Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set (21 page)

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Chapter Three




As we’re finishing up the pizzas, and the guys are finishing up their beer, I get a call on my cell phone.  “Detective Vaden.” 

“Hello, Detective.  We’ve found the boy you were calling about earlier.  He was at the bus station.  He’ll be reunited with his mother shortly.”  The woman on the other end of the line must be the same person I spoke to earlier.

“Thank you so much for calling to let me know, ma’am.  I sure do appreciate it.”

“You’re very welcome.  Glad it worked out for you,” she says, then the line goes empty.  Just as she hangs up, the phone in the hotel room rings.

“Answer it,” I say, as I glance over at Tony.  He nods and heads toward the desk.  I hear him say hello, and I stare at his back.  He turns slightly away from me.  He still doesn’t trust that I won’t get angry again about his kids.  That hurts me a little, even though I deserve it.  I frown at him, because he can’t see me.

“Did they find Max?  Is he okay?”  I tear my eyes away from Tony, to look into Burke’s brown eyes.  He seems genuinely concerned.

“Why are you here, Killian?” I snap, as quietly as I can, so that Tony doesn’t hear me. 

“I like your boyfriend.  He’s a great guy.  Plus, I was worried about the kid.”  He takes his last swig of beer, so he doesn’t have to feel the weight of my glare any longer.

“But why are you here, eating pizza and drinking beer with us?”  I clarify my point, as if I needed to.

“Did I interrupt something?”  His keen brown eyes are on mine, and it’s my turn to look away.  “God, you two are like bunnies.”  He says it with an uncomfortable laugh. 

I’m not angry, really.  I’m just horny.  I shouldn’t be either, because we fooled around this morning.  It’s just Tony, and how he makes me feel.  I look back at him, and try to hide my smile from Killian.  “I want to thank you, really, for allowing me to spend time with him.   Also, thanks for helping out with Max.” 

“But…”  Killian encourages, waiting on me to continue.

“No but, just my sincere gratitude.”  I give him a weak smile.

“This really is a new you.  There was zero sarcasm in that statement.”  I refuse to take the bait.  I simply smile.  “Ariel is having dinner with her parents,” he informs me. 

“And you’re here, with us, so you can tell her you couldn’t go to dinner with her parents because you’re working?”  I can’t help but interrogate him, and try to find his hidden motives.  It’s what I do.

“Something like that,” he admits, and sips his beer.

“Please tell me your girlfriend’s name isn’t really Ariel.  How old is she, eleven?”

“She’s twenty-five.”  I open my mouth to comment on the age difference, as Killian is five years older than me.  But before I can, he holds up his hand and says, “Sixteen years, Lani.”  I close my mouth quickly, and glance up just as Tony hangs up the phone and turns around.

“That was Lauren.  Lucy is on her way to get Max at the police station.  That’s all that she knows right now, except that he’s fine, and was at a bus station.”  His eyes are on me.  I see a hint of fear in them as he says, “You don’t think he was trying to come here, do you?”

“I don’t know, dear.”  I shrug, as I reach out to him.  He sits beside me on the couch, and I place my hand on his shoulder.  “How can I help you?”  He shakes his head, and rubs his hands together nervously. 

“I’m glad everything’s okay.  I think it’s time for me to go now,” Killian announces, and stands to leave.  “I’ll see you soon.”

“I need to go to the gym.  I’m going stir crazy in this room,” Tony blurts out, and stands up when Killian does.

Killian glances at me briefly, then back at Tony.  “I don’t care, as long as Doctor Foster doesn’t mind.”  Tony nods, and reaches out to shake his hand.  “I’ll let the guard know.” 

“Thanks,” Tony calls out, as Killian leaves.

He places his hand on his forehead, with the heel of his palm on his temple, and groans loudly.  “I almost wish I was still in prison.”

“No, dear.  Don’t think that way.”  I reach out for him, but he moves away. 

“I’m going back, anyway.  When Burke is finished with me, he’ll send me back to prison.”  He walks away from me, and opens another bottle of beer. 

“Thinking that way won’t help,” I insist. 

“What will help, Lani?  Huh?” he demands.  He turns away from me, and chugs the beer.  As he’s doing it, I quietly stand up, and wrap my arms around his waist.  It is incredibly small compared to the rest of him, or maybe his huge chest just makes his waist seem smaller.  “I can’t help them, Lani, and it’s killing me.”  He doesn’t pull away this time.  He places his right arm over mine.

“Why don’t you let me see what I can work out with Killian?” I plead. 

“What’s he gonna do?  Arrange a field trip to Pittsburgh?  Maybe we can catch a hockey game while we’re there?”  He’s obviously discouraged, and it hurts. 

“Maybe my dad can go with us.  He loves hockey.”  I say it seriously.  He chuckles, thankfully.  “I’m sorry, Tony.”  I hold him tighter, and rub my cheek against the warm, soft skin of his back.  “I’m so sorry.”




Her voice changes sometimes, and even if I’m not looking at her, I know how she’s feeling, and maybe even what she’s thinking.  I can tell, in those moments, that she really has feelings for me.  I mean, I know she cares about me, she broke me out of prison for the love of God.  But there are times when her hard exterior fools even me, until times like now.  She can be so tender and loving…

She’s a woman, I remind myself, as I feel one of her hands hesitantly stroking my belly button, then lower toward the elastic waistband of my pants.  A few moments ago I would have stopped her, because of my anger.  But I don’t.  I let her normally hidden softness soothe my frustrations, and my anguish.

When her fingers move past the fabric, I shiver.  I can’t control the feelings that rush over me when she touches me: hope, strength, calmness, excitement, expectation, and love.  “Lani,” I groan, as her fingertips lightly trace the lines of my flaccid penis. 

“Tony,” she sighs, as her other hand trails up my chest, and I know she’s going for my nipples.  It’s so damn unfair how my body reacts to her.  She owns me, body and soul, and I don’t want myself back.  I want to be hers.

When her soft, delicate touch finds her target, I hear my breath exhale.  I was holding it in, hoping that this time maybe I could control my response.  But I can’t.  Then, as if to make sure I know that I’m hers, she grabs hold of my cock tightly, and it jerks against her hand.  “Baby, do you know what you’re starting?”

“Tell me,” she moans.  I turn around and face her.  She’s gazing up at me with her sweet little smile, and I just want to melt into her.  “I like the way you narrate.”

I stare at her for several moments.  One light brown brow rises, and she licks her top lip.  “I’m gonna put myself so far inside your hot little pussy you’re gonna beg me to stop,” I warn her, as I wrap my right arm around her and carry her toward my bedroom.

“Promises, promises,” she taunts me, as her fingers find my nipples again.  I growl at her, before I drop her onto the bed.  She’s grinning her sassy little grin.  “Go get a towel,” she reminds me.

I nod, and run to the bathroom.  When I return, she’s topless and wiggling out of her sensible trousers.  “I swear to God, Lani, you are exquisite.  You make my heart hurt, just looking at you.”

She bites her lip, and crooks her finger at me.  I drop my pants, and step out of them.  She’s got me so hard I feel light-headed, as usual.  All the blood rushes from my brain, and I can’t think, I can only feel.  I hand her the towel, and just as I’m about to crawl on top of her, she reminds me, “The condom.”

“Okay,” I sigh, and grab one out of the nightstand.  She bought a huge box of them, but we haven’t used any of them until now.  So I’m fumbling to get it open.  It’s like even the manufacturers are fucking working against me.  They must have glued it with superglue, and I just want to be inside her. 

“I don’t know why we have to use these,” I complain, as she opens the box and hands a foil wrapped condom to me.  “I wouldn’t mind if you got pregnant.” 

She reaches out and softly caresses my thigh.  “Not yet,” she says lightly.  I nod, as I finally get it open, and slide it on. 

“You’re the boss.”  It comes out in a half-sigh, half-moan as I’m crawling on top of her.  She knows I’ll do whatever she wants, whatever she says. 

She finds my nipples immediately, and I shiver again for her.  “Now, make me beg you to stop,” she challenges me.  She makes my insides ache. 

“You don’t know what you’re in for,” I warn her, but she merely grins, and reaches her hands up and around my neck. 

“Maybe I do,” she sighs, and right before she kisses me her green eyes close.  I bury myself deep inside her, and she thrusts her hips up into me, while wrapping her legs around my waist.  Her hands move over my back, up and down my spine.  I don’t release her mouth, because I know the guard would come running if he heard her screaming.  And she does scream.  I think it’s just for me, but I have no way of knowing, and I’ll be damned if I ask Burke.

I still have my eyes wide open, even though all I can see is her cheek and her still blonde hair.  I flex my hips into her, as deep as I can, and she’s moaning against my mouth.  Even with the condom on, I feel the head hitting that spot that makes her crazy. 

Every time I think,
we’ve done it so many times I’ll be able to hold back
.  But I feel her muscles tighten around me, around the part of my cock that the condom doesn’t cover, and she’s so wet, and tight, and soft.  She makes me forget I want to make it last longer.  She makes me forget everything, except being inside her.  He body starts to shake, and her muffled noises are getting louder.  She couldn’t beg me to stop, even if she wanted to.  She buries her nails into my shoulders, and shudders as she reaches her climax.  My balls are already so tight, as soon as I feel her orgasm, I come too.  I grunt into her mouth, as I empty my sperm into the condom. 

She giggles, and lets go of me to stretch out her spectacular body.  I release her mouth, and lean back to look down at her.  She’s licking her lip, as if tasting me on her tongue still.  I shake my head, unable to believe that this beautiful woman is with me.  I can’t believe she wants me. 

And when she says, “I love you, Tony,” it shocks me, even though she’s said it before.  It shocks me every time I hear it.  Because I have absolutely nothing, and she still wants me.  I can give her nothing, and she still loves me.  I’m afraid my heart might explode from it.

“I wish I still smoked.  Maybe it would help calm my heart rate,” I say.  She frowns at me.  I hate it when she frowns.  “I haven’t had one in well over a decade, I’m not going to start now,” I assure her, and roll over onto my back.  I would squash the tiny little thing if I tried to lie on top of her.

“Good,” she proclaims, because she knows she’s the boss, and crawls on top of me.  She uses my right shoulder as her pillow, and my torso as her mattress, as she wiggles around on top of me until she gets comfortable.  I just got off, and she’s gonna turn me on all over again.  I sigh, and rub my right hand over her soft, blonde hair.

“Tony,” she says, with a tone that tells me something’s on her mind.

“What, baby?”  I lean forward, and kiss the top of her head. 

“Does it bother you that I’m so much younger than you?”  She glances up at me, with those expressive green eyes of hers, and I see that she’s worried.  She’s worried that I won’t want her.  I’m still a prisoner, even if I am in protective custody.  There are probably people out there who want me dead.  I’ve been shot.  They’ve already tried to assassinate Lani.  She got herself into this mess because she saved my life.  My worthless, miserable life.  And she’s afraid I won’t want her.

“No, baby.  Nothing about you bothers me,” I answer honestly.  Then I lift one eyebrow, and gaze at her.  “Except for your snoring, of course.”

“I don’t snore,” she replies sharply.  But then she glances away for a moment, and I see her doubting herself, wondering if she really does snore.  “I don’t snore.”

“Uh, huh, you just keep telling yourself that.”  I try to keep my expression as emotionless as possible. 

She lets out a frustrated cry, rolls over, and crosses her arms over her bare breasts.  “I don’t snore,” she reiterates, loudly.

“Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s the other hot blonde who sneaks into my room in the evening,” I continue.  She tries to give me a dirty look, with those sparkling emerald eyes.  I roll over with her, and nuzzle against her neck as she half-heartedly tries to push me away.  For some reason, I love getting her riled up.  I love the look in her eyes when I tease her. 

Her eyes grow wide, and she scoffs loudly.  “There better not be another girl in your room!”  Then she stops struggling, wraps her arms around me, and tries to pull me in to kiss her.  “You’d better never be with another woman ever again,” she says seductively, possessively.  And my cock is hard for her all over again. 



Chapter Four




As soon as I enter the precinct Lieutenant Barrett calls out to me, “Get in here, Vaden.” 

I haven’t even sat down at my desk yet, and he’s already yelling at me.  I straighten my shoulders, smooth out my pantsuit, and stride toward his office.  He’s sitting down behind his desk.  He leans back, and he clasps his hands in his lap.  That brings my eyes to his crotch, but I quickly glance back up to his eyes.  They are ice cold.  He looks very serious, and in need of an orgasm. 

“Close the door,” he says, when I enter.

I close it behind me, then turn toward him.  He’s staring at a file, open on his desk.  After several moments he tears his eyes away from it, and when he glances up at me his blue eyes make me shiver.  I have no idea why he’d be so angry at me.

“Do you want to tell me why my signature is on the faked transfer documents that got you admitted into the Farmingdale jail?”  Except for that.  That might make him mad.

“I didn’t think you’d mind,” I hedge, and cross my arms in front of myself protectively.  “I really didn’t think about it, I just wanted to find out who killed Addy.”

“You didn’t think about forging my name on an official document,” he continues, with a tone as cold and hard as his eyes.  I shake my head.  “Because you were fucking me, you thought you could do whatever you wanted, and there would be no consequences.” 
Basically yea, that’s what I thought
.  But I won’t say that out loud, not while he’s pissed off.  “Well, you’re not fucking me anymore, are you?”

And with that statement, I realize what this is all about.  He’s pissed that we’re not still having sex.  His wife hasn’t slept with him in months.  He thinks she’s fooling around with a co-worker.  That sounds familiar.  So, I guess he’s going to take it out on me.

“Who faked the documents, Vaden?” he demands.

“I did, L.T.,” I lie.  “I did it.”

“Who escorted you to the jail?”  I bite my bottom lip.  “Come on, you didn’t just stroll into the jail all by yourself.”

“No one,” I lie again. 

“So, you’re not going to tell me, are you?”  He’s glaring at me, but I can see there’s a hint of desperation there too.  He wants me to come back to him, and take care of his sexual needs.  But, I won’t.

“No,” I reply, firmly, to his question, and to sex.

“You’re suspended, without pay, until you tell me who helped you,” he states, coldly. 

I want to cry out.  I want to fight.  But I don’t.  I know what’s behind this.  I walk toward him, place my hands on the edge of his desk, and lean forward.  “If I was still fucking you, would I be suspended?”

“That’s not what this is about,” he counters, but I don’t believe him.  “This is about you breaking the rules, and thinking you can get away with it, Vaden.”  But he’s staring at my tits the entire time he says it.

I remove my badge and my gun, and place them on the desk in front of him.  “Whatever,” I reply flippantly, as I turn away.  I throw open the door, dramatically, and stride out of his office the same way I strode in.

Jamie sees me, and asks, “What was that about?”

“I’m suspended for finding out who killed Addison, and busting the prison fights wide open.”  I shrug, and slap him on the shoulder.  “Don’t worry, he’ll get over it and he’ll be fine.”



Forty minutes later I’m knocking on Killian’s office door.  I know he’s in there, because I had to check in downstairs.  Just as I’m about to knock again, he throws the door open.  “We’ve just heard from the attorney who is defending one of the guards.  He wants to make a deal,” he says excitedly. 

“In exchange for what?” I wonder aloud, as he waves me inside.

“Lesser charges to implicate Drake, the medical examiner, and the corporation behind the prison.  He’s going to talk about all of it,” Killian declares victoriously.

“That’s great,” I say, and sit down in the chair across from his.  “I need a favor.”

“You mean, besides the fact that I let you spend the night with a Federal prisoner who’s in protective custody?” he teases. 

“Thank you again, really,” I sigh.  “I can’t thank you enough for that.”

“Not a problem.  My boss’s boss knows who I am now, and there’s an opening in DC with my name on it.”  He’s as happy as a pig in slop.  He’s grinning from ear to ear, and I’m glad.  It might make this easier.

“I need a job.”  There’s no other way to say it.  “Can you help me?”

“Get you on at the Bureau?  Are you sure?”  I shrug, and look away.  “I thought you loved being a cop.”

“I got suspended,” I inform him.  “Falsifying official documents.”

“Have your dad smooth it over with your lieutenant,” he says.  “What’s the big deal?”

“I was sleeping with him, and I broke it off…” 

“When you met Tony,” Killian finishes.  I nod.  “That man must be an animal in bed,” he starts.

“Killian, don’t,” I implore.

“To have Melanie Vaden acting like a lap dog,” he continues.

“Killian,” I groan.  “It’s not like that.”  But how can I explain to my ex-boyfriend that I’ve finally fallen in love?  Jamie teased me about it, but it’s true.  I’ve never felt this way before, and it’s as shocking to me as it is to everyone else. 

“Sorry,” he says with a huge grin.  “It just feels good saying it out loud.”

“Can you help me?”  I hate asking him.  I mean, I know I just took his career to another level, but I hate owing him, even more than I already do.

“Did you tell your dad?”  He stares into my eyes as he asks me.

“No, I didn’t tell my dad.  How am I supposed to tell him that I was fucking my lieutenant?”  I tap my fingers on the arm of the chair. 

“I’ll see what I can do, Lani.  There are forms you can fill out, and tests you’ll have to take.  But your record is spotless, besides this.”  I squint my eyes at him, wondering how he knows that.  He shrugs.  “Are you sure you want to make this kind of commitment?  I mean, what happens if you’re pregnant in a month or two?”

I shake my head.  But I can’t say that I won’t be.  “I don’t know.”

He makes a phone call, asking someone to retrieve forms with letters and numbers in the name.  “I’ll get you the forms.  You have to fill them out and bring them back.”

“Okay,” I agree.  Within minutes, a young woman knocks and hands him a manila envelope, which he hands to me.  “Thanks,” I say sincerely.




I’m struggling to button the pants that Lani bought me, the black ones.  Mr. Worthington wants to come by, and I don’t want to look like a slob.  I’m this close to asking the guard outside my door to help me out, when I hear a knock.  It’s too early for Worthington, and way too early for Lani.  I open it, and she’s standing on the other side, with a frown and a manila envelope.

“Hi, baby.  It’s a little early for you to be off work, isn’t it?” I ask, as I step aside to let her in.  “But since you’re here,” I say, and point down at the pants.

She closes the door and smiles at me.  “I could work out some frustrations.”  My dick jerks in response to her comment.  I close my eyes momentarily, and feel her fingers against my stomach.  I inhale deeply, and hold the breath.  She fastens the button swiftly, then zips the pants.  “You aren’t going commando?”

“No,” I admit with a grin.  “Zippers scare me.  Button my shirt.”

“Bossy,” she grumbles, but she fastens the buttons on the dark grey shirt. 

“What are you doing here so early, baby?” I ask, as I look down at her.

“I was suspended.”  I lift my eyebrow.  “Apparently my lieutenant is pissed that we’re not still sleeping together.  Why are you actually wearing clothes, and underwear?”

I sigh loudly.  “Worthington is supposed to be stopping by.”  The pants are a little snug around my waist, but I’ll be damned if I tell her that.  I look in the mirror, and ask, “How do I look?”  Yea, I’m fishing for compliments, but I love hearing her tell me I’m good looking.  Fine, I need positive reinforcement.  Doesn’t everyone?

“You look beautiful,” she states.  “You look great.”  Her eyes are so wide, and her tone is so husky, I actually believe her.  She places her hand on my cheek, and smiles up at me.  I can’t help but kiss her pretty mouth. 

“So what are you going to do about your suspension?  You gonna go to your dad?” I ask, after I steal a quick kiss. 

“I went to Killian.  Maybe I’ll join the Bureau.”  She shrugs, as if it’s no big deal. 

“That’s a big commitment,” I warn her.  “They’ll want you to sign your life over.”

“That’s what Killian said.  But I can’t work for Barrett anymore.”  I smile as she says it.  She doesn’t want to be around the man she slept with.  I can’t help but feel good about that. 

“I’ll support you, baby, whatever you want to do.”  I say it, but I don’t really mean it.  I don’t want her to work long hours, and travel all over the country.  I want her to be here, with me, making babies.

“Thank you, honey.”  Just as she says it, we hear a knock.  “You look great,” she reassures me, just as I open the door.

“Hello, Mr. Worthington,” I say formally, and reach out to shake his hand.

“Hello, son, I’ve heard from the Attorney General, and it’s good news.”  I wave him toward the couch, and I wait for him to sit before I join him.  Lani takes a seat at the desk, and opens the envelope she carried in.

“Tell me, what’s happened?” 

“The President has asked for a hearing on Capitol Hill.  He’s very likely to sign a pardon, however the hearing goes.”  He sounds extremely happy, but I’m not sure that’s enough.  I want the pardon.  I don’t want a damn hearing.  “I’ve heard from two competing publishers, also.  One is offering fifteen million, and another is offering twenty.”  When he says it, I glance over at Lani.  She doesn’t even look up from the papers.

“What do I need to sign?” I ask.  “Just give it to me.”

“Slow down,” he counters.  “If you sign the contract for twenty million, you’ll sign away any future rights to any movies or books, or any future revenue.”

“So, which one should I sign?”  There’s really no question about taking the money.  I need the money.

“Well, I countered both offers, and only negotiated for rights for one book.”  He pauses, I guess for dramatic flair.

“What?” I wonder aloud.  “What did they offer?”

“Ten million, for one book, and you keep the rights to negotiate a movie deal, any future books, or any action figures.”  He sounds even more excited.

“Action figures?”  I repeat.  That gets Lani’s attention.  She grins at me, but she quickly turns her attention back to the papers.

“It’s a good deal,” he assures me.  “And I’ll only take two million for myself.”

“Two million,” I echo, with a nod.  It’s a little surreal to contemplate giving someone that much money, when I literally have nothing.  No, wait, I have forty-five dollars.  I could take Lani out to a movie, and a burger, maybe.  “Two million?”  He nods, encouragingly.  “I’d like to sign it, but I’d like to talk to a financial planner as well.  Can you leave the contract with me?” 

“Of course,” he replies.  “No problem.  I hope to hear from you soon.”  He stands, shakes my hand, and I escort him out.

“Action figures,” I chuckle, as I place my hand on her shoulder.  “Why haven’t you died your hair back yet?”

She frowns at me, and asks, “Financial planner?” 

“Do you know someone?” I wonder aloud.  I rub her hair, as she gazes up at me. 

“We can figure something out,” she assures me.  “So, I brought something with me,” she says, and picks up a backpack.  She pulls out the cutest little hot pink bike shorts and running bra, and I can’t help but smile at her.  “What?  I like pink.”

“I like pink too, baby, especially yours.”  I place my thumb on her bottom lip.

“Did Doctor Dad okay you working out?” 

I shake my head.  “I haven’t asked him yet,” I admit.  “But you can still put that outfit on for me.” 

“Are you going to take the money?” she asks me, her tone far more serious than usual.

“Do you think I should?”  I can’t think about an amount of money that is hard to fathom, even for someone who isn’t a prisoner.  And that outfit is just lying there, beckoning my attention.  “Put on the outfit, baby, and we’ll talk about whatever you want to talk about.” 

The phone rings, and I jump to answer it.  Maybe it’s the kids.  When I do, I’m shocked to hear a voice I haven’t heard in more than a decade.  “Tony?  How are you?”

“Lucy?  Is that you?”  As I speak, Lani’s eyes grow wide, but then she quickly tries to hide her emotions.  “How is Max?”

Lani picks up the pink outfit, and shoves it back into her bag.  I reach out to stop her, and she grabs my hand and weaves her fingers through mine. 

“Max is fine.  He’s in school.  Can I ask you to do something for me?  Would you please stop giving the kids the hope that they can come see you?”  I roll my eyes, and shake my head.  I should have known the attitude was coming.

“Lucy, I’m not telling them I can see them.  I’ve told them that I’m still a prisoner.”  I try to calmly explain it all to her.

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