Protect and Serve (19 page)

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Authors: Gwyneth Bolton

BOOK: Protect and Serve
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Chapter 16

hen Jason rang the doorbell to Big Mama’s house, Penny was sort of shocked to see him. It was late, and she was about to go to bed. She hadn’t even changed into her pajamas. But after spending most of the evening and into the night talking, laughing and joking with her parents, and after almost having the life choked out of her earlier, she figured she was just going to drop off with her clothes still on, anyway.

Dry cleaning is such a wonderful thing…

Jason stepped into the foyer and wrapped her in his arms as soon as he stepped in. He kissed her on the cheek and inhaled.

“You’re not at my place.” He kissed her full on the lips. “I need you at my place. We have to talk.”

She didn’t dare hope that his “need” meant he had forgiven her. But she wasn’t about to argue with the man, either. If there was any a chance he could forgive her, she’d take it.

She told her parents she was leaving with Jason, and Carla gave her the thumbs-up.

Once they got outside, Penny wasn’t sure if she should drive her rental or not.

Jason told her to leave it, and they drove off in his SUV.

They made it to Jason’s town house in record time and with very little conversation. They just listened to the slow jams on the radio and rode.

And it seemed like every song played had a message for her. First they played Babyface’s “Never Keeping Secrets.” Then they played Stacy Lattisaw’s “Don’t Throw it All Away.” Denise Williams’s “It’s Gonna Take a Miracle” was the last straw. The soulful tune about how Williams did her man wrong and will never find another man like him made Penny tilt her head toward the sky and mouth,
Okay, enough already. I get it

By the time they started playing Heather Headley’s “In My Mind, I’ll Always Be His Lady,” Penny’s nerves had almost balled up in knots. She self-consciously rubbed the little scar on her eye and thought about leaping from the car. Thankfully, they were already at Jason’s place.

Once inside, they sat in the living room, and Jason just looked at her. After what felt like forever, but couldn’t have been more than a couple of minutes, he spoke.

“You scared me to death today, Pen. Here I was thinking you were here, perfectly safe, and you were in danger.” He reached out and touched the angry bruise on her neck. “I could have lost you today, and you wouldn’t even have known how much I love you.”

Penny let out a breath and opened her mouth before she realized she had no idea what to say or how to respond.

Jason loved her.

But could he forgive her? Did they stand a chance?

“I know I hurt you, Jason. I hurt you so bad. And I will never forgive myself for that. But—”

“I forgive you. I love you.”

She knew she’d never get tired of hearing that. “I love you, too.”

He kissed her. And of all the powerful and passionate kisses he’d laid on her since she’d been back home, this one struck her to her core. Emotions she’d thought she’d never feel again burst forth from her. She felt like she had felt the first time he kissed her.

Wild, untamed and finally free.

He stood, held out his hand and walked her to the bedroom.


Jason had the woman he loved in his home and in his arms. Admitting he loved her made it feel as if a heavy load had been lifted off his shoulders. When he ran into Gerald and realized Carla was alone and could be in danger, he’d rushed off to save Penny’s mother. Nothing could have prepared him for seeing Penny there and in danger, as well.

Markum had been carrying a gun. Luckily, he’d been too cocky to think he needed it with two women. And by the time he might have realized he needed it, the two women already had him at a disadvantage. But he still could have pulled that gun at any moment.

The thought of it gave Jason considerable pause.

The fact that the pimp had had the crap stomped out of him by women—one of whom he’d gotten hooked on drugs and degraded for years—was a case of stunningly perfect karma, as far as Jason was concerned.

Every time he looked at the bruises on Penny’s neck, he wished he’d been the one to stomp the man. It was all he could do to arrest him and not use excessive force.

Jason slowly took off all of Penny’s clothes and searched her body for any more bruises. There were a few on her back. And as he kissed each one, he silently thanked God they were only minor. Placing her on the bed, he paid homage to every inch of her curvy body with his lips. He couldn’t kiss her enough to make up for all the time they’d lost. But that wouldn’t stop him from trying. By the time he made his way up her body to her beautiful face, he found that tears were falling down her cheeks.

“What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”

She shook her head. “I’m just so happy. And at the same time I’m so scared I’m going to wake up and find none of this is real. That I really messed up, and it really is too late…I don’t want to lose you, Jason. I love you so much, and I wasted too much time.”

“This is real, and it’s not going anywhere. I want you to be my wife. And I sure hope you are ready to be a mother soon, because I want you to have my babies, Pen. I love you, and I want to marry you as soon as possible. So we will have to figure out how we’re going to do this. I’ve waited fifteen years. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

Penny smiled at him and let her hand caress his head and the back of his neck, causing sweet seductive chills to cover his skin.

“I’m ready to have your babies, and
beyond ready to be your wife. I think it’s time for Keys and Morales to open up an East Coast office. I can commute to the city from North Jersey pretty easily.”

“Now that’s what we like to hear.” Jason reached for the protection and covered himself, longing for the day when they wouldn’t need it.

But the next time she carried his child, she’d be Mrs. Jason Hightower.

He entered her in one full stroke, and the soft, heated core of her womanhood took his breath away. He covered her lips with his own and started the slow, seductive dance he was happy they would have the rest of their lives to continue.


Penny couldn’t help but smile as she arched her back and moved in tandem with Jason’s sure and solid strokes. Every time Jason had made love to her in the past few days had been special but this…after he’d professed his love…it felt magical….

She swiveled her hips to match the angles and dips of his. When he moved, she moved, and each time their pelvises connected she felt shock waves of pleasure pulsing through her.

“Feels so good, Jason. I love you so much.” She thrust her hips upward and let out a sharp cry. The climax rippling through her body caused her to see stars.

He nibbled on her neck and inhaled. “You are the most amazing woman I know. I’m so glad to finally have you back where you belong.”

He began to piston his hips back and forth, harder and faster, and she bounced up to meet him, plunge for plunge.

“Jason! Jason!” she screamed as another orgasm ripped through her.

“You’re amazing. You’re my heart. Let it loose, baby, and open your luscious mouth so I can taste of your sweetness.” Jason smiled, and Penny’s heart stuttered in the way she had come to expect every time the man showed that beautifully dimpled grin.

She came apart then, but she felt a startling sense of completion as she writhed on the bed and her sex clenched his for all it was worth. Her climax triggered his, and soon he was calling out her name and holding her tight.

It wasn’t too late.

And as Jason wrapped her in his arms, she’d never felt more protected or more loved.


he wedding had been about fifteen years in the making for Mount Zion, but finally Jason Hightower had the love of his life right where he wanted her.

Well, he would, once she made her way down the aisle.

The church looked lovely, all decorated in beautiful bronze and off-white. The creamy floral arrangements had the sanctuary smelling heavenly, and the pews were filled with family and friends. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that the bride hadn’t made it down the aisle yet.

Jason glanced over at his new best man and took a deep breath. If anyone had ever told him he and Terrill would be friends again, he’d have laughed in his face.

Luckily, Terrill had been willing and able to stand in for him when Joel got called away to fight an out-of-control warehouse fire in downtown Paterson.

They’d thought about holding off on the wedding when Joel had to leave, but Joel had reminded them of how long they’d waited. And he’d promised to try to make it back for at least some of the reception.

Jason only hoped his brother would be okay and was happy his oldest brother, Patrick, wasn’t on call and could be there to share their special day.

Terrill winked at him and smiled. “You’re not getting cold feet, are you?”

Jason shook his head. “No, man, I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

“He’s just scared Penny might have changed her mind and decided she could do better.” Patrick smirked and elbowed Lawrence.

“She can do better. There are three other Hightower brothers who are just as deserving of a woman who can cook all of Mama’s signature dishes,” Lawrence joked.

Patrick laughed. “All you think about is food.” His face turned serious. “Baby bro, maybe you should be getting a little nervous. I mean, she is taking a minute to make it down here. And where are Mama and Aunt Sophie?”

“I don’t know.” Lawrence glanced up the aisle and then stared at Jason with a teasing glint in his eyes. “But it can’t be good. See, baby bro, you should have picked me as your best man…No offense to Joel or Terrill. But we are brothers in blood
brothers in blue. I can’t believe you picked Joel! And then you went with Terrill when Joel got called away. You know I bring the good luck, man.”

Terrill just laughed. Clearly, he remembered enough about the Hightower brothers to know this was not an argument he wanted a piece of.

“Who said you would have been the best man, Lawrence? Please. I’m the oldest. I’m the one who taught you guys the airtight game you need to be able to even…” Patrick started talking, but Jason blocked him out and kept his eyes on the door.

What is taking her so long?


Carla glared at Sophie. “All I know is, somebody needs to tell her to keep her thoughts to herself before I break my foot off in her behind. That’s
I’m saying.”

Penny was torn between helping her mother put the older woman in check and pulling Carla back. She decided to just pull her back. “Not today, Mommy. We’re going to have to learn how to ignore miserable people.”

“Penny is right.” Celia Hightower rolled her eyes at her sister-in-law and started to help Penny with her dress so that they could exit. “Besides, if anyone is going to have the pleasure of breaking her foot off anywhere, it will be me, if Sophie does anything more to put a blemish on the wedding I have been waiting for since these children were ten years old.” She patted Penny’s cheek. “What do you think I gave you all my recipes for, girl? You have to marry my son to keep that kind of info.”

Sophie started to speak up. “I didn’t even say anything wrong. I simply—”

“You talking slick! And I’m not gonna have much more of it. This is my baby’s big day, and
ain’t gonna ruin it, you old bat. You need to go on ahead and get out of here while you can still walk. I might be small, but I pack a mean punch.” Carla balled up her fists and placed them at her side.

“Well, I never!” Sophie huffed and left the dressing room.

“Well, that’s obvious for the world to see. And with your attitude, we can all see
you never!” Carla hollered after Sophie.

Penny couldn’t help but laugh. She hugged Carla, and felt nothing but joy and warmth flood her body when Carla wrapped her arms around her and hugged her back.

If the love of her life wasn’t waiting for her, she might have stood there soaking up her mother’s love forever. It felt good to know she had had it all along.

“Okay, let’s go and make an honest woman out of me. I’ve kept this man waiting fifteen years, and I don’t want to keep him waiting one minute more.” She walked out and placed her hand in her father’s hand.

“You look beautiful, Penny.”

“Thanks, Pops. You ready to give me away?”

Gerald shook his head, and a hesitant smile crossed his lips. “No. I feel like I just got you. But I like this Hightower guy…So, I guess I can let you go.”

“I can promise I’ll never be far away. I’m glad you’re in my life now.”

A tear fell down Gerald’s cheek, and he nodded.

Once they entered the sanctuary, Penny’s eyes went immediately to Jason’s. He was there waiting for her, and looking as handsome as ever in his tux. The gleam of happiness that flooded his eyes when he saw her was something she knew she would never get tired of seeing.

When he smiled and those perfect teeth and that sexy dimple made their appearance, her heart stopped and restarted in a quick and steady pace that left her breathless. She hoped she could get used to that sudden stilling of her pulse, because she intended to keep her man in smiles for a long time to come.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-1928-5


Copyright © 2008 by Gwendolyn D. Pough

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