Pirate Ambush (4 page)

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Authors: Max Chase

BOOK: Pirate Ambush
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Before the transport-tube doors had fully opened, Peri and Diesel dashed out. They raced down the almost empty command-deck corridor.

They flashed their passes to the armed guards outside the Command Centre. As the doors opened, Peri was overwhelmed by the noise. The room was packed with top-ranking IF officers and diplomats shouting to be heard over each other. On a platform towards the front of the room was Diesel’s dad, Emperor Elliotte. He was seated in a gilded commander’s chair talking to the Venusian ambassador. They were pointing at the holographic map of the solar system that dominated the ceiling.

General Pegg caught their eye and came over. ‘Peri, Diesel,’ he said. ‘Stay where you are and remain silent.’

Peri froze. Everyone had stopped talking and started staring at them. He dreaded to think what the general was going to say next.

‘Serjeant-at-arms, step forward,’ General Pegg ordered.



An officer in a pristine ceremonial uniform marched towards them. He wore white gloves and held something shiny and silver in his hands. Was it handcuffs? Peri’s stomach tightened and he struggled to swallow. Had the IF found out about Selene and Otto?

General Pegg straightened up. ‘I’ve made a decision.’

Peri couldn’t breathe. This was it – the moment he would find out whether he was going to achieve his greatest dream.

‘Star Fighters are known not only for their bravery and skill, but for their personal honour and respect,’ the general began. ‘They uphold the laws of the Intergalactic Force and live to the highest moral standards.’

Peri couldn’t stand the suspense. What was General Pegg saying?

The serjeant-at-arms handed something to the general. ‘Peri, Diesel –’ The general paused and studied the pair. ‘You have passed all your tests with flying colours. But you only become Star Fighters if you are the bravest and best in the galaxy.’

The general opened his hands to reveal two titanium IF Star Fighter badges. Peri resisted the urge to punch the air.

‘Congratulations to the IF’s newest and youngest Star Fighters!’

Peri couldn’t stop grinning as the general pinned the badge to his uniform. ‘It’s as much an honour for me to present you these badges as it is for you to wear them. Please pledge your allegiance by reciting the IF creed.’



Peri couldn’t believe what was happening. It was the most space-tastic moment of his life. He and Diesel recited the creed in unison: ‘I swear to honour and uphold the laws of the Intergalactic Force. I promise to lay down my life to protect our planets and citizens from greed, corruption and enemies. With every breath in my body, I pledge my loyalty to –’

‘– the emperor,’ said Peri, just as Diesel boomed, ‘– my father.’

General Pegg beamed at them. ‘You’re now members of the most elite peacekeeping force in the universe!’

Instantly the room erupted into loud cheers of ‘Peace in space’.

Diesel’s hair had turned royal purple with pride.

‘We did it!’ Peri exclaimed as he high-fived Diesel.

As the cheers died down, the general beckoned them closer. He leaned down, speaking quietly. ‘I must admit, I wish you could train for longer. And, to be honest, I’m not completely convinced that you are mature enough to be Star Fighters. But you did a remarkable job in the Ubi galaxy. And, well, we have an urgent mission for you – so what choice is there?’

General Pegg handed what looked like a Martian toadstool to Peri. The flat-dome top was green and covered in red dots. There was a ring of flashing blue lights around the rim. Under the dome, the grey stalk was lined with computer slots. Peri stared at it, wondering what it was.

‘It’s your Mission Capsule. You plug it into the
and it will brief you on your mission,’ the general explained, then he turned and addressed the entire crowd. ‘Peri and Diesel’s first mission will be to capture a notorious pirate.’

Space pirates! Peri couldn’t believe his luck. What an exciting mission! He turned the Mission Capsule over in his hand. Everything he needed to know about his first official Star Fighter mission was inside. He couldn’t wait to get started!

‘Keep your Mission Capsule plugged in at all times,’ said General Pegg. ‘It will observe your progress and report back to me. No more time to celebrate, I’m afraid. Go – you have a difficult task ahead. Time is of the essence!’

Peri turned to collect Diesel, but he had vanished! Maybe he had already returned to the
, eager to get going on their first mission.

Peri raced out of the Command Centre, trying not to grin too foolishly as he thought,
I’m a real Star Fighter now!


Chapter 5


Sirens blared as Peri raced down the base-ship’s corridors, heading back towards the
. Now he had their Mission Capsule there was no time to waste!

He tore around a corner and spotted Diesel arguing with his father, the emperor. Peri skidded to a halt and darted behind the open access panel to one of the service tunnels. Luckily they were too busy arguing to notice him.

Peri peered around the edge of the panel. Diesel was shaking his head. The emperor loomed over him, his grey-streaked band of purple hair bristling.

‘Take it,’ the emperor shouted. ‘You’re still my son.’

Diesel reached out for something in the emperor’s hand. As soon as Peri saw it, he knew what it was – another Mission Capsule! Diesel stuffed it into his pocket. He was clearly unhappy about it.



Why is the emperor giving Diesel a Mission Capsule?
Peri wondered.

Before they could discover him, Peri slipped down the service tunnel and out into the launch bay. He ran up the ramp into the
. As he raced down towards the Bridge, the ship’s mechanical arms stretched from the walls and lifted him into shrink-to-fit Expedition Wear, then reattached his titanium Star Fighter badge before letting him go.

Peri stepped on to the Bridge. His parents had left it spotless. There wasn’t a loose wire or circuit board in sight.

Soon Selene and Otto joined them on the Bridge.

‘Nice badges, guys!’ Selene said, grinning at Peri and Diesel as she took her place. ‘We saw it all on the com-screen!’

‘Thanks,’ said Peri, unable to keep the smile off his own face. Even the Meigwor bounty hunter was almost smiling, although he was clearly trying not to show it.

‘I knew I’d pass,’ said Diesel, his chin tilting upwards.

‘Congratulations,’ said Selene, as her astro-harness clicked into place. ‘But I’m
in charge of engineering.’

Peri sat down in the captain’s chair. ‘Everyone ready?’ he asked the crew.

‘Let’s get to work,’ said Diesel. Then he noticed that Peri was staring at him. ‘What?’

‘What was that between you and the emperor?’ Peri asked. ‘It looked serious.’

Diesel’s eyes flashed yellow. ‘What I talk about with my father is none of your
dung y’r’ah
business, you bugonaut!’ he shouted. ‘Star Fighter or not, I’m the emperor’s son and I can do whatever the
I like.’

‘You can yell as much as you want,’ Peri said. ‘But, we’re a team and we need to start acting as one. If you’ve forgotten, General Pegg is keeping a close eye on us. Secrets will just get in our way.’

‘Whatever,’ muttered Diesel. ‘Let’s just

Peri clicked his fingers and the control panel hovered closer. A compartment slid open to reveal a round socket for the Mission Capsule. Peri placed the mushroom-shaped device in the hole. Tiny metal claws sprang out and twisted it into place. The circle of blue lights around the rim turned red. A green light flickered above the capsule and a hologram of General Pegg appeared.

‘This mission is for IF eyes only,’ he said. ‘Star Fighters Peri and Diesel, your mission is to capture the space pirate Jaxx, who escaped during the Xion attack before he could stand trial for an intergalactic crime spree that resulted in the theft of the Heart of Mars.’



Selene coughed.

‘In addition we believe he has stolen over three hundred space vessels and kidnapped dozens of local officials. He is the most ruthless, cold-hearted criminal in the universe. The IF has declared him Space Enemy Number One!’

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