Perfect Fit (9 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Perfect Fit
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He paused in the doorway, studying the woman who made him want to commit all manner of sin. Regina was stretched out on the couch, and from what she wore now, she’d changed since she’d got home from work. The dark orange T-shirt rode up a bit, showing her belly and her shorts stopped just above her knees. Her hands were crossed over her stomach with one leg thrown up over the back of the couch and her head turned as she watched the television. Spencer’s imagination filled with times from before when he’d arrived home to a similar view and what he had done when he had. He shifted, fighting the need to go over, lay on top of her and kiss her senseless, then make love to her until they were both fully satisfied. At least until later, when they went to bed. Spencer groaned.

Regina glanced up at him and smiled. “Spencer. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Just got here.” He strolled in, shoving his hands in his pockets to resist touching her. To be safe from doing something stupid, he went towards the chair instead of joining her on the couch.

“You’re forgetting something.” Regina’s tone was playful.

Spencer glanced at her, and she tapped her finger against her lips. He held back a sigh and went to her. Not doing so would only make her get up to kiss him, and God knows what she would do if she did. Going to the couch, he then leaned over, bracing his arm on the back of the couch so he didn’t lay on her, and kissed her. Regina slid her hands into his hair, holding him as she returned his kiss. Spencer clenched the fabric of the quilt thrown over the back of the couch as she thoroughly kissed him. The sensation of her tongue pushing in and out of his mouth made his thoughts fill with doing the same thing to her, but with his cock buried deep inside her pussy. Regina gently pulled back and watched him, her green eyes sparkling with mischief, tempting him down a path he knew would lead to trouble—they had before. Spencer smiled, enjoying seeing her so playful. It was such a difference from before he’d left.

He sobered as he remembered why they were as they were today. Regina’s brow furrowed, then smoothed out, and she moved her hands down to the sides of his neck. Her fingers stroked along the base of his neck.

“Let’s…” Regina licked her lips.

Spencer braced for her to say something outrageous and already figured he would say no. Regret that he would filled him, but he had to.
Remember the plan. Be strong and firm. Don’t give into temptation.

“Go for a walk.”

“N—” Spencer blinked as it registered what she’d asked. “Ummm…sure.” He was confused, but would go along with what she wanted. Out of the house would be good anyway. That way she wouldn’t try to seduce him.

She held out one hand, wiggling her fingers. “Help me up.”

Spencer straightened, then took her hand, pulling her up, and stepped back. He waited for her to use the opportunity to press up against him. Regina patted him on the chest and strolled past him. Spencer frowned, as she didn’t even brush against him. He watched her as she moved away from him. The shorts she wore hugged her full hips, spectacularly showcasing her ass. She smoothed along the sides of her shorts, bending slightly to tug on the edges. It was then he noticed the light brown design around the hems. She straightened, and he jerked his gaze up. Regina glanced at him over her shoulder.

“Are you coming?”

Not the kind of coming I want to.
Spencer cursed himself for even thinking it.

He followed her to the front door. Regina pushed her feet into her shoes, then watched him, a small smile on her lips. Pocketing his keys, he opened the door and waited as she punched in the code before she went out, passing him. Spencer followed, closing the door behind them. Regina gave a small hop, making her full breasts push against the loose V-neck of her T-shirt. Spencer looked at the design on the front of the shirt, appreciating how the light brown top part of the orchid design trailed across her breasts, then down to bottom of her T-shirt, which stopped mid-thigh. He finally figured out what the design on the hem of her shorts was—it was mini embroidered orchids in the same light brown colour as on her T-shirt.

“Been shopping again at Simply
, I see.” Spencer leant down and ran his fingers over the flowers at the hem of her shorts.

“Yeah.” Regina shivered, her voice breathy, then made a purring noise.

Spencer jerked his hand away, realising what he was doing. He silently cursed himself for it, too. The clothing from the shop was too tempting—they were not only beautifully made, but the textures of the cloth or embellishments, if there were any, made him want to touch. Spencer studied Regina, who had a small smile and mischief in her gaze. Then again, it was actually the woman wearing the clothing. He’d never been interested in touching any of the other women they knew who wore clothing made by Simply

“Come on, let’s walk.” Regina’s soft words surprised him.

He’d at least expected her to try to tempt him. She was doing the opposite.
Spencer frowned, but Regina chuckled and pulled him down the stairs. At the bottom, she changed her hold, sliding her hand into the crook of his elbow. They went down their long driveway, then to the street. As they walked, Spencer glanced at the neighbourhood. It’d been a long time since he’d just taken a stroll around where they lived—almost three years ago to be exact. He remembered the last time that they’d been so happy and in sync with each other. Such a short time ago, yet it felt longer.

“Mrs Moses finally moved back down south to be near her kids. As she said, it’s so she could spoil her grandkids. She sold to Jennifer Moses.”

“She’s her family?”

“Yep. Her brother’s daughter—her niece—is living there now. It’s good Mrs Moses was able to keep the house in the family.” Regina paused at the end of the drive.

Spencer glanced at the house that had been in the Moses family for generations. Mrs Moses had been the first one to welcome them when they’d moved in, and they had been friendly with her. The stories she’d shared about her and her family had always been entertaining. She was one of the oldest residents of the neighbourhood and had lived there longer than anyone else had.

“Are you going to attend the end of summer neighbourhood party next weekend?” Regina’s question was tentative.

The neighbourhood party was held on the last Saturday in September, and everyone who lived on the two blocks on either side of them on Simmons Avenue attended. It was a potluck, with the residents each making something to contribute to the party. The event was held on their block, and the roads were closed off for the day from traffic. He studied her bent head and slid his hand under her chin, raising her face so he could see her. There was leeriness in her gaze he didn’t like. He leant down and kissed her gently. Regina made a soft sound, then rested against him. Spencer slowly lifted his head.

“Yeah. What are we making this year?”

“Ribs and cornbread. You didn’t have to avoid it last year.” Regina bit her lip. “It was also a surprise party to send off Mrs Moses. She missed seeing you there.”

Regret filled Spencer as he nodded. “I didn’t know. Dris didn’t go either, and I think it was because of me.”

Regina stiffened, then relaxed in the next moment. Spencer frowned. For some reason, it seemed like she did that whenever he mentioned his brother.


A horn honked, making him glance to the street. A dark blue Toyota Sequoia pulled up and the door opened.

“That’s Jenn. Oh…she owns this lovely antiques place on Kinsey Avenue. Close to Ellis Shoppe, the candy shop, and BG Scents, the candle place we go to. Such a small world. We can go there after we go pillow shopping. Jenn, I was hoping you would be home.” Regina waved.

Spencer let her lead him over to the woman. His mind was caught up thinking about the pillow shopping that was a few short days away. They went to get the pillows, and usually Regina bought new sheets and quilts for their bed. After they went to the candy shop and the candle place, they’d spend most of the day first having fun outside the house then would go home to wash the linens they’d bought. At the end of the day, they made up the bed with the new things before taking a shower together. All the parts of their excursion were a great big seduction that they both enjoyed…at least usually. Spencer was rethinking if it would be a good idea to do this.

“Spencer,” she called, and he focused on the conversation. “This is Jennifer Moses.” She gestured to the lovely woman before him. “Jenn, this is my…husband, Spencer.”

She hesitated briefly and his heart clenched, knowing it wouldn’t be that way if they hadn’t had such distance between them of late. Spencer put his arm over her shoulders, hugging her against his side, then put out his hand to the lady before him. Jennifer Moses looked like a younger version of her aunt, although she was dressed in jeans and T-shirt unlike her aunt who was usually more formally attired in a dress and pearls. Her features had that same captivating quality, and her dark brown gaze was warm and welcoming like her aunt’s. Jennifer studied him, and Spencer blinked at the intensity. Yeah, she was very much like her aunt. Those eyes didn’t seem to miss a thing. She smiled, and it was as warm as her persona.

“Nice to finally meet you, Spencer.”

They shook hands, and Spencer noted calluses on her palm. She worked with her hands—he was curious about what she did.

“You too.” Spencer looked towards the house, then back at her. “How is Mrs Moses doing?”

“Good. She loves being so close to the grans.” Jennifer rocked on her sneaker-clad feet. “She’ll be happy to know you finally got your head out of your ass and returned to the love of your life.” Jennifer put her hands up. “Her words, not mine. She asks about you whenever I speak with her.”

Spencer chuckled. The words sounded just like Mrs Moses. She’d said something similar when she’d tracked him down at his brother’s after he had moved out of their home. Yep. Jennifer seemed a lot like her aunt—blunt and down to earth.

“What? I speak to her all the time and she never asked me.” Regina frowned.

“She didn’t because she could tell how painful it was for you.” Jennifer shrugged then rolled her eyes as she continued. “It’s amazing she didn’t interfere. She wants to see those she cares about happy.” Jennifer glared at Spencer. “You better call her. Get her number from Reggie.”

Spencer nodded, not even protesting, knowing from experience that when dealing with a Moses woman, it was best to go along.

“Good.” She focused on Regina. “I have this wonderful item in my shop that I think you’re going to love.”


“Yeah. Let me park my car and I’ll fill you in on it.” Jennifer got back in.

They stepped out of her way, and she drove into her driveway.

“Do you mind if I stop just a moment?” Regina glanced at him.

“No problem. You go ahead. I’ll wait here.” He gestured to the bench at the end of the drive.

Regina nodded then hurried up the driveway towards the house. Spencer took a seat on the bench, crossing his legs before him. He remembered moments when they’d been taking their walk and he’d sit in the same spot while Mrs Moses, Regina and he chatted.

“Sitting like a lump on the log. Lazybones.”

Spencer jumped when he heard the voice, and looked up, startled to see Driscoll in his vehicle idling at the sidewalk. He rose and went to the passenger side window.

“If I’m a lump, then that makes you a big lump, big brother.” He rested his arms on the windowsill and grinned as he looked in.

“Possibly. What are you doing out here?” Dris leaned across the seat and looked at the house. “Have you met Mrs Moses’s niece? I haven’t yet.”

Driscoll was very familiar with the people living on the stretch of five blocks. They all knew him and kept the fact that he lived there private. The residents were close and didn’t want anyone invading their neighbourhood and the privacy of anyone.

“I just did. She seems nice. Just like Mrs Moses.”

“Blunt and no nonsense. Good. I like Mrs. Moses for her not taking shit attitude.” Driscoll looked at him. “Where’s Regina?”

“Up at the house.” He looked back and saw her approaching. “Coming this way, actually.”

“Then I better be off.”

“What? Why?” Spencer stared, confused.

“Better that she doesn’t see me. You all need to work things out.” Driscoll’s smile was sad. “Maybe someday we can work it out.”

Spencer opened his mouth.


He stepped back and turned to look at Regina. She was smiling, but it faded as she looked beyond him to the car. Spencer frowned, confused at what was going on between Driscoll and Regina. He looked back at the car, and Driscoll honked, then drove away. Spencer narrowed his eyes, making a note to talk with one of them about what the hell was going on. He focused on Regina, and her expression was back to normal. She came over to him and slid her arms around his waist.

“Do you mind if Jenn joins us on our walk? Or comes back home with us for dinner?” Regina whispered.

He looked behind her as Jenn approached before glancing at her. “Sure. I don’t mind.” She went to step back, but he held onto her. “We have some talking to do.

Regina stiffened, then spoke in a low, firm tone. “Fine, but in my time.” She squeezed his waist. “We’re going to have a nice walk, then dinner and if you’re lucky, we’ll even watch

again.” Spencer groaned playfully. “Can’t we watch something else?”

“How about
Body of Proof
? I know you have a crush on the lead character. Should I be jealous you have a thing for redheads?”

Spencer studied her hair, pulled back in a ponytail. He tugged one of the kinky curls over her shoulder. “Maybe you should be grateful.” He rubbed the strands between his fingers. “After all, it was your wild child hair that made me wonder how the hell you got a brush through it.” He grinned—he’d always loved Regina’s reddish hair, and when he’d met Lila it was the first thing he’d noticed about her. “You and Lila have almost the same hair colour.”

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