Primal Law (8 page)

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Authors: J.D. Tyler

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Primal Law
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If he didn’t get relief, fast, he was going to explode in his jeans.
I sleep naked.
Time to take care of business. And then he was going for a long, long run. With any luck, he’d be too exhausted to dream about a pretty little blonde with sky blue eyes.
Pacing his office, Nick stared out the window at the night. The moon called him, beckoned him to raise his voice in song, pour out his sorrows. Wouldn’t be the first time, nor the last.
Sometimes he fucking hated his “gift” as a seer. Tonight was one of those times.
Two hearts were destined to be bound forever, find a love stronger than any they’d ever known, or would ever know again. Their road wouldn’t be easy, but their joy when they gave in would be boundless.
And oh, God, so brief.
Two souls would be torn apart. One heart left drowning in grief.
But Nick couldn’t interfere with the future, with free will. He’d made that mistake once, with tragic results.
There wasn’t anything he could do to change the horrible outcome.
Not one goddamned thing.
Outside, he stripped his clothes and shifted, hit the ground on four white paws, and ran. If he ran far enough, fast enough, maybe he could forget that real monsters existed. Just for a little while.
And just maybe, he could forget he was one of them.
nstead of heading to his room, Jaxon kept walking. All the way to the end of the corridor to the double doors, where he pushed outside, breathing in the lush scents of the forest with profound relief.
Despite his earlier exhaustion and the ache in his bad leg, he’d gotten a second wind and had no hope of sleeping until he expended this strange energy. His body was a powder keg set to go off. He felt too big for his skin, ready to burst. His nerves hummed like live wires, crackling to his toes.
Because of Kira Locke.
No. He wouldn’t accept that. Because accepting she was responsible for the weird reactions he’d been experiencing ever since he’d first laid eyes on her, inhaled that alluring citrus and vanilla scent, meant acknowledging an implication he just wasn’t ready to face. Not now.
Maybe never.
Haven’t you learned your lesson? No woman can love a man who’s half beast. Not without Disney manufacturing the ending.
Making his way across the training course and shooting range, he picked up the pace. His wolf wanted out and he was ready to oblige. At the edge of the trees he shed his clothing, leaving it in a pile to retrieve later.
Tilting his face up, he closed his eyes, released his hold over the beast, and let the change overtake him. Muscle and bone reshaped, and he dropped to all fours as his thick coat emerged. The process wasn’t without some pain in his joints and in his injured leg, but was nothing like the agony they’d endured five years ago, when the animal within was new and they’d fought it with all their power. Resisting had made it worse and was a mistake each of them had quickly learned not to make.
Embracing their feral nature had brought heartache in spades, closed the door on their old lives forever. But it also included a few benefits, and this was one of the best—to run with the night, hunt and kill. To feast and then howl to the heavens, though whether in triumph or loneliness he wasn’t always sure. To simply
and leave human worries behind, if only for a while.
He ran, relishing the earth under his paws, the wind in his face. Thankfully, his injury was lessened, as usual, in wolf form, and he was able to enjoy his run. After a while he scented a rabbit and chased it from a cozy burrow near a fallen log, knowing it didn’t stand a chance. The need to taste fresh meat, savor the sweet juices, ruled his canine heart and mind.
Until he held the writhing creature down with massive paws and it shrieked in terror, long and loud. Many nights in the past he’d hunted and not been affected by the cries of his prey. The weak fed the strong, and that was the way of the entire world. One slice of his claws, one snap of jaws, and the struggle would be over, the larger beast sustained. Why should the rabbit’s valiant will to survive affect his human half tonight?
Slowly, he eased off the rabbit and it wriggled free, gave a leap, and shot into the underbrush. His wolf whined at his inexplicable actions, giving up a hard-won snack. Maybe he’d had enough killing for one night.
Spinning, he ran again, heading for a stream about a mile from the compound that he liked to visit. The spot was secluded, on Institute property, and relatively safe even at this distance from the main building. Even if the most die-hard camper or hunter ventured this far into the wilderness, they’d be brought up short by a highsecurity fence topped with razor wire. Should anyone be stupid enough to try to breach it, silent alarms would notify the team as to the location of the would-be intruder and he would be dealt with.
Reaching his destination, he padded to the bank’s edge, stuck his nose in the frigid water, and drank. When he’d had his fill, he raised his head, scented the air to make certain none of his team was nearby. Satisfied, he shifted and stood.
Damn, he’d hoped the run would not only clear his head, but rid him of the rampant arousal jutting from between his thighs. If anything, the freedom of his run had only made it worse. Scowling down at his current problem, he wondered at its stubborn insistence. He normally had complete control over his body, but ever since he’d scented
it was as though his libido had gone bonkers.
I sleep naked.
Right this minute, Kira was probably sprawled in crisp sheets, sleeping like a fair angel, long dusky lashes curled against porcelain cheeks. Toned limbs tangled with white cotton, sleek back dipping to the curve of a small, tight rear.
Groaning in frustration, he found a soft, spongy spot a few feet from the stream’s edge and lowered himself to the ground. On his back, he cupped his balls, already high and tight. This wasn’t going to take long.
Grasping his cock, he swiped a thumb over the head, smearing the oozing precum around. Conjuring a delicious fantasy, he imagined Kira half on her stomach, peaceful in sleep. He’d move the sheet aside, exposing her gorgeous little ass—and he had no doubt she’d be beautiful all over—and spread her legs. He’d nuzzle her sex, lick and probe, waking her slowly. Half-awake, she’d moan and beg for more.
He’d give her what she asked for, making her writhe as his tongue explored the dewy folds, teased and sampled the tiny clit. Nearly driven out of her mind, she’d get on her hands and knees, begging to be taken. And he’d gladly oblige, putting the head of his cock to her entrance and pushing home. He’d slide deep, show her the pleasures of being mounted and taken by something more than human. Something primal.
“God, yes.”
Fisting his rod, he stroked, gripping hard for that extra bit of rough. He’d do her just like that, sliding deep, faster and faster until he was pounding hard. Her cries would blister his ears, bring his beast forth with wild joy. When he could hold back no more, he would drape himself over her, thrust one final time, pump his seed into her womb . . .
And sink his canines deep into her throat. Claim her.
Mine! My mate.
“Ahh, fuuuck!”
He shot hard, cum painting his belly and chest in creamy ropes. Again and again he spurted until his hand and torso were slick and he lay spent, out of breath. God, that was so good, fantasy or not. The real deal would likely kill him.
Gradually his scattered brain began to collect itself and a chill settled over him that had nothing to do with his nakedness and the cool night air. What had he called her?
My mate.
No. Uh-uh. No goddamned way was that ever going to happen. He liked his life the way it had been for the last several years—footloose and able to scratch his itch with a willing female whenever the need became too great to ignore. Alexa might not appeal anymore, and Vegas was a long commute anyway, but there was always Jacee, the sexy bartender at the Cross-eyed Grizzly. The cozy hangout was only a thirty-minute drive into Cody, the town nearest the Institute. Jacee didn’t mind being his occasional booty call.
Only because she’s as lonely as you are,
his conscience nagged.
She deserves better.
Didn’t matter. Guys like him had to settle for what they could get out of life, and for Jaxon, that meant being content with his brothers. Losing himself in a pair of arms once in a while. Fighting the supernatural predators he’d never dreamed existed before they’d been turned.
Surviving one more day.
His life could never include a Bondmate. He wouldn’t open himself to that awful rejection and hurt again, not to mention endangering his brothers’ lives a second time. Never.
Shaking off those grim thoughts, he rose and washed himself off in the chilly stream. Then shifted and ran.
From here to the equator wouldn’t be far enough.
Kira rolled over, stretched, and opened her eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight filtering through the blinds. The dull throb at her temples attested to how little sleep she’d gotten. A strange place, surrounded by strange people who were like beings from the Syfy channel, wasn’t conducive to peaceful slumber.
Added to that was the mournful howling that gave her goose bumps and had her pulling the covers over her head. Didn’t these guys ever sleep? Or were those
wolves doing the serenade? All night, she half-expected Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson to burst into her room carrying thermal cameras and EVP recorders, completing her little side trip to Paranormals-R-Us.
And then there were the renegade thoughts of Jaxon, ones that made her shivery in a good way. Sure, she’d been scared as hell and more than a little freaked out to see a man morph into a wolf and race from the darkness. Tear apart the two guys trying to kill her, and with little effort. But the jerks with the guns had frightened her more, and truth be told, she’d sensed, deep down, that the wolf meant her no harm.
What had he said? That he and his friends weren’t the ones she had to worry about.
So far that appeared to be the truth. He’d rushed to her defense like her personal avenger, and had continued to protect her even from his friends. She wondered if he realized he’d constantly put his body between them and her, his glare promising trouble for anyone who dared to touch her.
Okay, am I being a bit too romantic here, reading more into his actions than was really there?
Maybe. But he
protected her.
Looked damned fine doing it, too. All those rippling muscles, that soul patch, spiky black hair, and the wicked ear piercings lending the man that slight air of irreverence. Confidence. Here was a guy who knew how to handle his business.
She’d love to know whether he could handle himself as well in bed as he could out of it.
“Right. He’s probably got a string of women who can answer that question.” And why should that make her cranky? Sitting up with an irritable sigh, she got her bearings and then made her way into the bathroom, wincing as she glanced in the mirror. “Talk about ghouls,” she muttered, making a face at herself. The mug staring back at her would no doubt make the wolf run for the hills, tail between his legs. Time for a shower, and coffee. In that order.
Before she could turn on the water, a firm rap caught her ear. Heading out, she passed through the bedroom and snagged the T-shirt Jaxon had brought, hauling it over her head. As she went into the living area the knock came again.
Hurrying to the door, she peered through the peephole to see a woman standing in the hallway. Sliding the bolt, she opened up and gave the gorgeous brunette on the threshold a tentative smile.
“Hello. I’m Kira Locke.”
“And I’m the welcoming committee,” the woman said warmly, holding up a stack of clothes. “I’m guessing you’d like something to wear.”
“Yes, thank you! Come in.” Stepping aside, she let in her visitor. Though technically,
was the visitor here, she reminded herself.
The brunette laid the clothes on the sofa and turned to Kira. “I hope these fit well enough to get you through a day or two. I’m taller and not nearly as slender as you, so you might have to roll up the jeans and wear a belt. Oh, I’m Mackenzie Grant,” she said, holding out her hand.
Kira shook, liking her already. “Jaxon told me about you. You’re one of the doctors, correct?”
“That’s right. I’m a psychologist, though I’m not called on much to use that training anymore. At least not like I was in the beginning, when the men had so much trouble adjusting. Now I’m a scientist and parapsychologist here at the Institute. I study paranormal phenomena, particularly how the changes have affected our Alpha Pack men or will affect them in the future.” She blushed. “I’m sorry. I get carried away by my subject, especially since I rarely have anyone new to discuss it with.”

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