Pulse 2 (Pulse Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Pulse 2 (Pulse Series)
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My breathing was deep an
d calm. The blood was rushing through my body the same as my fingers through his hair. I massaged his scalp in approval of his technique. I didn’t need to say anything. His tongue knew exactly what I wanted.

He worked his way back up my body. The trail of
kisses he laid upon me led back to my lips he as laid on top of me. The deep kiss he gave me made my desire burn even hotter.

Rafael sat up from the bed and on his knees. I opened my eyes and saw him pulling his shorts
to see his throbbing and marvelous length on display. I sat up the same as he did then kissed him again. I undid my bikini top then put it with the rest of the smile pile of clothes. Rafael wrapped his arms around me and embraced me. I moaned into his mouth as we sat in the center of my bed.

They can see us,” I whispered.


They can see us… Outside… Why did you open the window?”

They can’t make us out from all the way out there on the beach,” he said with a chuckle. “Not without a telescope. Besides, how can we enjoy the view if I don’t open the window.”

My passion was running too deep to try and reason with him. I could see people moving around on the beach below us. It felt strange to be completely naked with him while other people were in plain
sight, even if they were hundreds of meters away.

He pulled away from me then placed his hands around the back of my neck. I looked into his eyes and I could see the same desire I was feeling within them.

“It’s such a gorgeous view,” he said. “And there’s no other person I’d rather share it with right now.”

Rafael turned away from me and looked out toward the ocean. I did the same. Maui in the morning was truly a sight to behold. It was so calm and inviting yet stirred feelings inside of me that were the
complete opposite. I’d never felt so alive. It didn’t hurt that Rafael looked as stunning as he did as he sat right next to me.

While I looked out into the water, he moved his head close to my neck and kissed me. I sighed in ecstasy. My eyes shut helplessl
y as the pleasure racked my body. He reached up and began massaging one of my breasts in his hand while he had his way with me. His hand trailed down the rest of my body. He moved himself behind me then positioned me onto my hands and knees. I was facing the window with the gorgeous scenery right in front of me. His hands fell upon my hips as I could feel his tip just at my entrance. There was a warmth emanating from between my legs. I was aching for him.

He pushed himself inside of me and I exhaled a stutt
ered gasp. He had a firm grip on my hips as he slowly began to rock himself back and forth into me. His strokes were deep and filled me up completely. Each time he was inside of me, my lungs pushed-out a moan.

Through narrowed eyes, I could still see the b
eautiful beach in front of me. The morning breeze was cool. The smell of the saltwater cleared my nostrils to make me breathe easier. My body was covered in goose bumps. And the way he pounded me only made the blood rush through my body even faster.

was throbbing inside of me. His grip tightened. His strokes became faster. He began breathing heavier. His body was covered in sweat and I could feel how wet the base of his cock was becoming as it pressed against my ass. The sound of his hilt bouncing against me grew louder and louder. It echoed through the room and joined the moaning I was no longer able to control.

He moved one of his hands down and began to massage my clitoris. The pleasure was indescribable. Every inch of me was enjoying it. I had tro
uble keeping my eyes open. The view was so wonderful but it felt too good. I couldn’t fight it any longer.

Rafael worked his fingers even faster. His thrusts were deep. He was close. I was close. I could feel it. My breaths were getting shorter as I got cl
oser to the top of the hill.

Don’t… stop…

My eyes tightened shut. I clenched every muscle in my body. Then I began the long orgasmic descent. The climax slammed into my body. Steady pulses of pleasure shot through me. My mouth opened as I panted sh
aky breaths of ecstasy. I clutched the sheets underneath me in a failed attempt to brace myself. My body convulsed up against him as I continued to climax.

Rafael was in complete control. He knew exactly how to please me and he did the same for himself. Th
e sounds and vibrations emanating from my body made my orgasm so obvious. When I climaxed, he would follow shortly after. A few more hard thrusts and Rafael was experiencing the same pleasure I was. He held himself inside of me and emptied his semen. His cock was throbbing against my wet inner walls. I did the best I could to remain steady so that he could remain inside of me. I wanted every last drop of him. It felt too good.

He pulled out of me and I collapsed completely onto the bed. My eyes were waterin
g from how tight I had shut them. I slowly rolled onto my back and through blurry vision, I could see him fall on the bed next to me. He ended our moment with a passionate kiss before getting up off of the bed.

I was in a blissful haze as I watched him put
his clothes back on. The grin on my face from the latest orgasm he gave me would be there for a long time. I ran my fingers through my hair then sighed.

Are you leaving already?” I asked him.

Yeah,” he said as he finished dressing. “I have to go attend some meetings. And there are going to be people roaming the halls soon. They’re going to be suspicious.”


Seeing Rafael in such a hurry was disappointing. I knew that he had to leave but my moment with him was so brief. I wished that he could have
stayed just a little while, even if it were just a few minutes. But I didn’t tell him that. At least, not directly.

The grin on my face was gone. I looked out toward the beach and sighed. Rafael suddenly took a seat next to me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked me.

Nothing is wrong.”


I turned and looked at him. It didn
’t take him very long to get it out of me.

I just… I thought we were going to spend some time together, that’s all. The beach is so beautiful. I want to be out there with you.”

Alice, you know I can’t—”

I know. You’re busy. I’m used to that. But this is different. How often are we going to be in a place like this?”

We’ll do something. I promise. As soon as my schedule clears up, we’ll hang-out.”

I didn’t see you at all yesterday… Were you really that busy?”

He sighed then ran his fingers through my hair. I knew that he could hear the disappointment in my voice. I hoped that it would help me get through to him.

“Yes, I was,” he replied. “I have to talk to a lot of people. It’s not very interesting but I have to deal with these people.”

And what about Cheryl?”

What about her?”

Who is she, Rafael?”

I do business with her brother. You know that. She’s my friend.”

She seems like more than that.”

I couldn
’t look at him. Instead, I remained staring out the window at all of the people on the beach.

She’s a close friend. That’s it, Alice. We have a business relationship. That’s it.”

Are you telling me you haven’t fucked her?”

He didn
’t say anything. I didn’t know if it was because he was upset at how forward my question was or because he didn’t want to answer it. When I looked at him, his face was calm and emotionless.

Well?” I asked him.

Cheryl and I are friends, Alice. We had something before. But that was a long time ago.”

So, you did sleep with her?”

That’s all it was, Alice. She’s just my friend now. I see her once a year, at the most.”

I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn
’t even look at him. I turned my head away but Rafael placed his hands upon my shoulders and turned me back to him.

There’s no need for you to be jealous, Alice. You’re the only woman I’m sleeping with now.”

And that’s all I am. Just some woman you’re sleeping with. And you can’t even tell anybody.”

We’ve already been over this, Alice. You’re an employee. You don’t know what it will do to your reputation. To mine. No one will ever look at you the same way if they knew that there was something between us.”

there something between us?”

Yes, there is. But now is not the time to try and figure it out.”

The ecstasy I was feeling just moments ago was gone. It still lingered inside of me but all it did was make me more frustrated. I couldn
’t think straight. I found myself becoming more and more attracted to Rafael the more he pushed me away. It was stupid. Not knowing when we would be able to figure out what our relationship really was just made me upset.

All right,” I sighed. “You should probably go and get some work done. I’m sure somebody is waiting for you.”

I’ll see you tonight. There’s another dinner reception. I want you to be there. Okay?”

He kissed me softly on the lips and I barely moved. When I looked up at him, he stared at me with a slight smile on his lips. Despite how frustrated and upset I was, he still managed to get t
he slightest of smiles out of me.

Okay,” I said as I nodded.

I turned back toward the beach and enjoyed the view. Rafael got off of the bed then left my room. The door clicked closed and I was alone in my room once again. Despite having trouble trying to figure out what the two of us were, it still wasn
’t my biggest problem. I remembered the presentations I would have to sit through then sighed as I collapsed back onto my bed.

I can’t wait to get back on the sand.”

Chapter 12

I sat through another boring day of presentations while most people my age were enjoying their time out in the sun. Even though I was distracted by the sun, sand and whatever Rafael might be doing, I still managed to get a lot accomplished. I knew that there was a job to do and there was a report expected out of me when the trip was over. I was grateful when today’s assignment was done.

By the time I finished dealing with the scheduled agenda, it was late once again. I headed to my room and prepared for the dinner Rafael told me to attend. I washed away the filth of sitting around all day then ho
pped into a nice dress I had just for this occasion. It was a black top with a frilly blue skirt. Even though I didn’t think it would look good on me, Elizabeth always had a way of proving me wrong. The dress was another fine example of her expertise.

I he
aded down toward the ballroom the reception was being held when I ran into Travis and Wesley. They were already engaged in conversation with Harold Montana. He was regaling another scandalous tale involving some of his business associates. I stood next to my two fellow interns and looked around for Rafael. With Harold here, I braced myself for the inevitability of seeing Cheryl showing-up with her arms wrapped around Rafael.

Sure enough, Rafael arrived with Cheryl walking next to him. Rafael had a smile on
his face and laughed as Cheryl excitedly chattered into his ear. They both turned their attention to me as I stood there and waited for them.

That’s a lovely dress, dear,” she said to me. “It looks really good on you.”

Thanks,” I replied. “You look nice, as well.”

Flattery will get you nowhere, Alice,” she said as she laughed.

Cheryl was wearing a pink dress that stood-out from everybody else. The skirt was sheer and the strapless top showed off as much skin as some of the outfits out on the beach at thi
s moment. I was trying my hardest not to be jealous of everything I was seeing.

Shall we?” Rafael said to all of us.

We all made our way into the ballroom and to our table. I took the same spot I did last time. Cheryl took the place right next to Rafael r
ight across from me. I held back a sigh then looked around the ballroom to see if there was anything there to distract me, even for just a moment. The waiter arrived to tell us what was being served. I was just waiting for him to fill my glass with the bottle of wine he was holding.

I once again found myself in the same position as the last dinner we had. Travis and Wesley were captivated by everything Harold was telling them. Cheryl and Rafael were busy reminiscing about past memories. I sat there and gulp
ed my wine while trying to enjoy the catered dinner. As I stared at the two of them, Rafael looked up at me and noticed me watching him. He cleared his throat and leaned ever so slightly away from his female friend.

BOOK: Pulse 2 (Pulse Series)
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