Possess (12 page)

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Authors: J.A. Howell

BOOK: Possess
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That Arse...


“Harley, maybe ya
go ta the hospital.” Nolan said as he held the door open for me at the bottom of the stairs. I wasn’t sure what was more frustrating, not being able to tell the truth or making myself sound like some accident-prone damsel in distress. I sucked in a breath, hiding my sour expression in the darkness as I climbed the stairs to his apartment. I heard the locks clicking back into place and a few seconds later Nolan bounded up the stairs. His stare fixed on mine as he crossed the room and stopped inches in front of me. His fingers gripped my shoulder gently as his eyes searched the depths of my own for something unknown.

“What is it?” My voice was uncooperative and came out in an odd squeak as I attempted to look away. This action only seemed to agitate Nolan, who reached a hand out and gently held my chin between his finger tips as he tilted my head back. “Nolan. This is weird.”

“Sorry, I was trying ta see if yer pupils were different sizes again,” he said then let go of my chin. “They’re normal.”

“Right. Because I’m fine.” My cheek felt flush where his hand had been. Remy meowed, flailing a paw up at my chest, pulling Nolan’s attention away from me, thankfully.

“Who’s this?” Nolan’s question was answered with another meow as he tilted his head at the plump kitten.

“Remy,” I said softly as I scratched behind his ears, “I’m sorry, I should have asked if it was okay for him to stay. I didn’t want to leave him alone.”

“It’s okay. I like cats.” Nolan’s face lifted into a grin as he reached a long finger under Remy’s chin and a loud purr erupted in response. Both of us stood there for a moment, doting over Remy before he grew tired of the attention and his normal craving for adventure kicked in. He wriggled out of my hands and leapt onto the couch then scampered across the floor.

“Heh, cute little fella.” Nolan’s gaze followed him until he disappeared around the corner, and then refocused back on me.

“I'm fine.” I blurted out as soon as his eyebrow twitched up.

“Harley, ya could have died tonight.”  

“I'm really tired, I just want to get some sleep.” I said softly and went to step past him. An arm flung up in front of me, blocking my path.

“Christ, Harley, why are ya so hardheaded?! First ya get knocked out from a damn flying cue ball and yer falling all over yourself while still tryin’ ta tell Aggie and me yer fine. Tonight, ya nearly drown yerself in yer own bathtub but don't think that constitutes a good reason ta get checked out?” I could feel his eyes fixed on me but refused to look at him, instead clamping my lips together. I felt like a bomb about to explode. The last thing I needed was another person questioning my sanity tonight. Especially him.

“Will ya at least look at me?”

“I just want to get some sleep!”

“I’m sorry…I’m just tryin’ to look out for ya. There’s no reason ta be snappin’ at me like that,” Nolan spoke in a subdued tone when I finally looked up at him. “I’ll grab ya something to sleep in and get ya an extra blanket.”

Guilt hit me as he nodded toward the guest bedroom then disappeared into his room.
Good job, Harley, snap at the guy that just let you crash at his place after being woken up at three in the morning.
I sucked in a deep breath, doing what I could to calm my nerves as I walked to the other room. A few minutes later, Nolan appeared in the doorway.

“I'm sorry, Nolan. I didn't mean to be like that. I'm having a really hard time getting settled here. I was just frustrated.” I apologized, looking down as if my fingernails were something of interest. “I’m really fine though, the paramedics checked me out.”  He didn't say anything but handed me a towel for my damp hair and placed the blanket and pajamas on the bed.

“Don't apologize.” I could feel Nolan's gaze on me as I patted the towel over my hair. “You've had a rough night. I'm sorry for pushing ya about the hospital.” Nolan stopped abruptly as if he wanted to say more, but instead of speaking his lips turned into a frown as my eyes met his. I watched him, waiting for him to continue. “It's just that, I would be upset if something were ta happen ta ya, Harley.”

“Oh,” I found my words missing, unsure of how to react to his comment. He let out a nervous laugh after a few seconds, scratching his head as turned for the hallway.

“I'd best not take up any more of yer time. I’m sure yer exhausted. Get some rest.”

“Goodnight, Nolan. Thank you.”

He stopped and looked over his shoulder at me with a simple nod before continuing down the hall.

“Goodnight, Harley.” 


The sun was shining high in the sky when I awoke the next morning. Golden rays lit up the small bedroom causing me to squint against the overwhelming brightness. I turned over, doing my best to ignore the daylight and pressing my face against the pillows. Once more I had slept a long, dreamless night – peaceful and uneventful. So peaceful that I didn’t want to wake up yet. I was perfectly toasty underneath a pile of blankets and wanted to remain there, even for just a few extra minutes. It was no use though. I was wide awake now. After allowing myself a few more seconds of bliss, I leisurely slid my legs off the side of the bed and out from under the blankets before leaving the warmth of my cocoon behind. The air in the room was equally warm, infused with heat flowing from the radiator. I hadn't remembered it being on last night. Maybe Nolan had come in at some point and turned it on for me.

I glanced up at myself in the mirror, wiping the sleep from my eyes and combing my fingers through the more unruly strands of hair that stuck up off my head. Nolan had given me a comfy long-sleeved thermal shirt and another pair of pajama pants. The pants were a bit too long and I had to take care not to trip over them as I walked into the living room. As the couch came into view, I unsuccessfully stifled a giggle at the sight of Nolan laying under a quilt with Remy curled up under his chin. Both creatures stirred at the unexpected noise and two sets of blue eyes blinked up at me.

“Mornin’, Harley.” Nolan shifted and sat up against the arm of the sofa, cradling Remy to him so that he wouldn't fall. 

“Good morning, Nolan,” I smiled, still studying them both in amusement. “Don't you have a bed? You were sleeping on the couch the other night too.” 

“I do,” Nolan’s lips eased into a sleepy smile beneath his trimmed mustache before he scrubbed a hand over his face and ran his fingertips over the stubble of his goatee.

“Why are you sleeping here then?” I gestured at the couch. It couldn't be very comfortable compared to his bed.

“With ya being hurt and all, I didn't want ta be too far away. In case ya needed something.” He said matter-of-factly as he placed Remy on the floor. Heat instantly rose up through my neck and face as I froze at Nolan's words.
He’d been sleeping there because of me?
Before I could re-gather my senses, there was a knock at the door. “It's only Aggie. I told her to come over.” Nolan explained, mistaking the unexpected visitor to be the cause of my startled expression. Given Aggie's reaction the other day, this only caused further panic.

“Why did you tell her to come over?!” I looked down at myself as if I was completely bare. Nolan only let out a tired, husky laugh as he strode to the door.

“Relax, I messaged her last night. She's just bringing you over some clean clothes.” He waved a hand at me as the other pulled the door open. Aggie burst into the room carrying a shopping bag of clothing and a small familiar take-out bag from The Crusty Biscuit, which she promptly handed over to Nolan.

“Morning, Harley.” She smirked at me. I had a feeling despite Nolan's
, she still suspected a more torrid explanation hidden underneath my reason for staying there. Nevertheless, I smiled back, offering a little wave as she bounded towards me. I glanced over her shoulder to see Nolan's amused expression as Aggie set her targets on me. I gave him a questioning look but he only shrugged innocently and took a bite from his breakfast sandwich.

“Come on woman, let's get you dressed. We're going out.” Her eyes narrowed in determination before she yanked my arm and pulled me back down the hall. As soon as the door shut behind us, Aggie dumped the contents of the shopping bag on the bed. “You've got a bit more hips than I do, so I wasn't sure if my pants would fit you. These have a little stretch to them.” 

“Gee thanks,” I said as she tossed me a pair of jeans. I caught them, holding them up to my hips. She was right, it might be a tight squeeze.

“Please, Harley. I look like a damn rail. If it wasn't for growing boobs Nolan would still tell me I look like a boy,” Aggie scoffed. “You, however, have got the almighty birthing hips that most guys around here go crazy for.”

She had me there. I'd inherited my mother's overt curviness, something which generally served me well – pants shopping aside. I pulled off the pajama pants, and somehow managed to work my way into the jeans, though unsurprisingly they were tight around my hips and butt. I turned around in front of the mirror as Aggie appraised me with a satisfactory nod. “Now then, I think this will look nice with your eyes and skin.” She tossed a royal blue sweater at me and waited for me to put it on. I hesitantly pulled off the thermal shirt in front of Aggie, hoping she didn't notice the fading bruises on my back.

“Geez Harley, do you make a habit of injuring yourself?” She sucked in air through her teeth as she eyed the marks with a cringe.

“You would think so. I fell down and hit my back on the stairs when I was moving into my apartment.” I quickly fabricated something reasonably believable given my recent injuries. She seemed satisfied and returned her attention to the contents of her bag as I slipped the sweater over my head and slid my boots onto my feet.

“I brought my hairbrush. I figured you might need it and I’m pretty sure Nolan doesn’t own one.” She handed me the brush then sat on the bed, watching me as I pulled it through my long black tresses a few times. After I handed the brush back, she went to wait in the living room as I splashed my face in the bathroom sink and brushed my teeth with my finger. Coming back down the hall, I heard her and Nolan chatting as they waited for me.

“So twice now she's stayed over and you've not tried anything?” Aggie whispered. I could just see her narrowing her eyes at Nolan speculatively. 

“Shut up,

“Don't you call me that!” She hissed.

“Don't be insinuatin’ anything then.” Nolan's voice huffed back.

“Puh-lease. I'm not blind, you know. I see how you look at her,” Aggie said, adding, “especially
that arse

“Agatha!” Nolan's voice rose an octave. I coughed as I turned the corner, hoping it would deter any further comments regarding my rear end. Nolan regarded me with wide eyes, his ears growing red. I did my best to look aloof as I walked toward them.

“I'm ready to go when you are, Aggie.” I cleared my throat again, glancing down at my nails to break the awkward look between me and Nolan. She nodded then glanced back at Nolan for a second, no doubt giving him another mischievous smirk before she joined me and headed for the door.

“Oh! I forgot. I need to get food for Remy.” I stopped and looked back at Nolan. Part of me wanted an excuse not to be alone with Aggie, given the line of questioning she'd been putting Nolan through before I walked into the room.

“Don't worry. I'll see ta it the little guy gets a proper meal.” He winked and scooped the kitten up to keep him from running for the open door. With one last look of defeat, I followed Aggie out to Nolan's car.


A Call Home


Aggie drove about an hour outside of Midtown to a large farmer's market that she frequented whenever she wanted an excuse to borrow Nolan's car. There were tons of fresh fruit and vegetable stands as well as fresh-baked goods that taunted the senses with their delightfully sweet aromas. 

“We should probably stop and grab breakfast,” Aggie suggested, as if reading my mind. That or she could have heard my stomach rumbling. She grabbed my wrist and led me through the throngs of market-goers, past a few jewelry stands, and around a corner until we found ourselves in front of a little diner attached to the marketplace.  Immediately we were greeted with the smell of maple syrup and searing sausage. My stomach growled triumphantly as I breathed in another delicious whiff. Aggie gave me a knowing grin before turning to the girl at the counter to order.  “Two number fives please.”

“Aggie, I can get my own food.” I reached for my purse but she put her hand out to stop me.

“Oh stop it. Save your money to buy some goodies from the market. Now go find us a seat.” She waved me off with a sly wink. No other patrons were currently present, but I did as she asked and slid into the least shoddy looking booth. The whole diner looked pretty shabby and run-down, a good breeze might knock the entire structure into a pile of sticks. But the food smelled amazing. 

“There! Now that's breakfast.” Aggie's grin widened as she ceremoniously placed a tray full of sausage, eggs and pancakes drenched in syrup right under my nose.

“I don't think I can eat all that.” My own eyes grew wide at the heaping mounds of food on my plate.

 “Oh, you'll want to. Trust me.” Aggie wiggled an eyebrow at me as she dug a fork into her eggs.

“I don't think that's humanly possible.” I laughed and shoveled a bite into my mouth. “Oh my god...that's so good!” An involuntary moan rumbled through my lips as I savored a bite of syrup-covered sausage. Aggie's signature mischievous grin turned up the corners of her mouth as she observed my reaction.

“You won't be able to stop yourself.” She shook her fork at me before stabbing a piece of pancake and sausage together. Aside from the occasional moan of deliciousness, both of us fell quiet as we engorged on the rich and unhealthy breakfast. Forty-five minutes later we finally managed to pull ourselves away from the booth, and our empty plates. It was then that I sincerely regretted fitting myself into Aggie's already tight jeans.

 “Aggie, you should have brought me sweatpants.” I panted as we made our way back toward the rows of merchants.

 “Probably. I forgot about the diner until we got here.” Aggie was a bit short of breath herself as she stopped to look at twisted metal earrings.

“How often do you eat there?”

 “Every time I come out here.” 

“Where in the hell do you put it?!”

“I'd like to think that the diner is to thank for my boobs.” She let out a wicked cackle.

 “If I even think about a meal like that my ass would go up a size.” I shook my head, still disbelieving that such a small girl could have such a big appetite.

“That hardly sounds like a problem.” Aggie said as she held the earrings up to her head.

“It certainly was for my ex.” I cringed a little.

 “Well then, Harley, it sounds like he is an ex for a good reason.”

“You're right about that, at least.”

“I know I am. Besides, there are men much more appreciative of a girl with an arse he can grab onto!” Aggie regarded me with a scheming smirk, “I know Nolan certainly seems to appreciate it. Several times most days.”


“What? It’s true. The man likes a well-fed arse.”

I shook my head in denial, even as my mind thought back to Nolan’s wandering gaze at the laundromat. I kept silent but she continued.

 “I’ve known Nolan most of my life. I can tell when he’s sweet on someone. As far as he’s concerned, you might as well be that fresh baked pie sitting on the window sill.” She cooed a few inches from my ear. I brushed her away, but she only laughed, taking enjoyment in the redness spread over my cheeks and neck.

“Pie or not, I’m not in the type of position to explore any such...avenues.” I chose my words carefully as I maintained my composure, my eyes connecting with hers for a moment.

“Fair enough. Nolan’s a bit on the shy side, so it’s not like he’ll pursue you if you don’t show any interest.” Aggie nodded before heading to another booth. “Won’t stop him from looking though, that’s for sure.”


Aggie and I spent the rest of the morning and the early part of the afternoon perusing the farmers' market. I loaded up on some fresh produce but didn't bother buying any jewelry like Aggie. As pretty as some of it was, it only made me think of Jackson. He had impeccable taste when it came to that kind of thing and early on he liked to surprise me with such impromptu gifts. Tear drop diamond earrings, a tennis bracelet, a gorgeous sapphire pendant. He really knew how to spoil a girl. I'd never been big on jewelry but those bright grey eyes of his sparkling just as much as the gems in his hand had pulled me under his spell. That look he had, the one I mistook for adoration and sincerity, always melted me. I wish I'd seen the fine print before I'd let him slide that necklace around my neck or that bracelet over my wrist. If only I'd realized he'd meant for them to be my shackles.

You're mine!

 “Harley, are you alright? You look pale.” Aggie's voice cut into my thoughts as I looked up from a jewelry display. The corners of her lips turned down into a frown as she gave me a discerning look.

“Oh, I'm fine.” I smiled, “I need to find a restroom. I think all that soda we drank earlier is catching up to me.” An unconvincing laugh did nothing to quell the suspicion behind her green eyes, but finally she shrugged and pointed me towards the restrooms.

“I'll be in this area when you're done.” Aggie sighed, turning to a rack of handmade clothing. I gave her another glance then headed towards the restrooms. I had remembered seeing a few payphones nearby. I couldn't hold off calling my mom any longer. Between the increasingly creepy apartment and the situation with Jackson, I had to talk to her. The cluster of payphones came into view as I rounded the corner past the restrooms. I peeked over my shoulder to ensure Aggie wasn't anywhere to be seen, then dug a few quarters from my purse before dialing my mother's number.

“Hello?”  Her familiar cheery voice answered a few rings later.

“Momma?” I couldn't help but smile at the sound.
God I miss her.

“Harley!? Is that you, baby doll?”

“Yep it's me. Sorry I couldn't call you sooner. I miss you.” As much as I had wanted to leave Louisiana for so many years, a tinge of homesickness stung me at the sound of her voice.

“I was so worried about you! So was Jackson. He came here, you know? Said you two had a bit of a fight and that you took off. Where in the heck are you? I've never seen this area code in my life!” I wished I could tell her everything, but there was no way. I didn't have the time or the luxury of telling her right now.

“I can't tell you where I am. Just wanted you to know that I'm safe. And Momma, don't talk to Jackson anymore.” I kept my words steady. “He’s
a good guy.”

“Harley, what did he do to you?”

A knot formed in my chest, pulling taut as I fought to keep composure. I wanted to pour out everything to her. Shit, I wanted her here so she could hold me and tell me everything would be fine. Right now, nothing felt that way.

“I can’t talk about it right now. I need to talk to you about something else. I need your advice.”

“Fine baby doll, what is it?” I could tell she wasn’t pleased with my evasiveness, but I had little choice.

“You know how I used to tease you about the séances you used to perform?” I paused, “well I think my new place is haunted. How do I get rid of it?” Despite being worried about her only daughter, I could just see the hint of a smile crossing my mom’s lips. Me asking her about her practices. Her dream come true.

“A ghost, hmm?” Sure enough, I could hear the smile in her voice. “Well baby, if it’s buggin’ you, it’s probably got somethin’ to say.”

“It just wants to chat? It doesn’t seem that way to me.” Chatting generally doesn’t include drowning the living.

“Have you actually tried to listen? I’m alive and you certainly seemed to have plenty of trouble listening to me growing up. I doubt spirits of the deceased have it any easier with you.”

“Momma! I’m being serious.”

“I’m sorry baby,” My mother’s tone returned to a stern one. “I’m serious, though. Try to talk to it. If you don’t get enough from that, then reach out to someone that can. I know you think all this stuff is a bunch of hooey, but someone more open to that kind of thing may be able to help you.”

“Thanks, Mom. I better get going now.” I could feel a few tears pooling in the corners of my eyes but refused to let them escape. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby doll. Please call me again soon.”

“You’ve seemed off since we left the farmers’ market.” Aggie stated. Her eyes glanced over at me for a moment as she drove us back toward Midtown. “What’s on your mind, and don’t tell me nothing. I’m not an idiot.”

“I was thinking about Brody.” I answered her, watching for a reaction. She only nodded thoughtfully as she kept her eyes ahead.

“My uncle told me you were asking about him the other day.”

“You’re uncle?” I spun around as much as one could with a seatbelt on.

“Aye! Can ye nae tell, lass? Angus is ma’ uncle!” The ease with which Aggie slipped into a full-tilt Scottish accent was unsettling.

“Don’t do that! You sound just like him.” I stared at her in utter amazement.

“You should see the look on Nolan’s face when I call him a sissy Irish boy in that accent.” She beamed with a devilish laugh. I smiled, remembering the playful banter between the old man and Nolan.

“Why does he always call him that?” I wondered aloud, an amused grin playing over my own lips.

“Aside from puking up haggis when he was five, you mean?” Aggie snorted. “He may have gotten beat up by a scrawny little Scottish girl in the schoolyard one afternoon.”

“Wait...you beat up Nolan?”

“Yep,” Aggie boasted. “He called me a stinkin’ ginger, so I gave him a black eye.”

“Aggie!” I giggled at the thought of a little Aggie giving Nolan a beating in front of his classmates.

“What? We’ve been friends ever since.” She let both of our laughter die down before continuing, “getting back to what’s been bugging you. Why is Brody on your mind?”

“Well, your uncle told me about Claire’s murder, that Brody killed himself after everyone thought he had done it...but I was wondering, how did he kill himself?”

I could see the usually cheerful glow in Aggie’s eyes fade with my question. I felt terrible bringing it up, but I needed to know. Aggie remained silent for a couple of minutes, keeping her eyes straight ahead. Her forehead wrinkled for a moment as she contemplated her answer to me.

“He overdosed on Heroin,” Aggie swallowed hard, “he injected it into his arm, then sat himself in his bathtub and –”

“And he drowned.” It felt like a rock plummeted into the pit of my stomach as the words left my mouth in a half whisper.

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