President's Girlfriend 07 - What He Did for Love (10 page)

BOOK: President's Girlfriend 07 - What He Did for Love
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“Didn’t she?” he asked as he continued kissing her while removing her bra. 

When he saw her plump breasts revealed, lust took over.  He kissed her passionately on her mouth.  Gina’s sensuality heightened, too, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his passion.  And Lenora Perry was suddenly about as insignificant to them as a stranger on the street.  All they were aware of was the heat their love was generating.  A heat that ignited them both.  So much so that Dutch lifted Gina into his arms, and laid her on their bed.

Staring at her, he then removed his shirt and shoes, and unbuckled and stepped out of his pants.  His erection was already so stiff and hard that Gina’s vagina stopped quivering, and then it began to throb.

Dutch slid down Gina’s panties and pants, removed them with her shoes, and knelt down to her.

Gina closed her eyes as he opened her legs as wide as they would go, and began licking her.  Her body relaxed as his mouth did its expert job.  She used to find it amusing whenever she thought about  Dutch’s base of support, which was usually elderly women.  She used to wonder what in the world they would think of their beloved president if they truly knew what he did to his wife night in and night out.  How he ate her, like he was doing now.  How he licked her so hard and so long and with so much unbridled passion that she felt as if she was being electrified. 

Dutch had a thing for her pussy.  She realized it early in their marriage, but it had only intensified since.  It was as if he could never get enough of it.  Some mornings she’d wake up sore and wonder why.  Other mornings she’d catch him in the act.  He’d be there, between her legs, mouth-fucking her for what seemed like a straight hour, as if she, not any bacon and eggs, was his breakfast.

He ate her.  He licked and sucked and mouth-fucked her for minutes on end.  Gina was moistening in gulps, as she felt as if she was repeatedly walking up to the edge of a cliff, and on the precipice of her cum.  She tightened her grip on the pillow and squirmed as the feelings kept escalating and escalating. 

But she couldn’t break free.  Because Dutch wouldn’t let her.  Because Dutch would continually grab her by the ass and hold her still every time she sought to break free.  And he would continue to lick and suck her in just that right spot.  He would continue to make her squirm with barely controllable delight.

It became so intense, and so on the verge of cum, that Gina pulled him up to her, and then turned him onto his back.  She saddled him backwards, and began to lick his dick.

Dutch squeezed her ass cheeks as he laid his head back and relaxed to her oral.  She did him slow and tenderly, as only Gina could do him, and his pre-cum was evidence of her mastery.  He groaned as she did him, and as the feelings became like coals of fire all over his body.

Her ass was in his face as she went all the way down on him. She was sucking him as if he was her favorite ice cream, and she didn’t want the taste to ever end. 

And he didn’t want it to end, either.  He parted her firm dark-brown cheeks and licked her there as she mouth-fucked him.  He’d lick and lean his head back.  Then, when strong enough, he’d lick her again.  And the passion she caused, coupled with the high just licking her always gave to him, made him drunk with sensuality.  And it was all so ironic to Dutch.  All of those years he spent fucking woman after woman, thinking that he had the sex life to die for, when it took marrying Gina to get him to realize how wrong he was.  Gina was the only woman who gave him what he’d been looking for.  Gina was the only one.

And when her giving became too fine, and too delicate, and so overwhelming, he knew then that it was time.  He had to get inside of her.

He laid her onto her back, positioned himself on top of her, and guided his dick into that pussy he could never get enough of. 

He felt the saturation, and the tightness, and the tensing of her vaginal muscles as soon as he entered her. 

“Ah,” he said as his rod began stroking her in movements that caused him to sigh in great relief.  Just the sound of the saturation, as his strokes steadied to a routine pace, made the feelings too intense immediately. 

But Dutch knew how to relax himself.  He was not, unless he purposely wanted to be, a two-minute man.  When he fucked Gina, it sometimes took two hours.  He’d always lasted longest with her than with any woman before her. 

And that was why he pulled her into his arms, laid down on top of her, and slowly thrashed his cock inside of her super-wet cunt with steady, sensual strokes.  He settled in for the long haul.

Gina loved when Dutch held her this way.  It was as if he was making a statement.  She was his and nobody had better even think about changing that fact.  She felt protected in Dutch’s arms.  She felt beloved.  And every time he stroked her in just that right spot, she felt so dick-whipped and overcome that she wondered if it was healthy.

But she knew it was.  This was her husband, and he didn’t hold back.  Even when he had just been so angry with her, he still couldn’t resist her.  Some of her female associates always talked about how independence gave them power.  And Gina loved her independence too.  But that wasn’t what made her feel powerful.  Being married to Dutch Harber, and being able to bring tears to his eyes just because he loved the way she fucked him, was power to her.  But those females would never know it.  Because Gina was no fool.  She knew there was a woman on every corner, lurking behind every door, who wanted to be in her shoes.  They wanted to have the power to give Dutch Harber exactly what he wanted, and in so doing, give themselves even more.

Gina held onto him as his strokes began to intensify still, and as the sweat on his chest caused her breasts to react to the scent and the masculinity and the intoxicating sexiness that was Dutch Harber.  And tears appeared in her eyes as he fucked her.  As her entire body jerked up and down to the pounding he was putting on her.  She held onto him, with her legs wrapped around his back, as he grunted and groaned and whispered her name. 

And even after she came, in a blaze of euphoric joy, he continued to thrash her.  Causing her to come again.  And then again.  Until he finally released himself.  Until that dam finally broke.  And he slammed into her that final time so hard, and remained there so long, that she came yet again. 

Multiple orgasms wasn’t new to Gina.  Dutch gave them to her all the time.  But this time was different.  Because just when Gina was worried that Lenora Perry might just attempt to make a play for Dutch and give her a run for her money, he reminded her that she didn’t have to worry at all.  She was his.  Pointblank period.  That was his statement to her tonight.  And Lenora and any other designing woman out there had better take notice.


But later that night, when she was lying in bed in his arms, Gina still thought it would be wise to talk it out.

They were both awake, and Dutch seemed to be in deep concentration.  She knew what he was thinking about.  And she knew it wasn’t Lenora Perry, or even that round of sex they’d had.

But Lenora was still on her mind.

“She was once your girlfriend, wasn’t she?” she asked him.

Dutch hesitated, but he did respond.  “Yes,” he said.  “Long before you became my steady lady.  I hired her six years ago to help run H.I.  Again, long before you had your hooks in me.”

Gina smiled.  But she continued to look at him.  Something was bothering him.  “Having second thoughts?” she asked him.

“What about?”

“Giving it all up.  You’ve been in politics for so long.”

Dutch smiled.  Pulled her closer against him.  “You really don’t know me very well if you think I’m having second thoughts about that.”  He exhaled.  “But I am thinking about Crader.”

Gina knew what he meant.  “He can be a handful, can’t he?”

“Yes.  Which is fine when he doesn’t have to steer the ship.  But after tomorrow he’ll have to steer the ship of state, and he’s got to do better than that.”

Gina smiled.  “I can see him now.  The leader of a foreign country says something he disagrees with and he’s ready to start a war just to prove his point.”  Dutch smiled too.  “But you had to have seen something in him when you made him your vice president.”

“I did.  And I still do.  But I’d be lying to you if I said the way he handled that situation tonight wasn’t troubling to me.  It was.”

“But it was so shocking, Dutch.  Even to me.  The idea that LaLa and Christian would do something like that.  I couldn’t believe it.  Especially from LaLa.”

“LaLa, but not Christian?”

“Christian’s young.  He’ll take it any way he can get it.  But LaLa should have known better.  She’s a married woman.  She has a child.”

“Don’t judge her too harshly,” Dutch said.

Gina looked at him.  He always had a soft spot for LaLa. 

Dutch continued.  “She was going through a lot when that happened.  Crader had put her through a lot.”

“But is that an excuse?” Gina wanted to know.  “I’ve been through some serious issues with you but I didn’t run into some other man’s arms.  So that explanation doesn’t really cut it with me.  And it doesn’t cut it for La, either.  She’ll be the first to tell you that.  She feels awful about what she did.”  Then Gina frowned.  “I’m just still amazed she did it.”

“It was probably a perfect storm of emotions and, I know it’s a cliché, but sometimes one thing does lead to another thing.”

Gina looked at him.  “Has that ever happened to you?”

“Has what ever happened to me?”

“One thing leading to another thing?”

“We aren’t talking about me,” he said, tapping her on the tip of her nose.  “We’re talking about Loretta.”

Gina realized a long time ago that Dutch never really discussed what he did whenever he was away from her.  And it drove her nuts sometimes.  She wasn’t sure if he did it because there was nothing to discuss, or too much.  She could never tell with Dutch, and since he never told, they never really talked about it.

“I just hope this wakes Crader’s ass up,” Gina said, deciding to move on.  “He put LaLa through too much.  And then for him to get all righteously indignant?  Spare me, please.”

Dutch smiled and moved her on top of him.  “You’re a tough old broad, you know that?” he asked, rubbing her bare ass.

“Old?” Gina said, taking exception.  “If I’m old, you’re ancient.  You’ve got eight years on me, buddy, and don’t you forget that.”

“But that’s okay,” Dutch said as if Gina never said what she’d said.  “I love my old broad, anyway.”

Gina hit him playfully on his muscular bicep.  “Keep it up,” she said.  “I’ll show you what old really feels like.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’re a legendary toughie,” he said as he put his arms around her.  He could feel her taut breasts against his hard chest.  Her stomach against his stomach.  Her thighs on his thighs, sandwiching his dick. 

“I am, as it happens,” she said.  “When I was in high school, boy, I was something else.  Those girls didn’t mess with me because they knew I was tough.  So keep on joking around.  I’ll show you a side of me you won’t soon forget.”

“I’ll bet you will,” Dutch said as he reached into the nightstand and pulled out a bottle of K-Y jelly.

When Gina saw him squirt some into his hand, she couldn’t believe it.  “Dutch, not again!” she said.

“Just a little more,” he said.

“But I’m still sore.”

“Get on your stomach,” he said, and Gina knew what that meant.

And she did what she was told.  Dutch lubricated her, and then eased his erected dick inside of her.  Gina grimaced, because he was so large, so he eased in, inch by inch, until she could bear it.  The pleasure eventually came, mixed with the pain, until the pleasure overruled the pain.  And she relaxed as Dutch laid on top of her and pumped her ass in a slow motion, long lasting, drag. 

Dutch kissed her back, and told her repeatedly that he loved her, as he fucked her.


















Lenora Perry balanced her briefcase and her unopened cup of Espresso in her right hand, as she opened the door to her apartment building’s parking garage with her left.  She then made a beeline for her BMW, with her six-inch Gucci heels slamming down like spikes in the ground with every step she made.  She wasn’t late, but she was close, and her anxiety was rising with each ticking minute.  As the chief financial officer at Harber Industries, she felt it her duty to always set the right examples.  And showing up late for meetings, or even almost late, wasn’t an example she planned to ever set.

What she never imagined she’d see, however, was an old friend standing at the foot of her car as she approached it.

“Max?” she asked, astounded by the sight.  “Max Brennan?”

Max smiled and clasped his hands.  “Talk about a blast from the past, right?”

But Lenora approached cautiously.  She was no idiot.  She remembered that craziness when Dutch Harber fired Max as his White House chief of staff.  She knew that Dutch would not have fired anyone, and especially not his closest friend, without serious cause.

“What do you want?” she asked him.  This scene reminded her of all those years ago, when Max approached her in this same parking garage.  Dutch asked her to become his CFO that day.  She hadn’t seen Max in person since.  But she was now face to face with him.

There was a time, back in the day, when Max would have been offended by her response.  How dare she talk to him that way?  He had not only been the most powerful man on the president’s staff, but the president’s best friend.  And all she used to be was a piece on the side Dutch enjoyed tapping.

“Is that any way to greet an old friend?” he asked, moving to kiss her on the cheek.  Lenora reluctantly allowed it. 

“I didn’t mean to sound rude,” she said.  “It’s just rather shocking to see you here.”

“It’s shocking to have to be seen here.  But I’m not exactly Dutch’s favorite person these days.  I used to be,” Max was quick to remind her, “but not anymore.  And you work for Dutch, so I know you had to choose sides when Dutch and I broke up.  But give me a break.  I’m still Max.  You know me, Lee.”

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