PullMyHair (4 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry

BOOK: PullMyHair
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Unlike Karina, Liza was always
. Hair just
right, nails manicured.

She kept her personal opinions to herself; that she thought
Liza had shut off a part of herself when she left the old neighborhood. That
she was in such denial about who she was and needed to come to terms with the
fact that her life in poverty was nothing to be ashamed of.

It didn’t define who she was as a person.

“Well?” she demanded, not allowing Liza to hide. Her friend
took a deep breath and started to speak.

“I think he might be having an affair with his assistant,
but I’m not sure…” she started and the fork of pasta that was on the way to
making its way to Karina’s mouth halted mid-way.

“What? Why would you think that?”

“Have you seen her? She’s gorgeous and he drops everything
the minute she calls,” Liza answered, glumly.

“There are a lot of gorgeous women in the world Liza! You’re
gorgeous! Girl, that doesn’t make any darn sense!”

“He sure does leap whenever she calls. What other reason
would a man turn down sex? And not just any old sex. I’m talking ‘smack me up,
tie me down, lick me all over ‘til I scream for friggin’ mercy’ sex!!”

“Greg turned down sex with you? No way!”

“Yeah, he did,” she said gloomily and proceeded to tell her
what happened earlier in the day.


“If he’s not cheating then what in the world is going on and
how do I try and fix this mess?” Liza ended her story and looked Karina
straight in the eye and asked her the question, point blank.

The time for shame and her continual need for
self-preservation were long past. She wanted answers. And she knew Kari loved
her and would tell it to her straight. She waited as Karina pushed her
wire-framed glasses further up her nose, pooched out her mouth and made a small
sucking sound with her teeth.

Whenever Karina did that, she was in
Liza suppressed a smile despite the frustration and uncertainty she felt.
Karina always made her smile.

“Welll…” she began, stretching the word out as far it could
possibly go, “I don’t think Greg is cheating on you. I really don’t. But can I
be honest here without you getting upset?” she asked and Liza saw a quick flash
cross Karina’s face that she didn’t like.

“Go on, what is it?” Liza put her hands in her lap and
clenched the linen napkin so tightly she wouldn’t doubt if the white painted
tips of her French manicure were permanently etched in her palms.

“You know I love you girl, right?”

“Karina…” she warned.

“Okay, okay!” she held up a consoling hand. “Gotta establish
the love first! Sorry,” she said and continued, “Liza, it’s your own darn
fault.” After she lowered
boom she ducked her head as though Liza
would throw something at her.

As if.

“Karina Elizabeth Woodson…Karina Elizabeth
she corrected at Karina’s raised brow.

“Get it right!” Karina laughed before turning serious. “Greg
is only doing what he thinks you want.”

“What do you mean by that?” she asked.

“He knows you better than anyone. Anyone next to me that is.
And probably better than I do,” she started and at Liza’s nod continued. “Well
don’t you think he knows how badly you hated the thought of ever being poor? Of
revisiting that life? I mean you said it often enough.”

“So that ‘s why he won’t make love to me anymore?”

“Don’t make it worse than it is. You said it wasn’t as
frequent and as…um…freaky as it used to be,” she reminded her.

“I guess. Go on,” Liza took a thoughtful bite of her salad.

“Just seems to me that in his desire to please you and make
sure you’re taken care of, that maybe you both have lost sight of what’s really

“And that is?”

“I’ve been married for barely a month. So I’m not trying to
give advice to you, girl. I mean you and Greg have been together for over seven
years. But it seems to me that you two have forgotten that a marriage is
composed of more than one or even two elements.”

“Such as?”

“There’s more to a successful relationship, married or
otherwise, than money. More to it than great sex. Although the great sex is
nothing to sneeze at…” The instant far away sex-on-the-brain look on Karina’s
face alerted Liza to the fact that her friend was off in la-la land.

Probably thinking about all that good stuff she was getting
at home. The kind of good stuff Liza was in desperate need of.

“Karina…” she sought to bring her back to the real world.
From the way her almond shaped eyes widened behind her lenses, Liza knew she’d
been right. The girl had been thinking of sex.

Lucky trollop.

“Where was I? Oh. The variables in a successful relationship.”

That was the other strange thing about Karina. Her need to
put everything in analytical terms. Math and html was her

“Go on,” she encouraged. “What’s the third variable in your

“Communication, Liza. Besides financial responsibility and
sex, there’s communication.”

“I know. You’re right. I’m working on that.”

“Well you two have to work on it together.”

“I know.”

“Put on your favorite BJ lipstick…”

“My what?” Liza asked. Yet again, she was hard pressed not
to spew tea from her mouth.

Karina glanced at her over the top of her glasses. “Girl,
you know,” she said and leaned close to her before whispering, “your blowjob


“But in the meantime…a little bondage never hurt anybody
either,” she said with a blissful smile.

Liza’s mouth formed a perfect O at what had come tripping
out of her previously near celibate friend’s mouth as though it were no big

“Coop recently introduced me to it…it’s awesome! Have you
ever given it a try?” she asked innocently, large eyes blinking sweetly behind
her glasses.

“And have you ever heard of a butt plug? Liza, I swear it’s
off the chain, girl!” Karina giggled as she pushed her glasses further up her
nose and glanced around as though everyone in the café was listening and she
wanted to keep her freaky on the sneaky.

Liza was utterly amazed at what her oldest and best friend,
whom she didn’t know even
there was a such thing as bondage, much
less butt plugs, was saying. And Liza was doing her
not to
fall out of her seat as Karina went on a gleeful informative tirade on the

“Oooh, I have an idea! Why don’t you surprise him at his
office and play dress-up? Put on some ‘do me baby’ lipstick…ummm. High
heels…ooh, better yet, I bought this cheerleader outfit that I haven’t worn yet
and it just might fit you with a few adjustment…”

Chapter Four


“Renita, let’s go ahead with that plan, okay? Make a
notation to call the opposing council Monday morning and tell him we’d like to
strike a bargain and if he’s ready to play ball and stop jerking us around, we
can talk,” Greg said to his assistant over the small intercom that led to her
adjoining office.

“Sure will
Greg, anything else?” her smooth voice asked.

“No that should be all…and


“Why don’t you take off? I should wrap this up any minute
now. No use in you hanging around.”

“It’s no problem, Greg, that’s what I’m here for.”

Greg knew better than to argue with her. She’d interned with
him three years ago and had been with him ever since and he wouldn’t know what
to do without her. When she’d started working for him and stayed up late,
working alongside him, he’d felt guilty as hell. He’d tried to tell her to go
home on numerous occasions but she’d refused and he gave up suggesting that she
go. She was more of a workaholic than he. She was a beautiful woman too.

He didn’t understand why she didn’t get out more. After
working late one evening he’d asked her what her significant other thought of
her late nights with him. She’d stared at him blankly as though he were
speaking some foreign tongue.

She’d then asked if he had the brief ready for an upcoming
trial and he’d never gone into personal territory with her again. Liza had
joked once that she thought Renita was in love with him and that was the reason
she worked late hours and never mentioned having a lover who was waiting for

But Renita never made any passes at him and he believed she
simply had a total dedication to her job. Liza let the subject drop but he had
a feeling she wasn’t kidding when she made the comment. She really thought his
assistant had a thing for him.

“That’s fine, Renita. I should be wrapping up soon and we
can both leave,” he told her before returning to his work. He glanced down at
his watch and was surprised at the time.

Damn. Liza was going to be ticked off. Their last
conversation still rang harshly in his ears as he stared off into space. Her
words were pointed jabs that shot straight at his heart.

How could she doubt that he loved her? Everything he did was
for her.

He’d fallen in love with her from the minute he set eyes on
her. At the time, he thought it was a case of “fall in lust at first sight”
rather than love. He’d set out to seduce her, hell-bent on getting in her
panties ASAP. She’d turned the tables on him and refused to have sex. He
thought it was a game at first, so he played along, sure he’d get at her sooner
or later. After three months of waiting, he felt like howling at the fucking
moon he’d been so horny.

After several months of dating she’d given in and he’d never
been the same. He used to laugh at his friends who he thought were
, as he swore up and down it would never happen to him.

He’d been wrong.

But more than sex, he loved everything about her. Her demure
laugh, the way she played the lady role for him, the perfect hostess, her
commitment to her charities.

The way she loved him.

That was the number-one thing he loved about her. He knew
she loved him. And he felt like shit for accusing her of marrying him for the

She’d grown up poor and there wasn’t anything wrong with her
wanting more out of life. He was more than happy to be able to provide it for
her. He just wanted her to open up to him more. He missed the spontaneous
things they did, the way they went out of their way to please one another.

He sighed and turned away from the window to return to his
work. He was so engrossed in his notes that it took several throat clearings
before he looked up and when he did, all thoughts of the case he was working on
flew from his mind and his cock thumped a happy salute at the image in front of

“Damn, baby…” was all he could say as his wife stood before
him and slowly opened the floor-length leather trench coat, wearing nothing
more than some kind of lacy outfit, laced up thigh-high leather boots and a
hesitant smile on her lush, red lips.

* * * * *

Liza felt nervous and silly.

Today was one of those weird Midwestern days in the middle
of April and the weather was a balmy seventy-two degrees and she was wearing a
floor-length trench coat with nothing underneath but a white lacey baby doll
thong and bra set.

And stiletto thigh-high boots.

After Karina had ended her blissful tirade of the joys of
the occasional restraint, they’d ended their lunch with Liza more determined
than ever, to put a little oomph back into her marriage.

She had pushed to the back of her mind what Renita thought
when she’d walked into her office. She walked in, as bold as you please, and
asked the woman if she could possibly hold any calls that might come through and
if she didn’t mind taking a break for a few minutes. She and Greg had something

She’d never really cared much for Renita, her cool looks and
bland façade were a challenge to read. She was petite, no more than five feet
two inches, like her friend Karina, but where Kari was all rounded, womanly
curves, this woman was slim, almost boyish in her figure, Liza thought with a
grimace of distaste.

And Liza
the woman had a thing for her man.
There was no denying the look she caught flashing in her dark gray eyes
whenever the paralegal would catch her and Greg kissing when Liza came into his

But Liza gave her points for knowing when to step the hell

“Hello, Renita,” she said cordially, giving the woman a
quick assessing once-over.

As usual, she was dressed professionally, if a bit boring in
Liza’s opinion, in a traditional dark blue tailored suit. The crisp white
blouse beneath the double-breasted jacket was buttoned to the top and Liza
wondered how she breathed all buttoned tight like that. Her ultrashort,
jet-black curls barely brushed the top of her blouse; the pearls in her small
light-brown ears were delicate and unassuming.

Liza nearly lost her nerve when she saw the way one of the
woman’s perfectly arched winged brows lifted as her gaze in turn ran over Liza
in her tightly belted calf-length trench coat.

Liza stiffened her spine and titled her head to the side,
arched her own damn eyebrow and cleared her throat. “Is there any way you could
take a break? My husband and I need to discuss something,” she asked.

“Yes, I suppose I could. Would you like for me to announce
you?” she asked in a cool voice.

“That won’t be necessary, Renita. As long as he’s alone, I’m
sure I can announce myself.” She smiled tightly at the woman.

“No problem, ma’am. In fact, if you wouldn’t mind, could you
inform Mr. Colburn that I’ve finished for the day? If he’s in need of
my…services…he knows where to reach me.”

“I’ll make sure I tell him.” She turned around, not giving
the assistant another thought as the queasiness settled into her belly and
opened the door to Greg’s inner office.

Now, Liza felt nervous as she stood in front of her husband.
Which was ridiculous. There was nothing to be afraid of. They’d been married
for seven years, knew each other as intimately as any two people could. There
wasn’t anything he had that she hadn’t seen and vice versa. She was grown. She
wasn’t scared…

“Come here, Liza.” The deep timbre of his voice raised goose
bumps down her thighs.

“What? I mean…” She had to clear her throat before she
continued. “I mean…you come to me.” Okay. So she said it. Let him come to her.
She was going to dominate
ass for once.

“Get over here, Liza. Now.” His voice grew even quieter but
his restraint didn’t hide the strength of his demand.

She trembled, but held her ground.

“You don’t want me to have to come and get you…do you?” He
leaned back even further in his chair. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of
his nose as he observed her.

He looked so big and sexy as he sat behind the large mahogany
desk. He’d taken off his suit jacket and had rolled his shirtsleeves to his
elbows and she could see the sexy dark sprinkling of hair on his forearms.

The only time he wore glasses was when he worked and the
small, dark square-framed lenses now sat in the middle of the long bridge of
his nose. One small dark lock of hair near his forehead had bisected his

He’d never looked sexier to her.

“If I have to come and get you, I won’t be responsible for
my actions,” he told her and smiled that smile she loved so much. A small
dimple appeared in the corner of his mouth before the smile dropped off his

Just the sound of his voice, the quiet demand, had her wet
and ready. Goose bumps ran down the backs of her thighs as her nipples beaded
behind the tiny lace teddy. She felt the cream run down her vagina and drench
the small lining.

A smile and a few words had her panting like a rabid dog.
“Come and get me,” she dared him and slowly backed away from the desk.

Leisurely, he pushed his chair back and raised his large
frame from the high-backed leather chair. The look in his eyes scared her a
little. As he advanced toward her she backed away without taking her eyes away
from him.

When he gave her that wicked smile, she turned and tried to
run. She had only managed to take a few steps when she felt him grab her by the
back of her head and halt her right in her tracks.

“Don’t try and run away. It won’t work. You came here for
something and now you’re going to get just what you obviously want.”

She could feel his hard muscled back even against the
leather of her trench coat. As he none too gently pulled her head back, she
looked into his eyes and had to clench her legs together before her cream
dripped down her legs.


She was so turned on she was dizzy, her head was spinning so
crazily, that she felt like Linda Blair in
The Exorcist

She moistened her lips with her tongue. Her heart beat
wildly yet she couldn’t resist pulling the tiger by the tail. Again.

“You don’t know the first damn thing about what I want.”

What the world did she say that for? The man went crazy.

Without a word he snatched her coat off, nearly ripping it
in the process and flipped her around, slamming her against his straining

She stood tall before him wearing nothing but the two-piece
baby doll getup and thigh-high leather boots.

“Say it again and I swear it’ll be the last thing you say
for a long time, Li,” he said through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowed.

As he’d swung her around, one hand on the back of her head,
the other hand had, in an unconscious caress, moved down one of her breast. His
finger circled and lightly pinched her nipple behind the lace of the teddy
before trailing away.

If she didn’t know better, she’d swear there was a hint of a
tic in the corner of his mouth. He was just the
bit pissed off.


“You. Don’t. Know. The. First…” was all she got out before
he clamped her mouth shut with his.

With one hand, he grabbed the back of her neck and pulled
her impossibly closer to his body until there was absolutely no room separating
her body from his. His upper body was pressed so tight against her breasts that
her nipples budded against the smooth crisp fabric of his dress shirt.

But she forgot all about the uncomfortable feel of his
buttons the minute his mouth touched hers.

He opened his mouth wide and slowly closed it back over hers
sucking her entire mouth into his. He licked and bit her lips until she felt
like crying. His hands roamed over the back of her head, pulling her deeper
into the kiss. He grabbed her bottom lip between his teeth and scraped it none
too gently.

She whimpered at the small ache and he licked it better.

Damn, he knew how to work her lips.

He moved his hands to either side of her face and drew back
to look at her. Really look at her. His eyes searched hers for an answer to
some unknown question. She felt helpless in his gaze and rather than allow him
to keep staring at her, she desperately pulled his face back down to hers.

“Don’t stop kissing me
baby, don’t stop,” she begged and he lifted her
into his arms and carried her to his wide mahogany desk and plopped her ass on
the corner.

She was breathless with anticipation and watched him from
beneath lowered lids to see what he had in store for her. She opened her legs
wide and smiled to herself when she saw the way his eyes widened. She knew he
could see the small tight curls on her pussy clearly through the sheer fabric
of the thong.

Greg was the rare man who liked hair on a woman’s vagina so
she kept the sides neat and trim but left the thatch of hair on her pussy just
the way her man liked it. Full and lush.

When he did nothing but stare at her, she grew nervous and
bit down on her bottom lip to quell her sudden case of nerves.

She was further taken off guard when he glanced away from her
vagina and looked into her face and smiled, wetting his lips.

“Why don’t you sit right there and I’ll get a chair and we
can…talk,” he told her and to her amazement, he walked around the desk and sat
down in his chair. As he sat down, she heard the sharp hiss of a zipper and saw
that he’d casually lowered the zipper on his pants.

“Why don’t you tell me what that was about earlier, Li?
What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hmm? And while you’re telling me
what’s going on, I want you to turn around and face me and since I don’t know
what the hell
doing, why don’t
show me how it’s done? I
want you move that little thong to the side and take your fingers and play with
your pretty pussy. Can you do that for me?” His eyes lowered and he slowly released
his penis from his pants and it jutted forth long, thick and curved.

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