Perfect Regret ( BOOK 2) (7 page)

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Authors: A. Meredith Walters

Tags: #E.M. Tippetts Book Designs

BOOK: Perfect Regret ( BOOK 2)
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Well damn it all to hell.

Garrett gave Gracie a lazy smile. “Hey,” he said, the low timber of his voice doing strange things to my insides. I purposefully turned back around, hoping that he hadn’t noticed me.

“Hey, Riley,” he said in a tone that dared me to ignore him. I lifted my hand in a wave without facing him. I resolutely opened my folder and tried to focus on the words blurring on the page in front of me. I felt the back of my neck flush and my ears burned hot.

“Do you work here?” Gracie asked in a high-pitched voice that could cut glass. Clearly Garrett’s seductive charms were working on my friend.

Garrett walked around until he was stood directly in front of my desk, making ignoring him impossible. He was doing this on purpose. He looked down at me, with an amused smirk on his face. He was enjoying my discomfort. In fact, he seemed to be loving it.

“I sure do. I’m part of the crew working on the renovations,” he said, still looking at me, even though he was talking to Gracie. I met his eyes directly and even though my face was most likely bright red I met his bold gaze head on. I would not let him see me sweat.

“Oh, that’s great. We’ll get to see you all the time then,” Gracie said, trying to get his attention. Unfortunately for her, we were too busy playing
the first one who looks away is a pussy

“Super,” Garrett responded dryly, looking as though he wanted to laugh. Oh fuck this. I got to my feet.

“Gracie, Damien, you want a coffee?” I asked. Sure I was giving him the satisfaction of seeing me run but at that moment I didn’t care. I just needed some breathing space. Because seeing him again, so soon after our night together, was like dunking me in a molten fire pit. I tingled from my scalp to my toes with an awareness of the way this man had touched and kissed me, even though my mind was still hazy with the details. Clearly my body remembered all too well.

And I did
appreciate the reminders here of all places. This was
world. And Garrett did not belong inside my happy little bubble. Seeing him threw me in ways I couldn’t explain.

“I’ll come with you,” Damien said quickly. I had to suppress my groan. Could this get any better? I looked at Garrett again, whose amusement had faded. Damien reached out to touch my arm but I moved away before his fingers could make contact. Something flashed in Garrett’s eyes and his face darkened dangerously. He flicked his eyes from me back to Damien and he almost seemed to be working through something in that head of his. Seeing him focus on anything was more of a shock than finding him working here.

But one thing was for sure, his nonchalant demeanor was noticeably absent as he stared down my oblivious ex-boyfriend.

“Garrett, when is your next gig? I hate that I missed the last one,” Gracie said excitedly and I used that as my cue to leave. With Damien on my heels, I hurried to the break room.

“Ri, wait up!” Damien called out and grudgingly waited for him to join me. “You okay?” he asked, peering at me closely. Despite how horrible our end was it didn’t change the fact that Damien Green knew me better than most. He knew when I was rattled. And I was most definitely feeling rattled.

I gave him a thin smile. “Fine. Just need some coffee. You know I’m like Dawn of the Dead until I get my caffeine,” I replied. Damien smiled back tentatively, looking a little antsy. His eyes darted around the room, maybe looking for any possible weapons. The boy already knew what I was capable of with a lamp at my disposal.

“I mean are you okay with us doing this together. I know it’ll be..”

“Awkward? Weird? Annoying as hell?” I interjected before he could finish.

Damien lifted his shoulders in a shrug and his smile was strangely more relaxed. As though my snarkiness was something he could deal with. As opposed to the giant pile of sad I had been before.

“Exactly,” he said softly, staring at me in that way of his that at one time made me weak in the knees. He stepped closer, his hand resting on my arm meaning to be comforting. Really it just made me feel icky. Like I wanted to scrub myself clean after he touched me. Who the hell did he think he was talking and touching me like this? I was torn between self-righteous anger and total dumbfoundeness.

“Ah, so this is where the coffee is,” I jerked back as though doused in ice water. Garrett moved purposefully into the room. I blinked in surprise as he walked between Damien and me. Damien stumbled backwards. Did Garrett really just shoulder check Damien?

Damien frowned at Garrett and I knew he was irritated by the interruption. “Let’s get back to our desks, Ri,” Damien said trying to meet my eyes again.

Garrett poured his coffee into a thermos and screwed on the lid. “Actually, can I talk to you for a sec,
Garrett sneered, turning around to look at me. His expression dared me to refuse. To ignore him and walk away.

“Yeah, sure,” I said defiantly. Damien’s frown deepened as he looked between Garrett and me as though trying to decipher the mysterious vibe that was most certainly humming between us.

Garrett glanced at Damien. “This isn’t a group conversation.” I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn’t chuckle out loud. Damien’s face flushed in indignation and I maliciously enjoyed my ex’s discomfort. Without another word, Damien left, though he looked anything but happy about it.

“Rude much?” I asked testily, swallowing the enjoyment I felt at Garrett’s posturing and intimidation of Damien. Crossing my arms over my chest, I leveled him with my best
you are wasting my time
look. Garrett took a drink of his coffee and shoved his other hand in his jean pocket. He had a smudge of dirt across his cheek and I had to stop myself from wiping it off. Not because I wanted to touch him or anything. It was just seriously messing with my OCD.

“If I thought you actually cared about me being rude to that douche bag, I might actually apologize,” Garrett said, his mouth twitching in an effort not to smile. Well I’m glad I amused him so freaking much. That’s me, Riley Walker, three ring circus.

I started to tap my foot to indicate my impatience. Garrett took another drink. “Now who’s being rude,” he commented lazily as though he had all the time in the world to taunt me.

“Don’t you have a job to do? Because I sure as hell do,” I bit out, feeling irrationally frustrated with the whole situation.

“You’re such a prickly little pear, aren’t you?” he mused, causing me to grit my teeth. I didn’t respond, knowing that’s exactly what he wanted. And I was feeling very oppositional. Garrett put his thermos down on the table, and mirrored my stance by folding his rather muscular arms (come on, they were practically on display in his too tight wife beater) over his chest.

“So we’re playing like it didn’t happen,” he stated rather than asked. He looked at me with an unreadable expression. I couldn’t tell whether this is how he wanted it to be or rather it bothered him. Garrett Bellows was apparently a guy with few emotions. His expression was bland and unconcerned as though we were talking about the latest football stats as opposed to our round of naked twister.

“Like what didn’t happen?” I asked pointedly, narrowing my eyes, waiting for him to say something else to piss me off.

Garrett didn’t say anything for a moment. He simply watched me as though trying to see something. What, I didn’t know. And I refused to care either.

Finally he nodded. “Good,” was all he said. He picked up his thermos and walked out of the break room without another look in my direction. I should have been relieved that our secret rendezvous would remain a secret. But relief wasn’t exactly what I was feeling. And I refused to admit to myself that it was disappointment that fluttered in my stomach.

call girls’ night!” Maysie yelled coming in the front door and throwing her book bag on the couch. I sat with my feet propped up on the coffee table, dutifully highlighting and making notes while I forced myself to read through my grammatical structure textbook.

Maysie snatched my highlighter and capped it, shoving my legs as she pushed passed me. “Sorry if I’m in your way,” I muttered, closing my book and deciding that giving my roommate the attention she desired was easier than ignoring her. Maysie was like a neglected cat when she was ignored. Rubbing up on you until you either smacked her away or gave up and began to rub her.

“So, girls’ night. You, Gracie, Viv, and me. Bars, booze, boys. The three Bs necessary for a good time. You are not allowed to say no. You are not allowed to bitch about how you have homework. You
going to put a smile on that pretty face of yours and you are going to suffer through an evening of laughing and fun. Think you can handle that?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow, waiting for me to start complaining.

“Will there be drunken tattoos and really bad karaoke,” I asked, sighing. Maysie grinned and it was a truly evil sight. The girl was ruthless when it came to piling on the peer pressure.

“There just might be, Ri,” she laughed and rubbed her hands together like a cheesy Bond villain.

“Fine. But you are not permitted to pick out my clothes. If I choose to wear my combat boots, I will and you are not allowed to make one disparaging remark about them. In fact, since I’m being made to do something against my will, I insist on it,” I warned, shaking my finger in her face.

Maysie rolled her eyes and snorted. “As if you’d let me get you within ten feet of a curling iron or a mini skirt. You are just no fun,” she pouted and I let out a huff of indignation.

“I’m more fun than you can handle, girlfriend,” I replied, snapping my fingers in her face and giving her my best sex face. Maysie dissolved into a fit of giggles before jumping to her feet to hurry into the kitchen.

“Vivian and Gracie are on their way over, we’re cabbing it tonight, so let’s pre-game!” Maysie said excitedly coming back into the living room with a bottle of Vodka and a jug of orange juice.

“Uh, sweetheart, I didn’t check the
looking for liver failure
box on my college application. I’m quite happy to sail this boat sober. Someone’s got to make sure we don’t end up in Mexico with a guy named Bubba,” I stated, pushing the make-me-puke cocktail out of my face.

I had done the drunk thing. I had played the part of Riley who makes bad decisions. I was thinking of getting the
I got drunk and sexed up a random
T-shirt just so I could advertise my shame. I had no plans of repeating that particular evening anytime soon. And when Maysie and the girls got their party on, mayhem was sure to follow.

“I’m not crying in my Wheaties anymore, Mays. There’s no need to force me into a night of debauchery with the delusion of doing me a favor. I’ve donned my cape and am Super Riley once again,” I proclaimed.

Maysie huffed. “I warned you that saying ‘no’ wasn’t an option.” She waggled her eyebrows and I threw up my hands in defeat.

At that moment, our door flew open and Vivian waltzed into the room, wearing her “ready to fuck” outfit consisting of red mini-dress and hooker heals. Her hair was over curled and over styled and her makeup would have to be scraped off in the morning but she owned it. I could admit I dug her self-confidence. There was something appealing about being that self-assured.

I had never suffered from poor self-esteem. I didn’t spend endless hours wondering why people didn’t like me or moaning about the way I looked. That had been Maysie’s hang-up for years. I’ll admit it used to drive me crazy. There was only so much backstroking a gal could stomach before you resorted to shaking the shit out of your friend and telling her to grow up.

I had performed varying degrees of tough love on my best friend in the past and wasn’t shy in telling people what I thought. But even I would never feel comfortable enough to let my body hang all out like that. I wasn’t sure if it was a niggling lack of confidence or a greater sense of pride. But whatever it was, Vivian didn’t give a crap and for that I could appreciate her.

“What’s up my bitches!” she yelled, dropping her coat on the floor and putting a grocery bag full of beer on the TV stand. Gracie came in behind her, looking much more subdued in a jean skirt and frilly top. But even she exuded a crazy energy. These girls were ready to get their party on whether I wanted to or not.

“Where are we going tonight? And please tell me you aren’t wearing that, Riley,” Vivian said, plopping down beside me on the couch. Her dress rode up and I could see way too much of her leopard print underwear.

“Well at least I’m not waving my vagina around like a flag,” I said, giving her a pointed look.

Vivian let out a pleased cackle and did nothing to pull her skirt down. “Damn straight! This flag is saying single and ready to mingle!” she shouted. Clearly Vivian had already been at the happy sauce.

Gracie rolled her eyes. “She and Cole had a fight. They broke up
Gracie explained, pulling a beer out of the bag and popping the top before sitting down on the loveseat.

“Don’t you have to be doing something more than banging in order to break up?” I asked.

Vivian leaned over and grabbed the beer out of Gracie’s hand. “I thought we had a meaningful relationship built on the appreciation of each other’s bodies. But it came to my attention that mine is not the only body Cole has an appreciation for. So he can go to hell. These legs will never spread for him again!” Vivian declared, waving her beer in a wide circle before drinking half its contents.

I looked over at Maysie who was shaking her head. “Oh, so this is going to be a guy hating, holding Vivian’s hair while she pukes kind of evening. Why didn’t you say so?” I asked sarcastically.

“Shut up, Riley,” Maysie volleyed back. “Vivian, Cole’s an idiot. Just remember where his cock has been the next time he wants to get up your skirt,” she advised, knowing as well as the rest of us that this was just the latest drama in the ongoing saga of Vivian and Cole.

“Damn straight! I need a guy who keeps his shit at home! Do you know who he’s screwing?” Vivian asked, looking at us as though we knew aleady.

Each of us shrugged. “Cira, that bitch. I always knew she was a slut,” Vivian muttered. Maysie and Gracie exchanged a look. Cira was their former sorority sister and anything Chi Delta related was a touchy subject where they were concerned.

I smacked my hands down on my knees and got to my feet. “Well as much as I’m enjoying this riveting discussion about the notches on Cole’s bedpost, I’m going to go get changed. Gotta put my party face on, right?” I asked, smirking at Maysie who stuck her tongue out.

A half an hour later, the four of us were piled in the back of a cab and headed for downtown Bakersville. We were dropped off in front of The Boogie Lounge, the town’s one and only dance club. It was a Tuesday night and the place was heaving.

I realized why when we didn’t have to pay a cover and were informed by the guy at the door that it was Ladies’ Night and all our drinks would be half price. “It’s Ladies’ Night!” Vivian yelled as we made our way to the bar. Gracie laughed and pulled me by the hand.

“Let’s get you a drink so you’ll do some dancing,” she yelled over the bad techno music. I couldn’t help but smile and let her lead me through the crowd. Maysie followed close behind. We ordered our drinks and were quickly ditched by Vivian who had instantly latched onto a Sophomore guy I knew from the English department.

“Girl’s going cougar tonight, I see,” I commented, watching Vivian press herself against the poor guy.

Gracie rolled her eyes. “She just needs to stop trying to make Cole her boyfriend, then she’ll be a hell of a lot happier. That guy will never commit and she ends up upset and acting like a moron every time she’s reminded of what a slut he is,” she said, picking up her drink and turning toward the crowd.

“I don’t know, they are kind of perfect when they actually have their shit together,” Maysie reasoned as we made our way to the second floor so we could people watch.

“Perfect like a case of genital warts,” I muttered and the girls laughed.

“Well, what about you, Ri? Have you sorted out your guy issues?” Gracie asked innocently and my stomach dropped. Crap, what did she know? I glanced at Maysie who stared back blandly. If she told anyone about Garrett, there was going to be a full on chick fight, friend or not.

“Uh, what do you mean?” I asked, sipping on my luke warm beer.

“I mean with you and Damien,” she said, giving me a confused look. My chest loosened and I let out a little sigh of relief. I really had to stop freaking out every time I was asked a question about boys.

“Damien’s a tool,” I said shortly, not wanting my ex to soil the evening I was being forced to have.

“I’ve just never seen you like that, Riley. It was a little scary,” Gracie stated and I grit my teeth. Gracie meant well, she was just a little oblivious at times, particularly when she was drinking. I could tell by the flush on her face and neck that she was well on her way to smashed, a state she seemed to be falling into a lot lately.

“Wow, thanks, G, I appreciate that,” I remarked, leaning against the railing and watching the people on the dance floor beneath me.

“I just meant that douche isn’t worth you being so upset over him. I really wish we didn’t have to see him so much at the newspaper. And now that he’s dating Jaz, that just sucks,” Gracie rambled and I turned on her sharply.

“He’s dating Jaz?” I asked, feeling my throat tighten. But what was strange was I couldn’t decide if I was upset or not. My emotions were feeling oddly jumbled.

Maysie leaned across me to smack Gracie’s arm. “Seriously, Gracie, enough,” she said, her voice hard. Gracie grimaced.

“Oops, did you not know they went out last week? I thought you knew,” she murmured and I shook my head.

“Must have missed the bulletin,” I answered, turning back to stare out into the crowd. I was officially done talking about Damien Freaking Green.

“Shut up!” Maysie said less kindly.

“What? I thought she knew!” Gracie hissed to Maysie behind me. Then she squealed loudly and I looked over my shoulder.

And then promptly wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

“Garrett! Mitch! I didn’t know you guys were coming tonight!” Gracie shrieked as Garrett, Jordan, Mitch, and Cole walked up to us, looking very much like a group of guys looking for trouble.

Jordan pulled Maysie up against his chest, kissing her soundly. “Sorry to interrupt your girls’ night. We decided to come out for some drinks and I knew you were going to be here. I couldn’t stay away,” he said softly against her mouth and I had to look away. Their blatant affection making me feel uncomfortable.

I was normally able to stomach (with much queasiness of course) their PDA, but knowing Garrett was standing so close, I felt stiff and awkward. I’m sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he had seen me naked not so long ago. Or the fact that my friend was practically dry humping his leg as she clung to him.

“Please stay! It will be so much more fun with you here!” Gracie pleaded, hugging Garrett’s arm. Garrett’s face was impassive and even in the dim light, I could tell his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. His blatant drug use disgusted me. And I was even more disgusted with myself for sleeping with someone who had such a disregard for himself.

Garrett glanced at me and he smiled. It was a small grin but it magically transformed his face and made my heart pound just a little bit harder. And all thoughts of disgust and shame were drowned by a more concerning emotion known as lust.

“You girls seem like you’re doing fine without us. Far be it from me to mess with your good time,” Garrett stated, his eyes roaming over my body in an intimately familiar way that had me flushing in equal parts indignation and frustrating desire. Clearly my body was ready to have a repeat performance whether my head was on board or not.

“Come on, just for a little while,” Gracie begged, turning to Mitch who lit up at her attention. Huh, how had I not seen that before? Mitch stepped toward Gracie but then his face fell when she turned back to Garrett, who had yet to look away from me.

I refused to acknowledge Garrett and instead noticed the way Mitch looked like a boy who had just heard that Christmas had been cancelled. He realized I was watching him and shrugged as if Gracie’s rejection didn’t matter.

“No, we’ve got to get Cole home. He’s ready to pass out already,” Jordan said, kissing Maysie again.

“I think Cole’s found his second wind,” I commented, pointing across the room to where Vivian and Cole were making out in the corner. Cole’s hand was up her dress and she was pushing against him, leaving very little doubt as to what Cole was doing inside her panties.

“God, they’re ridiculous,” Maysie breathed out in annoyance and I nodded.

“I don’t know, they look like they’re having a good time,” Garrett drawled, giving me a wicked grin that I resolutely, 100% ignored. Yeah, I caught the innuendo; I just refused to acknowledge it.

“I want to dance! Come on everyone!” Gracie squealed, grabbing Maysie’s hand as she ran passed, heading toward the staircase. Jordan and Mitch followed them but I stayed behind. I leaned over the railing and smirked as I watched my friends bump and grind to the horrible music. Gracie draped her arms around some guy’s neck while Mitch tried not to look bothered by it. Jordan and Maysie were practically screwing on the dance floor.

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