Perfect Ten (21 page)

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Authors: Michelle Craig

BOOK: Perfect Ten
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We walked away from Sophia
as she stared at us in disbelief of his dismissal of her. I sincerely hoped that was the last we’d see of Joe’s past, but I had my doubts. Sophia seemed like a very determined woman.


Chapter 27



Still marveling over
Faith’s defense of me and total acceptance of my past, I drove us to Mrs. Covington’s, clinging to her hand the whole way. I did not deserve her, but I sure as hell was going to keep her!

“You’re amazing, you know that? How did you do it? How did you keep her words from affecting you? I couldn’t be so strong if the situation was reversed.”

“Oh, it’s not that they didn’t affect me, Joe. To be honest, she made me doubt you again for a minute there.” She gave me a reassuring squeeze and continued. “I hate thinking about all those women you’ve been with, and I try really hard not to. I’m determined to win against those intrusive thoughts. One of the girls told me that I was those women’s competition and you found
lacking. Do you have any idea how much that means to me? It boggles my mind. You’ve shown me how much you want to move forward, so what kind of person would I be if I allowed your past to hold either one of us back?”

“I really don’t deserve you, you know.”

Her quick grin lifted some of the guilt from my shoulders. “Of course, you don’t.”

“I swear
, I’ll make it up to you. Later. Tonight. I’m going to make you feel so good that you’ll never want to let me go.”

“Yeah? Tell me. What will you do?”

I let her hand go to slip mine under her skirt, satisfied at the way her lips parted. “You’re playing with fire here, Ms. Graham.”

“I like it hot, Joe.”

Fuck me.
As much as I loved Mrs. C., it was going to be a long night. I made circular patterns on her leg as I ran my hand higher. I knew she’d back down. These games were mine to play. I was a puppet master. She was putty in my hands—until she spread her legs with a moan giving me access to her pussy, which was already wet.

“Jesus. You don’t have any panties on?”

She laughed as only a woman could in that kind of situation. She knew she held all the power. Who the fuck did I think I was? Puppet master, my ass! I was an idiot. She’d always hold the power, and I’d happily hand her my strings.

“Do you feel any?” Her body slid down the seat as her heat slipped over my fingers. “Umm, that feels good.”

Trying my best to concentrate on the road, I ignored my dick getting harder by the second. When the car coming the other way beeped at me as I drifted into their lane, I reluctantly withdrew my hand. “You win. Fuck, I want you.”

She slid me a hot glance. Her flushed face and parted lips teased me. “How much longer until we reach Mrs. Covington’s?”


“How long, Joe?”

I glanced at the clock on the dash and quickly did some math, surprised as hell that my brain was still functioning. “About twenty minutes.” Her grin widened, and she unhooked her seatbelt.

“Drive carefully, okay?”

Reaching into the back, she grabbed her shawl and bunched it up, laying it on the console between us. “What are you doing, Faith?”

“Just drive.” And fucking jackpot. She reached over and freed my straining cock.

“Aw, fuck. What are you doing, Faith?” I could only hope. It only took another two seconds before I had her answer, along with her lips wrapped around my cock, slowly moving over me.

“Aw, Jesus. We’re gonna die.” How the fuck was I supposed to drive like that?

She giggled as her tongue darted out to lick the full length of me, sucking at the tip where there were already drops of pre-cum for her to take into her mouth.

Her lips stilled, and I took a quick peek down. “You know, I’m going to have to lick every drop of
cum you give me up. We need to be clean, Joe.”

I winked at her and gently placed my hand on her head to push her back onto my cock. I was not disappointed. “You are really, really good at this, Faith. Fuck yeah, just like that.” Her lips were so fucking soft. When I felt her teeth right on the crown, I gave a deep moan. “You keep doing that and I’m not going to make you wait long.”

She doubled her efforts. Every noise I made seemed to make her tongue lick me more and her lips clamp around my dick, sucking me in. Fuck, my Faith was a bad girl.

“Do you want me to tell you when I’m going to come? Because, God, I’m really close.”

She didn’t even answer me; she just continued to suck me down. My hand went to her head again and I gripped her hair, which made her pop me out of her mouth altogether.

“No touching. Hands on the wheel.”

As soon as I lifted my hand back onto the steering wheel, she slid her wet mouth back onto me with quick up and down strokes. I was seconds away from coming. “Jesus. Fuck. Yes!”

My hips bucked up into her as I shot my hot
cum down her throat, fighting to keep my eyes on the road. She kept sucking on my cock as I continued to come. I knew it was a lot for her to swallow, and instead of feeling bad for that, I shot one last hot bit, deep.

My hand rubbed down her back to squeeze her ass. She was still lightly lapping at my cock. “Holy shit, Faith. Thank you.”

She sat up, a very satisfied grin in place. “Yeah? You really liked that, huh? I guess I’m getting better at it.”

“Any better and I won’t be able to make it past the second lick of that delectable tongue of yours.” I looked down at my big guy and I could swear he was smiling at me.

“Take the wheel.” When she did, I put my pants back together, wincing as I came in contact with the head of my dick. He still wanted more.

When I was fully dressed again, and my breathing was back to normal, I looked over to see if I could figure out what Faith was thinking. Each time we got intimate, I saw more and more of her. She really was a sex kitten. Maybe she liked sex as much as I did, and wouldn’t that be an awesome thing

“What did I do to deserve that?”

In typical Faith fashion, she blushed. I know I said it before, but I loved that. She could rip my cock out of my pants and suck me with wild abandon and then be shy about it. What a woman. Soft and hard. Confident and shy.

“I don’t know.”

I could see by the look on her face that she
know. “Tell me. No secrets between us, Faith. You can say anything to me.”

“Okay. Well, as much as I hated hearing Sophia tell me about what you two did together, it got me turned on a little.”

Okay… that was certainly unexpected. “Okay. Um, what do you mean? You don’t want to see me with other women, do you? Oh, God. You don’t want another
in the room?” Christ, I hoped not. I wanted to get away from that life.

“God, no! Oh
, no, Joe. Never that. I won’t share you. But when she said those things, I kind of pictured you doing them to me.”

Holy fuck. She wanted to try anal sex? Count me in. “What exactly are you saying? You want me to fuck you—”

She put her hands over her face. “Oh God—don’t say it. You think I’m disgusting. Forget it. I don’t even think I meant it. It’s just that it’s kind of forbidden, you know? Ah, forget it.”

I pulled her hand down, uncovering half her face. “Faith, listen to me. There is nothing
, and I mean nothing aside from hurting you that I wouldn’t want to do with you. I’m up for anything you want to try, and if you don’t like something, we won’t do it. But honey, if you’re asking me if I’d like to fuck you there? The answer is hell yes. I want every inch of you. Every. Fucking. Inch.”

When she looked at me again, I could see the heat in her eyes. Oh, she wanted it. At least she thought she did. She wiggled in her seat, looking none too comfortable. “Joe.”

I put my hazard lights on and pulled over to the side of the road. Unhooking
seatbelt this time, I covered her mouth with mine as I let my fingers give her the release she so desperately needed. Panties were so overrated.

“God. Thank you. I really needed that.”

I ran the back of my hand down her face and kissed her once more. “Sweetheart, it was entirely my pleasure.”


Mrs. Covington’s mansion came into view and Faith let out a gasp.

, my God. It’s huge!”

I looked down at my crotch and back at her. “Huh. For a minute there, I thought you were looking at my cock again.” Hey, if you
couldn’t have fun with the one you love, who could you have fun with? Wait… the one you love? Did I just say that? Wow. I did. Holy shit, I do. I love her. Might want to keep that to myself a bit longer though, right? Not right? Shit, this was completely new territory for me, but I’m not scared like I thought I’d be.

“Very funny, big guy. I meant the house—or estate? What do you even call such a building?”

“A mansion? I know it’s huge, but wait until you see the inside. You’ll feel like home as soon as she lets her lovelies out.” I knew Faith would love all her critters.

“Her lovelies?”

“That’s what she calls all her pets. She’s got a dozen, at least. Dogs, cats, turtles, all kinds of things. She even has a rabbit that’s litter trained.”

We pulled into the circular drive to see an older gentleman standing by the door just waiting to help Faith out of the car. Mrs. Covington was
pulling out all the stops for her formal dinner.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Madam.” He motioned us to the front door with a flourish. The door was closed, and I lifted the door knocker to wait for the housekeeper to allow us entry.

Not seeing Mrs. Covington in her usual spot on the deacon’s bench, I looked questioningly around.

“Mrs. Covington’s hip is bothering her this evening, sir. She is awaiting you in the drawing room. This way please.”

Faith interjected before we moved any farther. “Thank you, Ms?”

That quickly, she won the formidable housekeeper over. “Mrs. Sampson,” she answered with a delighted smile.

Faith wasn’t done yet. She placed her hand on Mrs. Sampson’s arm. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Faith Graham.”

I think I grew three inches in that moment alone standing up so straight with my tail feathers out. I was so proud of my girl. She made me feel like a caveman. I wanted to shout ‘Mine!’ to anyone within hearing distance.

Mrs. Sampson led us into the drawing
room, which was huge, of course, but very comfortably decorated.

Even though Mrs. Covington had more money than
God, and liked to observe some formalities such as dressing for dinner, she liked being surrounded by comfortable things also, not ostentatious furnishings. The couch she reclined on held home-made afghans and pillows given to her by some of her lady friends, and the carpet under the furniture set was light blue with pale yellow flowers on it, not an antique oriental rug as one might expect. 

As we made our way inside, not so little paws clicked erratically on the wood floors that weren’t covered by the rug. They belonged to a Bernese
Mountain dog. At ten weeks old, she was Mrs. Covington’s newest addition to the menagerie, and looked more like she was six months old. I’d always loved the big breeds; of course, the miniature Doberman following her was cute, too.

“Daisy, you stop this instant!” Mrs. C
. lost the battle with the leash that was trailing after Daisy.

“This is a warm welcome, Mrs. Covington.” I bent down and scooped up the puppy, holding her against my chest as she licked my face.

“I’m sorry, dear. I guess I didn’t have a very good hold on her leash. She’s still a puppy don’t you know.”

I deposited the puppy back in the chair next to her as I placed a kiss on her withered cheek. She sounded like her usually spunky self, but her coloring was off. “I hear you’re not feeling very well tonight. We can always reschedule.” I didn’t want her making herself sick.

“Oh, don’t be silly. It’s just this old hip of mine, that’s all.” She put her hand on my hip and pushed me aside to look at Faith. “Faith, dear. It’s so nice to see you again.”

Faith walked up and gently squeezed Mrs. Covington’s hands. “Thank you so much for inviting me.” She stood up and admired her surroundings. “You have a lovely home. And such cute companions!” Daisy’s happy yip filled the air as Faith reached over and scratched her ears.

As Daisy was struggling to get down off the chair, Mrs. Covington tried to stand. “Oh, dear. Mrs. Sampson!”

I immediately tried to lend her a hand. “What is it?”

“Daisy needs to go out. When she wiggles her behind like that, we don’t have much time. She’s still learning.”

Faith quickly took the leash and dashed for the French doors that opened out onto the patio and then to the backyard. “I’ve got her. Come on, girl. Hurry!” Daisy was
only too happy to run with Faith to the doors, squatting just
to do her business. “Oh, that’s okay. You were so close, sweetie.”

Mrs. Covington laughed and told me to keep her at all costs. “Any lady who doesn’t get mad at an animal if it messes in the house is one worth keeping, Joe. Please call Mrs. Sampson for me to clean that up, dear.”

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