Power Lines (12 page)

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Authors: Anne McCaffrey,Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

BOOK: Power Lines
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“Really?” she asked. But she was running out of things she wanted to know and trying to think of what to ask next to keep him talking. “Well, I’ve got another question. Why take me? Aren’t there local girls . . .”

“That’s just the problem. They’re local. You’re from a powerful family in Kilcoole, and they think you’re special because you drive a snocle. Your family and friends in Kilcoole shoot their mouths off a lot about how mines are so evil for the planet. Maybe if they know mining the planet is in
best interests, they’ll be a little quieter. Really,” he said. “It’s been real nice chatting with you, baby, but now that we know each other better, I want to get to know you
well. So are you going to come over here to me, or are you going to tempt me to get a little rough? Both ways are fine with me.”

Bunny backed away from him, and he rose and lunged across the table she’d been using as a shield.

She dodged and ran, but was as trapped as she’d ever been. She knew she couldn’t elude his grasp forever, and even though she had the weapon, he was bigger and stronger than she and not much out of shape either. She knew she had no chance against him in a fight, but she could keep out of his way as long as possible. She jumped back to where the trapdoor was and risked slowing long enough to pull at the ring. She pulled the door partially open, hoping against hope that she could slide down into it before he caught her.

The door was heavier than she thought, and he was quicker. He grabbed her hair and jerked her across the open door, as she screamed and beat at him with one hand while reaching for the ice pick with her other.


The planet had not been Petrasealed to death in the lower cavern, but it had been gouged and blasted. There was a pool there, too, foul from chemicals and dense with residue from the damage that had been done.

Diego touched the scars and felt as if he were seeing the wreck his father had been all over again: he was so full of sadness and pain.

Krisuk, who had grown up with this particular place, but grown gradually accustomed to its death through Satok’s machinations over the years, touched the blasted areas once and reeled back as if he’d been punched.

Both boys stood at the juncture to the corridor, shaking.

“How could you let him do that?” Diego accused.

“We didn’t know he was doing anything in here!” Krisuk said. “We thought it was all buried, like he said. You forget there’s a wall between this and the outer cave, and a lot of tunnel between. There’s got to be. We feel the mountain shake sometimes, but it’s not like you

The truth of the last statement was sharply illustrated for the boys as they stepped from the Petrasealed inner cave into the meeting room and through the bush, out into the cold wind whipping down the pass. The rock Bunny had been sitting on was empty.

“Bunny?” Diego asked. “Dinah?”

A whimper rode down the wind from the path above them.

Diego scrambled up the path, almost tripping over Dinah’s prostrate form. He began feeling the dog all over, which was difficult because there was a lot of blood. She was terribly still when he first began, but her respirations picked up a bit as he handled her.

Then he called for Bunny and called again, but he didn’t see her. Meanwhile, Krisuk ran back down the hill to his own house and flung the door open.

Diego picked Dinah up in his aims and stumbled down the hill after him. Krisuk had a lamp lit. The family was not in bed but hunched together around the table, staring guiltily toward the door.

Diego entered the house and carried Dinah’s body to the table. He knew from the expressions of the Connellys that they knew exactly what had happened to the horses, the dog, and Bunny.

“What kind of people
you anyway?”

“Don’t ask them anything,” Krisuk said disgustedly. “She’s at Satok’s. You can bet on it. He took her.”

“Then I’m going to get her,” Diego said.

“You can’t!” Iva said. “He can kill you—kill us all—he might turn the planet against us again, make it swallow us up. He’s too powerful for any of us to fight.”

“He sure is if you just sit there,” Diego said. “And the planet has no reason at all to like him. If you looked a few yards beyond the ends of your noses, you’d know that.”

“You’re not going alone,” Krisuk said.


“No. Come on, Da, Mother. You kids,” Krisuk added, addressing his younger brothers and sisters. “You go wake the neighbors. Bring them to the meeting cave.” His siblings looked up at him as if they’d been stunned, unmoving till his five-year-old sister, Maire, jumped to her feet.

“I’ll go!”

“Me, too,” one of the younger brothers said.

Diego had stripped one of the quilts from the beds to cover Dinah, while one of the older sisters began cleaning the dog’s wound.

Seeing that the dog was in good hands, Diego grabbed a knife from its hook above the stove and ran out the door again and up the path.

“Wait!” Krisuk said. “Diego, not that way. You’ll be too good a target.”

“I’m not going to just let him have her because you’re all scared of him,” Diego shouted back, never shortening his stride though the wind battered him. He didn’t hear what Krisuk said in response.

Diego was about to pass the cave entrance when Krisuk caught up with him and pulled him back.

“Look, you can’t just go confront him,” he hollered above the wind. “But remember the upper passage? I’ll bet it leads up to his house.”

Diego paused for a moment. He had read a lot of hardcopy books, and many of his favorites had secret passages and tunnels in them, something he had previously related only to the ventilation systems in ships and space stations. “Maybe so,” he said. “But if it doesn’t, we lose a lot of time. We don’t know how much we’ve lost already.”

Krisuk said, “According to Da, they heard Bunny hollering about an hour ago. Look, I can get them to follow me into the cave. I want to show them what Satok’s done. But they’re to scared to go to his house. It’s a strong house and he’s armed.”

Diego shook his arm loose. “If you want to go that way, then you go that way. I’m going straight to the house. I’m not going to risk Bunny’s life again because your folks don’t want me to stand up to Satok.”

“Okay then,
try the cave and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll come up and help you, so take it easy, okay? Unless you see he’s actually—well, unless she really needs you right then, don’t jump in until I get there.”

Diego was already striding forward. “I’ll handle it,” he said, and began to climb up the hill leading to Satok’s.

The house was visible from the top of the path, a stone building about a half a mile away set back in a meadow. The windows were lit, and as Diego approached, a banshee chorus of howls heralded his arrival.


Satok pinned Bunny to the mattress and snatched at the band of her trousers. She tried to kick him, but he’d pinned one of her knees down with one of his own. Her right arm, stuck between her back and the mattress, groped for her weapon, which was digging into her hip.

All of a sudden the dogs began to howl. Satok swore and rose, grabbing a weapon as he turned toward the door. Almost as an afterthought, he turned on Bunny. As he struck her openhanded across the face, her teeth bit into her cheeks with an explosion of pain.

“Don’t move,” he said, waggling his finger with mock playfulness.

Of course, she did move the moment he threw the bolt on the door. It was hopeless to dart past him into the night, and the trapdoor was too far away, but at least she was able to pull out her ice pick.

“Shut up, you lazy pack of mutts, or you don’t eat for another week!” he bellowed out the door. The howling quieted to a whine. He took a long look around, then turned back to Bunny.

Fresh out of more subtle tricks, she jumped up and ran back to the trapdoor. She was smart enough not to show her weapon.

“Don’t you touch me again, mister,” she said, lisping a little through her cut lip.

The dogs began howling again, but this time Satok refused to be diverted. He reached Bunny in two seconds flat, and Bunny, backing up, found she was against a wall with nowhere to run, not a good position for any animal to be in. Furthermore, Satok was standing on the trapdoor as he closed in on her, his hands going for her throat.

The front door slammed open, flooding the room with strong icy wind.

Bunny punched upward with her ice pick and felt the pointed tip sink into meat. Satok’s grip on her loosened, but he had twisted away from her to face the front door and her weapon didn’t make the lethal strike she intended. She was trying to loosen her neck from his arm and her weapon from his wound when another body crashed into them, almost strangling her as the impact drove Satok’s arm against her windpipe.

As Satok whirled to meet the new attacker, Bunny dove out of the way, searching for another weapon.

Diego was riding the big man’s back, punching at him with a dagger, but Satok reached back and wrested the dagger from the boy’s hand as if he were taking a rattle from a baby. Bunny groaned. Diego was good with books and computers—he wasn’t a fighter.

She picked up a wrench and danced around the two of them, trying to get in a lick here and there, but she was afraid of hitting Diego.

Satok looked annoyed, but hardly worried. Still standing on the trapdoor, he reached back and grabbed Diego’s head in both hands and started pulling him over his shoulder.

Bunny dropped to her knees, threw herself forward, and whacked the big man hard with the wrench, first on the knees, then the shins. He whirled around, still holding Diego’s head in a vise, and she slammed the wrench against the backs of his knees. He fell to the ground with a crash that swept Diego’s legs against the computer table and toppled the machine to the floor.

But when he and Diego fell forward, they cleared the trapdoor, and the pounding under the door that had been obscured by the sounds of the fight became clear. Bunny crawled to the door and pulled up the ring. Through the widening crack, Krisuk’s arms and head appeared, and with a shove he pushed the door back across Satok’s calves.

Satok was slamming Diego’s head against the floor.

Gaining confidence at the sight of Krisuk climbing out of the hole, followed closely by his father, Bunny dove toward Satok’s head and brought her wrench down over it. Again, the man twisted at a crucial point, and Bunny’s wrench only tore loose the back of his ear just as a third person emerged from the secret passage.

Satok grabbed the injured ear, staggered to his feet, and ran, Krisuk and the others after him.

Bunny knelt beside Diego. “Are you okay?” she asked.

He blinked at her twice, rubbed the back of his head, and said ruefully, “I came to your rescue.”

She kissed him, bloody nose and all. “You sure did. Are you hurt bad?”

His hand came away bloody. “Not bad, I think. My dad always said my skull was the hardest part of me.”

Iva was kneeling beside them now. “Come on and I’ll bandage that for you,” she said. “We’ve seen what Satok did to the planet. Some talk
had! The others will catch him and he’ll tell his lies no more.”

“No,” Diego said. “We’ve got to get to Sean and Yana and tell them what Satok’s done.”

“How did
know he was a pirate?” Bunny said.

“If we go back through the cave, you’ll—” Diego stopped and stared at her. “What do you mean, pirate? As in

“He’s one of Onidi Louchard’s shipmates,” Bunny said. “I think he’s still working with them to loot Petaybee.”

“Frag! We gotta warn the others!”

“Shh,” Iva Connelly said. “You’re not going anyplace till I bandage your wounds. You, too, young lady.”

Diego and Bunny insisted on leading the curlies back down to the village. Meanwhile Krisuk and some of the others returned, empty-handed.

“Satok got away. Kev Nyukchuk and his sons are trying to trace Satok by the tracks and blood in the dark,” Krisuk told them.

“Where’s your father?” Iva asked.

“He stayed to feed the dogs. You remember Satok taking Tarka’s pups?”


“They’re half-starved and mean now, but Da recognized them and he’s going to try to tame them again. The curlies were in bad shape, too, and we found more cat skulls . . .”

The next morning at first light, Bunny and Diego, carrying a carefully bandaged and bundled Dinah, were back out on the trail away from the river, the Petaybean wind at their backs, pushing them toward the fjord.


Matthew Luzon was as amused as he was capable of being that Marmion Algemeine thought she was controlling him by contradicting his theories, cultivating the enemies of the company, and trying to seduce his staff away from him.

Of course, she was incapable of understanding a man like him. She was nothing but an overaged debutante whose inherited greed made her good at acquiring more wealth. She couldn’t begin to understand someone like him, someone motivated not by money or personal aggrandizement, but by a strong, totally altruistic commitment to truth and the scientific process.

Others laughed when he called himself a scientist, but Matthew was devoted to science in a way that few were. A literal-minded man, he was nevertheless fascinated by the lies people were fond of telling themselves about the universe in which they lived, despite all of the evidence pointing to the fact that the average human being was powered by electrochemical impulses in the same way that computers were powered by electronic ones, and the universe itself was a large, marvelous accident.

Most of the scientists and troops within the company believed as Matthew did, but few had his zeal not only for believing the truth, but for exposing the lies and self-deceptions that weakened the sentient mind, every inhabited sector of the universe, and the company, as well.

There was a sort of brain fever that people contracted once they left civilization. Matthew had seen it again and again, not just among the inhabitants of colonial outposts like this, but also on space stations and ships too long away from port. People encountered a few mysteries that had not yet been properly investigated, and they suddenly decided that even the things they understood had some sort of strange causation. They started believing in myths, anthropomorphized machinery, and nonsentient life-forms; they talked to plants and animals. Ridiculous, but there it was. Matthew considered himself to be something of a deprogrammer/reformer/reformationist.

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