Playing With Fire (Glasgow Lads Book 3) (40 page)

BOOK: Playing With Fire (Glasgow Lads Book 3)
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“Just to start. Once we get going, you can roll onto your back.”

Robert looked down. “Will this work?”

“Trust me.” He reached down and bent Robert’s right knee to guide it around himself. “Careful, don’t kick me in the balls.”

Robert rolled onto his side, pulling up his legs a bit, then tucked his arm beneath the pillow so his head was angled slightly toward Liam. “Go on, then.”

Liam shifted forward, sliding the tip of his cock between Robert’s cheeks until he found the right spot. Then he brushed against Robert’s opening, applying just enough pressure to stimulate it but not enough to make it clench in reflex. “Just tell me when you’re ready. Take as many breaths as you need.”

Robert swallowed. “Okay.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then another. “Now. I think.”

Rather than move forward, Liam simply stopped holding back.

Robert’s eyes and mouth flew open. “Oh.”

Liam stopped, barely half an inch inside. “All right?”

Robert nodded, his breath quick and shallow.

“More?” Liam asked.

Robert hesitated, then shook his head emphatically.


He shook his head even more emphatically.

“Stay like this?”

Another nod. “Sorry…” Robert said. “Can’t…talk.”

“It’s okay,” Liam whispered. “I can read your body. I’ve been doing it for years without even thinking about it.”

Robert smiled, and Liam felt him loosen down below. Robert’s eyes rolled up, lids quivering. “Oh my God.” His neck arched, and his breath deepened. “That’s…oh.”

“Here.” Liam took hold of Robert’s right thigh. “Let me help you relax.”

Robert nodded, clutching the edge of his pillow. Bracing one hand on Robert’s shoulder for stability, Liam closed his eyes and slowly shifted Robert’s leg, searching for the angle that would loosen him up and bring them closer. In their stillness, it seemed he could feel every muscle in Robert’s body as he drew Liam in.

Then Robert moaned louder, and Liam opened his eyes. The beauty of what he saw nearly made him weep.

Lying before him, utterly vulnerable, was the strongest man he’d ever met, all six-foot-three inches, fourteen-stone of solid muscle. A man who could knock the toughest midfielders senseless. A man who—along with Liam—put fear into the hearts of every Glaswegian striker daft enough to try and get between them.

But the real beauty, Liam realized, was that nothing would ever come between them again.

= = =

Robert had expected a violation. A violation that would blow his mind and send him to another galaxy, for certain. But a violation nonetheless.

Yet this felt…natural. As natural as breathing or walking or blocking a shot on goal. Having Liam inside him felt less an addition to his body than a completion. As if he were the replacement for a lost organ Robert never knew he was missing.

Liam had been right about the position, of course. Lying on his side, Robert felt utterly relaxed and cared for, with nothing to do but absorb this new feeling of fullness. It didn’t seem possible he could fit both Liam and his own breath inside him at the same time. And yet he did.

“All right?” Liam whispered, easing back and forth again with a smooth, sweet slowness.

“Aye.” Robert felt his lips curve into a languid smile. “Quality.”

Just then, he felt Liam move a bit deeper, activating that glowing spot inside him. Robert cried out, feeling suddenly ready to burst. His hand flew to his cock almost by reflex.

Liam gently deflected it and said, “Not yet, lad.” His voice was shaky, as if he was fighting his own battle for control. “It’ll be much better if you wait.”

“Cannae wait,” Robert managed to gasp. “Please.” He shifted his hips, greedy for more, despite the sharp pain he felt at his own movement. “Fuck me till I come.”

“That’s the idea.” Liam slowly withdrew, making Robert whimper in protest. Then he turned Robert onto his back with the gentlest of tugs. “But it’s gonnae be nice and slow.”

“Okay.” Panting, he watched Liam’s earnest face above him as he carefully entered Robert again. Both their bodies shuddered at their reunion.

Liam reached out. “Gie’s your hands.” Robert obeyed, and Liam moved forward, stretching his body atop his, pressing their hands into the pillows and bringing them nose-to-nose. “All right?”

Robert nodded, hypnotized by Liam’s eyes, so dark their green flecks were now hidden, replaced by the lights of the flashing ducks.

As Liam’s hips rolled down, his abs rose, releasing their weight on Robert’s cock, and when he pulled back, the pressure returned. Robert tilted his chin down to watch this undulation of flesh. Liam’s skin was still smooth and glowing from the oil he’d worn for his strip tease, and the feel of it, so close and warm, took Robert’s breath away.

“Good?” Liam whispered.

“Aye.” Robert groaned as he felt himself expand further.

Liam drifted his lips along Robert’s jawline, their stubble scraping with a soft friction. “I’ll fuck you slow and sweet until you melt inside, okay?”

“Aye,” Robert said again, overwhelmed by the freedom of this complete yielding.

“That way, when you finally come”—Liam breathed into Robert’s ear—“you’ll feel it in every inch of your body.”

Robert trembled all over in anticipation of that moment. He wanted to have it now, but he also wanted to have it never, so that this would last an eternity.

He drew his thighs up over Liam’s arse, wanting to embrace him in every way. Liam murmured in approval against Robert’s neck, but when Robert tried to use his legs to pull him deeper, he resisted.

“Uh-uh.” Liam let go of one of Robert’s hands and grasped his arse, holding him off. “Got to be careful not to hurt you.”

“But don’t you want farther inside?” By Robert’s best estimate, he’d barely enveloped half of Liam.

“Don’t need to.”

“Can you still come?”

“Fuck’s sake, Rab,” Liam said with a light laugh. “It’s all I can do not to explode right now.” He pressed his lips to Robert’s chin as he slid out, then in again. “Just let me love you.”

Robert closed his eyes and gave in to the haven of Liam’s embrace. He felt like pure liquid inside, flowing around the pulsing place where they joined.

Then all at once, they grew closer as Robert opened further, without even trying. It was like a wee miracle.

“Och.” Liam slid his arms beneath Robert’s shoulders, clinging as much as he was being clung to. “Rabbie, we’re…” His voice grew rough and twisted as he gasped against Robert’s neck. “Fuck, I’m…Rab…”

The sound of Liam’s sob brought forth Robert’s own tears. He wanted to speak, but all words were swamped by the sensations billowing up his spine. His lips came together, his tongue curled, and together they formed vague shapes, but nothing that coalesced into syllables.

Then Liam kissed him, and Robert tasted water too warm and salty for sweat. How was this possible—two giant, rugged men weeping in each other’s arms? No one had died. No football game had been lost. What was there to cry about?

It didn’t matter.

Liam ripped his mouth from Robert’s, then reached up and grasped his hair, tilting his head back so he could feast on Robert’s neck. Though his body was still moving in long, slow arcs, Liam’s breath was turning fast and ragged.

“Rab…trying…I don’t know…much longer…” He stopped, and in the brief stillness, their hearts pounded together between their bare skin.

“Don’t stop.” Robert grasped Liam’s arse with both hands. “Let’s come together.”

Liam groaned. “No. Wait.” Placing his hands on Robert’s chest, he pushed himself up. His eyes and cheeks were wet, but he didn’t wipe them. “You first.” He reached back and slung his arms beneath Robert’s knees. “I want to do this right.”

Liam began to move.

Oh God.
At that angle, Liam’s cock was just where Robert needed it, offering smooth, shallow strokes that sent his pleasure spiraling to new heights.

Robert’s arms slammed back beside his head in surrender. He reached up, wishing for a headboard to grasp. But there was nothing but the wall, so he braced his palms against it, elbows up, ready for the ride of his life.

Liam was still murmuring something, a repeating sentence ending in “Rab,” but Robert could hear little over the blood rushing in his ears and the moans rising in his throat.

“Faster now, okay?” Liam said, panting. “No deeper, just faster. Make you come.”

“Yes!” It felt like the last word Robert would ever utter. There was no turning back now, and he was swept with relief and joy and anticipation.

None of which could have prepared him for what happened next.

The glow inside him exploded out into every corner of his body, ricocheting back, burning brighter and brighter until he
that great, pulsing sensation. It seemed impossible he’d ever return to himself, ever be one whole piece again after this shattering.

Above him, Liam’s thrusts turned to spastic jerks, and his voice went as deep as Robert’s had gone high. Robert’s vision cleared in time to see Liam’s eyes fill with bliss.

“Rabbie…” he whispered before collapsing forward. He released Robert’s legs, wrapped his arms around him, then gave a few final, shuddering thrusts.

Robert held Liam close as they separated down below. After several hard breaths against Robert’s chest, Liam raised his head and gave Robert’s lips a playful nibble. “All right?”

“Aye. All is right. All is so fucking right.” Robert dragged his hand through Liam’s hair, savoring each coarse strand between his fingers. “I love you.”

“I know. Thank you.” Liam offered a crooked smile. “Fun fact? I actually said that first.”

“Said what? When?”

“‘I love you.’ Last week in my bed.”

“When I was asleep? What a brave lad you are.”

“No, ya knob.” Liam gave him a gentle clout in the ribs as he rolled off. “I said it whilst you were fucking me fiercely. Got pure incoherent. Happens to the best of us.”

“Wait.” Robert thought back. “I remember now. I wondered at the time if that’s what you were trying to say. Then I guess I decided you were just howling.”

“I was howling my love for you. Here, I’ll do it again.” Liam raised his chin. “Aaaaa-OOOOOOOO! Yip! Yip! I love yoooo-OOOOOO!”

Robert laughed so hard he could barely breathe. It didn’t help that Liam followed with, “What? I thought it was dead sexy. Everyone likes wolves.”

When Robert was able to draw air into his lungs again, he said, “Should I worry, then, about the fact I was still capable of speech after sex just now?”

“Yeah, I must’ve done something wrong. I’d best fuck you again, pronto.” He latched onto Robert’s hips and started a series of frantic thrusts, like a wee dog humping a pedestrian’s legs. “You don’t mind if we use the same condom, right? To save money?”

Robert shoved him away before he could suffocate from laughter. “No to the recycling, yes to the pronto fucking me.” He rolled over to face Liam, then winced at a pinch of soreness inside. “Though maybe not tonight.”

“Of course not tonight.” Liam kissed Robert’s nose. “First we shower. Then we order pizza. Then you pound my arse until I cry again.” He sniffled hard. “Good?”

“Aye.” Robert wiped his thumb over Liam’s damp cheek, then lifted his head to kiss away the last tear. “Good.”


it was a fucking castle.” Colin turned to Liam as they stepped off the minibus in front of Andrew’s ancestral home. “Naebody believes me.”

Liam fought to keep his mouth from falling open in awe. He was cold enough with the wind swirling up under his kilt without it blowing down his throat as well.

As the rest of Fergus and John’s attendants piled out of the minibus, Liam took in his surroundings, feeling his eyes go rounder with each moment. Dunleven Castle’s wide pebbled courtyard was ringed with thousands of Christmas lights—all white, of course, pure tasteful. He craned his neck to gawk at the pointy turrets of the castle’s main section, where a candle glowed in each of the building’s innumerable windows.

“How many people live here?” he asked Colin.

“Two humans and ten dogs, give or take a few strays.” Colin lowered his voice. “Trust me, most of this place isnae fit for living. It’s literally falling to bits.”

“Ah, good! You’re all on time.” Lord Andrew strode over from the entrance of the castle’s medieval-looking section. “Sorry we couldn’t hold a separate rehearsal here—the Auld Keep’s been booked solid for weeks. Thank God you wanted a midnight wedding or it wouldn’t have been available now, either.”

“We can’t thank you enough, Drew.” Fergus smoothed down his deep-green silk tie, then adjusted the edge of his matching waistcoat. Liam hoped his own outfit—which nearly matched Fergus’s—looked half as dashing.

“Thank my parents. And it’s not as though they offered it for free.” With a swish of red-plaid kilt, Andrew beckoned them to follow him toward a giant wooden door. “I hope it’s all right if Mum and Dad attend? They’re horribly excited about their first gay wedding.”

“So am I!” Katie hurried forward, adjusting her sash—whose tartan matched Andrew’s and presumably John’s—over her gold maid-of-honor gown. She made a purring noise at Liam as she passed him. “Wow, Robert’s gonna flip when he sees you in that kilt.”

He returned her grin, secretly glad that Robert wasn’t in the bridal party—or groom-al party, whatever. This way, Liam could make a grander impression.

Andrew opened the door, its hinges groaning in protest. As Liam entered with the others, he ran his fingers over the front of his white dress shirt, feeling the thick sterling-silver chain necklace lying beneath, a Christmas gift from Robert. He would never forget how Ma had wept with joy Christmas day at the news that Liam and Robert were together.

The last ten days had been like a dream. Each morning, Liam had woken stunned to find himself in Robert’s arms—or at least within reach of them. It still seemed surreal that they should be friends
lovers, but it was a reality he was looking forward to getting used to.

BOOK: Playing With Fire (Glasgow Lads Book 3)
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