Poacher Peril (9 page)

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Authors: J. Burchett

Tags: #ebook, #book

BOOK: Poacher Peril
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The tiger raised her head and sniffed the air, tail swishing.

“She can smell the goat,” whispered Ben.

“And us, if we're unlucky!” Zoe pulled out her BUG. “Turn on your scent disperser.”

The cubs suddenly bounded around the bank. With a low growl, Tora splashed through the water and overtook them. The tigers were making for the trap.

“We've got to do something.” Zoe was almost in tears.

“There's only one thing for it!” cried Ben. Zoe could see he had that gleam in his eye which meant he was going to do something crazy. Before she could stop him, he had jumped into the metal cage.

The trap slammed shut over his head.

At the harsh metallic sound, Tora reared up with a frightened snarl and the cubs leapt in terror. In an instant they'd disappeared into the shadows.

“It worked!” cried Zoe in relief. “Well done, Ben.”

“Now get me out,” called Ben as the goat nuzzled his ear. “The poachers will be here any minute.”

Zoe pulled at the trapdoor. “I can't open it!” she said in alarm. “Try from the inside.” Ben pushed upwards. Nothing happened. Zoe picked up a fallen branch and tried to lever the door open, but the branch snapped. She ran round the edge of the waterhole and found a sharp rock.

“Cover your face,” she cried. “I'm going to smash the mechanism on top here.”

She brought the rock down with all her strength. It shattered into fragments, leaving the locking mechanism barely scratched.

“I can't shift it,” said Zoe in despair. “There must be something else I can do.”

But it was too late. From the trees came the sound of raised voices. The poachers were on their way.

“Run, Zoe!” yelled Ben.

“I'm not leaving you!” declared his sister in horror.

“But you'll be caught too!”

“Shut up a minute,” Zoe hissed. “I'm thinking what to do.”

“No time!” Ben sounded frantic.

“Got it!” muttered Zoe. “This had better work.”

She could see the torchlight flashing round the trees. Just as the poachers reached the clearing she slipped out of sight.

“Check the area,” ordered Catur. “They might not all be in the trap.”

“It's clear,” came another voice. It was Big Nose. “We've got the little beauties.” There was the click of a gun being cocked. “Time to get rid of them.”

“Good job they're quiet,” commented Shorty nastily. “Easier to kill.”

Zoe pressed a button on her BUG. An unearthly wailing sounded round the clearing. Through a tiny gap in the creepers she could see the men stop at the sound. The barrel of a rifle was aimed straight at her hiding place.

“What's that?” quavered Big Nose. He looked frightened.

Beside him Shorty's gun was shaking as he tried to keep it steady.

“Get on with it,” snapped Catur. “That's just some harmless animal. Don't waste time.”

The men approached the trap with nervous steps. Desperate now, Zoe set the BUG wailing even louder. But it was no use. Big Nose was crouching down, his gun at his shoulder. Zoe knew that any minute he would see Ben.

Suddenly a deep rhythmic knocking sound came from the trap. Big Nose stumbled back, dropping his gun. “That's no tiger!” he gasped. “The locals were right. This place is evil.”

“Don't be stupid,” said Catur. “You're just getting spooked.”

A dreadful groaning sound echoed inside the metal trap. Big Nose shone his torch down into it with a quivering hand. “Look at those huge shining eyes!” he gibbered. Then the words
orang pendek
orang pendek
rose in a ghostly howl.

“I can't stay here,” yelled Shorty. “I'm off.”

“Me too,” wailed Big Nose.

Soon Catur was alone.

“Is this some kind of trick?” he muttered through gritted teeth, stalking towards the cage. “There's no such thing as an
orang pendek
.” Zoe held her breath as he shone his torch through the grille. “What the—?” Catur sprang back in surprise. Then he laughed grimly. “Huge shining eyes?” he scoffed. “It's just a kid in goggles! Wait a minute. I know you!” He spoke in English now, and his voice had a murderous edge. “You're in big trouble, boy.” He released the trap mechanism and the door sprang open.

Zoe felt around until her hands closed on a heavy stick. Catur was not going to harm her brother – not if she could help it.

But a loud roar froze her to the spot. She saw Catur swing round to confront –Tora! The tiger was back. She stood on the bank, her hackles raised and her teeth bared. Catur gave a whimper. Tora crouched ready to spring as he aimed his gun.

“NO!” shrieked Zoe.

The sound of a bullet ripped through the air. Tora slumped to the ground, tried to raise herself up and fell heavily on to her side. Her tail swished weakly, her head sank slowly on to the muddy ground and she was still.


The clearing was suddenly full of shouts and circling lights. The next moment Catur had vanished into the forest.

Zoe reached a hand out to Ben, tears streaming down her face.

“What's going on?” he gasped, as he clambered out of the trap, blinded by the strong flashlights. He tore off his goggles.

Zoe flung her arms round him.“I'm so glad you're OK!” she sobbed. Then she dropped to her knees and stroked Tora's lifeless body. “But we couldn't save this beautiful creature.”

A woman ran up to them. She had an Australian accent and wore a green uniform with an elephant logo. “Whatever are you kids doing here?”

Zoe looked at the woman, speechless. Ben squeezed his sister's hand.

“We met a shopkeeper in Aman Tempat who had some illegally poached stuff,” he explained. “He said his name was Catur. We overheard him talking about killing a tiger, so we followed him. We would've told our aunt who's staying with us, but there was no time and we didn't know who else to trust. We managed to keep the tiger away from his trap…”

“…but we were too late to save her,” Zoe sniffed.

“Too late?” said the woman. “What are you talking about? You can give yourselves a pat on the back. It wasn't too smart putting yourselves in danger, but it looks like you've saved this tiger's life.”

Zoe gawped at her. “But the man shot her. She's dead.”

“She's not dead!” The woman smiled. “That fool of a poacher never even fired his gun. Feel her chest. She's breathing.”

“How come?” Ben was stupefied. “We heard a gun and she fell to the ground.”

“That was me,” said the woman. “I fired a tranquillising dart at her.” She held out a hand. “My name's Barbara. I'm with the Kinaree Sanctuary. We got an anonymous message saying there was a mother tiger and cubs in danger. And they weren't the only ones. I didn't expect to find a couple of kids under fire as well!”

Zoe and Ben stroked Tora's magnificent fur. Now they were calmer they could feel her shallow breathing.

“Look at her noble face,” said Zoe. “Her markings are so beautiful, the white around her muzzle and over her eyes.”

“I don't get it,” said Barbara, shaking her head. “We had no idea about this tiger and her cubs until we got the phone call. She must have kept herself well hidden.”

“Where are the cubs?” said Ben suddenly.

“Barbara!” Someone called to the Australian. Ben and Zoe were astonished to see Wicaksono, the gambler from the village, carrying one of the cubs. Another man came behind with the second and a third led the goat along on a length of rope.

“We're lucky to have Wicaksono here,” Barbara said. “He's the best animal trapper I know.”

Ben and Zoe looked at each other guiltily.

“You come see,” Wicaksono said in broken English, beckoning to them.

Zoe and Ben didn't need to be told twice. The cubs mewed and licked their hands as they stroked their beautiful white bellies. Wicaksono handed one of them to Zoe.

“You hold,” he said.

Zoe wiped her eyes on her sleeves and took the tiger cub like a baby in her arms. It was surprisingly heavy. “You're going to be all right,” she whispered as its big round eyes gazed solemnly at her.

Four men came forward with a wooden cage pulled on a cart. The sleeping Tora was lifted very carefully and placed inside.

“Back to the village,” said Barbara.

“We'll come back for that horrible metal contraption later.”

“What about this?” called a man, holding up the tiger skin in disgust.

“Bring that. We'll need it for evidence.”

They all followed the cart. Wicaksono walked with Barbara, and they heard him asking questions about Tora's health. The first morning light was beginning to trickle through the trees.

“How could we have thought he was a poacher?” Zoe whispered to Ben as the little cub nuzzled her chin. “He loves animals.”

“We shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly,” Ben agreed. “People aren't always how they seem. Catur seemed so nice when we first met him.”

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