Pleasure Island (6 page)

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Authors: TG Haynes

BOOK: Pleasure Island
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She was fairly sure Matt wouldn’t hesitate to sink his cock deep inside her, so she slid the tip of the dildo into her pussy. It felt so good that she inserted a few more inches into herself. As the toy was about a foot-and-a-half long, Nikki knew that there was no way she was going to be able to take it all inside her; however, she didn’t stop until at least a third of the object was nestling inside her pussy. Then, very gently, she eased it in and out of herself.

Combined with the water lapping against her skin, the feeling was utterly sensational. Working up a steady rhythm, Nikki flexed her pelvis forward to meet every thrust. It wasn’t long before she was writhing around in the bath, which caused the water to splash against her body and over the side. Lost in her own little world of pleasure, she didn’t care as she worked the dildo faster and faster until a tremendous orgasm washed over her.

Gradually, she eased the tempo, as her climax slowly subsided. Placing the toy on the side of the bath, she lounged back in the water, closed her eyes, and, for the first time in several weeks, actually began to relax. The past few months had been such a grind it was a lovely feeling not to have to worry about anything for a couple of days, other than how she was going to get the princess to open up to her. Nikki wasn’t overly concerned on that front for she was reasonably certain that, having given her word, Princess Roxanna May was the kind of girl who would stick to it.

Chapter Seven

Lazing back in the bath, Nikki completely lost track of time. Only when the water began to cool down did she get out of the tub. She drained the water and then turned on the shower to wash her hair. When she had finished, she wrapped one of the large, fluffy white bath towels around her body and made her way back into the bedroom. She checked the clock on the bedside cabinet and discovered that she had just over half an hour in which to prepare herself for the evening’s entertainment.

She found a hairdryer in a chest of drawers and, after towelling the excess water out of her tresses, began to blow-dry them. The room was so warm that by the time she had finished, her skin had dried naturally. Even so, she ran the towel over her body, more out of habit than necessity. The luxurious, thick material felt good against her skin.

Given the colour of the dress that Matt had selected, Nikki wasn’t sure what underwear to opt for, as she hadn’t brought her red set with her. Crossing over to the bed to inspect the garment a little more closely, she discovered a brand new pair of scarlet panties and a matching bra waiting for her, along with a note from Matt. It read,
I didn’t want to disturb you, but I left these for you, just in case … x

Nikki thought the kiss a really nice touch.

She tried on the lingerie. The silky material felt good as it hugged her freshly washed skin. Both the bra and panties were a perfect fit. She broke off the tags, then slipped on the dress and examined herself in the mirror. She had to admit the effect was rather glamorous. For the second time in the space of a fortnight, she looked more like a film star than a journalist. Moving over to the wardrobe, she slid her feet into her flats and was about to go downstairs when there was a knock at her door. Upon opening it, she discovered Roxanna standing there. The princess admired Nikki’s outfit, then tutted. ‘So that’s where my red dress went.’

Nikki was aghast. ‘You mean Matt didn’t ask you first?’

‘I’m only teasing,’ Roxanna said.

Nikki breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Thank goodness. For a minute there, I thought I’d committed one of the cardinal sins.’

‘Don’t worry; there’ll be plenty of time for that later. Shall we?’

Nikki closed her bedroom door and the pair of them set off along the corridor. ‘What’s in store for me tonight then?’ she asked.

‘A spot of dinner and then a few get-to-know-one-another drinks with the girls.’

‘When do I get to meet the other girls?’

‘Soon enough,’ Roxanna said.

‘I don’t want to push you,’ Nikki said, ‘but I was just wondering, when were you thinking of letting me conduct the interview?’

‘You’re an eager bunny, aren’t you?’ Roxanna observed. ‘Patience. All bad things come to those who wait.’

‘And good ones?’

‘Those too, in time. We’ve got all weekend. Try to forget about the interview tonight and just enjoy yourself.’

When they reached the foot of the stairs, Roxanna guided Nikki towards the dining room. Upon entering it, Nikki discovered the other two guests already waiting there: she was greeted by a tall, slender redhead with perfect pale skin, and a voluptuous black girl with flashing hazel eyes. Both appeared to be in their early 20s.

Roxanna introduced them both. ‘This is Celine,’

The red-haired girl blew Nikki a cheeky kiss and said, ‘Hi.’

‘And Grace.’

Grace nodded. ‘A pleasure.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ Nikki said. The three guests and their host sat down at the impressive oak dining table. As soon as they did so, the attendant staff, dressed in their obligatory uniforms, served their starters. The dish consisted of a fruit compote with fresh cream.

‘Is this your first time on the island?’ Grace asked Nikki.


‘A virgin!’ Grace cried, causing everyone to laugh.

Celine took it upon herself to quiz Nikki further. ‘Have you heard any of the rumours about what goes on here?’

‘One or two.’

‘All bad I hope,’ Roxanna said, half under her breath.

‘I don’t believe in listening to gossip,’ Nikki replied. ‘I like to make up my own mind about things.’

‘Quite right too,’ Roxanna declared. ‘I can assure you of one thing, Nikki Foster: whatever you’ve heard, it won’t have done me justice. I’m far more despicable than people imagine.’

Roxanna’s comment caused Celine and Grace to laugh once again. Obligingly, Nikki joined in; however she couldn’t help wondering if the princess was joking or not.

The remainder of the meal passed off with so little incident that Nikki almost forgot the reputation the princess had acquired. Good conversation and wine flowed in equal measure. Celine and Grace were both curious as to how Nikki had been lucky enough to wangle an invite to the secluded island paradise. Nikki was unsure whether or not to reveal that she was a journalist hoping to interview Roxanna, because the last thing she wanted to do was compromise her host. However, Roxanna was happy to divulge the fact. Rather than react negatively to the revelation, Grace and Celine seemed intrigued by it.

‘So,’ Grace said, ‘you’re going to report everything that goes on this weekend?’

‘As long as you don’t mind,’ Nikki replied.

Grace tapped her cheek thoughtfully. ‘Would you mind using a pseudonym if you’re going to mention me in your article?’

‘Not at all,’ Nikki said.

‘Only I’d hate my fans to get the wrong impression,’ Grace said.

‘You could be “Miss Wendy Whiplash” or “Mistress X”,’ Celine suggested playfully.

It was only then that the penny dropped and Nikki recognised Grace as being a top glamour model from America – one known for having a “sexy sweetheart” image rather than a kinky or raunchy reputation. ‘Oh my God. It’s you, isn’t it? If you’d rather I didn’t mention you at all, I won’t.’

‘Like I said,’ Grace replied, ‘no problem, so long as you keep my name out of the article.’

‘And if you wouldn’t mind extending me the same courtesy?’ Celine requested.

Again, Nikki was happy to agree, although she couldn’t quite place the tall, red-haired girl. When Celine and Grace left the table, in between the main course and dessert, Roxanna informed Nikki that Celine was a rising star on the tennis circuit, ‘Though she hasn’t quite made the top grade as yet.’

‘I don’t mind being discreet in the slightest,’ Nikki told the princess.

‘Thank you. I’m sure both of them will appreciate that. With regards to myself, though, don’t worry about sparing my blushes,’ Roxanna said. ‘As far as I’m concerned, I expect you to paint nothing but an open and honest picture.’

By the time Grace and Celine returned to the table, dessert had been served, along with a fine vintage champagne. The meal was magnificent. Nikki couldn’t remember ever having tasted better. As Greg filled their glasses, Roxanna proposed a toast. ‘To Nikki, and her first trip to Pleasure Island. Here’s hoping her stay is a truly memorable one.’

‘To Nikki.’ Celine and Grace joined in. The four of them raised their glasses and drank.

Once the meal was over, Roxanna suggested that they all retire to what she referred to as the Games Room. Nikki had visions of a pool table, dartboard, and roulette wheel for some reason; however, upon entering it, she discovered that she couldn’t have been more wrong. The Games Room was tucked away on the lower ground floor of the palace.

If Nikki had got her bearings correct, she reckoned it was more or less directly below her bedroom. The room was both spacious and luxurious. Besides the two sumptuous sofas, there were three large tables and a four-poster bed tucked away in one corner. It was the items on the tables that immediately attracted the guests’ attention, for they were adorned with a vast array of lingerie and sex toys, which made the collection in her bedroom seem tiny by comparison.

Nikki had been slightly disappointed that Matt hadn’t been one of the waiters at the meal, but now she realised where he had been hiding away as she found him laying out the last of the risqué products. She hung back and hoped to catch a quick word with him; however, Roxanna scuppered her plan by dismissing him and ordering him to go and fetch a bottle of champagne.

Celine and Grace headed straight for the tables and took great delight in examining the goodies on offer. Roxanna explained to Nikki, ‘These are products I’m thinking of introducing in my stores at some point in the future but, before I do so, I always like to let a few of my guests give them the once-over to gauge their opinion and get feedback. Please, go ahead and indulge yourself.’

After Roxanna had finished explaining, Nikki sauntered over to the nearest table. Although she tried to concentrate on the items laid out on it, she didn’t find this easy, for Celine and Grace had taken centre stage. Though it had only been a matter of minutes, the pair were already in a state of undress. Grace had slipped out of her clothes and was in the process of putting on a cheerleader’s outfit. Celine, meanwhile, proceeded to shrug off her bra and panties then wandered, naked, up and down the tables in search of a set of underwear to try on. After rejecting a sheer, open-backed satin and lace chemise, she stopped at a lacy, black half-cup bra and see-through panties set, held them up, and asked Nikki, ‘What do you think?’

‘I … er, um … they look quite revealing.’

‘Don’t they just!’ Celine agreed, before pulling on the panties. After hooking her arms through the bra, she had trouble with the clasp at the back, so she asked for help with fastening it.

Obediently, Nikki went over and managed to get the hooks into the eyes, just as Matt returned with the champagne. As he set it down on one of the coffee tables, Grace strutted across and bent over right in front of him so that her ridiculously short cheerleader skirt rode up to the very top of her thighs, leaving very little to the imagination.

‘I’ve been such a bad girl today – I think I need punishing,’ Grace said to him. ‘Would sir mind spanking me, please?’

Leaving Roxanna to pour the four drinks, Matt did as he was instructed, giving Grace’s bottom a few playful slaps. Grace made “ooh” and “aah” sounds, as if it hurt, though all his hand did was lightly tickle the cheeks of her bottom. Nikki couldn’t help but feel rather jealous; however, she was quite pleased to note that Matt did cast a rather guilty look her way. Satisfied that she had been punished enough Grace dismissed Matt, smoothed her skirt back into place, then returned to the tables to see what other outfits she could try on. For his part, Matt seemed relieved to escape.

Roxanna approached Nikki and offered her a glass of champagne. She accepted it gratefully, hoping that if she had a couple more drinks, it might help to loosen her inhibitions. Roxanna cast her hand over the table nearest to where they were standing and asked, ‘So, does anything take your fancy?’

Nikki’s eyes lingered on a black basque with an aqua trim. Though it was an unusual combination of colours, they worked together perfectly. While a part of her was tempted, she shied away from trying the item on. Not wishing to push her new guest, Roxanna offered to model it instead. Nikki looked unsure.

‘I promise it won’t bite,’ the princess said.

‘Go on, then,’ Nikki replied, giving in.

‘Excellent!’ Roxanna exclaimed. ‘Here, hold my drink for me, please.’

Roxanna handed her the glass of bubbly, then started to shed her clothes. Nikki watched, entranced, as her host undressed. The princess clearly looked after herself, as her body was toned and trim. Her breasts seemed bigger than Nikki remembered, or perhaps it was simply because it was the first time she had seen them naked. They looked so soft and inviting that she had to fight back the urge to reach out and touch them. Thankfully, the princess quickly covered them up as she eased herself into the basque. Roxanna then turned her back on her guest and asked her to fasten the clasps. As Nikki obliged, her fingers accidentally brushed against Roxanna’s flesh. It felt warm and tender. When the last hook was in place, Roxanna twisted around. Whereas the basque had looked about the right size for Nikki, it was clearly a fraction too small for Roxanna because her breasts threatened to spill out of the cups. This didn’t seem to perturb the princess in the slightest.

‘Well, what do you think?’

‘You look stunning,’ Nikki replied.

Not quite satisfied, Roxanna scoured the table once more. ‘What I really need is a pair of hold-ups to go with it. Ah, here we are.’

Roxanna rolled the black elasticated stockings on. The final effect was sensational. ‘D’you know what we need now?’

Nikki hardly dared to imagine. ‘No.’

‘An unbiased opinion.’ The princess padded across to a button on the wall and pressed it – to summon a member of staff, Nikki guessed, as Roxanna explained, ‘I have this silly test, you see. I like to show one of the boys the outfit and see if it has the desired effect.’

‘How do you mean?’

‘Whatever I’m wearing has 30 seconds to get the male seal of approval. If not, out it goes.’

‘Seal of approval?’

Roxanna grinned. ‘You’ll see what I mean.’

No sooner had she finished speaking than another of her servants, Greg, entered the room. Immediately, his eyes latched on to his boss and the tight-fitting basque that she was showing off.

‘Here goes,’ Roxanna said, then she began to count. ‘One, two, three …’ As she did so, she walked towards Greg in a well-practised, provocative, slinky manner. Greg never once took his eyes off his mistress. ‘Twelve, thirteen, fourteen …’ As she came within touching distance of him, Greg reached out towards her. Roxanna pulled away, out of reach. ‘Uh-uh. You should know the rules by now. Looksie, not touchsie.’ Fighting hard to control his desire, Greg breathed deeply. ‘Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three …’ She cupped her breasts and thrust them up for him to admire. The top of her nipples peeped out. Greg shifted from one foot to another, slightly uncomfortably. ‘Twenty-eight, twenty-nine –’ she paused ‘– and thirty.’

As she finished counting, Roxanna draped herself against Greg’s left shoulder and reached down with her right hand. She took hold of the waistband of his shorts then lowered them to reveal his prick. The second it was released, it sprang out impressively. Roxanna looked at Nikki. ‘And there you have it. The seal of approval. It appears that this basque has exactly the effect I was hoping for. Thank you, Greg.’

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