Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! (4 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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Bob looked at Carrie and then stared out at the ocean. “Hearing you say that sounds like sabotage. I wonder if the timeshare company could be playing dirty hoping to scare Jose into selling. If so, we better tread lightly because we don’t want to get Jose’s family involved in something nasty.”

“Whoa, cowboy,” Carrie said, “Jose’s family was involved the minute the timeshare people approached them. It’s not your job to save or protect them. We just need to keep searching for more details and turn this over to the local police. Does Jose know anyone he trusts in the police department?”

Bob smiled and kissed Carrie’s forehead. “So, I’m a cowboy, am I? I guess that makes you my cowgirl.”

Lifting her lips to his for a kiss, she whispered, “I’ll ride you anytime” then kissed him hard and quick.

“I didn’t know you were in therapy, Carrie,” Bob said casually as he pushed her hair behind her ear.

“I’m not now but I was a couple of years ago,” she explained snuggling to his chest. “I needed some answers about myself so I worked with a therapist. I couldn’t understand why I felt so driven. She helped me figure it out.”

Bob pulled her closer to him and said, “Your energy is one of the sexiest things about you, Carrie. Look what you achieved today just taking a walk down the beach. It turns me on to just watch you sometimes.”

Carrie chuckled and hugged him before drawing back with a smile, “That’s sweet, Bob, “maybe it’s easy for you to handle because it’s in short doses. You know we have to go home tomorrow night.”

“But not right now,” Bob countered, as he stood and twirled her around, “Right now, let’s go see what Jose can find out about that timeshare company. I think it’s at the center of all these little mysteries.”

Carrie held onto Bob’s hand as they left the room and walked down the hall. “Should we be worried about Dave?” she asked as they crossed the lobby.

Bob thought for a minute and shook his head, “No, he’s a big boy. My guess is that his lover wanted to stay in the city where’s there’s more action. They’ll show up this afternoon.”

Jose just walked out of the storage closet in the bar as Bob and Carrie strolled in. He noticed the way they looked at each other and was happy for his friend, Bob. He wondered how long this one would last. It had been awhile since a woman had come with him on these long weekends. He crossed the room to meet them at the bar.

“The front desk told me that your cousin called,” said Bob, “Do you have time so we can call him back? I’ve got a couple of questions to discuss with him.”  “Sure,” Jose agreed, “just let me put these things away and we’ll go to the back office.”

“This may take a few minutes. Can you order us some lunch and we’ll eat in the palapa?” Bob asked Carrie while they waited for Jose.

“Oh, alright,” Carrie grumbled as she shook her head, “I understand we’re in a different culture, but I wanna be there, too. I can help, you know. Research is what I do.” 

Bob tousled her hair, “I promise to give you every detail over lunch and a cold beer,” He squeezed her shoulder before he walked away.




Chapter 5


Carrie turned and folded her arms. What to have for lunch? She loved the local food but maybe it was a good time for something different. 
How about a picnic?
she thought.
Cold beer and fried chicken- no, probably not here. Maybe cold beer and burritos.
  She wondered toward the kitchen hoping to find a cook who could pack a picnic lunch.

Now, where to go for a picnic?  She remembered the mango trees they passed as they walked in from the landing strip. Maybe there was a good shade tree there.  Carrie gathered a blanket and headed to the back of the property. She walked past the new construction to follow the road to the air field. She turned left and walked beneath the trees that formed a border between the landing strip and Jose’s home. She found a cleared area with a view of the motel and laid the blanket in the shade of the trees.

“A little peace and quiet is just what we need,” she whispered to herself.  Pleased with her discovery, she returned to gather the food and drinks in an empty basket. When she heard voices coming down the hall, she recognized Bob’s and waited for him at the bar.

His face looked content as he walked up to meet her. “Ready for lunch?” she asked, placing the basket in front of him.

“Are we having a feast?’ he quizzed.

“No, just a little picnic at a private location so we can talk undisturbed,” Carrie explained turning to lead the way. Bob took the basket from her hands and followed.

They walked quietly from the motel but Carrie was bursting to know what Bob had learned from the phone call. The minute they arrived under the trees, she turned to him tugging on his hand, “Tell me everything,” she insisted.

Bob laughed as he sat down on the blanket and lifted the top from the basket. “We’ve got plenty of time, sweetheart, let’s have a beer while they’re cold.” He took a Corona out and twisted the lid off before passing it to her. “Here’s to your picnic, Carrie, it’s a thoughtful idea. I’ve never stopped to enjoy these trees before.”

She looked around and said, “It kinda reminds me of home. When I was a kid, we used to run away to the woods and play so we could hide from Mama who was a drill sergeant.” 

“Well, it’s a good break from the worries of this day,” Bob acknowledged, “And I appreciate it.” He tapped his beer to hers before taking a long drink.  “Honestly, Carrie, we didn’t learn much, just got more research started. Jose’s cousin does have a computer and will check out the timeshare company to see if they own the golf resort at Bahia de Los Muertos.  He made a comment that sounds right to me. He thinks they want the motel because of the landing strip so they can fly up and down the coast without anyone paying attention. He promised to call back as soon as he has some information. So, we can relax and let go of this for now. We’ll gain nothing by worrying about it.”

“Si, senor,” Carrie mimed as she passed him a deviled egg.  He took a bite as she held it and kissed her fingers before taking the rest in his hand. “You are a charmer,” she quipped as she opened the dish of sliced mangoes. “Try one of these; they were picked fresh this morning.” She lifted the soft fruit to his mouth and Bob sucked it gently. “Are you seducing me with food, Carrie,” he teased as he wiped his mouth from the mango juice.

“I thought a distraction would be nice,” she hinted, “We did come here to relax and pleasure each other in Pleasure Cove.”

Bob nodded and said, “You’re absolutely right. We have the whole afternoon to do whatever we want.”

“Right now, I just want to feed you,” winked Carrie sliding an olive into his mouth.

Bob peeked inside the basket and asked, “Have you got any man food in there?”

Slapping his hand, Carrie laughed, “Si, senor, a muy grande carne asada burrito just for the gringo.”

“Well, bring it on, baby, I need my strength to keep you satisfied,” Bob teased. He settled back against a tree trunk and watched Carrie unwrap the warm burritos. He noticed how the sun touched the golden highlights in her light brown hair. She had a natural beauty that was very appealing to him.  “You’re beginning to get a little color on your shoulders, Carrie, it looks good on you.”

She handed him his burrito and stretched out her arm. “Yeah, I have two colors – red and white.  I get red from the sun but it never stays, it just peels off in a couple of weeks and I’m white again. It’s the luck of the Irish, I guess.”

Bob leaned over to kiss her nose, “You’re pretty just the way you are. Come lean back on the tree with me,” he invited.

“Only if you promise to nibble this black olive off my finger,” she flirted and wiggled her forefinger in front of him. He took her finger into his mouth and suckled on the olive and her finger. “Oh, that feels sexy,” she sighed. She moved herself up against the tree so their shoulders and legs touched as they finished their burritos.

“What else is in your basket, Goldilocks?” Bob asked pulling her next to his chest.

She dragged the basket into her lap so she could reach into the bottom. “I thought I’d tempt my big, bad wolf with some chocolate for dessert,” she said, “Taza dark chocolate with cinnamon. It’s almost as good as an orgasm.”

“Where did you find these things?” Bob asked in a surprised tone, “I live on tacos when I come down, and here you’ve found dark chocolate.”

“I talked a little Spanish with the cook,” Carrie explained, “We women stick together.”  She pulled out the covered rounds and exclaimed as she peeled back the foil, “Oh-h-h, it’s just a bit soft. It’s going to melt in your mouth.” She took a small bite and moaned before lifting the foil to Bob’s mouth.

He licked warm chocolate off the foil with his tongue then bit right next to Carrie’s mark. “Um-m,” he moaned, “this is good.” He looked at Carrie and grinned, “You have a little smear at the corner of your mouth.”  Bob traced his finger at the corner of Carrie’s mouth, and then brought his finger to her mouth whispering, “Lick it off.” She took his finger into her mouth and rolled her tongue around it. “I want some more,” Bob said lifting Carrie’s hand to his mouth. She pulled the foil down so he could take another bite. He leaned his head back against the tree and just savored the taste.

Carrie shifted her body so her legs crossed Bob’s and she dragged the basket to her side. “I wanted to try this dark beer with the chocolate,” she offered as she pulled a Modelo Negro out of the basket. “Take a sip with your next bite and tell me what you think.”

Bob lifted the bottle to his lips while Carrie opened another piece of Taza. She fed the chocolate to Bob and watched while he enjoyed the flavors. “If that don’t get your mojo working, nothing will,” he smacked his lips with delight and sipped more beer before passing it to Carrie.

While she indulged, he grabbed her legs and tugged her onto his lap. “You deserve a kiss for this great lunch,” he offered and began spreading kisses down her throat before he came back to touch her lips.

“Oh, you taste like chocolate,” she giggled, and grabbed his face in her hands to kiss him again. She sucked his lower lip before darting her tongue into his mouth.

He pulled back to say in a husky voice, “I want to taste that chocolate on your breast.”

“Oh, that sounds tempting. I’d be your Oreo cookie.”

Bob chuckled, “More like my Lady Godiva, baby. Let me just unbutton your shirt a little and you pull out the warmest piece of chocolate.” Carrie dived into the bag while Bob nudged her shirt open with his mouth. He returned to kiss her neck and dart his tongue into her ear.

“You’re gonna melt me before the chocolate,” she breathed as she ripped the foil down and pressed the soft darkness around her nipple. Bob watched her smear it round and round till she was left with an empty foil. Taking it from her hand, he threw it into the bag and bent to taste his treasure. He could see the pulse racing in her throat as he licked up and kissed her so she could taste the chocolate, too. Slowly, he kissed his way back down and took her chocolate covered breast into his mouth. Pulling his lips to the tip of her nipple, he reached up to roll it between his fingers.  The nipple was pink surrounded by the dark brown and her body heat made the cinnamon smell intoxicating. His gentle squeezes aroused Carrie so she shifted in his lap.

“I’m going to come if you keep this up,” she said in a breathy whisper.

“I’m counting on it,” Bob replied, “I want you so aroused that you can’t get enough of me.” He dipped his head again and laved the chocolate off her breast while his hand began stroking her leg until it climbed to the seam in her shorts. “You are already wet,” he murmured lifting her shorts so he could slip his hand inside. His fingers kept a feather-like touch as he spread them over her labia. Bringing his mouth up to Carrie’s he absorbed hers with a deep kiss at the exact moment his finger entered her core. Her body shook from the tremors created by the movements of his tongue and hand.

Carrie surrendered and held on to Bob’s shoulders as the climax took her. He held her and showered her face with kisses while her breathing calmed. She totally relaxed in his arms and let him hold her. “I do love quickies,” she sighed.

Just as she was buttoning her shirt, she heard a rustling sound behind them. A dog came trotting out of the trees and walked up to their blanket.  “I bet you smelled our food,” Bob remarked to the stray as he helped Carrie to her feet. Bob threw the dog a scrap of burrito and shook out the blanket.

“Perfect timing, I’d say,” commented Carrie after the dog raced off with his meal. “I’m just glad it wasn’t Jose’s kids.”

“You’ll get to meet them tonight. We’re expected at six for dinner,” Bob said, “but I don’t think Marta can match your lunch. That’s the best chocolate I’ve had in a long time.” He threw his arm around her shoulder kissing her cheek as they started back.

Strolling into the motel lobby, Pedro signaled to Bob that he had a message. Bob read the note and frowned, “Dave’s still in Cabo San Lucas. He tried to leave today and an alternator light came on. He’s waiting for a part to arrive. He may not make it back until tomorrow morning.”

“Looks like I might not get to meet his sweetie after all,” Carrie commented.

“I really had thought about taking you for a short ride up the coastline,” Bob said, “I wanted to see what we noticed from the air. Could you stay for another day if there’s a problem with the plane and we’re delayed?”

“Oh, I hadn’t even thought about that.  It would be smart to make a call today to cover that option.  I’ll be OK for one more day. I would just need to leave a message for a co-worker to cover a phone conference for me on our deadlines.”

“Good, I’m glad,” Bob replied, “Let’s go try out the snorkeling gear. I wanted to fit your mask myself so it doesn’t feel tight. We’ll start you out in water that you can stand in so you’ll feel safe.” Bob led her behind the front desk to a storage room where fins and snorkeling gear were stored. He worked patiently finding the right size for Carrie and adjusting it to her face. After stopping by the room to get towels and suntan lotion, they headed to the ocean.

Carrie felt her heart racing. It was a familiar feeling since seaweed had wrapped around her ankle months ago and scared the daylights out of her during a snorkeling lesson. She had not found the rhythm of the ocean yet in deep water, and struggled to maintain some control instead of going with the waves. She let a breath out reminding herself to focus. She didn’t see any seaweed floating in the water, and Bob would be right beside her this time.

Walking into the water, Bob stopped when it came up to Carrie’s chest. Pulling the mask down over her eyes, she looked down into the water. It looked a little gray but she could see a few fish swimming. Bob walked several feet away and began to float but Carrie stayed rooted right where she was. Swaying with the water, she looked down for a few minutes, but didn’t see anything different – just a few fish swimming along. When she lifted her head, a wave broke and carried her with it. Flaying to get her balance she panicked when she couldn’t touch bottom. She pulled off the mask and pushed to the top of the water. Gulping for air she swam toward the beach. Coughing and sputtering, she stood up as soon as she could and turned to search for Bob. When his head popped up, she waved and turned to walk ashore. He followed soon afterwards and dropped on the towel beside her.

“It didn’t work out?” he asked as he dried his face.

“No,” Carrie said curtly shaking her head, “I just don’t think the ocean’s for me. I know you love it, but I hate the way it tosses me around. I did try, Bob," she continued looking at the water. "I do okay as long as I stay in shallow water where I can swim but I lose it when I go under. It feels claustrophobic to me.” She let out a long breath. “I jerked the mask off when the wave pulled me under. Give me a minute to calm down and I’ll go see if I can find it.”

Bob noticed her hands were a little shaky so he said casually, “Don’t worry about the mask, Carrie, there’s plenty more in storage.” He stroked her back and sat watching the ocean waves.

Carrie held a towel to her face and breathed in its warmth. She looked down the beach and decided she needed to walk off the adrenaline that pulsed through her body. She also needed to drink some water to calm down. “I’m going to go grab a water bottle,” she told Bob, “And take a walk down the beach.”

“Would you like some company?” he offered looking carefully at her pale face.

“No,” she said quickly stepping back. “Let me just have a few minutes alone. I’ll meet you back at the room.”

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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