Read Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance Online

Authors: Abbi Hemp

Tags: #Bad Boy Sports Romance

Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance (56 page)

BOOK: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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Instead of diving right to the main course like most guys I’d been with, he crawled up between my legs and kissed my lips again. I slid my tongue into his mouth as I held him tight, his hard chest pressed against mine. As our lips and tongues danced together, I reached down and cupped his ass cheeks.

The DEA, my father, and everything else in my life faded away. All I thought about in that moment was getting his tongue back on my pussy. I didn’t have to say a word. His kisses moved to my cheek and then my neck. I put a hand on the back of his head as he moved even lower.

My nipples got even harder as he teased them, nibbling. I felt myself letting go with him, a strange feeling. No matter what he suggested, I would try it. The pleasure building up in my body overwhelmed me as my breaths came faster. He moved further down my body, depositing kisses on my stomach.

I laid back, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath as his tongue swirled closer and closer to my neatly trimmed bush. When his chin brushed over my pubic hair, I moaned in anticipation. He moved lower, kissing the crease between my leg and pussy. I clutched the back of his head, trying to guide him.

He had his own schedule in mind, his kisses moving to my inner thighs. I sighed, wanting to feel him inside me. The dangerous side of him only served to turn me on more as the smell of sweat and sex filled my nostrils.
How long has he been teasing me? Can this last forever?

After reaching a foot, he ran his tongue between my toes then sucked one into his mouth.

“Oh,” I said, surprised at the sensation.

A moment later, he had my other foot in his hand, caressing it with kisses before moving up my leg, not missing an inch. He got closer and closer to my pussy, driving me wild.

“Yes,” I hissed, holding my legs up, exposing myself to him.

He glanced up at me, staring directly into my eyes as his tongue slid over my sensitive pussy lips.

“Oh, Brent,” I moaned.

Again. That flat, broad tongue slowly moving over my flesh.

My pussy opened up to him as he made love to it with his mouth, not rushed at all. Unlike most men, he took it slow at first, building up the intensity gradually like a fucking head-master. I laughed at my joke, overwhelmed with joy. His head popped up between my legs.

“You okay? Laughter isn’t the usual response…”

“I’m sorry,” I said, breathing heavy. “Please don’t stop. It feels so good.”

He bent his head and returned to work, adding two fingers to the mix. They slid in and out of me as his tongue pressed over the hood of my clitoris, coaxing it to come out and play. As the friction built up, waves of pleasure washed over my body.

Even after all our flirting and teasing, I found it hard to believe it was actually happening. As his fingers slid in and out of my tight pussy, I rushed toward the point of no return. I put my hands on his head, pulling him closer to me.

I felt dirty, but that was part of the reason it felt so good. His tongue licked and prodded. My chest rose and fell quickly. I peered down at his head as he went to town
. Is he going to stop? Doesn’t he want to fuck me? Is this some kind of pity fuck?

The thoughts left my mind as I crossed the line and came, screaming out in pleasure. My body shook as I scooted back, not wanting him to touch me anymore. It was too damn good. I stared down at his face covered in my juices. I sat up as he did the same.

We kissed again, his lips so wet. I slipped my hand into his pants and wrapped my fingers around his massive cock.

“You have too many clothes on,” I said between breaths.

He smiled and moved off the bed. I laid on my stomach and watched as he took off his shirt, exposing rock hard abs and a toned body I’d only seen in movies. I motioned him forward by curling me finger. When he got close enough, I grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled him closer.

I could feel his eyes looking down at me as I kissed his stomach. At the same time, I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, exposing his cock for the first time. What a prize, I thought, relieved. While large, it wouldn’t split me open when inside me.

While he stepped out of his pants, I glanced up at him, my mouth so close to that marvelous cock. The smooth shaft ended with a bulbous exposed head. He smiled. I grabbed the base and held it up, running my tongue around the head, concentrating on the bottom.

He groaned and put his hands on his hips, thrusting them forward slightly as I took the first inch into my mouth. It got harder as I sucked down as far as I could while tugging at him gently. His moans turned me on even more as I bobbed my head up and down.

While I was prepared to go all the way and let him come wherever he wanted, he pulled back. I looked up at him. He had on a look I hadn’t seen on a man in a long time.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

I got to my knees and turned so my ass faced the edge of the bed. My breasts pressed down into the mattress as I anticipated him entering me from behind. Time slowed. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks, squeezing them. A moment later, he penetrated my wet pussy with one thrust.

“Oh,” I moaned as the weight of his body pressed me forward.

His cock fit me perfectly, filling me completely. I reached down and rubbed my clitoris as he pushed in and out of me slowly and deliberately. Immediately, I began the slow ascent to another orgasm. He held onto my ass while pushing his thick dick in all the way.

“Faster,” I moaned. “Fuck me faster.”

What’s gotten into me?
I wondered briefly. When he pulled out and thrust back in, I remembered. Normally I liked to wait before sleeping with a guy, but between the wine, the weed and his spectacular body, I hadn’t been able to resist. I didn’t regret any of it.

Waves of ecstasy washed over my body as I let him take me like a real man. He sped up, pounding into me relentlessly. As the friction built up I rubbed faster, unable to believe I was about to come again. All of a sudden, his cock throbbed deep inside me and he groaned.

His orgasm pushed me over the edge. I cried out, my pussy tightening around his cock as he stopped moving, keeping it in there like it belonged. Shit. Condom! I thought, crawling forward. He popped out of me. After rolling over on my back, I saw him pulling off a condom.

I took a deep breath, trying to relax and enjoy the moment. Had I made a mistake? The look on his face told me he had enjoyed himself too. Would he run from my room never to see me again? I stared into his eyes, trying to read his thoughts as we both tried to catch our breath.

He tossed the condom into a trash can next to the bed than collapsed next to me.

“Wow,” he said.

I put my arm over his chest, loving the way it rose and fell.

“Yeah. That happened.”

“I need a shower,” he said, sitting up again. “Join me?”

After a brief pause, I grinned and nodded my head.

I never wanted the night to end as we washed up then went at it again. He came in my mouth, making me feel so slutty and dirty. I loved every moment of it. When he made me come with his mouth and fingers, I thought I’d experienced some new type of more powerful orgasm.

It was that good.

Eventually, we crawled under the covers today. I held onto his naked body as if we’d known each other for years and years. As I fell asleep next to him, I pushed all my negative thoughts aside and tried to just enjoy the moment.















Bitter, Green Jealousy



I opened my eyes the next morning, suddenly remembering the events of the night before. It hadn’t been a dream. As I rolled over to face him, he yawned and stretched, a smile on his face.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Hey,” I answered, unsure of what else to say.

“You look just as beautiful when you wake up.”

“You don’t give up, do you?” I asked, staring into his eyes.

He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. My phone rang. I turned to the nightstand and picked it up. When I saw Keller’s name, I sighed.

“I have to take this…”

I grabbed the phone and got out of bed, still naked. He watched as I walked to the bathroom.

“Hey, boss,” I said after answering, hoping Brent heard me before I closed the door.

“What’s wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re never late reporting in. What happened last night? You were supposed to call me with what happened at that Cannabis Cup thing. Did you find any dirt on him yet?”

“No,” I said, irritated. “I’m sorry. I just woke up. I’m still at the hotel.”

“Don’t get too far undercover,” he said.

I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a laugh.

“Are you there?”

“I’m here,” I said. “I’m running late, but I’ll be in to give you a report. There’s nothing new. I’m certain he’s clean.”

“Come and talk to me,” he said then hung up.

I took a deep breath as I leaned against the sink in the bathroom.

What am I going to tell him?
I still had no answer when I opened the door and walked back over to the bed. He pulled the covers back, exposing his naked body, and patted the mattress next to him.

“Everything okay? Come join me. Maybe…”

“I should get going,” I said, looking for my panties.

Where the hell did I throw them?

“You’re running away again?” he asked, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and sitting up. “After you get a call from some guy.”

“How do you even know it was a guy?” I snapped. “Are you really this insecure and jealous?”

“I’m not jealous of anyone,” he said, standing up, cock swinging between his legs.

“Will you put that thing away, please? I need to leave.”

He put his hands on his hips.

“You seemed to like it last night. This other guy got a bigger one?”

“Are you in high school?” I asked, finding my red panties.

I stepped into them with my back facing him.

“Do you have to ogle me?”

“I’m not ogling you,” he said.

“Look, it’s too early to have a fight. I’m leaving, but I’ll call you later.”

“Maybe I’ll answer,” he said.

“Are you being serious right now?” I crossed my arms over my bare breasts, covering them as I turned to face him. “Last night was so wonderful. Why do you have to ruin it?”

“I’m not ruining anything. You’re the one who had to go into the next room and are running away again.”

“I’m not running away. Unlike you, I’m not rich and I have to work for a living.”

“That’s a low blow,” he said, shaking his head. “I work hard for what I’ve gotten in life.”

“I bet,” I said, spotting my red bra near the window.

I waltzed right past him and bent over to pick it up, giving him a good view of my ass, something he would never have as long as I lived.
He’s being such a jerk!
I thought as I put the bra on, reaching around to snap it closed.

When I turned, I saw him standing, still naked as the night before. Part of me – below the waist – wanted to just crawl into bed and fuck his brains out again, but with the way he was acting and Keller yelling for me to get into work, I had to listen to my brain and leave.

“Why don’t you take a picture? It will last longer,” I said as I walked by him again.

“Now who’s the one acting like a child?” he asked.

“Sure as hell isn’t me,” I said, grabbing my dress. “This is probably ruined.”

“I’ll buy you a new damn dress.”

“No thanks,” I said as I slipped into it.

I glared at him across the room with sun streaming in behind him. He looked so powerful.
Can’t I just stay a half-hour longer? No. He’s being a jerk. Time to leave

“I’ll try calling you later,” I said. “Last night was great, but I was drunk and…”

“Are you saying I took advantage of you?” he interrupted.

“No. I’m not. I had fun, but you’re not the type of guy I could spend the rest of my life with.”

“And what type of guy am I?”

Hot as fuck and good in bed!

“An arrogant, alpha hole.”

“Did you just call me an alpha hole?” he asked, laughing.

“Don’t laugh at me.”

“Then don’t swear in such an adorable manner.”

“Ugh. You’re an asshole. Better?”

He grinned. “Stay longer. Please?”

“Bye, Brent.”

I opened the door and walked out before his spectacular body made me stay. The night before had been a mistake, but I wrote it off as getting close to him and blowing off steam at the same time. As far as I knew, he didn’t do anything illegal, and that was the most important thing.




BOOK: Play Hard: Bad Boy Sports Romance
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