had. “Please, Sir.” It was nothing more than a whisper this time, and sounded much more like an entreaty than the badly couched demand from before.

He smiled. “Soon, Emma. Soon.”

She closed her eyes tightly, then forced them open as that only seemed to intensify the sensations. Her abs contracted and she honestly wasn’t sure how much longer she could go without clenching—

“Squeeze,” he said softly.

She was so lost she didn’t understand at first, but then she complied. It was at once a relief and a torture as the motion shot sensation to her already burdened clit.


Still watching his face, she realized he wasn’t as unaffected as he sounded. His breathing had picked up and his eyes blazed. Knowing that what they did excited him didn’t exactly help her to relax.


Before the word was fully out of his mouth, she was complying. He retaliated by giving the next order immediately.


It felt like a million bubbles were rising up through her pelvis, trying to escape through her clit. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had to work so hard to avoid coming before she was allowed to.

“Pleeeeeease,” she moaned.

His free hand reached to wipe the hair from her brow. “I’m going to count to four. You can give a quick squeeze on each number, and hold it for a second. You can come on four.”

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.
Torturous bastard. For a second she worried she’d let the thought slip free of her lips, but he began to count.


She gave a quick squeeze.


Another. She gritted her teeth and forced a deep breath through her nose.


Oh god, oh god, oh god.

“Four.” She clenched again and let the tidal wave wash over her. Her vision blacked out and she didn’t realize she was screaming until the sound died out. The water became painful half a second before it turned off, leaving her pussy twitching in the sudden silence.

She only realized Drew had unhooked the cuffs when he lowered her feet to the bottom of the tub, her leg muscles shaking. Like a rag doll, she let him pull her arms down, free her wrists, without any help from her. He didn’t seem to mind. Hooking his arms under hers, he pulled her to a sitting position, then climbed in behind her. He reached forward and turned the water back on, making it nice and hot. Cupping his hand over her pussy, he swiped a finger through her cream and brought it up to his lips.

“Mmmm, more dessert.”

She couldn’t summon more than a small smile.

The tub filled quickly and he turned the taps off, turned on the jets, and leaned back, tucking her carefully between his legs and urging her head back to lie against his shoulder. His hard cock pressed into her but she figured it was his fault she was too limp to do anything about it, and closed her eyes, drifting.

He was the most comfortable bath cushion ever. She wondered what kind of tub he had in his house, because in addition to the annoyance of roommates, she had a small, apartment style tub which would so not work for this type of thing. If he didn’t have a nice one, maybe they’d have to make a point to visit hotels occasionally.

She blinked, realizing she’d put “future them” in an ongoing situation without thought. Well, she couldn’t really deny it anymore. She wanted something with him despite knowing she wasn’t going to be around much longer. But he’d also said he wasn’t looking for anything permanent. So maybe he’d be happy to keep things going for a while. He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as she was.

Chapter Six

When Emma stirred, stretched slightly with a satisfied hum that could truthfully be called a purr, Drew began moving his hands. Lazily, he played with her fingers, explored her arms, caressed her thighs. When a light tension seeped into her body, he moved to her breasts, plumping them gently, scraping her nipples with his thumbs. Her skin was damp from the steam and his hands felt rough and hard. He dipped them into the bath water and poured a stream down her center and over her breasts. He did it again, then massaged the water into her before pulling on her nipples.

She angled her hips down, rubbing against his dick, which had fully recovered from the blow job and was ready to sit up and beg.

He sat up himself, taking her with him, turned off the jets and flipped the drain switch. As the water began to lower, he made sure she was steady and carefully levered himself out from behind her. The towels were large and fluffy, and he handed one to her then lifted her to her feet. Helping her step clear of the tub, he brought her in for a quick kiss. Just one taste before he got back to business. When she shivered against him, probably from excitement as the bathroom was still steamy, he finally pulled back and toweled her dry, paying careful attention to those bits he liked best. He didn’t let her reciprocate, but sent her to wait for him on the bed while he dried himself briskly.

Picking up the restraints he’d tossed aside earlier, he laid them out on the counter to finish drying. They hadn’t gotten too wet and should be fine by morning. Good thing he’d had the foresight to bring more than one set. He grabbed his bag as he made his way back to her, setting it within easy reach.

She blinked when he set the additional nylon cuffs and straps on the bed, but made no comment as he went about restraining her as she’d been before the bath.

“On your knees, butt in the air, head on the bed,” he instructed.

She rolled over and assumed the position. He connected the thigh and calf straps, as well as a short strap between her legs. “Give me your hands.” She rested her weight more firmly on her shoulders and moved her arms back to rest along her legs. He clipped them to the thigh straps and stepped back, then moved a pillow from the head of the bed, and arranged it under her cheek.


“Yes, Sir.”


Her ass was round and inviting, her pussy puffy and slick. He slid one finger straight into her, moving easily through the wetness. When he pulled free, he was nicely lubricated, and moved his finger directly to her asshole. She tensed when he pressed against the pucker, but only for an instant. Then she pushed back, accepting him into her body. He worked the finger in and out for a few minutes while he pulled the next items from his bag.

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