Pointe of Breaking (26 page)

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Authors: Amy Daws,Sarah J. Pepper

BOOK: Pointe of Breaking
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CHAPTER 45 ~ Adeline

He doesn’t tell you the truth either, my dear stupid-fucking-Adeline. And if you think that you can trust him, you are dead wrong.

All I could think about was Blake’s fist pummeling the wall next to my head. His threat echoed in my ears, haunting me with his vindictive promise that he’d destroy everyone I loved. Leo was one of those people.

“This is the hard part, Adeline, this is the part I didn’t ever want to tell you.” He rolled his thumb over my ring finger. “The Gold sort of…arranges relationships. They impart a level of society on us to keep the memberships and the families of the member’s elite. That’s why I dated Sasha. And that was why Blake kept you a secret.”

“So what? I wasn’t on some approved list?”

He flinched at my words. The shame that was cast between us both was palpable. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you all of this. I’m ashamed to be a part of this. I’m ashamed I’ve let myself stay in it for as long as I have.”

“It’s true, isn’t it? I wasn’t in the right class. I’m just a poor ballerina from south side Chicago with no social status. I’m trash. Who would want me?” I laughed, jerking my hands out of his grasp.

“Stop right now.” He grabbed me by the legs and pulled me to face him. “I want you, Adeline. I want every single part of you. I’m the one who’s not good enough in this scenario. The fact that someone like you can actually love me…even with all of this…”

“I can hardly stomach this,” I croaked. “You ended it. You had that meeting the day of my audition and you came back and freaked out on Ivan. You so easily ended it between us.”

“That was me, baby,” he cried. “That was all me! I was ashamed of myself and what I belonged to. I got it in my head that you’d be better off without me and all the bullshit that surrounds my life. But I need you to know that life isn’t me anymore. You’ve changed me. You’ve changed me and you’ve made me want to be a better man! I want to deserve you.”

“How can you when you’re involved with something like this?”

“My hope is that we can take the Gold back. The Richards name is a legacy name in the Gold, meaning, we were part of the founders of the secret society. My father said that this wasn’t always what the society was about. I’m hoping that we can reformat the brotherhood and use all its status and connections for a better cause. Something major. Fuck I don’t know…maybe even help the world!”

“And what about me?”

“You’re a part of all of that, Adeline. You’ve inspired all of this! I want the entire world to know I love you. Especially the Gold. I want them to see that life is so much more than just class, and rank, and money, and greed. I know my fraternity will see you and fall for you just as hard as I have. I know it… What?”

I rolled my fingers through his hair. “Fucking prehistoric bullshit is what this is. And the fact that you’re willing to throw it all away. All of those connections. All of those powerful people. You want to fight them because of me. I just…I can’t…”

“Can’t what, Adeline?” he asked. He turned my chin so I looked directly into his eyes.

“You said you wanted to be a good enough man for me, Richards. Don’t you see that you already are?”

“I haven’t done anything yet, baby. Other than keep this from you for weeks.”

“I’m not happy that you kept it from me, but I can understand why you did. But I need you to know something.” I gripped the back of his neck, urging him to meet my gaze. “Even if you can’t accomplish this. Even if the Rossis still manage to screw all of us over in the end…” I stopped mid-sentence and crawled onto his lap. “I’m so proud of you and I’m
that you’re willing to do all of this for me.”

“I fall more in love with you every day.” His voice trembled as he took my face in his hands. “And that scares me in the best fucking way possible. I don’t deserve you, but I love you. I’ll do
for you.”

“I love you too. Despite it all, I love you.”

His head shot up as a car drove by slow—slow enough to take pictures. I watched it the entire time, its taillights casting a red glow on my skin.

“Let’s get out of here.” He stood up and pulled me up with him. “The fucking paparazzi won’t stop circling your place. Let’s go to mine. Chase is hosting our annual MTR race tonight and I think you’d enjoy it.”


“Miniature Turtle Races,” he said and then started to tell me all it entailed, but muttered, “It’ll make sense when you see them race.”

“My pleasure,” I said, loving the idea of just being a normal couple and hanging out with his friends.

And turtles! Who didn’t love those little guys? I couldn’t possibly imagine what MTR consisted of, but if Chase was hosting it, I knew it would be positively unforgettable.

He helped me onto the bike, and then his gaze dropped to my scandalously short sundress. Even after everything—all the deep stuff—I simply loved, loved, loved that he never tried to hide his raw emotions from me. Or that he never seemed embarrassed about the way I affected him. And now that he just entrusted me with so much, our relationship had a chance of lasting. So I took a page from his book and told him just how much he affected me.

I grabbed the seat cushion in front of me and leaned close to whisper in his ear. “I’m not wearing anything underneath this, Richards.”

He glanced back up at my apartment window with a look of unnerved desperation.

“We better get going, or we’ll miss the turtle races.” I planted a hard kiss on his lips. “Besides, we need to give my futon a break. I’m pretty sure that it can’t handle what I want to do to you.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Torture you,” I said truthfully.

Leo straddled the bike and punched it. We were going to make it back to his place in record time. He was probably going to get half a dozen speeding tickets, but that was my fault. I was the one rolling my hand up and down his pants crotch. Each time I dug my nails into his jeans, the speedometer jumped a notch. It was all I could do to keep from grinding on him at the red lights. I swore that I was probably going to hell by sucking on the bottom of his ear lobe. A moan slipped from my throat.

“God damn it, Adeline. You going to make me crash this thing,” he said at the last light before his place.

“That would be a pity because I want to do nothing more than go down on you, wearing only my red heels and my bright red lipstick.”

“I’m going to fucking lose control here.”

I moved my hands up to his waist and grabbed his belt loops. I jerked them back as I ground my hips into his back. “When you punch it…oh God the vibrations…it fucking makes me so wet.”

When the light turned green, he gunned it. And oh sweet hell, I wasn’t lying. The motor vibrating underneath me, clinging to a man who knew all my buttons, speeding away, my adrenaline soared.

He parked the motorcycle in front of the house, kicked the stand down and to my surprise, sat back down. He yanked my hips up to meet his. “I am going to fuck you on my Ducati, right fucking now.”

“We’re right in front of your house,” I said even though I wanted him

“Then I’ll refrain from ripping your clothes off, but I have to have you

That we could get caught so easily added to my ever-building desires. Protected only by darkness, I grabbed his jacket and pulled him against me. Our lips collided. It was everything I could do not to knock the bike over as I rolled my hips against his. His hands slid up my back, pressing me closer to him.

“I’m so wet,” I gasped, breaking the kiss.

He slid his hands down around my hip and went under my dress. His thumb rolled over the outside of my bare opening. “Oh my fucking God, you weren’t lying.”

He rubbed the outside of my clit with his deft fingers. Warmth shot through my body as I cried out. He then moved to the outside of my opening, teasing me with the possibility.

“Please,” I begged.

He drove his fingers deep inside of me. Anticipating my body’s impulse, he steadied me by holding my back. I writhed as he widened my opening with his touch.

“You are dripping,” he moaned.

I pulled up on my dress and closed my eyes as I traced his hand. Slowly, I drew my finger alongside the two of his inside me. I stopped as soon as I reached my opening.


He didn’t bother speaking. Instead, he gave me the full force of his dangerous gaze and twirled his fingers inside me.

“I need more.”

“So take it.” He grunted and closed the gap between our lips. Fighting for control, I grabbed at his pants and popped the button open. I unzipped his jeans and slipped my hand down. He was thick and bulging in my hand.

After pulling his hand out of me, he grabbed my ass and moved me up over his lap, positioning himself perfectly. I raised myself and lowered down, just enough to make contact.

“You. Are. Dripping. Wet.”

I guided him around my opening, savoring the feel of him against my skin. The bike shifted when I lowered down enough to close the gap. When he steadied the bike, I pressed his tip inside of me. I tightened uncontrollably. He swelled even more.

“Relax Adeline. You’re so fucking tight right now.”

I took a few deep breaths, but I couldn’t do it. Calm wasn’t in my capability right now. He groaned like he was in absolute agony.

Or was that me?

“Inside now,” he managed to say before he lifted me off of him and lowered me onto the ground.

He didn’t bother with his pants. As soon as he climbed off, he fully assaulted my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he carried me with one arm around the waist. He walked me backwards to the house. With one hand he opened the door handle and we spilled inside. He slammed the door shut behind us.

.” He barely got the words out when I realized we weren’t alone.

CHAPTER 46 ~ Leo

Four sets of eyes were staring at us from the living room—four of my fucking fraternity brothers. Micah and Chase looked mildly embarrassed. And then there was Wade and Tommy, two of our newer pledges, who gawked at Adeline and I like we were fucking Mr. and Mrs. Clause they’d been waiting their whole lives to meet.

All four of them stood there, jaws dropped, with miniature turtles suspended mid air between their fingers. Wade and Tommy were frozen in what appeared to be the motion of them trying to get their turtles to hump each other.

Sort of like how Adeline and I must have been positioned right now.

Adeline turned towards them. “Are we interrupting something, boys?”

They all managed to close their mouths, and muttered several “no’s,” and scuffled around like they were doing something important. Adeline began untangling herself from me, and I reached out to pull her back in. This woman was going to kill me tonight! A slow and painful dick death. After nearly coming in my damn jeans on my bike, there was no way she was going to jump into Miniature Turtle Racing shit right now.

She dismissed my obvious objections and walked into the living room to inspect the turtles further. I took the opportunity to zip my pants back up and tuck my very painful erection away for later. There had better be a sooner rather than a later.

“What’s all over them?” She squinted at the turtle in Tommy’s hand.

Tommy flushed and then answered. “Each amphibian can be painted in the traditional
war paint—

“By war paint…he means acrylic paint,” Wade interjected. “It’s perfectly safe for animals. We’ve checked.”

“Like I said, war paint,” Tommy continued. “Then they can have a miniature weapon of choice. We try to tape them on…but they usually never stick.”

His face fell at that thought and Adeline giggled. I rolled my eyes at how both of their eyes suddenly lit up at the sound of her amusement: Two scrawny freshmen, drooling like they’d never seen a girl before. Wade and Tommy were good guys though. They were two of our newest members of the Gold and reminded me how exciting it all seemed to me when I had just started at Columbia.

“So these little cuties are going to race?” Adeline asked.

,” Chase corrected like she’d just insulted them on the highest level.

I bit back a bark of a laugh at his completely serious demeanor. It was at total odds with his ridiculous costume. He was wearing a 1980s, gladiator Halloween costume. It even had fur boots and cuffs. The others were still in their Giants football gear from the game that day. Except Tommy. He wasn’t even wearing a shirt because he had body paint smeared across his skinny chest.

“Pardon me,” she said to Chase with another adorable giggle. “They are just the cutest little

She leaned over the back of the couch to get a closer look at Chase’s turtle and the bottom of her dress rose up. I quickly stepped in behind her to cover her. I glanced back into the dining room where several others were congregated around another aquarium and hoped none of them caught a glimpse of Adeline’ bare ass. They were all distracted so I pressed my groin into her backside, hoping this action would show her just how displeased I was with her interest in fucking turtles right now.

She straightened and slid herself slowly down my bulge. My heart leapt into my throat and as I encased her around the couch, trapping her in. Hopefully I could finally persuade her upstairs. Just when I went to whisper into her ear, she slipped out from beneath my arm and walked around to the front of the sectional.

She was apparently more committed to our cause of parading our relationship in front of my fraternity brothers than I was. Right now, the only person I wanted to show my love to was Adeline.

Micah eyed Adeline’s approach and then glared at me. “A word Leo.

“No, Micah. I’m here with my girl tonight,” I replied, walking around to join her. “I’m not dealing with yours or anyone else’s stupid shit right now.”

His lips thinned as he held back whatever vile thing he wanted to say. I sat down next to Adeline on the couch. The guys all crouched around the aquarium on the coffee table, continuing to prep their turtles for battle, except for Micah. He made a place for himself against the wall a few feet away. His glare for Adeline didn’t go unnoticed as I draped my hand affectionately on Adeline’s knee.

“So how do the races work?” Adeline asked, looking at Micah for an answer.

Tightening and opening his fists, he replied stiffly, “It’s a race. What’s so hard to comprehend?”

I stiffened. I was two seconds away from leaping to my feet when Chase intervened.

“The turtles carry a miniature version of their warrior’s weapon of choice,” Chase explained and grabbed a large Styrofoam bat next to his feet. He held it up like it was some tribute to be respected and marveled at. “And we fight to the death with whoever we are paired with.”

“To the death?” she repeated and winked. “Sounds dangerous.”

Chase leaned back in his seat on the couch and spread his arms out wide. “People can get hurt sometimes. But you’re looking at a three-time champion.”

“So you are kind of a big deal?” she asked.

“He thinks he is,” Micah growled.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to stay in my seat and not run over and smack Micah upside the head. Chase just smiled casually, seemingly unaffected. Micah was seriously testing my restraint, but I needed to stay cool. I had to remind myself that bringing Adeline here tonight was to show everyone how unaffected I was by the Gold’s antiquated ideals. I couldn’t let Micah’s snide remarks get to me.

“How long does it take to take out an opponent?” she asked innocently.

“Usually a few hours. They continue to chug beers and beat up each other with toys until their turtle crosses the finish line,” I barked out impatiently.

“You mean until they
complete the desert voyage,”
Chase corrected.

“Many brothers were lost in the races last year,” Tommy added and then closed his eyes like he was giving remembrance to the dead.

Adeline giggled as the guys continued talking race strategy. She turned to me with a twinkling look in her eyes. “I like these guys. Are they all this fun?”

I smirked proudly. “Not all, but enough for me to stick around.”

“Who’s the girly one with the daggers?” she asked suddenly turning away from me.

“Bert is not a girl,” Wade replied. “The
just faded.”

“I’m pretty sure
is a
, not a Bert,” Adeline said.

“Bull,” Wade shot back.

“Then why is Bert getting humped by the green one?” she asked.

“She’s got you there, Tommy!” Chase laughed. “Freddie is having his way with him…her?”

She stood and reached into the tank to save Bert from Freddie. I yanked her back down playfully beside me, and she squealed, bringing Bert back with her.

“Umm, I don’t think you’ll like that one.” Chase reached over and snagged Bert. “She has been feisty all night. I guess now we know why.”

“It happens,” Adeline giggled and shot me a pointed look. “But understanding
someone is feisty makes all the difference in the world.”

Heat flashed across her eyes as she nuzzled back in beside me. It would have taken the power of a thousand horses to wipe the proud smile off my face right now.

“Bert has won the last two championships,” Micah said in monotone, snapping all of our attention away from Adeline.

“Well I guess being horny is the secret,” Tommy said with a laugh.

“I’m sorry,” Adeline said. “I didn’t catch your name.”


Tommy,” Micah corrected.

“Well Tommy, Freddie is peeing on my face.”

He scrunched up his brow and all of our eyes swerved to the tank. Inside, they had used old pieces of newspaper for the filler. It looked like the picture from our first night together when I had Adeline tossed over my shoulder.

“I think we sold some papers with this one, Leo,” she said good-naturedly.

Chase laughed nervously. “That article was a hit here.”

“It’s not the most traditional way to meet someone new. But we sure managed to pull it off, didn’t we, Leo?”

“Best night of my fucking life,” I stated proudly.

Our eyes locked in an intense exchange that only the two of us could hear. We’d come so far. She knew all of my bullshit and I knew all of hers, and we were only falling more in love.

A loud cough broke our silent bubble.

“Pledges? Help me carry the tank to the porch,” Micah said moodily standing.

Tommy and Wade both shot Adeline a polite smile and shuffled out to the porch with the tank.

“What’s with grumpy pants?” Adeline asked Chase after they were out of earshot.

“Some of the guys here walk around with sticks up their ass and call it
,” Chase replied with finger quotes. “I just call it a stick up their ass.” The fact was the shit Micah got pissy over had nothing to do with Gamma Phi and everything to do with the Gold.

“Seems like tradition is a big deal here. Maybe it’s time for new traditions,” Adeline said, leaning forward and resting her face in her hands.

Chase nodded. “You’re exceeding expectations, Adeline.”

“What did you expect?” she asked. “If you say Sasha, I might just die.”

Chase actually looked a little embarrassed. “Actually, you’re nothing like Sasha, and I think that makes you my new best friend.”

He beamed proudly at her. I mimicked his expression, draping my arm over her and pulling her close to me.

“Chase!” Micah barked from deck. “Get your ass in here.”

Tommy peeked his head around the corner. “Dude, we kinda lost a turtle, and the races are going down in five!”

Chase narrowed his eyes and then mumbled as he left, “How do you lose a turtle that’s in a tank?”

“You’re amazing, you know that?” I said softly.

Her head snapped over to me and she smirked. “Why do you say that?”

“Tonight I unloaded a ton of shit on you and then asked you to walk into a cave of lions and be proud to be seen with me. You did it without hesitation.” The adoration on my face had to be obvious. I wasn’t holding anything back any more.

I was going to fucking marry this girl.

I stood up and grabbed her hand, pulling her up from the couch. Before I took another step I pulled her into my arms in a giant bear hug, encasing her narrow frame inside my wide reach. Her body was tense at first, like she was surprised by my sudden embrace. I didn’t care. I needed her to feel me again. I needed her to connect with the honesty behind my touch. A hug was the most innocent and sincere thing I could give her right now.

Her stance relaxed and her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. She grabbed two fistfuls of my shirt and clenched like she was holding on for dear life. Everything I told her tonight had to hurt. It had to be painful as hell. But she trusted me when I told her I wanted every part of her. She trusted me with all she had left.

I dropped a kiss on the top of her head and leaned so I could tuck my face into the crook of her neck. I inhaled her freshly shampooed hair, nuzzling into her neck and relishing in the feel of her being my perfect fit. Everything about this woman fit with me…even her maddening sassy mouth and defiant independence. I fucking loved all of it. I held her there for a long time. It was all too good to stop. We were saying so much more than our mouths ever could.

Finally, I pulled back and looked down into her face. My heart soared at the immense happiness and softness around her clear eyes. I kissed her gently on the forehead and twined my fingers with hers pulling her toward the staircase.

Suddenly sensing I had an audience, I looked up and saw Chase, Micah, Tommy, Wade, and several of my other fraternity brothers curiously watching us through the porch window. I glanced to the group in the dining room and they were watching as well. Chase gave me a nod of approval that I reciprocated as we passed them.

Finally in my room, I let out a heavy sigh. “That was incredibly effortless.”

“What was?” she asked.

“Showing those bastards how much I love you.” I pulled her into me and covered her mouth in a desperate, honest kiss. A kiss that tore down every single barrier that we had between us. There was nothing more to be told now. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. Now we just had to sort it all out. I sensed a smile on her lips and it warmed my heart. I broke our embrace and teased, “So this is where I go when you kick me out of your apartment.”

She giggled and did a quick twirl, taking in the surroundings. “You know, it’s weird I haven’t even been in here yet.” She clasped her hands behind her back and eyed things curiously. She paused and picked up my paperback copy of
The Great Gatsby.
Her brow furrowed for a moment as she noticed the first edition stamp on the inside cover. “Damn, why have we been wasting time on my horrible futon when you had this beast here?”

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