Protect Me (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

BOOK: Protect Me
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“Is she ok?” Abbi watched as Ashley walked up the stairs.

“I don’t know, she has been really moody lately. But I don’t deserve the bitch treatment because someone is interested in me not her.” Judy said firmly.

Abbi just nodded, but with respect for not getting in between her friends situation, she ended the conversation and got back into helping Judy set up the bar. It was going to be a busy night, and since she had been home, Abbi had gotten used to sleeping during the night and being up and awake during the day. She could already feel her body becoming sluggish. She would power through, it had been enough of a fight with Ryan for her to even come to work and to top it off he wanted to send a bodyguard to keep an eye out for her while she was there. Talk about an uncomfortable situation.
Oh hi, yeah this is my bodyguard what can I get you to drink?

As the night pressed on she found herself running on auto pilot. She attempted to drink an energy drink to give her a little extra boost of energy. It had helped, until it started to wear off and then she felt worse than before. It was only rounding midnight and she knew that she would have a few more hours to go before it would be time to leave. She felt a hand grasp her shoulder as she stood in the cooler grabbing a bottle of wine for an order. She jumped and immediately turned around, not having expected anyone to be in here with her.

“Whoa, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to check and see how you were doing. You look a little exhausted.” Trent stood looking her over.

“I’m ok. I’m just trying to get back into the routine that’s all.”

“Well why don’t you head on out. The girls have got this covered and I have to meet an associate shortly to go over some financial plans, so they can take care of closing up.”

She cut him off mid-sentence “I am fine Trent. Damnit, why does everyone keep walking around acting like I am made of glass?” The irritation growing in her voice.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just thought you might want to get some rest.”

“I’m sorry Trent, yes you’re right. I’m exhausted and now I’m getting moody. I don’t know how this is something I can do for years and in a week’s time I feel like this is my first time staying up late.” She exhaled a deep breath.

“Well, how about this. Just head up to my office and take a breather. There’s some pizza up there, get you something to eat and then when you’re ready come on back down.” He reached out and patted her shoulder.

“Ok, I will do that.” She headed back out of the cooler with the bottle of wine. Pouring the drink for her customer she made her way over to Judy. “Hey, I am gonna go take five. I will be right back ok?” She handed the glass to the customer and reached down into her purse and grabbed her cell phone.

“Sure, take as long as you need. We are good here.” Judy smiled back at Abbi.

She made her way around the bar top and towards the stairs. Once she reached the top landing she stepped inside the brightly lit hallway and made her way down to Trent’s office. She felt as if she were invading his space as she opened the door and let herself in. Her mind flitting back to the night she had overheard the unusual conversation between him and that creepy guy. She made her way over and sat down at his desk. Who was she kidding, she was exhausted. She knew she were just being stubborn by pushing herself to stay tonight. A part of her felt like she should just tough it out and the other part of her just wanted to say the hell with it and go home.

She leaned back in his chair as she flipped open the top to the pizza box. She wasn’t hungry, and food would just make her more tired at this point. She unlocked her phone screen and hit her contacts button scrolling down until she saw the newly updated picture of her and Ryan next to his contact name. She had taken it the afternoon they had gone to the chocolatier. She smiled at the thought of how much fun they had. She was too tired to fight at this point. She really just wanted to be home, with Ryan. She pressed the dial button as she put the phone to her ear.

It rang twice “Babe, are you ok?” His voice came through the receiver.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just really tired and I don’t think I am going to make it until closing. Is there any way you could come and get me?” She could hear the exhaustion in her own voice.

“Of course I can, I will be there in just a few minutes. What do you say you come back and stay at my house tonight? I can have anything you need brought over, or picked up and delivered.” He sounded hopeful that she would say yes.

“Um, sure. I would love that.” She smiled into the phone as it reflected through her voice.

“Ok, I will see you in a just a few minutes.”

“Ok, see you soon.”

She pressed end on the screen, and was startled when she saw the door open to Trent’s office. At first she thought that maybe he had left something and was returning to get it before he went to his meeting. When she looked up to the man in front of her, she realized it wasn’t Trent. A tall clean cut Hispanic man stood just inside the door, dressed in a designer suit and shoes, with a dark patch of facial hair covering his upper lip and chin. She immediately shot up out of the chair. The invasion of privacy immediately making her feel uneasy.

“Excuse me, I didn’t mean to startle you, Ms. Hastings” He held his hand up as if to excuse himself for barging in. “I was looking for Mr. Williams but apparently he is not in this evening.” He carried the same deep Hispanic accent as the man who had been in the office with Trent before.

“Uh, no Trent left for a business meeting.” She looked puzzled. She had never met this man before in her life. How did he know her name? “I’m sorry, who are you?”

“Forgive me for being rude, I am Mr. Hernandez.” He extended his hand to her. She studied it carefully before extending hers to him. “Mr. Williams has explained that the two of you are particularly close aside from your working relationship. Please tell me who might he be meeting with tonight? I didn’t realize that Mr. Williams had any other associates aside from myself.”

“Oh, no Trent and I aren’t in a relationship.” She took her hand back and shook her head. Where on earth would he have gotten that idea? Why is Trent telling people they were together? Why did he think he knew so much about her? The questions began piling up in her head. She didn’t know this guy from a homeless man off the side of the road.

“No need to explain anything to me, I pass no judgment on how he runs the business. I can assure you I won’t report it back to HR.” He gave her a sideways grin as he stepped closer to the desk.

She felt the sudden urge to get out of there. She wasn’t sure what this man was here for, but she could tell that it wasn’t anything that she wanted to be involved in.

“Listen, Mr. Hernandez, I really have no idea why you’re here. I also have no idea where Trent is or who he is meeting. So I should just be on my way.” She made a step towards the door.

“By all means, I understand you have a very important job to do. However I would like for you to pass along some information for me, I want my money. And I don’t like having to wait.” His tone suddenly turned very serious.

“Listen, I have about twenty dollars in my wallet. If that will cover it than I will go get it right now. If not, then I think you’re talking to the wrong person.” She edged her way a little closer to the exit at the side of the room.

“You’re very funny, Ms. Hastings. I would hate to have to break that funny bone of yours because of your boyfriend’s misjudgment in my patience.” He reached towards her and she flinched back. He recoiled his hand, “Please pass the message on to him, and let him know that I will be back, soon.” With that he turned and headed towards the door.

An eerie silence transcended throughout the office. It was so quite her ears were ringing. She needed to get out of here. She didn’t give a damn if she had to wait outside for Ryan she was not going to stay in this building any longer tonight. She found herself very jumpy as she made her way out of the office and down the hallway, checking over her shoulder every few steps. The feeling that someone was going to jump out from behind a door caused her to almost run. Relief flooded through her body as she made her way out of the door and down towards the bar counter. She nudged her way through the crowd as she found Judy standing just towards the end of the bar.

“Hey, if you girls are ok for tonight, I think I am going to head out.” Abbi looked at Judy to see any hint of an untruthful answer.

“No, we are good girl. Ashley is actually in better spirits. She found some man to tweak her nipples later so maybe she will be over her pissy mood.” Judy chuckled. “How are you getting home?”

Abbi’s cheeks blushed “Ryan’s coming to pick me up. We are actually going back to his house tonight.” She couldn’t help the beaming smile on her face.

“What? You go girl!” Judy gave Abbi a high five.

“Yeah, yeah. We will see. Hey do you know where Trent went off to tonight? There was some guy upstairs looking for him.”

“No, he just said that he had a meeting with an associate. I assumed it was another bar owner, since I don’t know what kind of associate meets up with someone at this time of the night. Knowing him, he just needed a night off to go unwind.”

Abbi could tell that Judy knew as much as she did about what was going on, so she felt no need in filling her into the conversation she had just had with the unpleasant man upstairs. The uneasiness from a few minutes ago began to pass from her system. She knew that the next time she saw Trent that she would lay into his ass and give him the third degree, but until then she wouldn’t bring it back up. She grabbed her bag from under the counter, after telling the girl’s goodnight she made her way through the club towards the front door. The adrenaline from the earlier conversation had now worn off and she was dead tired. Just as she stepped outside into the crisp night air she saw Ryan’s familiar black 4Runner pull up along the curb. She made her way over to the car as he came around opening the door for her.

“Well hello there beautiful. Your chariot awaits.” He grinned as he helped her up into the truck. She laid back against the seat as he made his way back inside the car. “Seatbelt, I want to keep you in one piece if for some reason we got into an accident.” He leaned across her body pulling her seatbelt down and fastening it for her.

She smiled. It was adorable how protective he was over her.

“You look completely exhausted, let’s get you home.” He planted a quick peck on her lips before turning back to steer the truck out towards traffic, and heading in the direction of his house.


“Babe, we are here.” He gently shook Abbi’s arm in an attempt to wake her. “Come on, you gotta wake up beautiful. Or else I am going to carry you inside.”

“What, huh? Oh, are we here?” Abbi’s voice sounded slightly confused.

“Yes, welcome to my humble abode.” He smiled over at her sleepy face.

He watched her as she took in the front of the large white Mediterranean style three story home. He had fallen in love with the homey feel of the sandstone and wrought iron that twisted like ivy up the stair well and along the front deck. The small front yard boasted a mixture of tropical vegetation that complimented the backyard and flower beds that ran along each side of the driveway. Large red and brown cobblestone took up the remaining front area and wound down towards the wrought iron entry gate. He saw her eyes get bigger as she leaned forwards enabling her to see all the way to the top floor.

“Holy hell, how many people live here?” She glanced over at Ryan.

“Just myself. Oh and Trish, she stays here permanently, the other staff only stay on a temporary basis when she is gone.” He was beginning to feel slightly embarrassed at the enormous showing of his wealth standing in front of him. He could only hope that she would fall in love with its beauty as much as he had.  “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

He exited the truck and made it to her door before she could open it herself. Helping Abbi out of the truck he ushered her towards the stairs winding up to the large Spanish style wooden door. His heart pounded in his chest as they got closer to the house, this would be the first time that she had been at his house. This would also be the first time that he had her in his bed, but he was damn sure that she wouldn’t be anywhere else from this point forward. Unlocking the front door he held it closed for added anticipation. After a scolding look from Abbi he swung the door open and led her into the foyer.

“Ryan, your house is beautiful.” He could hear the slight gasp come from her mouth.

“Thank you, I fell in love with it because it actually felt like a home.” For the first time in a long time he took a second to look and admire its beauty as well. The stairs to their left led up to the second and third floors. And from the foyer you would just see into the great room across the hall. The beautiful white and silver marbled floor flowed throughout the first floor reflecting the lights and shadows spilling in from all of the windows.

“Can you give me a tour?” She looked at him in excitement.

“I would love to, how about in the morning? We can have breakfast on the terrace before I head to work.”

“That would be amazing.” She grinned up at him.

“For now, I would like to get you upstairs and into some of those sexy pajamas you like to wear.” He reached down scooping her up over his shoulder.

Abbi let out a squeal as he made his way up the flights of stairs towards the third floor. He slapped her playfully across her butt as he made his way up.

“You call your t-shirts and sweat pants sexy pajamas? Easy to please I see!”

“Shh, you are gonna wake the neighborhood.”

“Put me down, I can walk you know.” Abbi giggled as she bounced along on his shoulder.

“No chance.” He smacked her again.

As he made his way to the third floor he could feel her hands start to travel, first from his shoulders down his back, and then down to his ass, her hands slowly sliding into his back pockets in exploration. Apparently someone was trying to play dirty. He made it into his room, flipping the small lamp on that sat in the corner of the enormous bedroom with his elbow, splashing dim light throughout the room. He stood in front of the large cedar four poster bed and carefully plopped her down as she squirmed and laughed. He placed his hands on his hips, leaning over as he took dramatic deep breaths from the exertion of climbing up three flights of stairs.

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