Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7 (9 page)

BOOK: Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7
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“Hey, Zoe. Wake up and play with us,” Dresden, the troublemaker from that night at the bar, piped up.

“Must I?” she asked in a husky voice that put Miles in thoughts of hot nights and satin sheets.

He hurriedly wiped the thought from his mind, envisioning instead his sisters in Cougar Falls surrounded by his in-laws and other Shifters. Nothing like the Chastells and gray wolves to dampen his arousal.

“Oh, fine. But don’t go whining when I trounce your ass.” Zoe rose, and Miles couldn’t help himself.

He opened his eyes and stared at the back of her.

“Christ on a crutch.”

He took off his shades and couldn’t look away. Like he’d thought before, the thin black string holding her top in place was barely there. Unfortunately for his heart—and dick—that floss continued along her bottoms. No back whatsoever. Just a string around her lower waist and down between those tight globes of the finest ass ever made.

His cock ignored his demand to stay down, offering her the salute her suit deserved. Normally not concerned about being sexual among other adults in the pride, he nevertheless didn’t want to be seen as one of the weak-minded fools under her spell.

He watched her disappear, inch-by-inch, into the water and again did his best to repress his desire. He’d partially succeeded when she turned around, stared at his crotch and licked her lips.

“Yum,” she mouthed at him before winking. The witch.

After placing his towel across his lap, he watched her bounce around and frolic with her new friends for as long as he could stand it, always both scared and hopeful her top might snap and her breasts would spring free from their confinement. Not the only one with those thoughts either, since the group in the pool spent more time watching Zoe than they did the damn ball.

Quince rejoined him with a dripping-wet Joy and cuddled her onto his lap. “Good game, eh?”

Miles speared him with a look before glancing back at the water.

Joy’s laughter didn’t help. “I cannot wait to have her modeling my swimwear. I mean, I know she’s your sister, Quince. But God, look at her body! I mean, she has no fat except in her boobs. I can’t believe she was made like that! No silicone anywhere.”

“Quit talking about her body. I feel icky.” Quince groaned.

“Both of you shut up about it,” Miles growled. “I’m trying to watch the game.”

He ignored the amused look they shared, put his sunglasses back on, then his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. “I’m taking a nap.”

One which lasted all of five seconds, because Joy gasped, “Oh, no. She’s losing her top.”

Miles bolted upright and stared at the water, only to see Zoe laughing at one of the pubescent idiots in the pool.

“Sucker.” Joy snickered.

Miles swore and hurried out of his seat and away from the poolside with an erection he had no chance of hiding unless he took care of it the old-fashioned way. Not wanting his sister to see him in such a state, or any of the others for that matter—and God, not Zoe—he hurried to the unused cottage behind the pool house, avoiding sight of anyone on the grounds. He entered and headed straight for the bathroom, where a cold shower and his hand would do him a world of good.

Chapter Six

The heady rush of power went straight to her head. Zoe knew she looked good, but having so many people around her adding to her ego helped soothe the insecurities plaguing her thanks to that asshole Miles.

Damn he was fine. Those blue-and-gold trunks he wore emphasized his thick thighs and muscular calves. And that chest and those arms… She’d never been into blondes, but holy hell, Miles had apparently been made from the same amazing cloth she’d come from.

Sure, he wore a designer suit and tie well and had done more than his share of justice in khaki shorts and a tee-shirt—what he normally wore around the pride. But in just swim trunks and nothing else, glistening with oil, his pecs and biceps looked
. Such ready strength and such command in those glowing green eyes.

She gave it a few more minutes prancing under the water with the appreciative cats staring at her. She liked men of all ages and sizes, but young twenty-somethings no longer held any appeal. Hell, since seeing Miles, none of the men she’d met attracted her. It had to be a case of wanting what she couldn’t have—she hoped.

Miles was the first man to turn her down for sex.
But she knew he wanted her. That erection she’d spotted had been all for her. Finally.

She slammed the ball over the net and into the nose of a young cat. “Oh, sorry.” She dunked herself under the water and rose to smooth her hair back. “I’ll be back. Just need the ladies’ room.”

She loved their disappointment, as well as the prayers and mutterings when she walked slowly out of the pool.

“Come on, Zoe. I don’t think we all need to see your ass this much, do you?” Quince protested when she came abreast of him. He sat with Joy on her lounger, and she had to admit the pair looked right together.

Joy nodded to her left. “You need the restroom? The empty cottage is open.”

Quince frowned. “The pool house is right there.”

Joy dug an elbow into his gut and shook her head. “Honestly. He’s cute, but sometimes so very dim.”

“Joy ain’t that great,” he muttered, and she cracked up laughing.

Not understanding the pair, Zoe left them to play and followed the scent of a lusty Miles to the house Joy had indicated.
Terrific girl.
He smelled like a heady cologne that called to every one of her senses. She wondered how he’d taste as she slowly, quietly, entered.

With a satisfied smirk, she heard the sound of a shower and walked on silent feet to the bathroom. She opened the door, then locked it behind her.

She knew he’d heard her, because he muttered her name and swore at her to leave. But not giving him time to retreat again—and she
the fact she’d forced him into a cold shower—she yanked back the curtain and stepped in to join him.

The stall seemed plenty big, since the tub boasted jets and was deep enough to accommodate two people lying next to one another.

“Get out,” he growled. He stood with his head tucked down and his hands braced against the wall of the showerhead. The water sluiced over the back of his head and neck and down his gloriously sculpted body. His ass was slightly lighter than the rest of him, and his tan highlighted more muscles she wanted to sink her teeth into.

“I need to rinse off. Chlorine isn’t good for my suit, you know.” She grinned and stepped closer behind him. Then, because she couldn’t help herself, she petted his ass.

He tensed further, his body like a marble statue under the cool water still flowing down his lean lines. But he didn’t protest her touch.

“Go away,” he tried again, but he lacked conviction.

She purred, more than pleased to have this fine specimen all to herself. “You toyed with me not so long ago. Had me begging you to put your cock inside me.”

“Zoe, stop,” he rasped. His scent deepened, a lusty, needy male primed to fuck.

Man, she really needed to send Marguerite a note of thanks for giving her this suit.

“Stop what, Miles? I’m just trying to get clean.” She moved around to the front of him and ducked under his arms. Now caged between his body and the shower wall, she looked her fill.

His erection was
, his cock jutting out from his body and slick with water. She tilted her head up to meet his gaze, so close she felt his breath on her face, yet she kept her back to the wall, not wanting to touch him anywhere…yet.

“What do you want?” he snarled, his eyes dark with desire as his gaze roamed her face.

“What do
want? Want to lick my breasts, to follow the water over my nipples?” She cupped herself, pleased when his gaze fastened to her chest. “Or maybe you want me on my knees, my mouth open, my tongue darting over that slick, hard cock? Would you like that, Miles? Would you like to come down my throat?”

They stood in silence, and she saw the throbbing of his pulse, reveled in the thick scent of lust between them.

“God help me, yes. I want your mouth on me in the worst way,” he moaned and let go of the wall with one hand to grab hers. He brought her hand to his cock and curled her fingers around him, then closed his eyes and groaned. “Make me come.”

“So demanding.” She pumped him a few times then stopped. “Ask me nicely, and I’ll give you what you gave me last week.”

“Shit. Come on, Zoe,” he whispered and leaned down to nip her earlobe. “You wanted me in you, remember?”

The sexy bastard. “And you made me beg,

She lowered to her knees, and he widened his stance. She noted the golden nest of hair at the base of his cock, the plump balls tightening in arousal, the thick head pearled with cream. Oh good. He was more than ready to listen to her.

She licked his slit, and he swore and curled his hand in her hair.

That’s it. Yeah.”

So sexy, that gravelly voice. “Put your hands back against the wall.” After he did, she licked him again. “Now stay very still.”

His breath caught as she took his cockhead into her mouth and sucked.

He trembled as she teased the tip of him, nibbling and sucking. She knew she’d broken him when he surged deeper and began pumping. Each thrust went farther, and he continued to shudder as if trying not to ram himself to the back of her throat.

She pulled away from him, and he groaned.

“Don’t stop. Not now.”

“Say please,” she rumbled, her cat loving this. Playing with her mate—

Not mate. Just Miles.

A heartbeat of silence but for the rain of water down his back and across the tile. “Please,” he whispered.

She sucked him once more before pulling away again.

“Christ, quit teasing.” He sounded desperate. Perfect.

“Miles, look at me.” She untied the knot behind her neck and her top fell down, exposing her breasts.

He licked his lips, and she saw his cat flash in his eyes. “I need to fuck you.”

“I thought you wanted me to suck you off,” she said softly and bit her lower lip, plumping her mouth in a practiced move that never failed to elicit the right reaction from her lovers.

Yeah, suck me off first. Then I want inside you. And between those breasts.” He arched his hips toward her, grazing her cheek with his cock. “Zoe, quit playing.”

She cupped his balls, and he swore long and loud. His hands remained on the tile though, probably so he wouldn’t grab her by the hair and ram into her mouth. Zoe knew enough about Miles to know he hated losing control. And she’d just about pushed him to his brink.

“Beg me, Miles. Say ‘Pretty please,’ and I’ll suck the come from your sweet cock.”

His raspy breathing and anger layered his musk with an alluring perfume.

“You… You…” He tried to resist, and then she blew a puff of air over his sensitized shaft. “
Yes, pretty please. Suck me off, baby.

and a
. Good enough for now. She opened her mouth and drew him inside. Treating him to real skill, she hollowed her mouth as she took him deeper, licking and grazing with her teeth as she blew him with gusto. That he was fucking her mouth as much as she was letting him showed her how much he’d lost control, and her arousal drenched the tub in desire.

“Yes, oh fuck. That’s so good. Zoe, yeah. Oh yeah, I’m going to come so hard. Swallow me, baby. All of it,” he uttered on another curse as he came.

His orgasm was intense, his cock so thick and hard as he emptied into her, and she greedily lapped him up, taken with this powerful male who’d surrendered so prettily.

She finished swallowing him and licked him clean, all the while aware of the cold shower and her own unfulfilled desire. Miles in orgasm was an aphrodisiac all its own.

When she pulled away from him, he dragged her to her feet and didn’t give her a chance to say a thing. He plastered his mouth to hers and kissed her breathless.

Then he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. “You little witch.”

The insult was more an endearment, and she heard the difference even if he hadn’t meant her to.

“Best blowjob you’ve ever had, hmm?” she asked.

He chuckled. “You could say that. I can barely stand. You sucked the life out of me.”


They both laughed, and something eased between them. A subtle softening of wills…which wouldn’t do her any good. Not against such a stubborn, arrogant cat. Though she wished otherwise, she wondered if she’d made things worse between them. But it was between
. Not for the pride, her mother, or any of the cats commenting on what a fine mate he’d make. This sexual play had been for
. And well, to get back at him, if only to remind him he couldn’t lead her by the nose. Zoe was better than his old girlfriends, and she needed him to know that.

Her cat nudged her to release the mate scent. She liked what she’d tasted and felt from Miles, a compatible energy. A strong feline in his prime.

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