Power Hungry (66 page)

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Authors: Robert Bryce

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Electric Transportation Engineering
Electrical appliances
comparing sources of, by energy output
consumption of(table)
essentiality of, accepting the
measuring and selling, ways of
primary source of
producing commercial quantities of, history of
See also under specific countries
Electricity costs(fig.)
Electricity generation
capacity for, comparing, of the two most populous countries
cost of(fig.)
global, by fuel, increase in(fig.)
and global carbon dioxide emissions
increase in
projected costs of, from new power plants(fig.)
See also under specific countries
See specific type
Empire State Building
End of Energy Obesity, The
Endangered Species Act
as a buzzword
cheap and abundant, importance of U.S. pursuing
depoliticizing, need for
differentiating between power and
essentiality of, accepting the
lack of understanding of
units of, different ways of measuring
using less, idea of
See also specific type of energy
Energy abundance, issue of
Energy addiction, issue of
Energy consumption
among households, increase in
and the Jevons Paradox
primary global, of natural gas and nuclear
reduction in
rise in
scale of
and standard of living, correlation between
by various energy types, increase in (fig.)
See also under specific countries
Energy density
of batteries(fig.)
of biomass, and pollution
and ethanols
evolution of
of gasoline(fig.)
as imperative
of oil
of wood
Energy efficiency
Energy independence
myths about
reason for, issue with
Energy Independence and Security Act
Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Energy intensity(fig.)
Energy metrics
Energy policy
emulating, of Iran and France
Energy Policy Act (2005)
Energy posers
Energy poverty
Energy production, environmental costs of
Energy sprawl
Energy storage, and renewables
“Energy Strategy: The Road Not Taken?” (Lovin)
Energy transitions
Energy unease, main causes of.
Fear; Guilt; Ignorance
Energy-intensive businesses
Environmental costs.
See under specific type of energy and power
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental groups
campaigns by
positions of
See also specific groups
Environmental issues.
See specific environmental issues
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Environmentally friendly energy.
“Green” energy
EOG Resources
energy density of(fig.)
and federal subsidies
and oil imports
See also
Cellulosic ethanol; Corn ethanol
European Commission
European Environment Agency
European Pressured Reactor
European Union
Evangelical Environmental Network
Exxon Mobil
Fayetteville Shale(table)
Federal Energy Administration
Federal Power Commission
Federal subsidies
Federal Trade Commission
Fenton, John
First Solar
Fish contamination
Fission and fusion
Fleiss, Heidi
Flex-fuel cars, issue of
Florida Power & Light
Ford, Henry
Fossil fuels.
Coal; Natural gas; Oil
Four Imperatives
relationship between
using, as metrics
See also
Cost; Energy density; Power density; Scale
Fox, Tim
Frac spread, example of
carbon dioxide emissions of(fig.)
and carbon intensity(fig.)
and electricity(fig.)
electricity rates in(fig.)
emulating energy policies of
energy consumption in(fig.)
and energy intensity(fig.)
and nuclear power
and nuclear waste
and nuclear weapons
ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)
Freeman, S. David
Friedman, Thomas
Friends of the Earth
Fry, Michael
Fuel Use Act
Fusion and fission
“Future of Coal: Options for a Carbon Constrained World, The” (MIT)
Fyfe, David
Gaffney, Frank
Gaia theory
Gas and oil industry.
Oil and gas industry
Gas flares
Gas stripper wells, power density of
Gaseous fuels, trend toward
Butane; Greenhouse gases; Methane; Natural gas; Propane
Gas-fired generators
Gasoline engines(fig.)
Gasoline prices
Gasoline shortages, fear over
General Electric(photo)
rising power density and falling costs of
See also
Electricity generation
Georgia Power
Geothermal energy(fig.) (fig.)
Getty, J. Paul
Glass-Steagall Act
Global Catastrophes and Trends
Global climate change
adaptation to
and decarbonization
fears about, feeding on
major contributor to
media campaign against
positions on
public opinion toward
See also
Carbon dioxide emissions
Global coal production
Global commercial energy use, daily
Global economy, interconnectedness of the
Global electricity generation(fig.)
Global energy business, size of the
Global gas reserves
Global gas resources
Global nuclear capacity
Global oil consumption(fig.)
Global oil market
Global oil production(fig.)
Global oil reserves
Global primary energy
mix of(fig. 33)
power consumption and (fig.)
Global shale gas production
Global warming.
Global climate change
Global Wind Energy Council
“Global Wind Energy Outlook 2008,” 95–96, 100
Gold mining
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap ... and Others Don't
Goodell, Jeff
Goodwyn, Lawrence
Gore, Al
Gramm, Phil
Gramm, Wendy
“Green elements,” periodic table of (fig.)
“Green” energy
debunking myths surrounding
happy talk on
notions of, rejecting certain
nuclear power as beyond being
portrayal of, as modern
rethinking, and other suggestions
“Green” jobs
Green, Joshua
Greenhouse gases
Denmark's overall emissions of
See also
Global climate change
Groppe, Henry
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (table)(fig.) (fig.)
Grübler, Arnulf
Gusher of Lies
Hagan, Pete
Hansen, James
Happy ratings
Happy talk
Harkin, Tom
Hawkins, David
Hawkins, Ken
Haynesville Shale
Hayward, Steven
Hayward, Tony
Heavy metals, emissions of, issue of
Heinberg, Richard
Herzog, Howard
Hierarchy of needs
High Noon for Natural Gas: The New Energy Crisis
High-tech manufacturing(fig.)
High-voltage transmission lines
Hinchey, Maurice
Hindrichsen, Henriette
Hollandsworth, Skip
Horsepower, as a measure of power.
See also Power entries
House Committee on Government Reform
Hoyt, Monty
Huber, Peter
Hulme, Randy
Human Development Index
Hunt, H. L.
Hurricane Katrina
Hussein, Sadam
Hybrid cars
battery issue with
continuing to improve
“eco-bling” of
essential commodities of
increasing usage of, in the United States
myths involving
viability of
Hybrid reactors
Hydraulic fracturing
biggest conventional discovery of
burning gas from biomass vs.
defined, and reasons for using
environmental costs of
global use of
important U.S. development of
and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)
reliability of
reliance on
replacing, issues with
reserves of, leader of
shift to
shortage of, fear over
See also
Coal; Natural gas; Oil
Hydrogen economy, move toward a
as back up for wind power
consumption of(fig.)(fig.) (fig.)(fig.)
and electricity generation(fig.) (fig.)
and emissions
environmental costs of
and federal subsidies(fig.)
history of relying on
leaders in the production of
Hyperion Power Generation
ICF International(fig.)
Idaho National Laboratory
“In Praise of Petroleum?” (Smith)
Inconvenient Truth, An
Independence Hub
Independent Petroleum Association
carbon dioxide emissions of(fig.) (fig.)
and coal consumption
coal reserves of(table)
and electricity(fig.)
electricity generation capacity of
and energy consumption(fig.)
and energy intensity(fig.)
and natural gas
and nuclear power
and oil consumption
power consumption in(fig.)
ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)
Indiana Gas and Oil
carbon dioxide emissions of (fig.)
deforestation in
electricity generation in
and energy consumption(fig.)
and energy intensity(fig.)
need for increased electricity in
and nuclear power
power consumption in(fig.)
ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)
Industrial Revolution
Infant mortality rates
Innumeracy, issue of
Inpex Holdings
Institute for 21st Century Energy
Institute for Fusion Studies
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Integrated energy parks
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Energy Agency (IEA)
on carbon capture and sequestration
on decarbonization
on demand in the oil market
on emissions
on estimated global gas resources
on gas-fired capacity
on global gas resources
on global liquified natural gas production
on the growth of renewables
on nuclear power
on oil demand and GDP
on peak oil
on projected costs for new electricity generation plants(fig.)
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
International System of Units (SI), described
Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission
and electricity generation
emulating energy policies of
myth involving
and natural gas(fig.)
and nuclear power
and nuclear weapons
ranking of, by GDP and electricity generation(table)
and electricity consumption(fig.)
and nuclear weapons

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