Place Your Betts (The Marilyns) (29 page)

BOOK: Place Your Betts (The Marilyns)
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“Where are we?”

“Back side of the ranch. This is the old driveway to the big house. It burned down a long time ago. This is private property. No one will bother us.” He turned to her and set his mouth on hers. His tongue darted inside her mouth.

Heat poured into every square inch of her body. Boy, Tom could kiss. He claimed to have never done it before, so he must be a natural. Kaitlin grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled it over his head. Tonight she wanted to feel his chest firsthand.

“Slow down.” Tom wrestled out of his shirt.

“I don’t think so.” Why did touching his body make hers go hot all over? That’d never happened with Lance. “Do you have a condom?”

Tom nipped at her ear. “Don’t need one. We aren’t going all the way tonight.”

“The hell we aren’t. I want to know what it feels like.” Kaitlin popped the snap on his jeans. “I want to know what the big deal is.”

Tom grabbed her hand and pulled it away. “Not tonight. Your first time should be in a bed, not the front seat of my truck.”

“I don’t care.”

“I do,” he said against her ear. “I want better for you. We need to wait.”

“Is that a challenge?” Kaitlin closed her eyes and relaxed back against the seat as his mouth traveled slowly down her neck.

“Nope. It’s a fact.” Tom’s breath tickled her collarbone.

“Sounded like a challenge to me.” Kaitlin smiled. She liked to win.

An hour later, she’d won the challenge and given a lot more than either of them had anticipated.

Kaitlin’s thighs ached, and “down there” was really sore. The first time was supposed to hurt, but it had
hurt. Where was the bliss seen in the movies and described in great detail in the erotic novel she and her friends had passed around? There was no giant, earth-shattering climax—just a ripping of her flesh and a dull, thumping pain between her thighs.

Tom rolled off of her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to… We were just messing around. I couldn’t stop.” His voice hitched as tears rolled down his cheeks. “I hurt you.”

“It’s my fault.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I’m the one who wanted to see if you would fit.” She felt as hollow as a chocolate Easter bunny. Disappointment overshadowed what she’d been sure was going to be the best moment of her life. Maybe they hadn’t done it right?

“What if I got you pregnant?”

Kaitlin sat up, and pain radiated out from between her thighs. She hadn’t thought about pregnancy. Holy crap, that would suck. She shook her head. Hadn’t she read somewhere that girls couldn’t get pregnant the first time? That was the least God could do for making it so painful.

“It’s probably okay.” She wanted to be comforting, but she just couldn’t muster up the emotion. All this waiting and dreaming of what she was missing out on was a big letdown. Sex was nothing fabulous. Actually, it was kinda gross when she thought about it.

Innocence lost had a whole new meaning.

“Can you forgive me?” He wouldn’t look at her.

“I love you, Tom.” Kaitlin touched his face.

“I love you too. The next time, I promise to take more care.”

She shuddered. Next time. He wanted to do it again?

Tom placed his coat around her. “I’ll get the heater going.”

Kaitlin glanced at her watch. “It’s ten fifteen. I need to be home by ten thirty.”

Tom turned the key, and the engine rumbled to life. After the old truck rolled down the blacktop drive, he turned it onto the main road. “You’re awfully quiet.”

“Did you like it?” Was it better for boys?

Tom nodded his head. “Amazing.” He looked at her and then the road and back at her. “You didn’t like it?”

“I don’t think girls are supposed to the first time.” She stared straight ahead. “Would you mind if we waited a little while before we did it again?”

“No.” The word was wrapped in disappointment.

Kaitlin snuggled into him. “Just a week or so. My body is pretty tender.”

Two fat tears rolled down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”

“Stop saying that. It’s supposed to hurt the first time. I just didn’t know how much.”

“Do you still want me to go with you to homecoming?” Tom swallowed hard. “I understand if you want to break up with me.”

Kaitlin turned very slowly. “Why would I want to do that? I love you. You’re my boyfriend.” Maybe she wasn’t as good as he’d expected? It was her turn to swallow. “Do you want to break up with me?”

The truck ran off the road, but Tom corrected, and smooth asphalt glided under the tires again. “God, no. I just…well, I know you’re disappointed. I must have done something wrong. I’ll get better. I promise. I want you to like it.”

Kaitlin sighed. There had to be something wrong with the rest of the world. Sex was way overrated. Why would anyone do it twice?




Betts lay on her back counting the pin lights over her bed for the fourth time. It was after midnight, and she should be asleep, but Gabe was on her mind. He had wanted to marry her. All those years ago, she hadn’t been wrong. Only threats against his mother had kept him from marrying her.

The photo album, which she’d already looked at a dozen times, was a thoughtful gift from someone she hadn’t remembered as being thoughtful. The album was an apology and an invitation to share Tom’s life. Betts smiled as her nerves jangled.

Her precious boy…what he’d been through. How did she make it up to him?

Tap. Tap. Tap.
She shot up. Someone was tapping on her bedroom window. She rolled over and peeked through the blinds. Gabe stood shivering in the chilly November night.

Betts flew to the door and pushed the button.

Gabe stood, hands in his pockets. “I was worried about you.”

“Come in.” She didn’t want to talk anymore. His revelation about Tom and Gabe’s admission that he’d wanted to marry her were more than enough for today. Betts needed to not think for a while.

He stepped into the bus. “I came out to make sure that you were okay and saw your light on. Do you want to talk about—”

She cut him off with a kiss. His mouth was gentle, soft, worshipful. Gabe slapped the door button, and it whooshed closed.

His arms came around her and crushed her against him. “You feel good in my arms.”

Betts wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her head back. His tongue traced the hollow of her neck. She’d cried enough for today; it was time to forget…at least for a little while.

“Tonight, I’m taking my time. I plan on memorizing every square inch of your body. I’ve dreamed of you for as long as I can remember.” His hand slid down her back and cupped her bottom as he walked her across the living room.

“I’ve spent a good deal of time dreaming of you.” Betts felt the lightheaded sensation of falling, and then a cool, soft, cotton comforter slid under her.

“Really? I wasn’t sure. I mean, I’d hoped that you still…you know, thought of me.” Gabe stared down at her, his blue eyes hopeful. And then his eyes wandered down. “I like that tiny excuse for a nightgown.”

Betts nodded, and desire consumed the last bit of uneasiness. Sex was the physical expression of love. Showing him how she felt was all she had because she wasn’t ready to say the words to him.

She glanced down. When she’d slid on the peach baby-doll gown an hour ago, she’d wanted to feel feminine. Thank God she had; otherwise, she’d been wearing a giant tee shirt.

“Take it off.”

Betts slid one thin strap down her shoulder and then drew her hand across her breasts. “Make me.”

The boyish smile graced his lips. “My pleasure.”

Gabe traced the other strap with his finger but didn’t move it. He bent over her and nuzzled her neck. With his teeth, he worked the strap down her arm, leaving one breast exposed. His mouth took her nipple and laved it with his tongue. Heat rushed to her core, and she arched her back.

Betts closed her eyes. Her fingers fisted in his soft hair, pulling him down onto her. His hand found her other breast and teased her nipple through the thin fabric.

Betts slid her hands down his back, cupped his butt, and thrust her hips against his erection. With one good yank, his shirttail came free as her hands snaked around and unsnapped his jeans. The zipper was next. Her fingers found him rock-hard and ready. His warm flesh glided under her hand.

“I don’t need any encouragement.” Gabe pulled her hand away. “I haven’t been this randy since I was seventeen.”

“Don’t I get to have any fun? I want to run my hands all over you.” To prove her point, she ran her hands up his chest. The warm peaks and valleys were covered in a light veil of sweat.

Gabe groaned. “Slow down. I want to love you like a woman should be loved. Long and slow.” His finger slipped under the elastic of her panties and drew soft, rhythmic circles on her nub.

Betts relaxed back against the bed and opened to him. His tongue moved to her other nipple while he massaged her. The warmth of his mouth left her breast and moved down her rib cage, past her stomach, and settled between her thighs. Gabe slid his hands under her hips and lifted her to his mouth and feasted on her.

Betts melted away. All that remained was a tidal wave of sensation, and a kaleidoscope of colors twirled behind her eyelids. Electric blues dissolved into ruby reds as the sparks of orgasm gathered and built, urging her forward. Every breath was a labored gift bringing her higher and higher. Her toes curled, and her muscles quivered. She sucked on her upper lip, trying to prolong the madness. Lightning-fast, Gabe slid in her to the root.

The volcano inside her erupted, sending her floating on a wave of hot pleasure.

Gabe thrust into her again and again. Her eyes fluttered open. He stared down at her like he was doing his level best to etch her face upon his soul. His head tilted back, and his body shuddered, but his eyes never left her face. The tenderness was meaningful.

Spent and breathing heavily, he melted against her.

Gabe rolled over and pulled her on top of him. Betts still hovered between heaven and earth; her breathing finally slowed to within normal limits, and she looked around.

“Do you realize this is the first time we’ve done it in a bed?” Her body was tired, her libido sated, and her mind wonderfully clouded.

Gabe stroked her back. “I guess you’re right.” He swallowed. “Sorry about that.”

“Just an observation.”

Gabe rolled her on her side and gathered her in spoon fashion in front of him; his finger traced her ribcage and rested on her breast.

Sex was as close as two people could be, but this was more intimate. This was comfortable. Betts shivered.

“Cold?” He pulled up the comforter and buried his face in her hair. “God, you smell good. I could happily spend the rest of my life just like this.”

“Me too.” This was love, two people nestled into each other sharing the same space…sharing a life. She’d never wanted anything more than to stay like this forever.

“I used to lie awake and imagine what it would be like to snuggle up next to you for the whole night. Fall sleep with you in my bed and know that you’d be there when I woke up.” He slid his hand between her breasts and covered her heart. “When I was lonely and missing you so badly, I’d curl up with a pillow and stare at your picture, pretending you were with me. I’d lay that picture next to me and keep my eyes on it until I fell asleep. You were the last thing I saw at night and the first thing in the morning.”

He had missed her just like she’d missed him. Her heart had known all along, but her mind needed to hear the words.

“Wow.” Tears burned her eyes. Two rolled down her cheeks. She brushed them away. “That was about the sappiest thing I’ve ever heard.”

She sniffed and brushed more tears away and took a deep breath. “I used to pull out that old green tee shirt you lent me when we went skinny dipping. I’d put on the shirt and cry myself to sleep hoping that you would come for me. The dream was that you’d drive up in your old Camaro, Guns and Roses blaring, and take me away. We would live happily ever after. Your parents would love me, and we’d run this ranch together.” Betts was putting herself out there by opening a very old wound. She needed comfort; she needed for him to make it better. The tears came faster, turning into quiet sobs.

Gabe pulled her in tighter and held her close. “I wanted to. I drove to New Orleans three different times but chickened out after crossing Lake Pontchartrain and turned around. What could I say to make it right? I had betrayed you. Nothing will ever make up for that.” His voice turned hard. “I was a coward. No words or pleading will ever change that. What I did to you was inexcusable.”

Betts grabbed the sheet and mopped her cheeks. He was sorry. He regretted what he’d done. Her soul shook off the darkness of the past.

“Tell me how to make it up to you.” Gabe stroked her hair.

Betts opened her mouth, but only honks and gasps came out. It was enough that he was sorry.

“I’ve made you cry again. That seems to be the only thing I’m good at.” He sat up, gathered her onto his lap so that her head was on his chest. “Cry it out. Let me hold you and take some of the pain. Part of my penance for hurting you will be knowing that every tear has my name on it.”

Betts let go of her restraint, the tears flooded down her cheeks, and she cried the past away.




“Wake up.” Gabe banged on Betts’s door with the toe of his boot. He’d only had four hours of sleep, but he felt wonderful. Holding Betts while she’d cried had been the hardest thing he’d ever done, but he’d held her until she’d fallen asleep. Then he’d tucked her into bed. While he’d watched her sleep, the part of him that he’d closed off that terrible night came back to life. Betts had forgiven him, but he needed to forgive himself. Right then and there, he’d promised himself that he’d win Betts back or die trying. This was their second chance, and he wasn’t going to blow it.

The two mugs of hot coffee in his hands tipped, splashing the super-hot brew over the rim. “Damn.”

The window next to the door flew open. “My thoughts exactly. Didn’t you just leave?”

“Let me in.” Gabe licked at his scorched skin.

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