Piecemeal June (5 page)

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Authors: Jordan Krall

Tags: #Horror, #General, #Literary, #Fantasy, #Experimental fiction, #Fiction

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Even if we had a million years together, I dont know if I could explain everything that I am, everything that I have been. Id like to spare you the time. Id rather us spend our time together just like this, touching, loving, laughing, she looked at him, not verbally dissecting every single experience of mine, every aspect of me. Kevin caressed her hair. It wasnt real hair, he knew that, but it felt authentic enough. It felt natural to him; it felt good. Ive tried just not thinking about it but I came to a point where I just had to ask. I dont think we can avoid confusion. Im confused, confused about what you are, where you came from, what the hell were doing. I have no complaints, dont worry. But I just need some pieces of the puzzle. Or any piece for that matter. He touched her cheek. Junes eyes avoided Kevins as she started talking in whispers. Im not an individual; Im not a whole person. Im a combination of lots of things, people, places. Im like a photograph of a city. Its the city but its not the city. Its one object but it reflects 43 Jordan Krall so much more. Kevin didnt want to come off sounding stupid but he couldnt help it. Normally he wouldnt open his mouth but in this case he really did want to comprehend. June, I really dont get it. Just please, dumb it down for me. My body, my consciousness, everything. Theyre all from different places. Every part of me holds a history, some sort of memory. Like a computer? Kevin thought he understood. June shook her head. No, not really. Its less direct, more intuitive. I told you, if we had forever I couldnt explain it all. She sat up and waved her hands. Maybe its just pointless to even try to explain it. Please, goddamnit, I want to know, Kevins voice bordered on angry. He quickly curbed the attitude. June sighed. Everything around you, the air you breathe, the thoughts you think, the wind you feel on your skin when you walk down the street, all of it. Its all real only to a certain point. Theres so much more. So many other places. Other ... planets? Kevins eyes widened. Are you an alien? No, no ... Im not talking about other planets. Just other... places. Theyre here but not here. Anyway, this reality, the reality youre used to, thats only one of them. Therere two others that Im aware of. There was a woman once who was very special to a very powerful man and he had me made in her image from various pieces of people and things. I dont even know how to explain it. It doesnt make sense on the level or reality that youre used to, Im sorry. But what happened, why are you here? I was brought here by someone who wanted me for himself. She got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. It still amazed Kevin that June can piss and shit like a human being. Her 44 Piecemeal June pussy still got wet and she could spit and cough; it confounded him. Her voice rose from the bathroom. So, thats that. Im here and thats all you need to know. I like you. On whatever level of reality this is, I like you. I dont want to say love because I dont know what that means to you and you dont know what that means to me. So Ill say that I like you. I think that expresses how I feel pretty accurately. Kevin smiled. I like you, too. He admitted to himself that if she had said she loved him, he would have reciprocated. I have one more question but it might sound stupid. June laughed. I doubt its stupid but go ahead. In these other..places. They speak..English? He had wondered that ever since she started talking. If she was telling the truth and he assumed she was, was he to believe that English was the preferred language? No, not at all. Im not entirely sure how it all works but its just about, I dont know, perception. Language isnt a barrier where Im from but I dont really know why. It just works out as if those other realities are sort of, I dont know, beyond simple phonetic sounds? Ever have a dream where you instinctively know things? Thats what its like, I guess. She walked out of the bathroom and sat down next to Kevin. Does any of this make sense? Yeah, I guess so. He smiled. Good, now lets get something to eat. Im starving! * * * After eating some Chinese take-out, Kevin and June relaxed on the couch watching a rerun of Dirent Strokes, the episode where Arnold and Sam befriend an epileptic street performer. Mithra, who had been even more cathartic than usual ever 45 Jordan Krall since June woke up, jumped up between the two of them carrying a Tarot card in his mouth. He dropped it on Kevins lap. Whats up now, buddy? Kevin picked up the card, the Queen of Cups. You know I still havent researched this shit. Is this good or bad? Mithras tail sank down between his legs. Oh, dont be such a sour-puss. Kevin rubbed Mithras chin but the cat only grunted and jumped down from the couch. Your cats very....moody. June looked amused. No kidding, Kevin laughed. So, I meant to ask you. Do you want to go out somewhere with me? Out? But ... the way I look. Isnt that going to cause a little bit of a problem? Well, well figure that out. Get a coat with a hood or something. Anyway, what about it? June looked down at her lap. I dont know. Wherere we going? A friend of mine is a boxer. You know what that is, right? Its fighting. Two guys punching each other until one of them falls down and cant get up. Yeah, I know what that is. Ive seen that before. Two dumb males going at it until their hands are broken and their jaws are falling off. Kevin laughed. Ha! Oh, this isnt that brutal, June. They wear gloves. Sounds like a plan, I guess. Good. Now let me go get you some clothes to wear outside. From the kitchen, Mithra started to make a racket digging holes in his cat litter and kicking it onto the floor. 46 CHAPTER NINE Meanwhile in South River, the next town over, the real flesh-andblood June St. clair lived a quiet life for she was now Mrs. June Jorgenson, devoted wife of Phil Jorgenson. She had given up her old life despite having met her husband at a porn convention. I love your work, he had said. June fell madly in love but soon realized that what Phil loved wasnt her but rather the degraded performer, the slut at the end of her rope. She was making dinner while Phil was in his favorite chair in the living room watching the news. The phone rang. Hello? She held the phone to her ear with her shoulder while she continued to cut carrots. A familiar voice oozed through the earpiece. Hello, cupcake, howve you been? June felt nauseous. Pop. The one and only. So, you ready to come back, do a couple of scenes for me? I want to surprise Max and get you back in the game. I thought maybe wed start with an anal scene and work up to some piss and shit stuff later. He laughed a lifelong smokers laugh. No, I told you before. No. Im done, out of the busi- ness. Phils voice called from the living room. Who is it, June? No one! June knew that answer wouldnt fly with Phil. He came walking into the kitchen and grabbed the phone from 47 Jordan Krall her. Hello? Who is this? Phil listened and then smiled. Oh, hiya, buddy, whats up? Really? Huh. June shook her head, tears gathering in her eyes. She put her hand on Phils arm but he just shook it off. Yeah, shell do it. Sure. Okay. Youre welcome. Okay. Bye. He hung up. Just give me the phone next time. You know we need the money. And you know I like seeing you work so use your brain next time, will you? He went back into the living room and plopped his fat ass in front of the television. He smiled, wondering what the new scenes would be like. Hed like to see his wife tied up maybe. Or hung from the ceiling while being double-penetrated and pissed on by a homeless guy. June picked a knife up, contemplated shoving it into Phils throat, and then put it down again. She put her head into her hands and sobbed. No more. I cant do it. I just wont. She picked up the knife again and put it to her wrists. Behind them she saw the carrots, half chopped and waiting to be used in a delicious meal courtesy of a recipe she watched on the food channel. One minute youre cutting veggies, next minute you want to kill yourself because your husband is pimping you out. No fucking way. Not again. Phil flipped through the channels and settled on a rerun of Diffrent Strokes, the episode where Arnolds friend gets molested by the guy who owns the bicycle shop. He started to laugh but was cut short by the knife going through his Adams apple. Blood spurted down his shirt and into his mouth. Not comprehending what was happening, he tried calling to his wife for help. The last thing he saw was June holding the knife with one hand and giving him the finger with the other. Then he collapsed on the floor and died. June washed the knife and finished preparing the meal. Afterwards, she took out the good china and sat down at the 48 Piecemeal June dining room table. June sat with her back to her dead husband, smiling and making sure to chew slowly, savoring every single bite. * * * Max Alexander and Pop Crowley walked into the porn shop together. Greg Garglestock was at the counter and as soon as he saw the two of them walk in, his shoulders drooped and sweat started to drip from almost every pore of his body. So, my man, did you find her or what? Max put both hands, palms down, on the glass counter. They seemed to hover above the expensive jewel-encrusted dildos and vintage pin-up playing cards. I, uh, no, I couldnt find it, Greg stuttered. Her. You couldnt find her, Max corrected him. Her, thats right. I couldnt find her. I looked everywhere. I think someone, Greg swallowed, STOLE it. Maxs face turned red while Pop stood there with his arms crossed. He had to admit that he hadnt been fully paying attention to Max when he explained the whole story behind the sex doll. All he really remembered was that it had to do with Maxs old boss. Stole it? Who the fuck is robbing you? Max poked a finger into Gregs chest. If I find out youre pulling some bullshit ... I swear... Pop whispered something into Maxs ear. Max grabbed Greg by the shirt. Call all the dirtbags you have working here and have them come down so I can ask them some questions. Got it? Yeah, sure, Max, sure, Greg babbled on, grabbing the phone from the wall. He started dialing. 49 Jordan Krall While Greg was on the phone getting in touch with his employees, Max continued to talk. And to think I was doing you a favor, offering to shoot a movie in your basement. Do you have any idea what freaky shit we couldve done with that doll? Shit, you stupid sonovabitch. He walked away from the counter. Pop followed, scratching at his beard that had been crusted with pea soup and mayonnaise. He pulled a beard hair out and held it up. Hey look, Max. It looks like a spider leg. Weird, huh? 50 CHAPTER TEN Dressed in large, black sunglasses, a baggy coat, her head covered with both a hood and a shawl, Kevins new sex doll girlfriend June stood watching Mushy Nebuchadnezzer go toe to toe with Tim Sweet Meat Sullivan. Kevin and June were seated in the second row of the Sons of the Shamrock Hall where weekly amateur boxing matches were held. Kevin winced each time Mushy took a blow to the head. He was already punch drunk and each hit he took just scrambled his brains even more. After Tim Sweet Meat Sullivan dropped Mushy in the fifth round, Kevin and June walked into the locker room so theyd be there when Mushy came back. On the way there, Kevin confided in June. Listen, Mushy can be a little....forgetful. Hes been fighting for almost fifteen years and has taken a lot of hard shots to the head. So dont take offense from anything he says, okay? June nodded and made sure to keep her head down so no one would take much notice of her unnatural features. Mushy was carried in by his crew and then sat on a stool across from Kevin. His manager handed him a bottle of water and an icepack. So howd you like the fight? Mushy tried opening his left eye which was swollen to the size of a small cantaloupe. Hey, whos the little lady? June tensed up and Kevin put a hand on her back. Mushy, this is June. June, meet Mushy, the best amateur boxer New Jer- 51 Jordan Krall sey has to offer. Mushy laughed and blood trickled out of several cuts on his face. Whatd we go back in time? You know I aint won a fight in years. Yet they keep you giving you fights, how about that. They like me is all, Im a good entertainer. So, whats her name again? Im sorry, Mushy stuttered and looked embarrassed. June. Oh, yeah, June, how are you? How long you been with my boy Kevin? Junes mouth opened but it took a few seconds for the words to come out. Oh, just a few days. Mushy squinted. Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you? Kevins eyes widened and he looked at June. She was looking straight ahead and then spoke. No, I dont believe so. How could I forget such a handsome man like you? Aww! Mushy looked at Kevin. You sure got a sweet girl, alright! He laughed. Mushy was a big man, six-foot-four and possessing broad shoulders that seemed to rise up like two extra heads. As he sat on the stool recovering, his face got white and his posture drooped. He started mumbling. Lord, oh, Lord Im on my way. Thats just disgusting, sure is, disgusting, like three ugly children snap-snapping away at his flesh, vile Ive got to say, vile. He looked up to the ceiling. Whos that in the car? Man, whatve we got maybe one man, two men, three men did the deed? The deeds done, yessir, the king is dead and the queen is eating cake. June looked to Kevin who shook his head as if to say This is what I was talking about. She gave a small nod in understanding. Mushy trembled, cleared his throat, and then let his spit fly off towards the garbage can. He missed by two feet. The 52 Piecemeal June phlegm landed with a loud splat, the shape of it reminding Kevin of a woman with long, sexy legs glistening with bubbly sweat. June sat up and put her hand on Mushys shoulder. He lifted his head and looked at her face. His mouth opened as she lowered the sunglasses. I ... uh....Hey Kevin, guess what? Mushy looked to Kevin, back to Junes face and then to the floor. Im gonna be moving soon. Gonna move in with my cousin, David. Kevin stood up and pulled June back. Yeah, where? Shadow Hills, California. Not quite sure where it is but David says its nice. Its the car crash capital of the country, he says. Kevin forced a smile. No kidding? He wasnt sure of the appropriate reaction to the news. So, does that mean youre retiring? Eh, maybe, well see. David said he dont know if they got any fighting out there but he said hes gonna take care of me. A broad smile came to Kevins face as he remembered the numerous fights Mushy had been in since theyd known each other. He pointed to Mushy and addressed June. You shouldve seen this guy ten years ago. Guys would pay their managers just to get them out of a fight with Mushy. He was a maniac, it was awesome. I still remember the first time I saw him fight, he was up against this huge black guy, I dont remember his name but he had a

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